Oracle Referencing Primary Key - sql

Primary key of parent got its value from sequence customerNo = customerSeq.nextval. How do I insert that value into child table as foreign key?
insert into account values (accountSeq.nextval,'500',customerSeq.nextval,'S','O');
doesn't work and give me error.

You can use currval to get the last generated value.
insert into account
(account_id, some_col, customer_id, col3, col4)
It's good coding style to explicitely list the columns of the table in the insert table. You also didn't show your table definition, but do not use String literals for numbers '500' is a string, 500 is a number.
More details are in the manual:

When you insert a record into a table with a sequence, you use the "returning" clause to retrieve the value used into a PL/SQL variable, and then use that for child records.
insert into
my_table (
values (
returning id
into my_package.my_table_id;
insert into
child_table (
values (


Insert query: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition

This is a table that auto increments the ID, takes the time input, and sets the default of the total column as zero and the date column with getdate()
CREATE TABLE OrderPlaced (
PlacedAt time NOT NULL,
PlacedOn DATE NOT NULL default getdate(),
Total MONEY default 0
So the only value that I have to insert is the time.
insert into OrderPlaced values ('13:40');
However on insertion SQL Server gives me this error:
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
The error is telling you the problem. Your table, OrderPlaced, has four columns, but you only supply one column in the INSERT and don't tell the instance what column to insert it into.
For your table, if you don't specify the columns then it will expect values for PlacedAt, PlacedOn and Total; it won't expect a value for OrderID as it is an IDENTITY and you haven't turned on IDENTITY_INSERT. As the instance is expecting 3 columns, and you only provide one, you get an error telling you that the number of columns don't match (3 != 1).
If you only want to insert a value into PlacedAt, and allow the rest of the columns use their DEFAULT values then define in your INSERT clause you only want to provide a value for PlacedAt:
INSERT INTO dbo.OrderPlaced(PlacedAt)
VALUES ('13:40');
Or, if you are (oddly) opposed to defining the columns in the INSERT clause, then tell the instance that the other 2 columns need their DEFAULT values.
INSERT INTO dbo.OrderPlaced
Though I don't recommend this solution, be explicit as then if you change definition of the table, the above statement will fail.
You need to specify the column name as well, like this:
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...);
So it will be like this:
insert into OrderPlaced values ('13:40');

How to Insert new Record into Table if the Record is not Present in the Table in Teradata

I want to insert a new record if the record is not present in the table
For that I am using below query in Teradata
INSERT INTO sample(id, name) VALUES('12','rao')
When I execute the above query I am getting below error.
Failure 3706 Syntax error: expected something between ')' and the 'WHERE' keyword.
Can anyone help with the above issue. It will be very helpful.
You can use INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... as follows:
INSERT INTO sample(id,name)
select '12','rao'
You can also create the primary/unique key on id column to avoid inserting duplicate data in id column.
I would advise writing the query as:
INSERT INTO sample (id, name)
SELECT id, name
FROM (SELECT 12 as id, 'rao' as name) x
This means that you do not need to repeat the constant value -- such repetition can be a cause of errors in queries. Note that I removed the single quotes. id looks like a number so treat it as a number.
The uniqueness of ids is usually handled using a unique constraint or index:
alter table sample add constraint unq_sample_id unique (id);
This makes sure that the database ensures uniqueness. Your approach can fail if two inserts are run at the same time with the same id. An attempt to insert a duplicates returns an error (which the exists can then avoid).
In practice, id columns are usually generated automatically by the database. So the create table statement would look more like:
id integer generated by default as identity
And the insert would look like:
insert into sample (name)
values (name);
If id is the Primary Index of the table you can use MERGE:
merge into sample as tgt
using VALUES('12','rao') as src (id, name)
on =
when not matched
then insert (,

JOOQ: extract value from Field

I have a table with PK and another column for other id. In some cases i need to insert record with equal values in both columns. For primary key values i'm using sequence, which gives a Field<Long> from Sequences.MY_SEQ.nextval().
How can i extract value from a Field<Long> for guaranteed insert same ids in both columns? Using Field<Long> in insert clause generates 2 different ids in columns.
Here is the solution:
Long id =;
Your own solution works, of course, but it will generate two round trips to the database. One for fetching the sequence value and another one for the insert. If that's not a problem, perfect. Otherwise, you can still do it in one single query using INSERT .. SELECT:
(using Oracle syntax. Your SQL syntax may vary...)
INSERT INTO my_table (col1, col2, val)
SELECT,, 'abc'
SELECT my_seq.nextval AS id
FROM dual
) t
With jOOQ
Table<?> t = table(select(MY_SEQ.nextval().as("id"))).as("t");
select(t.field("id"), t.field("id"), val("abc"))

