Is there a tool for monitoring WCF queues? - wcf

Is there any tool for monitoring incoming and outgoing calls from a WCF service?
I do not mean MSMQ, I mean queued calls that the service is not able to handle cause of it is busy.
Some profile for Performance monitor perhaps?
Kind Regards

For WCF hosted on IIS you can use ASP.NET performance counters to see number of queued requests, current requests etc. for example:
ASP.NET\Requests Queued
Web Service\Current Connections
Although WCF has a lot of performance counters available, there is none indicating queues length.
If you are talking about queued messages content, there is no easy way. The only I can think of is taking a full memory dump of the process and investigating it. But this is of course very intrusive, single shot task.


How to use message queue with Windows phone 8 app?

I have a windows phone 8 application, which communicates with WCF service using basicHttpBinding. The service is hosted on IIS7 (and not using windows azure)
As the service may go down for any reason, I am exploring the use of message queues to increase the reliability of the system.
I have looked at NetMsmqBinding provided in WCF - but it looks like this binding is not supported by WP8 client.
I am also looking at using RabbitMQ, but cannot find any working example with WP8 client using WCF.
Please can anyone suggest what is the best way forward? Any sample code (or links) will be much appreciated.
First off, netMsmqBinding cannot be used across the internet. This is because it uses MSMQ which is not exposed over http.
When you're making calls to a resource across the internet, unreliability is something you need to factor into your application. Because of the number of possible problems you can encounter, it's generally not a case of if, but when, there is a failure and it's how your application deals with this which is important.
Even so, there are things you can do to minimize the reliability issues you experience, one of which does involve queuing.
Where queuing can be useful is taking large, complex, and long running processes offline. Because calls to such processes implemented synchronously often time out, you can gain a lot of reliability by making the actual processing call asynchronous.
As an example, it would be fairly common to have the web server invoke some offline process via message queuing and return to the client that their request is being processed. Because doing this is inexpensive calls are far less likely to fail. Your problem then becomes one of how to return the response to the client once the offline processing has been done.

Where are unique ReceiveFrom addresses really necessary on MassTransit with RabbitMQ?

My group are complete noobs with MassTransit and messaging in general. I understand the simple demos found online, but I'm confused on how to set things up for non-trivial scenarios. (many producers, many consumers, with consumers communicating back to producers)
We currently make 3rd party web service calls directly from web code via synchronous calls. Some of them are notoriously slow and unreliable to the point of browser timeouts and YSODs that aren't directly our code's fault. We want to replace these sync calls with messages and eventual consistency for retries and poison queue.
We also want to replace various scheduled/batch tasks with messaging to get closer to real time processing instead of waiting for next batch to run.
Our website runs on a farm of 6 IIS servers behind a hardware load balancer. There are 2 additional "application" servers that run the scheduled tasks. I figure we will put our new worker services on the app servers or maybe even all 8 servers.
So... The "common gotchas" section of the MT docs say that each application needs it's own address. My question is around what exactly is the definition of application in this case.
I have 6 web servers running the website. Does each of these need a unique address or can they all just be "rabbitmq://localhost/MyApp/Website". What if IIS is configured for multiple worker processes? Do each of those also need a different rabbit address?
Same question goes for my 2 application servers. If I'm running the same worker on both boxes does it need different addresses? Some stuff says if you want competing consumers to share an address, but if you want "event" type messages to be delivered to everyone they need to be different addresses.
What if you need both event (broadcast) and command (consumed once) messages sent to a worker cluster? (Multiple instances of the same workers to handle more load.)
What if I have consumers hosted in the web application directly? (I'm not sure this is a good idea to start with.)
What about request/response messages? I assume the responses should go back to the originating web server. Otherwise the MT request call will never unblock or at best timeout.
Each instance of an IServiceBus needs it's own RecieveFrom address. And yeah, if there are multiple worker processes, each should have it's own queue. You can use temporary queue for this though in web apps.
For competing consumers, each process/IServiceBus that is one of the consumes should be an exact copy. If there's an event that doesn't need to be competing, then it needs to have it's own process.

