Two uitable into one uiview - cocoa-touch

So this is related to this question I asked not too long ago and I'm trying to figure out if the solution I came up with is feasible, I would try it but I'm not really sure how to start
Load a TableViewController on an animated UIView
So what I wanted to do is to have two different results when a animated uiview pops up.
I have two buttons. One button will have a uitable that shows a label and 3 icons, while the other will show one label and a different icon.
I'm using storyboards (since that's the only way I know how to do it) to connect a "Custom UitableCell" to the table.
I dragged two uitableviews and force them to be hidden from the view when viewdidload happens. So I place a prototype cell on each uitableview specific to what objects I need displayed when it gets loaded.
Now I add the uitabledelegate and datasource on the viewcontroller file.
Now my issue is, if I do this on the viewcontroller, can it only communicate to one uitable and not two? (eg. didselectrow, numberofrowsinsection, cellforrowatindexpath, etc) Or can I do and "if else" to figure out which uitable view it is communicating (or loading info) with?
This is the tutorial I followed for th uiview animation

Yes, your view controller can be the data source and delegate of two uitableview or more.
Make your two UITableView properties of the view controller. Then in your delegate and data source methods, you can check the tableView parameter passed in each method, for example:
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
// Return the number of sections.
if (tableView == self.firstTableView) {
return 1; //for the firstTableView
} else {
return 2; //this will be for the secondTableView
Do the same for your other data source and delegate methods.


How to add a subview that has its own UIViewController in Objective-C?

