in GWTP, when creating a new presenter, we set a NameTokens for it with a Hash Bang(!) but the code did not show Hash Bang, so where the hash bang? - gwtp

Ok, in GWTP (GWT Platform, not Gwt), when creating a new presenter in eclipse, there will be a field "Token name:" for us to set a name token. So, I added a Hash Bang at the Front of the NameToken!myname
& the eclipse created the java file that has
So where is the Hash Bang located (!)?
Also, suppose that when we first time create a new Presenter & we forgot to put Hash Bang in the front of the NameToken, then how can we include the Hash Bang without recreating the new Presenter?

Normally, your name tokens should be found as constant Strings in a class:
public class NameTokens {
public static final String home = "home";
public static final String myname = "myname";
If you want to add the exclamation mark between the hash symbol and a name token, simply add it to the String:
public class NameTokens {
public static final String home = "home";
public static final String myname = "!myname";


Extent Report: Name of output file does not change even when defined

Im not able to change the name of the outputfile from the extent reports. It does always create the report file called index.html.
In my code, i want to display the name + date/time.html
Here is the codeline for the path definition:
private const string ExtentReportPath = #".\ExtentReports\";
public void ExtentStart()
ExtentHtmlReporter htmlreporter = new ExtentHtmlReporter(ExtentReportPath + "UnlockInstruction_Test" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss") + ".html");
extent = new ExtentReports();
public void ExtentClose()
First solution ive found is:
I changed ExtentHtmlReporter to ExtentV3HtmlReporter.
But after using ExtentV3HtmlReporter, VS is displaying a warning which says, that this method is obsolete and wont be supported in the future.. so still waiting for a up to date solution.
From what I read the static name (index) is expected behavior to increase the efficiency of reporting.
You can add a unique name to the folder name instead of the file, so you would create sub-folders for each index file like this:
String path =System.getProperty("user.dir")+"//reports//"+time+"//index.html";
ExtentSparkReporter reporter = new ExtentSparkReporter(path);

reading large semicolon separated files via streamreader and inserting in sql db in

I need to read large csv files and to insert them into SQL, my idea was to use streamreader and read the file line by line because if I store the content in a variable, program crashes. So thats what i thought:
using FileStream fs
Dim list as String
Dim MyFile as String = ("C:\\Test.txt")
Using fs as FileStream = File.Open(MyFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None) 'file is opened in a protected mode
firstline= fs.ReadLine 'treat the firstline as columnname
rest = fs.ReadLine 'the rest as rest
Do While (Not rest Is Nothing) 'read the complete file
Filestream.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
End Using
ResultBlock.Text = "File not readable"
End Try
i wrote list.Add(rest) which is actually a bad idea because the content is stored in a variable then, but i need to read and insert line for line in a sql database which seems to be pretty complicated though, does anyone has an idea how i could handle that?
If you can't read the file into memory because it's too big then what you need is some sort of buffer that holds the records in memory and writes to the database when the list gets to a certain size.
If you really want to keep it manageable then the reader, the writer, and the buffer should all be completely separate from each other. That sounds like more work because it's more classes, but it's actually simpler because each class only does one thing.
I would create a class that represents the item that you're reading from the file, with properties for each record. Like if each line in the file represents a person with a name and employee number, create a class like
public class Person
public string FirstName {get;set;}
public string LastName {get;set;}
public string EmployeeNumber {get;set;}
You'll need a buffer. The job of the buffer is to have items put into it, and flush to a writer when it reaches its maximum size. Perhaps like this:
public interface IBuffer<T>
void AddItem(T item);
public interface IWriter<T>
void Write(IEnumerable<T> items);
public class WriterBuffer<T> : IBuffer<T>
private readonly IWriter<T> _writer;
private readonly int _maxSize;
private readonly List<T> _buffer;
public WriterBuffer(IWriter<T> writer, int maxSize)
_writer = writer;
_maxSize - maxSize;
public void AddItem(T item)
if(_buffer.Count >= _maxSize)
Then, your reader class doesn't know about the writer at all. All it knows is that it writes to the buffer.
public class PersonFileReader
private readonly string _filename;
private readonly IBuffer<Person> _buffer;
public PersonFileReader(string filename, IBuffer<Person> buffer)
_filename = filename;
_buffer = buffer;
public void ReadFile()
//Reads from file.
//Creates a new Person for each record
//Calls _buffer.Add(person) for each Person.
public class PersonSqlWriter : IWriter<Person>
private readonly string _connectionString;
public PersonSqlWriter(string connectionString)
_connectionString = connectionString;
public void Write(IEnumerable<Person> items)
//Writes the list of items to the database
//using _connectionString;
The result is that each of these classes does only one thing. You can use them separately from the others and test them separately from the others. That applies the Single Responsibility Principle. No one class is too complicated because each one has only one responsibility. It also applies the Dependency Inversion principle. The reader doesn't know what the buffer does. It just depends on the interface. The buffer doesn't know what the writer does. And the writer doesn't care where the data comes from.
Now the complexity is in creating the objects. You need a file name, a connection string, and a maximum buffer size. That means something like
var filename = "your file name";
var maxBufferSize = 50;
var connectionString = "your connection string"
var reader = new PersonFileReader(
new WriterBuffer<Person>(
new PersonSqlWriter(connectionString),
Your classes are simpler, but wiring them all together has gotten a little more complicated. That's where dependency injection comes in. It manages this for you. I won't go into that yet because it might be information overload. But if you mention what sort of application this is - web, WCF service, etc., then I might be able to provide a concrete example of how a dependency injection container like Windsor, Autofac, or Unity can manage this for you.
This was all new to me several years ago. At first it just looked like more code. But it actually makes it easier to write small, simple classes, which in turn makes building complex applications much easier.
Have a look at below links:
BulkCopy How can I insert 10 million records in the shortest time possible?
This one contains code samples:
You can also use Import Wizard (

