EXC-BAD-ACCESS when setting a relationship between two objects - objective-c

Can anyone explain why given the following MagicalRecord import code
__block NSManagedObject *importedObject = nil;
[MagicalRecord saveWithBlockAndWait:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
id entityClass = NSClassFromString( name );
importedObject = [entityClass importFromObject:dictionary inContext:localContext];
NSManagedObjectID *importedObjectID = importedObject.objectID;
NSManagedObject *relatedObject = ( (CustomRelatedExampleObject *) [[NSManagedObjectContext defaultContext] objectWithID:importedObjectID] ).relatedObject;
This works fine, setting the relationship and saving as expected
[MagicalRecord saveWithBlockAndWait:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
someObjectInDefaultContext.alsoRelated = relatedObject;
But this causes exec bad access, when I expected that this is technically more correct because I am using the local context for saving my data. (Note: I left out the code that gets objectIDs from both objects for brevity)
[MagicalRecord saveWithBlockAndWait:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
AnotherCustomExampleObject *localSomeOtherObjectInDefaultContext = (AnotherCustomExampleObject *) [localContext objectWithID:someOtherObjectInDefaultContextObjectID];
CustomRelatedExampleObject *localRelatedObject = (CustomRelatedExampleObject *) [localContext objectWithID:localRelatedObjectID];
localSomeOtherObjectInDefaultContext.alsoRelated = localRelatedObject;
I get exec bad access on the last line when I try to assign the object to the relationship in the other object.
This problem was caused by using temporary object ids when getting local copies of the objects in another managed object context.
I have discovered that simply changing the method used to retrieve the object removes the error.
[MagicalRecord saveWithBlockAndWait:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext) {
AnotherCustomExampleObject *localSomeOtherObjectInDefaultContext = (AnotherCustomExampleObject *) [localContext existingObjectWithID:someOtherObjectInDefaultContextObjectID];
CustomRelatedExampleObject *localRelatedObject = (CustomRelatedExampleObject *) [localContext existingObjectWithID:localRelatedObjectID];
localSomeOtherObjectInDefaultContext.alsoRelated = localRelatedObject;
using existingObjectWithID instead of objectWithID returns and object with a permanent id instead of a temporary one.

Check your object ids. If one or both are temporary, core data will not like that. But, in general, the crash you describe is because you are trying to relate two objects from a different context. I know you're going through the proper steps here, but perhaps double check in the debugger to make sure the context on those objects are the same.