Connect NServiceBus with an AIX Mainframe

I have a back end system that drops events to my system. It is critical that these events don't get lost (I work for a health care company and lost info can impact a patient's care).
I would like to make this system drop it's data into NServiceBus so that it can be published to subscribers that need it. However, my server that is dropping these messages is an AIX machine, so it can't run .NET Code.
This system can send the messages via a lot of standard protocol and communication types (TCP, WSDL Based Services, Call A Database Sproc, etc).
One option I have considered is to setup a WCF service that the AIX mainframe will call. I can then have my WCF service make the call to NServiceBus.
But the events sent per minute of this back end service can at times be fairly high (about 500 messages per minute). I am worried that WCF is not up to this, while NService bus says it can handle 1000 messages per second. Am also worried about data loss in the event of a downtime. NserviceBus claims it is not going to loose any data.
Am I wrong? Is WCF going to be just fine? Or am I making a weak link in the chain?
Is there a way I can use an established protocol to add items directly to an NServiceBus Queue?
Or should I just write my own .NET app that will allow NServiceBus to use a TCP connection?
Note: Because these messages are critical, the message must be acknowledged or the server will keep sending it.
I would take a look at the WCF integration that comes right out of the box. The WCF service is contained within the same host as NSB. The integration does nothing more than just push the message onto the queue, so I don't think you'll have a throughput issue. Seeing that this is critical data, I would suggest clustering the service. The other option would be to install 2 or more instances of the service on different machines and load balance the HTTP calls across both. In essence you would have 1 logical Publisher with 2 physical components doing the publishing.

Limit WCF service resources usage

I'm developing a web application that needs to perform a task that consumes a lot CPU and Memory, and that also may last several minutes. In order to get a better user experience, I also developed a windows service that hosts a WCF service that performs this "high cost" task and that comunicates with the web app using msmq (message queues).
This worked great until I tried to make a load test... The windows service starts consuming a lot of resource, puttin the CPU to work at 100% and more than 1GB of memory. I've looked for optimizations and I've done a lot of tweaks to the code and I think that it is very efficient, but the task just requires a lot of resources.
The problem is that while the WCF service is working, the CPU gets used at 100% and the web app turns INCREDIBLY SLOW! I don't mind if the task that the WCF service does takes a couple of minutes more, but I want the web app to perform well for users.
So I'm wondering if there is a way to limit the resources that the WCF service can consume, giving priority to the web app.
Thanks in advance.
The easy solution would be to place the WCF service on a different machine.
The fact that the service is using alot of CPU is probably not related to you using WCF.
There are some ways that you may be able to improve the performance of your web app:
Process only one message at a time.
Break the jobs into smaller parts.
Set priority of the windows service to below normal in the task manager
Install more RAM on the server
I guess this is a problem of your Windows service design. When you decide to host WCF in Windows service you have to control resource utilization = you have to control throttling. You have to create configurable control over internal service processing so that you can change the load based on available resources. If you host WCF in IIS it already provides such control on AppPool level.
There are some freeware tools which allow limiting CPU usage for given process but that is not something I would recommend for production usage.
Best regards, Ladislav

Queued WCF Service which processes every X seconds

I need to create a service which can process queued requests on a configured time interval. For example go to the web and get financial data from a site the requires we limit requests to once per second. I am new to WCF and I am not sure if (1) WCF with MSMQ a proper choice for implementing this? and (2) if so what is the best mechanism for enforcing the interval? a thread wait? a timer (not sure how that would work).
There's nothing built into WCF that would allow you to handle this explicitly, so you'd still need to do all the work yourself.
While your service could certainly process requests from MSMQ, the MSMQ listeners in WCF will pick and process messages as soon as possible; you can't configure them to process messages every X seconds only (you could fake it given the right tools, but seems to me it wouldn't be all that great).
One option if your delay between processing requests isn't very short, would be to use an intermediate queue to hold pending requests. That is, whatever sends the real requests writes them to a queue nobody is directly listening to (queue A), while your WCF service listens on a differet queue (queue B). Then, have something else (could be as simple as a script run from task scheduler) that runs once every X seconds/minutes/whatever and moves just 1 message from queue A to queue B, thus triggering the actual WCF service to run.
WCF and MSMQ are a great team! Definitely worth checking out.
The part that WCF doesn't provide out of the box is the "check every x seconds". The best approach here would be to host your WCF service inside a Windows NT Service, and have a timer inside the NT Service that goes to check the MSMQ queue only once every x seconds. Shouldn't be too hard to implement, really. The beauty is: you can very easily self-host a WCF Service inside a NT Service - just a few lines of code, and you get complete control over what's happening, and when. See the MSDN docs on How to Host a WCF service in a managed application for details.
Tom Hollander's blog post series on MSMQ, WCF, IIS: Getting them to play nice
Motley Queue: MSMQ and WCF Getting Started
SOAizing MSMQ with WCF (and why it's worth it)
Or you could just use a window service to consume the messages instead. If you are not using the WCF functionality of consuming a message as soon as it is posted, then you probably have no reason to use wcf in the first place