Saving JWT token in static filed is best practice?

Saving KeyForHmacSha256, TokenIssuer, TokenAudience and TokenLifetimeMinutes in static filed is best practice or read these value from config file.
public class SecurityConstants
public static readonly byte[] KeyForHmacSha256 = new byte[64];
public static readonly string TokenIssuer = string.Empty;
public static readonly string TokenAudience = string.Empty;
public static readonly double TokenLifetimeMinutes = 1;
static SecurityConstants()
RNGCryptoServiceProvider cryptoProvider = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
TokenIssuer = "issuer";
TokenAudience = "http://localhost:90";
As with about anything, the answer is "it depends."
I would certainly make the argument that the KeyForHmacSha256 variable is pulled from a config file or environment variable, just to keep it out of source control.
Personally, I usually pull in issuer and audience dynamically. The issuer is pulled from the environment so that I don't have to manually set it in each deploy and the audience is determined by who is requesting the token.
The token lifetime has the best case for just being a static definition. If you have a need to make it dynamic, you will need to handle that, but setting it explicitly isn't a security issue.

RazorEngine Error trying to send email

I have an MVC 4 application that sends out multiple emails. For example, I have an email template for submitting an order, a template for cancelling an order, etc...
I have an Email Service with multiple methods. My controller calls the Send method which looks like this:
public virtual void Send(List<string> recipients, string subject, string template, object data)
string html = GetContent(template, data);
The Send method calls GetContent, which is the method causing the problem:
private string GetContent(string template, object data)
string path = Path.Combine(BaseTemplatePath, string.Format("{0}{1}", template, ".html.cshtml"));
string content = File.ReadAllText(path);
return Engine.Razor.RunCompile(content, "htmlTemplate", null, data);
I am receiving the error:
The same key was already used for another template!
In my GetContent method should I add a new parameter for the TemplateKey and use that variable instead of always using htmlTemplate? Then the new order email template could have newOrderKey and CancelOrderKey for the email template being used to cancel an order?
This happens because you use the same template key ("htmlTemplate") for multiple different templates.
Note that the way you currently have implemented GetContent you will run into multiple problems:
Even if you use a unique key, for example the template variable, you will trigger the exception when the templates are edited on disk.
Performance: You are reading the template file every time even when the template is already cached.
Implement the ITemplateManager interface to manage your templates:
public class MyTemplateManager : ITemplateManager
private readonly string baseTemplatePath;
public MyTemplateManager(string basePath) {
baseTemplatePath = basePath;
public ITemplateSource Resolve(ITemplateKey key)
string template = key.Name;
string path = Path.Combine(baseTemplatePath, string.Format("{0}{1}", template, ".html.cshtml"));
string content = File.ReadAllText(path);
return new LoadedTemplateSource(content, path);
public ITemplateKey GetKey(string name, ResolveType resolveType, ITemplateKey context)
return new NameOnlyTemplateKey(name, resolveType, context);
public void AddDynamic(ITemplateKey key, ITemplateSource source)
throw new NotImplementedException("dynamic templates are not supported!");
Setup on startup:
var config = new TemplateServiceConfiguration();
config.Debug = true;
config.TemplateManager = new MyTemplateManager(BaseTemplatePath);
Engine.Razor = RazorEngineService.Create(config);
And use it:
// You don't really need this method anymore.
private string GetContent(string template, object data)
return Engine.Razor.RunCompile(template, null, data);
RazorEngine will now fix all the problems mentioned above internally. Notice how it is perfectly fine to use the name of the template as key, if in your scenario the name is all you need to identify a template (otherwise you cannot use NameOnlyTemplateKey and need to provide your own implementation).
Hope this helps.
(Disclaimer: Contributor of RazorEngine)