Core data find-or-create most efficient way

I have around 10000 objects of entity 'Message'. When I add a new 'Message' i want to first see whether it exists - and if it does just update it's data, but if it doesn't to create it.
Right now the "find-or-create" algorithm works with by saving all of the Message objects 'objectID' in one array and then filtering through them and getting the messages with existingObjectWithID:error:
This works fine but in my case when I fetch an 'Message' using existingObjectWithID: and then try to set and save a property by setting the property of the 'Message' object and calling save: on it's context it doesn't saves it properly. Has anyone come across a problem like this?
Is there a more efficient way to make find-or-create algorithm?
First, Message is a "bad" name for a CoreData entity as apple use it internally and it cause problems later in development.
You can read a little more about it HERE
I've noticed that all suggested solutions here use an array or a fetch request.
You might want to consider a dictionary based solution ...
In a single threaded/context application this is accomplished without too much of a burden by adding to cache (dictionary) the newly inserted objects (of type Message) and pre-populating the cache with existing object ids and keys mapping.
Consider this interface:
#interface UniquenessEnforcer : NSObject
#property (readonly,nonatomic,strong) NSPersistentStoreCoordinator* coordinator;
#property (readonly,nonatomic,strong) NSEntityDescription* entity;
#property (readonly,nonatomic,strong) NSString* keyProperty;
#property (nonatomic,readonly,strong) NSError* error;
- (instancetype) initWithEntity:(NSEntityDescription *)entity
- (NSArray*) existingObjectIDsForKeys:(NSArray*)keys;
- (void) unregisterKeys:(NSArray*)keys;
- (void) registerObjects:(NSArray*)objects;//objects must have permanent objectIDs
- (NSArray*) findOrCreate:(NSArray*)keys
error:(NSError* __autoreleasing*)error;
1) on application start, allocate a "uniqueness enforcer" and populate your cache:
//private method of uniqueness enforcer
- (void) populateCache
NSManagedObjectContext* context = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] init];
context.persistentStoreCoordinator = self.coordinator;
NSFetchRequest* r = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:self.entity.name];
[r setResultType:NSDictionaryResultType];
NSExpressionDescription* objectIdDesc = [NSExpressionDescription new];
objectIdDesc.name = #"objectID";
objectIdDesc.expression = [NSExpression expressionForEvaluatedObject];
objectIdDesc.expressionResultType = NSObjectIDAttributeType;
r.propertiesToFetch = #[self.keyProperty,objectIdDesc];
NSError* error = nil;
NSArray* results = [context executeFetchRequest:r error:&error];
self.error = error;
if (results) {
for (NSDictionary* dict in results) {
_cache[dict[self.keyProperty]] = dict[#"objectID"];
} else {
_cache = nil;
2) when you need to test existence simply use:
- (NSArray*) existingObjectIDsForKeys:(NSArray *)keys
return [_cache objectsForKeys:keys notFoundMarker:[NSNull null]];
3) when you like to actually get objects and create missing ones:
- (NSArray*) findOrCreate:(NSArray*)keys
error:(NSError* __autoreleasing*)error
NSMutableArray* fullList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[keys count]];
NSMutableArray* needFetch = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[keys count]];
NSManagedObject* object = nil;
for (id<NSCopying> key in keys) {
NSManagedObjectID* oID = _cache[key];
if (oID) {
object = [context objectWithID:oID];
if ([object isFault]) {
[needFetch addObject:oID];
} else {
object = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:self.entity.name
[object setValue:key forKey:self.keyProperty];
[fullList addObject:object];
if ([needFetch count]) {
NSFetchRequest* r = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:self.entity.name];
r.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"SELF IN %#",needFetch];
if([context executeFetchRequest:r error:error] == nil) {//load the missing faults from store
fullList = nil;
return fullList;
In this implementation you need to keep track of objects deletion/creation yourself.
You can use the register/unregister methods (trivial implementation) for this after a successful save.
You could make this a bit more automatic by hooking into the context "save" notification and updating the cache with relevant changes.
The multi-threaded case is much more complex (same interface but different implementation altogether when taking performance into account).
For instance, you must make your enforcer save new items (to the store) before returning them to the requesting context as they don't have permanent IDs otherwise, and even if you call "obtain permanent IDs" the requesting context might not save eventually.
you will also need to use a dispatch queue of some sort (parallel or serial) to access your cache dictionary.
Some math:
10K (10*1024) unique key objects
average key length of 256[byte]
objectID length of 128[byte]
we are looking at:
10K*(256+128) =~ 4[MB] of memory
This might be a high estimate, but you should take this into account ...
Ok, many things can go wrong here this is how to:
Create NSManagedObjectContext -> MOC
Create NSFetchRequest with the right entity
Create the NSPredicate and attache it to the fetch request
execute fetch request on newly created context
fetch request will return an array of objects matching the predicate
(you should have only one object in that array if your ids are distinct)
cast first element of an array to NSManagedObject
change its property
save context
The most important thing of all is that you use the same context for fetching and saving, and u must do it in the same thread cause MOC is not thread safe and that is the most common error that people do
Currently you say you maintain an array of `objectID's. When you need to you:
filter through them and get the messages with existingObjectWithID:error:
and after this you need to check if the message you got back:
matches the one you want
This is very inefficient. It is inefficient because you are always fetching objects back from the data store into memory. You are also doing it individually (not batching). This is basically the slowest way you could possibly do it.
Why changes to that object aren't saved properly isn't clear. You should get an error of some kind. But, you should really change your search approach:
Instead of looping and loading, use a single fetch request with a predicate:
NSFetchRequest *request = ...;
NSPredicate *filterPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"XXX == %#", YYY];
[request setPredicate:filterPredicate];
[request setFetchLimit:1];
where XXX is the name of the attribute in the message to test, and YYY is the value to test it against.
When you execute this fetch on the MOC you should get one or zero responses. If you get zero, create + insert a new message and save the MOC. If you get one, update it and save the MOC.