using the ids returned from insert into, for record insertion with foreign key

I have a table
monster(id serial, name varchar, primary key(id))
and i have another table
ranged_monster(id_monster integer, distance integer, foreign key(id_monster) references monster)
I want to insert two ranged monsters: one is called 'archer goblin' with a range attack distance of 10, and the another is called 'dragon' with a range attack distance of 50. How can i do this in one instruction?
so far, i have tried this:
the worst way
insert into monster(name) values ('archer goblin'), ('dragon');
insert into ranged_monster(distance) values (10) where name='archer goblin';
insert into ranged_monster(distance) values (50) where name='dragon';
it is bad because the name column allows repetitions, and the retrieved records might be more than one... also having to write the name of the monster twice does not seems like a good habit.
insert into ... returning
if the table ranged_monster only had the column (foreign key) of the id_monster, then i could use this solution:
with the_ids as (
insert into monster(name)
values ('archer goblin'), ('dragon')
returning id
insert into ranged_monster(id_monster)
select * from the_ids;
however it does not work, because ranged_monster also has the column distance. Doing so, will insert the ids of the monsters without distance.
possible solutions
create a temporal table with the distances, and then combine this temporal table sequentially with the insert into ... returning's the_ids, and then insert this combined records into the ranged_monster table.
How can i combine two tables as asked in here ? (it was marked as duplicated, linking to this What is the difference between JOIN and UNION? , but that question is not related to that another question.)
with s(name, distance) as (
values ('archer goblin', 10), ('dragon', 50)
), the_ids as (
insert into monster(name)
select name
from s
returning id, name
insert into ranged_monster (id_monster, distance)
select id, distance
inner join
the_ids using (name)

SQLite auto-increment non-primary key field

Is it possible to have a non-primary key to be auto-incremented with every insertion?
For example, I want to have a log, where every log entry has a primary key (for internal use), and a revision number ( a INT value that I want to be auto-incremented).
As a workaround, this could be done with a sequence, yet I believe that sequences are not supported in SQLite.
You can do select max(id)+1 when you do the insertion.
For example:
INSERT INTO Log (id, rev_no, description)
VALUES ((SELECT MAX(id) + 1 FROM log), 'rev_Id', 'some description')
Note that this will fail on an empty table since there won't be a record with id is 0 but you can either add a first dummy entry or change the sql statement to this:
INSERT INTO Log (id, rev_no, description)
VALUES ((SELECT IFNULL(MAX(id), 0) + 1 FROM Log), 'rev_Id', 'some description')
SQLite creates a unique row id (rowid) automatically. This field is usually left out when you use "select * ...", but you can fetch this id by using "select rowid,* ...". Be aware that according to the SQLite documentation, they discourage the use of autoincrement.
create table myTable ( code text, description text );
insert into myTable values ( 'X', 'some descr.' );
select rowid, * from myTable;
:: Result will be;
1|X|some descr.
If you use this id as a foreign key, you can export rowid - AND import the correct value in order to keep data integrity;
insert into myTable values( rowid, code text, description text ) values
( 1894, 'X', 'some descr.' );
You could use a trigger ( that checks the previous highest value and then increments it, or if you are doing your inserts through in a stored procedure, put that same logic in there.
My answer is very similar to Icarus's so I no need to mention it.
You can use Icarus's solution in a more advanced way if needed. Below is an example of seat availiabilty table for a train reservation system.
insert into Availiability (date,trainid,stationid,coach,seatno)
values (
(select max(seatno)+1
from Availiability
where date='11-NOV-2013'
and trainid=12076
and stationid='SRR'
and coach=1)
You can use an AFTER INSERT trigger to emulate a sequence in SQLite (but note that numbers might be reused if rows are deleted). This will make your INSERT INTO statement a lot easier.
In the following example, the revision column will be auto-incremented (unless the INSERT INTO statement explicitly provides a value for it, of course):
revision INTEGER,
description TEXT NOT NULL
CREATE TRIGGER auto_increment_trigger
WHEN new.revision IS NULL
SET revision = (SELECT IFNULL(MAX(revision), 0) + 1 FROM test)
WHERE id =;
Now you can simply insert a new row like this, and the revision column will be auto-incremented:
INSERT INTO test (description) VALUES ('some description');