Foundation 4 MVC4 Grid Issue -

Some context:
Foundation 4.0.9 SaSS & Compass(Newbie), MVC 4
Device: Screen
Can Also reproduce issue in User Agents: Firefox, Chrome, IE
Windows 7 64-bit
I have an issue where a single column appears centred/offset from the left edge of a containing row. What I expect is the column to be flush against the row's left edge?
<div class="row">
<div class="large-12 columns">
<div style="width: 500px; height: 500px; outline: solid black 1px"> </div>
Here is my fiddle
I am aware that Foundation includes classes to center columns such as large-centred although my example does not apply any directly and I could not see them being applied by external stylesheets under the chrome dev tools panel.
Is anybody aware of any in-depth tutorials of using Foundation 4?

Remove the panel div and you should see your desired result. Panel adds margin and/or padding which, I assume, is what you don't want.
EDIT: I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but, it also might be unnecessary to set the width to 500px, as a 12-column grid will span the entire width by default (960px).


interactjs drag stops after few events

I just had a heavy problems with a vue cli project with interactjs
the latest version is installed
"interactjs": "^ 1.10.3",
I use in vue
Now I have the following problem, in a dummy project I have a component from which several multitouch elements can be created, these can be scaled, rotated, sorted ... all of them work wonderfully with dummy content.
in a real project I have a div that acts as a container for a scrollable content, suddenly the drag in this area no longer worked. At first I thought it was because of the container/scollable div combination, but when I remove the container the problem remained.
The problem currently occurs when the element loaded into the slot is a text element with a few lines of text. with 2-3 lines it can be moved on the text, if there are more lines the drag start and move event will be triggered, the move only a few times. so the window can be moved a bit.
what can it be, how can i handle it?
here the simple structure of the component:
<div :style="scaleRotateStyle" ref="scaleit" class="scale-element" v-show="isWindowActive == true" #mousedown="touchDown">
<div class="window-content-back" ref="content">
<div class="window-content-scroll">
<div class="window-content">
<slot :idNr="idNr" ></slot>
edit: after further testing I come to the following conclusion:
it is due to the overflow-y: auto of the scroll container.
.window-content-scroll {
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
if I set this property to hidden I can touch it anywhere as usual.
what options do i have?
Pack the class '.window-content-scroll' in ignoreFrom within interact.js. Unfortunately, the entire content area is then no longer draggable, I thought I could move the window horizontally ...
scrolling the window content via javascript, does that make sense, is there a good example?
maybe someone has a nice idea?
Closing the loop for others who might find this: touch-action: none; worked for me, as suggested in #Shmack's comment. Was working with mouse, not touch.

IBM Worklight 6.1 - Unable to have a working Dojo view transition

I am new to working with worklight enviroment and started working it on recently.
I am using dojo version 1.9 (the IBM supllied one) , worklight 6.1, OS windows 7, eclipse juno sr2 64bit, IE 10 (For RPE), Google chrome latest (As default browser).
I have tried many widgets in dojo mobile and all of them work fine, i have been through other questions too like "Worklight 6.1 Android Applicaiton renders all views with no widgets" and followed all steps given in the solution and successfully created and viewed the pages on both MBS and android emulator.
The only problem is when i am working with views. I add a tabBar from dojo and TabBarButtons for view transitions . Also add a few views in the pages and link them with the buttons. I also check and see that my main.js file is updated with all included elements.
Although the toolbar along with default view is visible it does not switch view when i click on other buttons in tabBar.
also onclicking the TabBarButtons an error popsup in chrome console -
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
This error pops up on each click .
here is the structure of my source code of in the body tag of index.html file :-
<body style="display: none;">
<div data-dojo-type="" id="view2"
<div data-dojo-type="" id="view0" data-dojo-props="selected:true" >
<div data-dojo-type=""
data-dojo-props="label:'Hello world'"></div>
<button data-dojo-type="">Hello</button>
<input data-dojo-type=""><input type="range"
<div data-dojo-type="" id="view1"
<div data-dojo-type=""
<div data-dojo-type="">
Hello, we are a leading company in innovations
<ul data-dojo-type="" fixed="bottom" id="Tab1">
<li data-dojo-type="" data-dojo-props="moveTo:view0,transition:'slide'" id="tabB1">Home</li>
<li data-dojo-type="" data-dojo-props="moveTo:view1,transition:'slide'" id="tabB2">About</li>
<script src="js/initOptions.js"></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script>
<script src="js/messages.js"></script>
// Rest all is default code, no changes in jquery version or anything else
I have also tried the following things and none of them seem to work:-
-Copied and replaced files in www folder from dojoLib/dojo/dojo/nls/core-web-layer.js and mobile-web-layer.js files.
-Kept the Tabbar out of any view directly into body tag and linked views to it.
-Added id attribute to tabBar and tab button elements, and view elements.
-turned off provide missing library resources and included missing files (if any) ,rebuilt the project and ran again.
The main issue (causing the exception) is the missing quotes around the view ids of the moveto attributes. It should be:
Once fixed, your sample will work.
But there are another issue, this time a design one: the TabBar fixed property is only meaningful when used with a ScrollableView (this property ensures the tabbar is not scrolled and keeps its bottom position). So your outer view should be a ScrollableView instead.
Also, note that nesting views come with some limitations. In particular, using the 'moveto' attribute you cannot transition from a view to another view if the latter is contained in another parent.
Do not hesitate to look at the various tests in dojox/mobile/tests and to the documentation