Creating objects in a loop, but ivar / instance variable not keeping state

I have a method that creates a dictionary from NSJSONSerialization class. I then enumerate the json, and create objects to store state for each instance.
- (void)fetchedData:(NSData *)responseData {
NSError* error;
NSDictionary *json = [NSJSONSerialization
NSArray *moviesJson = [json objectForKey:#"movies"];
for(NSDictionary *element in moviesJson)
RABMovie *myMovie = [[RABMovie alloc] initWithJson:element];
// RABMovie *myMovie = [RABMovie new];
// myMovie.json = element;
[_myMovieNames addObject: myMovie];
myMovie = nil;
[self.movieTableView reloadData];
Problem: I want to create my object by passing in element in the allocator, however when I do this, my UITTableView rows all contain the same movie data. It is always the last item, leading me to believe I am working with only one memory address, and the last update affects the whole collection.
If I uncomment the code to use the json as a property instead of a alloc param, I no longer have the issue and all works well. I've also tried creating a completely new NSDictionary via a deep copy of element to no avail.
Does someone know why this is happening? BTW, I am using ARC. -Thanks for the time.
Edit: Added more code. I've included a property movieName to illustrate how I use the ivar _json.
#implementation RABMovie
NSDictionary *_json;
- (id) initWithJson: (NSDictionary*) jsonAsDictionary
if (self = [super init])
_json = jsonAsDictionary;
return self;
- (NSString*) movieName
return [_json objectForKey:#"title"];
I think you meant to declare _json as an instance variable. Instead it's a globally visible (at least within that class) variable - not 100% sure on the scoping rules, but regardless, it's not an instance variable - it's a single variable shared by all instances! Try this instead:
#implementation RABMovie {
NSDictionary *_json;
/* ...rest of class */
Putting it inside the curly braces after the #implementation directive makes it an instance variable. Hope this helps!
EDIT: Do you have a property called json on RABMovie already? Then you can skip the instance declaration altogether and the compiler will generate the an instance variable for you. That's probably happening already actually, which is why it works when you go through the property - it's accessing the ivar rather than the "global".

PFUser throwing NSInternalInconsistencyException when calling objectForKey after fetchAllIfNeeded

I have two additional columns on my PFUser "firstName" and "lastName". They are saving properly; I can see the data in the data browser.
I have another PFObject "class" that has a property with a NSArray of PFUsers. I use the class method +fetchAllIfNeededInBackground:block: on PFObject to fetch the array of PFUsers. In the callback block, I call objectForKey: on each of the PFUsers in the array, but I access them through the owning PFObject.
// invited is the NSArray of PFUsers
self.whoCell.mainLabel.text = [[self.plan.invited objectAtIndex:0]
Debugger outputs this at a breakpoint right before the objectForKey call:
(lldb) po self.plan.invited
(NSArray *) $4 = 0x06e62a60 <__NSArrayM 0x6e62a60>(
<PFUser:GCCdPjCU2J> {
firstName = Fake;
lastName = Account;
username = yyajnbafv53qw4yhjm9sfoiis;
Edit: adding implementation of self.plan.invited because the above is misleading.
- (NSArray*)invited
// self.dataSource is a PFObject*
return [self.dataSource objectForKey:INVITED_PROP];
Yet when the above call it made to objectForKey: this exception is thrown:
'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Key "firstName" has no data. Call fetchIfNeeded before getting its value.'
Edit: Accessing the array of fetchedObjects that is passed to the block callback for +fetchAllIfNeededInBackground doesn't throw, but accessing the actual array that was originally passed to +fetchAllIfNeededInBackground throws.
Calling fetchIfNeeded before the call solves the problem, but why? The data is already there. Do I miss understand +fetchAllIfNeededInBackground in that it DOES NOT updated the PFObject that owns to collection of PFUsers?
I figured out what was happening. Let me explain with code:
PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:#"TestClass"];
PFObject *testObj = [query getObjectWithId:#"xWMyZ4YEGZ"];
// an array of PFUser "pointers" (pointers in Parse parlance)
NSLog(#"%#", [testObj objectForKey:#"userArrayProp"]);
[PFObject fetchAll:[testObj objectForKey:#"userArrayProp"]];
// now userArrayProp contains fully fetched PFObjects
NSLog(#"%#", [testObj objectForKey:#"userArrayProp"]);
For me, after a certain amount of time userArrayProp would revert to an array of "pointers" and this mystified me. My problem was that calling refresh on a PFObject will revert a fetched array BACK to an array of pointers. Like this:
PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:#"TestClass"];
PFObject *testObj = [query getObjectWithId:#"xWMyZ4YEGZ"];
// an array of PFUser "pointers" (pointers in Parse parlance)
NSLog(#"%#", [testObj objectForKey:#"userArrayProp"]);
[PFObject fetchAll:[testObj objectForKey:#"userArrayProp"]];
// now userArrayProp contains fully fetched PFObjects
NSLog(#"%#", [testObj objectForKey:#"userArrayProp"]);
[testObj refresh];
// now userArrayProp contains pointers again :(
NSLog(#"%#", [testObj objectForKey:#"userArrayProp"]);
Wish it said that [PFObject refresh] did that in the documentation....
What you are describing should work fine. fetchAllIfNeeded updates the objects in the array themselves, so it shouldn't matter how you access them. You say you are accessing them through the parent PFObject, but your debugger output is showing access through the array directly. Is it possible the array isn't pointing to the current PFObject member?
One thing you could try while debugging is calling isDataAvailable on the instances of PFUser, both after the fetchAllIfNeeded, and right before you access their first and last names. After the call to fetchAllIfNeeded, isDataAvailable should return YES for every element of the array. If it still returns YES when you access the names, they should not give this error.
Otherwise, if you can provide a minimal code sample that reproduces the problem, I'd be glad to debug it further.