I am struggling with subviews that have their own UIViewControllers. I have a UIViewController with a view (light pink) and two buttons on a toolbar. I want blue view to display when the first button is pressed and the yellow view to display with the second button is pressed. Should be easy if I just wanted to display a view. But the blue view will contain a table, so it needs it's own controller. That was my first lesson. I started off with this SO question where I learned I needed a controller for the table.
So, I am going to back up and take some baby steps here. Below is a picture of a simple starting point with my Utility ViewController (the main view controller) and the other two controllers (blue and yellow). Imagine that when the Utility ViewController (the main view) is first displayed the blue (default) view will be displayed where the pink view is located. Users will be able to click the two buttons to go back and forth and the pink view will NEVER be displayed. I just want the blue view to go where the pink view is and the yellow view to go where the pink view is. I hope this makes sense.
I'm trying to use addChildViewController. From what I have seen, there are two ways to do this: The Container View in the storyboard or addChildViewController programmatically. I want to do it programmatically. I don't want to use a NavigationController or a Tab bar. I just want to add the controllers and shove the correct view into the pink view when the associated button is pressed.
Below is the code I have so far. All I want to do is display the blue view where the pink view is. From what I have seen I should be able to just addChildViewController and addSubView. This code is not doing that for me. My confusion is getting the better of me. Can somebody help me get the blue view displayed where the pink view is?
This code is not intended to do anything other than display the blue view in viewDidLoad.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface IDUtilityViewController : UIViewController
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *utilityView;
#import "IDUtilityViewController.h"
#import "IDAboutViewController.h"
#interface IDUtilityViewController ()
#property (nonatomic, strong) IDAboutViewController *aboutVC;
#implementation IDUtilityViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.aboutVC = [[IDAboutViewController alloc]initWithNibName:#"AboutVC" bundle:nil];
[self addChildViewController:self.aboutVC];
[self.aboutVC didMoveToParentViewController:self];
[self.utilityView addSubview:self.aboutVC.aboutView];
The self.aboutVC.aboutView is nil. But I wired it up in the storyboard. Do I still need to instantiate it?
This post dates from the early days of modern iOS. It is updated with current information and the current Swift syntax.
In iOS today "everything is a container view". It is the basic way you make apps today.
An app may be so simple that it has just the one screen. But even in that case, each "thing" on the screen is a container view.
It's this easy...
version notes
2020. These days you usually just load a container view from a separate storyboard, which is dead easy. It's explained at the bottom of this post. If you are new to container views, maybe familiarize with the 'classic style' ('same storyboard') container tutorial first.
2021. Updated syntax. Used SO's new '###' pretty headlines. More detail on loading from code.
(A) Drag a container view in to your scene...
Drag a container view into your scene view. (Just as you would drag in any element such as a UIButton.)
The container view is the brown thing in this image. It is actually inside your scene view.
When you drag a container view into your scene view, Xcode automatically gives you two things:
You get the container view inside your scene view, and,
you get a brand-new UIViewController which is just sitting around somewhere on the white of your storyboard.
The two are connected with the "Masonic Symbol Thing" - explained below!
(B) Click on that new view controller. (So that's the new thing Xcode made for you somewhere on the white area, not the thing inside your scene.) ... and, change the class!
It's really that simple.
You're done.
Here's the same thing explained visually.
Notice the container view at (A).
Notice the controller at (B).
Click on B. (That's B - not A!)
Go to the inspector at the top right. Notice it says "UIViewController"
Change it to your own custom class, which is a UIViewController.
So, I have a Swift class Snap which is a UIViewController.
So where it says "UIViewController" in the Inspector I typed in "Snap".
(As usual, Xcode will auto-complete "Snap" as you start typing "Snap...".)
That's all there is to it - you're done.
How to change the container view - say, to a table view.
So when you click to add a container view, Apple automatically gives you a linked view controller, sitting on the storyboard.
Currently (2019) it happens to make it a UIViewController by default.
That's silly: it should ask which type you need. For example, often you need a table view.
Here's how to change it to something different:
At the time of writing, Xcode gives you a UIViewController by default. Let's say you want a UICollectionViewController instead:
(i) Drag a container view in to your scene. Look at the UIViewController on the storyboard which Xcode gives you by default.
(ii) Drag a new UICollectionViewController to anywhere on the main white area of the storyboard.
(iii) Click the container view inside your scene. Click the connections inspector. Notice there is one "Triggered Segue". Mouse over the "Triggered Segue" and notice that Xcode highlights all of the unwanted UIViewController.
(iv) Click the "x" to actually delete that Triggered Segue.
(v) DRAG from that Triggered Segue (viewDidLoad is the only choice). Drag across the storyboard to your new UICollectionViewController. Let go and a pop-up appears. You must select embed.
(vi) Simply delete all of the unwanted UIViewController. You're done.
Short version:
delete the unwanted UIViewController.
Put a new UICollectionViewController anywhere on the storyboard.
Control-drag from the container view's Connections - Trigger Segue - viewDidLoad, to, your new controller.
Be sure to select "embed" on the popup.
It's that easy.
Entering the text identifier...
You will have one of these "square in a square" Masonic symbol things: it is on the "bendy line" connecting your container view with the view controller.
The "masonic symbol" thing is the segue.
Select the segue by clicking on the "masonic symbol" thing.
Look to your right.
You MUST type in a text identifier for the segue.