How can you properly layout a bootstrap3 css grid using a mustache template?

I am trying to use a simple mustache template with a list of items and display them in rows of 3 columns. The problem I am facing is how to get the "row" logic into the template (every 3 columns, start a new row).
Here is my template:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
Item {{number}}
Bootstrap doesn't seem to like the fact that I shove way too many columns into the row. I did exactly this with foundation by zurb and it worked without a hitch.
Can anyone out there point me in the right direction?
Add all you col-md-4's in the same row. 3x col-md-4 makes 100% and the next one jump to next row. This could give you troubles when your col-md-4's differs in height, see also: How can I create multiple rows using semantic markup in Bootstrap 3? and Change overflow mode in small devices on Twitter Bootstrap 3.0

dojo tabContainer gets the width of the largest tab

I am using a dijit/layout/TabContainer with two tabs. I create them like this:
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.TabContainer" doLayout="false">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="First tab" style="background-color:rgb(237,240,246)" doLayout="false"> Some dynamic content here </div>
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Second tab" style="background- color:rgb(237,240,246)" doLayout="false"> Some dynamic content here </div>
This works fine for Firefox, Chrome and IE9, but doesn't render properly on ipad with Safari. The first time the first tab displays correctly, but then it takes the width of the second tab, which is larger. I believe that this should not happen as I have added the doLayout flag. I don't know if it matters, but I am using dojo with xpages framework.
Thanks a lot in advance!
I added
to the div of TabContainer along with a width in percent and and now it displays correctly in Safari too.
The problem was that Safari needed a width to be defined. But as my content is dynamic, I couldn't define a fixed width in pixels. So in order to use width in percent I had to also add the above flag. I don't know if this is the appropriate way to achieve this, but it fixes my problem.

Center inline-blocks with dynamic width in CSS

So.. I have a dynamic width page. Below, the wrapper div centers the divs inside of it. However, each div has a style of:
width:400px; /* static */
This makes the inside divs, side by side. But that means that there is some whitespace left over depending on the width of the browser and how many divs can go side by side without breaking to the next line.
To get an idea of what I am going for, open up your Google Chrome New Tab page and drag your browser window to make it smaller. You will see that when you go too far, some of the chrome apps bump to the next line BUT it still stays centered.
In my case, they bump to the next line and become not centered.
This is what my code looks like:
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="iB"></div>
<div class="iB"></div>
<div class="iB"></div>
<div class="iB"></div>
<div class="iB"></div>
<div class="iB"></div>
I want the inside divs to be side by side unless there is not enough room in which case the end one will bump to the next line down, ALL while staying centered in the parent div.
Thanks for any help.
If I understood you correctly adding text-align: center to your .wrapper styles should give the desired effect. See this fiddle for an example. Resize the result panel to watch the reordering of the boxes.
Like Akaishen already mentioned inline-blocks flow like text. That's why you can control their alignment with text-align. However if you want very fine control over your layout you might run into problems using inline-blocks. Since they flow like text whitespace between them is not ignored for instance. And unfortunately you can't really determine the absolute width of a space across browsers and OSs. The gaps between blocks in my example are caused by this.
As you are using the display: inline-block the <div> tags are essentially inline elements and can be styled as such. text-align: center would center each element. At this point, you need a container / wrapper to define the maximum and minimum widths.
There could be a better way to achieve what you are looking for, and this is not exactly like how the Chrome windows work, though it's a start: fiddle