What's the way to communicate a set of Core Data objects stored in the background to the main thread?

Part of my iOS project polls a server for sets of objects, then converts and saves them to Core Data, to then update the UI with the results. The server tasks happens in a collection of NSOperation classes I call 'services' that operate in the background. If NSManagedObject and its ~Context were thread safe, I would have had the services call delegate methods on the main thread like this one:
- (void)service:(NSOperation *)service retrievedObjects:(NSArray *)objects;
Of course you can't pass around NSManagedObjects like this, so this delegate method is doomed. As far as I can see there are two solutions to get to the objects from the main thread. But I like neither of them, so I was hoping the great StackOverflow community could help me come up with a third.
I could perform an NSFetchRequest on the main thread to pull in the newly added or modified objects. The problem is that the Core Data store contains many more of these objects, so I have to add quite some verbosity to communicate the right set of objects. One way would be to add a property to the object like batchID, which I could then pass back to the delegate so it would know what to fetch. But adding data to the store to fix my concurrency limitations feels wrong.
I could also collect the newly added objects' objectID properties, put them in a list and send that list to the delegate method. The unfortunate thing though is that I have to populate the list after I save the context, which means I have to loop over the objects twice in the background before I have the correct list (first time is when parsing the server response). Then I still only have a list of objectIDs, which I have to individually reel in with existingObjectWithID:error: from the NSManagedObjectContext on the main thread. This just seems so cumbersome.
What piece of information am I missing? What's the third solution to bring a set of NSManagedObjects from a background thread to the main thread, without losing thread confinement?
While you obviously have a solution you are happy with, let me suggest that you lose some valuable information, whether items are updated, deleted or inserted, with your mechanism. In my code, I just migrate the userInfo dictionary to the new MOC. Here is a general purpose routine to do so:
// Migrate a userInfo dictionary as defined by NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification
// to the receiver context.
- (NSDictionary *) migrateUserInfo: (NSDictionary *) userInfo {
NSMutableDictionary *ui = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: userInfo.count];
NSSet * sourceSet = nil;
NSMutableSet *migratedSet = nil;
for (NSString *key in [userInfo allKeys]) {
sourceSet = [userInfo valueForKey: key];
migratedSet = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity: sourceSet.count];
for (NSManagedObject *mo in sourceSet) {
[migratedSet addObject: [self.moc objectWithID: mo.objectID]];
[ui setValue: migratedSet forKey: key];
return ui;
} // -migrateUserInfo:
The above routine assumes it is a method of a class which has an #property NSManagedObjectContext *moc.
I hope you find the above useful.
There's a section of the Core Data Programming Guide that addresses Concurrency with Core Data. In a nutshell, each thread should have its own managed object context and then use notifications to synchronize the contexts.
After a little experimentation, I decided to go for a slight alteration to my proposed method number 2. While performing background changes on the context, keep a score of the objects you want to delegate back to the main thread, say in an NSMutableArray *objectsOfInterest. We eventually want to get to the objectID keys of all the objects in this array, but because the objectID value changes when you save a context, we first have to perform that [context save:&error]. Right after the save, use the arrayFromObjectsAtKey: method from the NSArray category below to generate a list of objectID instances, like so:
NSArray *objectIDs = [objectsOfInterest arrayFromObjectsAtKey:#"objectID"];
That array you can pass back safely to the main thread via the delegate (do make sure your main thread context is updated with mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification by listening to the NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification). When you're ready to reel in the objects of the background operation, use the existingObjectsWithIDs:error: method from the category below to turn the array of objectID's back into a list of working NSManagedObjects.
Any suggestions to improve the conciseness or performance of these methods is appreciated.
#implementation NSArray (Concurrency)
- (NSArray *)arrayFromObjectsAtKey:(NSString *)key {
NSMutableArray *objectsAtKey = [NSMutableArray array];
for (id value in self) {
[objectsAtKey addObject:[value valueForKey:key]];
return objectsAtKey;
#implementation NSManagedObjectContext (Concurrency)
- (NSArray *)existingObjectsWithIDs:(NSArray *)objectIDs error:(NSError **)error {
NSMutableArray *entities = [NSMutableArray array];
#try {
for (NSManagedObjectID *objectID in objectIDs) {
// existingObjectWithID might return nil if it can't find the objectID, but if you're not prepared for this,
// don't use this method but write your own.
[entities addObject:[self existingObjectWithID:objectID error:error]];
#catch (NSException *exception) {
return nil;
return entities;