You decide on the name. It can be any text string. A good choice is often "segueClassName".
If you follow that pattern, all your segues will be called segueClockView, seguePersonSelector, segueSnap, segueCards and so on.
Next, where do you use that text identifier?
How to connect 'to' the child controller...
Then, do the following, in code, in the ViewController of the whole scene.
Let's say you have three container views in the scene. Each container view holds a different controller, say "Snap", "Clock" and "Other".
Latest syntax
var snap:Snap?
var clock:Clock?
var other:Other?
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if (segue.identifier == "segueSnap")
{ snap = (segue.destination as! Snap) }
if (segue.identifier == "segueClock")
{ clock = (segue.destination as! Clock) }
if (segue.identifier == "segueOther")
{ other = (segue.destination as! Other) }
It's that simple. You connect a variable to refer to the controllers, using the prepareForSegue call.
How to connect in the 'other direction', up to the parent...
Say you're "in" the controller which you have put in a container view ("Snap" in the example).
It can be a confusing to get to the "boss" view controller above you ("Dash" in the example). Fortunately, it is this simple:
// Dash is the overall scene.
// Here we are in Snap. Snap is one of the container views inside Dash.
class Snap {
var myBoss:Dash?
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { // MUST be viewDidAppear
myBoss = parent as? Dash
Critical: Only works from viewDidAppear or later. Will not work in viewDidLoad.
You're done.
Important: that only works for container views.
Tip, don't forget, that only works for container views.
These days with storyboard identifiers, it's commonplace to just pop new views on the screen (rather as in Android development). So, let's say the user wants to edit something...
// let's just pop a view on the screen.
// this has nothing to do with container views
let e = ...instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "Edit") as! Edit
e.modalPresentationStyle = .overCurrentContext
self.present(e, animated: false, completion: nil)
When using a container view, IT IS GUARANTEED that Dash will be the parent view controller of Snap.
However that is NOT NECESSARILY THE CASE when you use instantiateViewController.
Very confusingly, in iOS the parent view controller is not related to the class which instantiated it. (It might be the same, but usually it is not the same.) The self.parent pattern is only for container views.
(For a similar result in the instantiateViewController pattern, you have to use a protocol and a delegate, remembering that the delegate will be a weak link.)
Note though that these days it's pretty easy to dynamically load a container view from another storyboard - see last section below. It's often the best way.
prepareForSegue poorly named...
It's worth noting that "prepareForSegue" is a really bad name!
"prepareForSegue" is used for two purposes: loading container views, and, segueing between scenes.
But in practice, you very rarely segue between scenes! Whereas almost every app has many, many, container views as a matter of course.
It would make more sense if "prepareForSegue" was called something like "loadingContainerView".
More than one...
A common situation is: You have a small area on the screen, where you want to show one of a number of different view controllers. For example, one of four widgets.
The simplest way to do this: just have four different container views all sitting inside the same identical area. In your code, simply hide all four and turn on the one you want visible.
Container views "from code" ...
... dynamically load a Storyboard in to a container view.
2019+ Syntax
Say you have a storyboard file "Map.storyboard", storyboard ID is "MapID", and the storyboard is a view controller for your Map class.
let map = UIStoryboard(name: "Map", bundle: nil)
.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "MapID")
as! Map
Have an ordinary UIView in your main scene:
#IBOutlet var dynamicContainerView: UIView!
Apple explain here the four things you have to do to add a dynamic container view
map.view.frame = dynamicContainerView.bounds
map.didMove(toParent: self)
(In that order.)
And to remove that container view:
map.willMove(toParent: nil)
(Also in that order.) That's it.
Note however in that example, the dynamicContainerView is simply a fixed view. It does not change or resize. This would only work if your app never rotates or anything else. Usually, you would have to add the four usual constraints to simply keep the map.view inside dynamicContainerView, as it resizes. In fact, here is the "world's handiest extension" which one needs in any iOS app,
extension UIView {
// it's basically impossible to make an iOS app without this!
func bindEdgesToSuperview() {
guard let s = superview else {
preconditionFailure("`superview` nil in bindEdgesToSuperview")
translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: s.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: s.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: s.topAnchor).isActive = true
bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: s.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
Thus, in any real app the code above would be:
map.didMove(toParent: self)
(Some folks even make an extension .addSubviewAndBindEdgesToSuperview() to avoid a line of code there!)
A reminder that the order must be
add the child
add the actual view
call the didMove
Removing one of those?
You've added map dynamically to the holder, now you want to remove it. The correct and only order is:
map.willMove(toParent: nil)
Often you will have a holder view, and you want to swap different controllers in and out. So:
var current: UIViewController? = nil
private func _install(_ newOne: UIViewController) {
if let c = current {
c.willMove(toParent: nil)
current = newOne
current!.didMove(toParent: self)
I see two problems. First, since you're making the controllers in the storyboard, you should be instantiating them with instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:, not initWithNibName:bundle:. Second, when you add the view as a subview, you should give it a frame. So,
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.aboutVC = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"aboutVC"]; // make sure you give the controller this same identifier in the storyboard
[self addChildViewController:self.aboutVC];
[self.aboutVC didMoveToParentViewController:self];
self.aboutVC.view.frame = self.utilityView.bounds;
[self.utilityView addSubview:self.aboutVC.aboutView];