Basic Sample (Java preferred) for Desire2Learn API

I have visited and read all the Valence, and specifically the REST API, pages. I have one approved key already and a second key that has not yet been approved by D2L, and it's not clear how I request that approval.
The documentation contains a lot of information, but it is difficult to put all the pieces together. For example, in order to make any REST API call, I have to add several parameters to the end of the call. The parameters are documented in one place, but it isn't clear in some cases how to construct them (for example, one of the keys is to contain the url, timestamp, and the type of call being made, but how are they to be concatenated?). Then they have to be signed, and the documentation that tells how to sign the keys is in a completely different page that is not even referenced from the page that tells you that you have to sign the parameters. On top of that, the documentation is not extremely clear about how to do the signing, and offers no further explanation or examples. So to get anywhere, we have to jump around a lot through the documentation, and go through a whole lot of trial and error. It appears that the documentation assumes that the reader has expertise in several areas, which may or may not be true.
Code examples would make a huge difference.
There aren’t a lot of samples yet; we are working to add more, and to make the ones that are present more obvious. As one example, there is a Java Android app that has all the authentication stuff and some basic calls (including the call “whoami” which is a great test call).
The specific auth related files are available as well. From the D2LSigner class, you can see the signing algorithm we use:
Mac hmacSha256 = Mac.getInstance("hmacSHA256");
byte[] keyBytes = key.getBytes("UTF-8");
Key k = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "hmacSHA256");
byte[] dataBytes = data.getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] sig = hmacSha256.doFinal(dataBytes)
String sigString = base64Url( sig );
From D2LOperationSecurityImpl, you can see how the query string fits together:
//uppercase METHOD, lowercase PATH, timestamp as string
private static /*final*/ String BASE_STRING_TEMPLATE = "{0}&{1}&{2}";
private static /*final*/ String APP_ID_QUERY_NAME = "x_a";
private static /*final*/ String APP_SIG_QUERY_NAME = "x_c";
private static /*final*/ String USER_ID_QUERY_NAME = "x_b";
private static /*final*/ String USER_SIG_QUERY_NAME = "x_d";
private static /*final*/ String TIMESTAMP_QUERY_NAME = "x_t";
public Uri createAuthenticatedUri(String path, String httpMethod) {
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() +
Long timestampObjectSeconds = new Long(timestamp/1000);
Object[]formatParms = {httpMethod.toUpperCase(),
String signatureBaseString = MessageFormat.format(BASE_STRING_TEMPLATE,
String appSig = D2LSigner.base64URLSig(mAppKey, signatureBaseString);
String userSig = D2LSigner.base64URLSig(mUserKey, signatureBaseString);
if ((appSig == null) || (userSig == null)) {
return null;
String scheme = mEncryptOperations?ENCRYPED_SCHEME:PLAIN_SCHEME;
Uri.Builder b = new Uri.Builder();
b.appendQueryParameter(APP_ID_QUERY_NAME, mAppID);
b.appendQueryParameter(APP_SIG_QUERY_NAME, appSig);
b.appendQueryParameter(USER_ID_QUERY_NAME, mUserID);
b.appendQueryParameter(USER_SIG_QUERY_NAME, userSig);
b.appendQueryParameter(TIMESTAMP_QUERY_NAME, timestampObjectSeconds.toString());
Uri securedURI =;
return securedURI;
Also, you need to sign the first URL you use for logging in, but only with the application key (because you haven't yet established a user context). It uses a different base string (to protect the URL that is used during auth):
String signature = D2LSigner.base64URLSig(mAppKey, resultURLString);
BasicNameValuePair appID = new BasicNameValuePair(APP_ID_NAME, mAppID);
BasicNameValuePair appSig = new BasicNameValuePair(APP_SIG_NAME, signature);
BasicNameValuePair callbackURL = new BasicNameValuePair(CALLBACK_NAME, resultURLString);