Workflow for modifying existing crud scaffolded model, views & controllers - yii

I am in the process of learning Yii framework. I have always previously built plugins in wordpress and I have never used a PHP MVC framework before.
Assuming I have designed my database
Used Yiic shell - console to model the db and create crud classes etc.
Modified the controllers and views to my custom requirements.
Now the client requirements change and an extra field is required in the database.
I modify the database to add for example "tel2" field to the customer table.
Do I need to update the model, view and controller manually to incorporate these changes or do I save customisations then get Yiic shell to re-scaffold the model, view & controller, then re-write the customisations manually?
I am sure that I can do either, but is there an easier way / is there a way in which you all work which makes your lives easier?

This was a question on my mind also when I began Yii.
The simple answer to it is you dont have to change everything. The Gii module is a really powerful feature of Yii and after making the CRUD and the model after a DB table, and if you have your own custom functions and methods and then you decide that you need to alter a table and add a new column to it, all you need to do remake the model in gii and it shall show the the modified code in a seperate link tagged as "diff".
Gii only generates the code, it does not overwrite it.
Now all you need to do is open up the "diff" make sure that you do not overwrite the code as there would be an overwrite button as well. After you check out the "diff" code, it shall show the new columns and the new properties highlighted, now all you need to do is copy the requisite changed code into your original code.
This way, you can do as many changes as you want with everything remaining intact.
There is also another method. You can use a base class and extend all your code into another file. This way, all you need to do is change the base model and everything still remains intact.
I think this should have answered your question.

You should look at gii as a tool that gets you started quickly. But once you created your models and maybe CRUDs you can usually forget about it. Your project code evolves and - if it's not a very simply project - you will have a lot of manual changes to the auto generated code anyway.
So every time you touch your DB you will update the related files. Often this only involves to add a new attribute rule in rules() in your model, and adding another input field to the form view.


How do you modify an npm library you are using in your project?

I'm using ng-bootstrap in my Angular project.
The problem is that ng-bootstrap is still in its early stages and missing lots of functionality. I have added a simple feature within the code in my node_modules/#ng-bootstrap directory.
The trouble is that I worry that if/when there is an update to ng-bootstrap and I update my project with it, my local changes in the functionality will be overwritten and lost.
What are some techniques to deal with this problem?
You've effectively just created your own "branch" of that package. You could submit a pull request if the functionality is something that should be there for everyone. Since you have custom changes, you're responsible for making sure updates don't overwrite them.
If i needed to so something like this, i'd see if there was a way to implement the changes without modifying the ng-bootstrap files themselves. Without knowing what the change is, i can't say how that might be accomplished. One option there is to not use a package manager for that framework, or let the package manager get the "official" files, and then copy them somewhere else that you actually use. You're still responsible for making sure to merge changes in when the framework updates, but at least it won't be automatically overwritten.

Completing attribute name in RubyMine?

I'm trying Rails in RubyMine 2016.2.4. How to use the code completion for model's attribute name? In Yii2 the model's attributes are listed in comments
Internal structure and philosophy of Rails are different than Yii2's. Current database state is stored in separate special file called db/schema.rb. This file is automatically updated every time after applying new migrations and not intended for manual editing. In Yii2 you need to synchronize PHPDoc comments with current DB state manually. From the other side in Rails you can't see which attributes model contains just by looking at the model (the model code is very laconic in terms of that though).
Not sure, but I think for model attributes autocomplete RubyMine extracts column names from according table from that file. Read more info about db/schema.rb in official docs.
Also there is dedicated help section in RubyMine docs about Rails-Aware Code Completion.
So it works, but probably in specific places.
And last but not least check this related SO question. RubyMine provides very good autocomplete options, but don't hesitate to peek at db/schema.rb if needed or use DB managing tools to see column names and data during development.

Grails 3 - achieving customization of template in a way it was possible with _form.gsp in version 2

I am relatively new to Grails and I am little disappointed with the way _form.gsp removed with field plugin in Grails 3. _form.gsp seemed to be good time saving option when we need to customize views with Bootsrap or materialize.
Now with grails 3, install-templates does not create _form.gsp. As per this documentation, we can achieve customization by creating _wrapper.gsp, _widget.gsp etc under view/_fields/default directory. But I am not able to find the example of such custom GSPs.
Also, let's say if I customize all the four GSPs (_wrapper.gsp, _widget.gsp, _displayWrapper.gsp, _displayWidget.gsp) will it generate actual code when we run generate-view command? I mean will it replace, f:all, f:table etc tag with actual code? If not then there is quite amount of work to do I guess. Because after we are confident about our domain class and tested all CRUD operation, we run generate-view command for creating all the domain specific GSPs. Then in most cases, we need to do some changes according to our requirement, like re-ordering the fields, hiding some of the fields
So in conclusion I have two goals:
Customizing default templates and start developing.
When I run generate-view, I do not want f:all, f:table etc abstract tags. I need actual fields in place so that I can customize generated views of domain.
If any one has achieved this, then please share the solution.
Grails 3 comes with the fields plugin by default. The templates used in Grails 2.x have been replaced in full. So, your goal 2. will be hard to achieve with Grails 3 it seems.
However, here is a helpful blog which explains how you can adjust some of the fields templates by replacing them in your project:
Similar to the description provided, you can place a modified _list.gsp template in folder in
Hope it helps.

Knockout in Rails 3

if I'm using rails 3 which uses asset pipeline to compile all
Javascripts, does that mean I can have only one Knockout view model for my entire application? If not, how do I specify which view model is binded with which view? In the tutorial code, it looks like 1 view model is bound per page, but that doesnt work in rails since all JS are loaded upon first page load.
No, you do not need to include all javascript on every page! This is a very bad idea.
There are many methods for limiting javascript to a single page, you should pick one:
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Please, please, please do not try to load all your javascript on every single page.
Update (after your comment below):
I think you are confusing a few different things here.
First, even if you compile all your javascript into a single gzipped/uglified file, that still doesn't force you to use one knockout viewmodel for your entire application. That file can contain multiple viewmodels. They don't even need to know about each other.
Second, the way the rails pipeline works is by concatenating related or dependant javascript files together. It does this to reduce the number of requests the browser has to make to get the javascript it needs for each page. It doesn't necessarily mean all your javascript becomes one file. Just that the javascript for each page become one file. For more information, check out the Rails Asset Pipeline Documenation, it has a great explanation of how it works and how to use it properly.
Third, neither of these things mean you need to write all your javascript as if it were one file. In fact, this is a bad idea. You should seperate your javascript into relevant files by functionality. This allows them to be reusable, as well as eases development work.

Kohana 3 ORM. How to set up Inflector irregular word arrays in the Bootstrap or Model

I am using Kohana 3 ORM and it seems that the Inflector is singularising the word 'causes' to the form 'caus' instead of 'cause'. I have a _has_many_"through" relationship setup and even through all my foreign keys are setup to read 'cause_id' it still wants to setup an ON clause in SQL where it references 'caus_id' rather than 'cause_id'.
Is there a way to set up the Cause model to recognise the default singular form is 'cause'?
Or is there a way to add an Inflector->irregular array in the Bootstrap.php file?
I've hacked the SYSPATH.'config/inflector.php' file adding the exception and it does fix the problem but I would prefer a method that doesn't involve hacking the system files.
What is the 'best practice' approach please.
Copy SYSPATH/config/inflector.php to APPPATH/config/inflector.php and change what you want. This will allow you to upgrade framework core without loosing your modifications.
Post an issue and this will be fixed in the next release.