iOS7 Keyboard Behavior with SearchBar/UITableView: Offset on secondary view appearances

I am having a rather big issue with the iOS7 keyboard appearance. I have a Searchbar on a UIViewController with TableView Delegation/Data Source setup (I am using the self.searchDisplayController delegates as well). I segue from this scene to a prototype tableview to show the results.
Here is the issue:
On first load I can see the keyboard being displayed when I tap into the text field of the UISearchBar. I can type and perform a search with the results being shown in the next scene.
I've added NSNotifications to view the keyboard properties in local methods keyboardWillShow and keyboardWasShown. I can see on the first scene appearance (after the view is completely loaded):
I segue to the result tableview at this point and when I navigate back and touch the text field, my keyboard shows up either fully or partially off-screen:
When I look at the keyboardWillShow notification at this point I can see that my keyboard values are incorrect:
I've researched and tried many possibilities including:
Added the following to my main view controller:
return YES;
return YES;
Configured the following in my view did load
self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.spellCheckingType = UITextSpellCheckingTypeNo;
self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.autocapitalizationType= UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone;
self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.autocorrectionType = UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo;
self.searchDisplayController.searchBar.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeDefault;
Put in standard stubs for:
-(void)searchDisplayController:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller didShowSearchResultsTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
-(void)searchBarSearchButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar
- (void)searchBarCancelButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar
I've noticed that if I choose a Partial Curl as my segue mode, the keyboard remains accessible when I roll back to the main view controller (but then it was never fully off screen in that case). However if I move from the results tableview to a detail scene and then navigate back to the main view controller, the keyboard appears off-screen again.
Is there a method I can use to intercept the misplaced keyboard so that it displays in the default location?
NB: Along these lines, I have created a NSDictionary property to hold the initial userInfo values with the correct keyboard placement. I am not sure how to reassign these values to get the keyboard to return to it's original placement.
BTW - This seems a bit of a hack to get the keyboard fixed due to a bug in IB, is there some other way that I can try to remedy the situation?
Thanks in advance for any feedback!
This was such an obscure issue that I'm sharing the solution to save the next person some effort. Like most programming issues, it turns out this one was self-inflicted. In my original iteration of this project I had turned off rotational support as I am learning auto-layout and I wanted to ease into the transition from Springs and Struts. Somehow between the start of the project and the code release I ended up with this bit of code in the Main Scenes' View Controller.
- (NSUInteger) supportedInterfaceOrientations
return !UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown;
instead of returning a valid enumeration like...
- (NSUInteger) supportedInterfaceOrientations
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll;