Customized initializers and read only properties in Core Data

Before working with Objective-C and Core Data, I had occasions to create classes that needed to be initialized with certain parameters that, after initialization, could not be modified (though they could be read).
With Core Data, I believe I can create a customized init on my NSManagedObject derived class as long as it includes a way to insert the object into a context like such:
-(Cell*) initWithOwner:(CellList*)ownerCellList andLocation:(int)initLocation
if (self = (Cell*) [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Cell"
inManagedObjectContext:[ownerCellList managedObjectContext]])
self.location = [NSNumber numberWithInt:initLocation];
self.owner = ownerCellList;
[ownerCellList addCellListObject:self];
return self;
Normally, I'd have a location variable and the location property would be read-only (so once set at initialization, it could not be changed). Is there a way to get this sort of pattern with Core Data? Is there a better way I'm not thinking of?
You are correct. As long as your initializer calls the NSManagedObject's designated initializer, your approach is fine. You can also override the -[NSManagedObject awakeFromInsert] to perform some action after insertion (creation) or -[NSManagedObject awakeFromFetch] to perform an action (e.g. populating a cache) each time the object is faulted back into a managed object context.
Like the rest of Objective-C, there is no way to make a property truly readonly. Malicious code will likely be able to modify your property. However, in your custom class, you can declare a #property(readonly) for e.g. location. This will at least cause a warning if you try to modify the property and will signal your intent to client code.
For anyone who stumbles here, reads the comments, and wonders at the final answer, it should be something like this. Continuing with the example above, it would be:
-(Cell*) initWithOwner:(CellList*)ownerCellList andLocation:(int)initLocation
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [ownerCellList managedObjectContext];
NSManagedObjectModel *managedObjectModel =
[[context persistentStoreCoordinator] managedObjectModel];
NSEntityDescription *entity =
[[managedObjectModel entitiesByName] objectForKey:#"Cell"];
self = [self initWithEntity:entity inManagedObjectContext:context];
if (self)
self.location = [NSNumber numberWithInt:initLocation];
self.owner = ownerCellList;
[ownerCellList addCellListObject:self];
return self;
NSEntityDescription's insertNewObjectForEntityForName:inManagedObjectContext: documentation says this is roughly how it converts from a given entityName (#"Cell") and a context (from ownerCellList) to an NSManagedObject instance.