How to use jQuery's .on with Rails ajax link? - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm having a bunch of problems getting jQuery's .on to work with my Rails ajax link.
Specifically, I've got this link:
<div id="item_7_tools" class="item_tools">
<a rel="nofollow" id="book_item_7" data-remote="true" data-method="post" class="book_link" href="bookings">Book this item</a>
I've trimmed some of the text in the HTML, but suffice to say that that, and my controller response work.
I click "Book this item", it goes off to the controller, the controller does its magic, and sends back my partial that replaces the contents of that div.
So I'm now trying to replace the contents with an ajax spinner while the loading is working, and that's where its going pear-shape.
I'm trying this initial bunch of jQuery code just to make sure I've got my javascript working:
.on('click', 'a', function() {
console.log("clicky click")
.on('ajax:beforeSend', "a", function() {
console.log('the a in div.item_tools is sending its ajax command');
.on('ajax:complete', "a", function() {
console.log('ajax request completed');
My understanding of that, is that when I then click any link (a) that lives within an element with the item_tools class, it will bubble up to this function, and then log the message into the console. Similarly, a link that has triggered an ajax request will get the same treatment...
(And assuming I can get that to work, then I'll go to work doing the ajax loader spinner).
The behaviour I'm seeing instead, is that when I click the link, there are no messages appearing in my console (trying this on both firefox and chrome), and my ajax link goes off and does its stuff correctly. Just completely ignoring the javascript...
Is this because my clicking the ajax link somehow has blocked the click event from bubbling up? I know that there's a way to do that, but I don't think I've done it anywhere knowingly. Unless OOTB rails/ujs does that?
So my questions:
Is there a way to tell what has had a binding attached to it?
What am I doing wrong with my javascript?

I use this all the time... and it seems to work fine.
Have you tried adding one that's .on('ajax:success')?
Besides that try putting the . for each line on the previous line...? It's possible that it gets to $('div.item_tools') and then auto-inserts a semi-colon as per javascript's standard... Although if that were the case I'd expect it to give you a JS error about the . on the next line. In any case try changing it to:
on('click', 'a', function() {
console.log("clicky click")
on('ajax:beforeSend', "a", function() {
console.log('the a in div.item_tools is sending its ajax command');
on('ajax:complete', "a", function() {
console.log('ajax request completed');
If worse comes to worse try just doing:
$("a").on("ajax:success", function(){
console.log('ajax:success done');
And see if it works without the event delegation...
Then change it to this:
$(document).on("ajax:success", "a", function(){
console.log("ajax:success with delegation to document");
And see if delegation works all the way up to document instead of just your item_tools
Are you sure that you've named everything right? it's div.item_tools a in your markup?

Turns out that the javascript was being triggered before the DOM had loaded, which meant that stuff weren't being bound...
$(function () {
.on('click', 'a', function itemToolsAjaxy() {
console.log("clicky click");
.on('ajax:beforeSend', "a", function() {
console.log('the a in div.item_tools is sending its ajax command');
$(this).closest('div').html('<img src=/assets/ajax-loader.gif>');
Added the $(function()) right at the beginning and it delayed the binding until after the DOM had loaded, and then it started working.
Figured this out by using the Chrome developer tools to stick a break on the div.item_tools selector and watched as the browser hit that even before the DOM had been loaded. /facepalm
(I removed the .on('ajax:complete') callback, because it turns out that there's a known limitation where the original trigger element no longer exists because it had been replaced, so there's nothing to perform the callback on. Not relevant to my original problem, but I thought I'd mention it.)

As far as i'm aware, you can either do ajax stuff 2 ways:
By using :remote => true
By using jQuery's $.ajax (or $.post).
With number 2, make sure to change your href='#'
My suggeston is to remove the :remote => true and manually make a jQuery ajax call. That way you can use beforeSend, complete, etc.
If i'm way off track here, someone please help clarify things for me as well.


sending POST request to express route - after receiving form data, res.render is not triggered