How to scroll two UITableView toghether vertically

I have two UITableView. I need to scrolling toghether vertically.
I tried to insert both tables inside a UIScrollView and disabling scrolling of UITableView.
It works but the UITableView which is below is cut it seems as if the table size was set to the maximum size of the screen).
The UITableView i put them inside the view through the storyboard.
I tried to increase the frame of the table within the viewDidLoad method but does not work. If I insert it inside the method viewDidAppear works but it makes me a failure when I click on a UICell and then came back.
Any suggest?
you should work with sections. But if this is not an option for what ever reason you could listen to the scrollViewDidScroll: delegate method and set the offset of the two tables as appropriate. Small Example:
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
if (scrollView == self.firstTable) {
self.secondTable.contentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset;
} else {
self.firstTable.contentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset
you might need to store the touched table in an ivar to determine which scrollevents are initialized by user-interaction and which by your code to avoid 'scroll'-loops.
I might misunderstood your question. You want them to behave as one Table?

Why does an empty tableView check the number of sections but a non-empty one does not?

I have set up a demo application with a simple UITableViewController with no contents, but an 'Add' button in the toolbar. This launches a modal view controller which is again empty other than a 'cancel' button. The cancel button just tells its delegate (the UITableViewController) to dismiss the modal.
I then added an NSLog statement in the UITableViewController's numberOfSectionsInTableView method.
Ordinarily, when the table view controller loads I see two calls to numberOfSectionsInTableView. When I open and dismiss the modal (which returns to the UITableViewController) I see no further calls to numberOfSectionsInTableView.
However, if I return 0 from numberOfSectionsInTableView, in addition to the two calls on display, I also see an additional numberOfSections call when the modal is dismissed.
This only happens when numberOfSectionsInTableView returns 0, and I have added no additional code to my project besides that mentioned. This is easily verifiable by setting up a couple of controllers as I've described and modifying the result from numberOfSectionsInTableView.
My questions:
Why is the UITableView calling numberOfSectionsInTableView on return from a modal view?
Why is it only doing this if numberOfSectionsInTableView returns 0?
In addition to numberOfSectionsInTableView, the UITableViewController is also calling cellForRowAtIndex: when the modal is dismissed. In fact, it is attempting to display the new contents of its dataSource. How am I meant to manually animate a row insertion if the first row added is going to already be updated automatically? Shouldn't it be left to me to make sure that my UITableView is consistent with its dataSource?
What property is the UITableViewController checking to know that there is one or more sections (and therefore ask my delegate how many sections)? It can't be numberOfSectionsInTableView itself, since I would see it called whenever I return from the modal, not only when numberOfSections = 0.
From UITableViewController docs:
When the table view is about to appear the first time it’s loaded, the
table-view controller reloads the table view’s data... The
UITableViewController class implements this in the superclass method
If you watch in the debugger, the second call upon app launch is from UITableViewController's viewWillAppear: implementation - specifically the part referred to above, where tableView is sent the reloadData message.
Now, the first call to numberOfSectionsInTableView: on launch is also from UITableViewController's implementation of viewWillAppear: but not directly from that implementation's call to -[UITableView reloadData]. I'm not sure what the first call is all about.
But, to your question, the call to numberOfSectionsInTableView: that happens when dismissing the modal has exactly the same call stack as the second call from applicationDidFinishLaunching:withOptions:. My hypothesis then is that UITableView interprets having zero sections as being in a state where it has not loaded at all. That does make some sense actually. I'd consider an "empty" table view to be one without any rows, but one without any sections seems almost "uninitialized" to me. Furthermore the UITableViewDataSource documentation implies UITableView has by default one section. Returning zero from this method would be inconsistent with that assumption of the docs as well.
Now, to your concern about animation - if you give the table an empty section to work with, you will be able to have full control over inserting the first row with whatever animation you'd like, and not be locked in to when you need to reload.
I think the moral of the story is, don't return zero sections unless you really, really need to for some reason. The title of your post refers to this table view being "empty" as well but I think it's clear the framework finds zero sections to not be empty but unloaded.
Hope this helps! And thanks for posting the sample project for me to play around with.
Perhaps the delegate just couldn't believe its eyes. But seriously, since a table view has to have at least one section, passing 0 doesn't make any sense. Why do it? You pass it an invalid argument and it gives you back a weird response. As to why it doesn't ask for number of sections when you pass 1, I think it's because it doesn't need to know at that point (coming back from the modal view controller) -- the table view has already been populated (if there were some data) and you haven't changed anything in the model, so it doesn't need to update.
I added a few lines to your example project to slide in a row each time you return from the modal view controller, which is what I think you're trying to do. I added an int property num for the return value of numberOfRowsInSection, added an array to populate the table, and a call to insertRowsAtIndexPaths from the modal view controller dismissal method.
- (void)viewDidLoad
_num = 0;
self.theData = #[#"one",#"two",#"three"];
[super viewDidLoad];
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
NSLog(#"# sections requested");
//when 0, this fires on return from the modal. When 1, it does not.
return 1;
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
NSLog(#"in numberOfRows in section");
return _num;
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
NSLog(#"in cellForRowAtIndexPath");
UITableViewCell *cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle reuseIdentifier:nil];
cell.textLabel.text = [self.theData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
return cell;
- (void)addRecipe
//create the modal and suscribe for delegate notifications
AddRecipeViewController *addRecipeController = [[AddRecipeViewController alloc]initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped];
addRecipeController.delegate = self;
//display the modal in a navigation controller
UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:addRecipeController];
[self.navigationController presentModalViewController:navController animated:YES];
- (void)addRecipeVC:(AddRecipeViewController *)addRecipeVC didAddRecipe:(NSString *)recipe
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
_num += 1;
[self performSelector:#selector(addRow) withObject:nil afterDelay:.5];
-(void)addRow {
[self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:#[[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:_num-1 inSection:0]] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationRight];
The tableview checks number of sections when it's populating the table view with data!
Since the table can be divided into sections, it has to know specifically how many sections to divide it into.
When you reload the data, the number of sections is also checked.
Because every time the table view has to take action in accessing either the data of the table, like what row you tapped, and in what section, or populating the data table, the number of sections has to be known!
Hope this helped!

How to control a view with different UITableViewControllers based on parent table selection

I have a Split-View iPad application and I fixed the selections in the popover (RootViewController) to be static, let's say red, yellow, and blue. When my app starts I have preselected red or the top static text in the cell. I was able to add UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource with the other templates in DetailViewController. It's the one with the popover-no-popover default split-view app.
I added the row count and the cell method and voila' my test array populated the detail table. I want a separate controller (delegate and source) for each selection the user chooses to be driven from didSelectRowAtIndexPath in the RootViewController.
Should I just add the delegate and datasource templates to the DetailViewController and switch the data based on selections in the RootViewController view?
Or, would my multiple controller pattern be better design?
I would like some assistance as to how to get the outside controller to have control of the DetailViewController's UITableView. The DetailViewController is where I instantiate the add button and such to the toolbar. E.g. when I added the single (Red) test controller to the DetailViewController, any connection to the TableView wasn't seemingly automatic in IB. You could hover and then it would eventually connect to "View" (ultimately the UITableView). I've tried everything and I cannot get a simple delegate and datasource controller with a simple NSArray to populate the DetailViewController's table view from RootViewController's didSelectRowAtIndexPath. This method works because I've debugged and NSLogged the selections. I'm not creating my ProjectViewController (test or first static text in RootViewController) correctly. I'll paste some code that I've tried here too.
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)aTableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
// select static row and view controller
Punch *obj = [self.punchList punchAtIndex:indexPath.row];
NSLog(#"Selected punch object: %#",;
ProjectViewController *projectViewController = [[UITableViewController alloc] init];
[projectViewController tableView:detailViewController.tmpView];
The ProjectViewController code works if hard-coded in DetailViewController, i.e. the required methods, the count, and the array loaded cells and the I want this data population in separate controllers because I'm going to use Core-Data in the end.