I'm trying to create a simple app where a picture gets uploaded, and that picture is drawn on html canvas so that i can do some simple pixel manipulation.
Right now I have the GET method for root render an EJS template with a fileReader and a canvas.
With code attached at the bottom of the EJS file through script tags, I draw the uploaded image onto the canvas so I can read each pixel's rgb values.
I then tried to send those rgb values to the POST route in the app (through fetch), but it's not working as expected."/", (req, res)=>{
console.log("inside post");
res.render("test", {result: req.body});
console.log("after res.render");
All three of the console logs print correctly in the terminal, including the request body, but the test template is not being rendered. It just stays on the same "index" view the app launches with.
Can someone give me some insight as to why this is happening? I also included console logs inside the script tags in the ejs template, and these are only displayed in the browser, not in the terminal I launch the express app with. How can I render the view inside the post method?
If you use AJAX like Fetch API or XHR, browser will not render the test page.
Because it's asynchronous, and you could see Ajax in MDN web docs.
You need to use form post with following code.
<form action="/" method="post">
<button type="submit">go to another page</button>
But, if you use form post, your page which might be "index.ejs" will be replaced with "test.ejs".
In other words,
Browser uses the response from the forms POST request to load the new page.
But browser pass AJAX request's response to a callback and trigger callback in js.
Browser handle these two type request (Form Post and AJAX POST) with different ways.
In common, both are sending data to server.
So, in your case, res.render is triggered successfully.
Let me show you an example. Here is my server code.
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
app.set("view engine", "ejs")
app.get("/", (req, res, next) => {
})"/test", (req, res, next) => {
<!-- test.ejs -->
<h1>this is test pages.</h1>
<!-- other-test.ejs -->
<h1>this is other test pages.</h1>
When I type url http://localhost:300, browser show me this.
And I open console in chrome and type following code.
fetch("/test", {
method: 'POST', // or 'PUT'
body: JSON.stringify({}), // data can be `string` or {object}!
}).then(res => {console.log("trigger response")})
Then go the network tab in chrome, you will see the request.
Here, this request trigger the express method.
But, what is the response?
Well, it's a html. That means res.render("other-test") is triggered correctly.
And you will find the console output show "trigger response" which callback is triggered in my fetch.
And, page still stay in "test.ejs".
Next, I add following code in my test.ejs
<form action="/test" method="post">
<button type="submit">Go to other page</button>
Page will be like this.
After you click, you will find out the browser show you "other-test" content.
That's a difference between form post and ajax post.
You put script tag into ejs template.
Express will use ejs engine to render your ejs template become to html page.
After it become to html page, it means all script is running in browser not your nodejs terminal.

window.addEventListener('load', (event) => {...}); on NuxtLink (nuxt-link) or RouterLink (router-link) click

I am going to use the simplest example to explain what I mean.
window.addEventListener('load', (event) => {
console.log('page is fully loaded');
When the page loads for the first time the client side console logs 'page is fully loaded'. But when I click on a NuxtLink or RouterLink, I don't get a repeated log entry for the new page load.
If I use a standard link, then the console logs 'page is fully loaded' on page I visit, as it should. But it doesn't have the nice speedy page load as NuxtLink or RouterLink accomplishes.
In Rails, it has a similar feature called Turbolinks, but you can use .on('page:load',... to grab each page load.
Does anyone know how to fire the window-load per page load?
The <nuxt-link> component is similar to the <router-link> component.
In HTML5 history mode, router-link will intercept the click event so that the browser doesn't try to reload the page. This means that onload will only be triggered when the app is first loaded.
If you need to refresh and load the page every time you link to a new route, you can do this:
window.location.href = 'your link'
By linking to the page in this way, you can find from the network panel in the browser console that every time you load a page of type text/html from the server.

Keep Bootstrap Modal Open when page refresh

I'm using the Twitter Bootstrap modal as a login window, and would like it remains open if user put wrong login info. My Page refreshed after submitting the form.Is there a way after refresh page modal open again and I an show the message there that Login Failed:Please try again.
You will have to trigger the modal when there is an error after a post back.
You could have the server print out some javascript to trigger the modal after a post back ONLY on an error condition. You didn't mention what server side technology you are using, so here is some psuedo server side code:
if (hasAuthenticationErrors)
<script type="text/javascript">
end if
That bit of javascript would have to be rendered AFTER the modal is initialized with a show:false option
$('#myModal').modal({ show: false})
see: How can I trigger a Bootstrap modal programmatically?
The scenario is certainly possible, but not even necessary. You should use the preventDefault in order to withhold the form from submitting the page. That is, if you use AJAX, which looks to be the perfect place for it.
An example would be
$(function () {
var frm = $('#form');
frm.submit(function (ev) {
type: frm.attr('method'),
url: frm.attr('action'),
data: frm.serialize(),
success: function (data) {

Press submit on Ajax Form from javascript / jquery timer

I would like to automatically click the submit button of an Ajax enabled form, so that the user does not have to click the button (but can optionally).
Right now, I'm working on the first boundary, which is to call the form from Javascript, so that at the very least, once i build my timer, I will have this part figured out.
I've tried many ways to do this, and NONE work. Please keep in mind that this is an ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile application (which uses but I do have the ajax disabled so that my button works at all (creating manual ajax based forms with updating divs, does not work in a app because it hooks on the submit of all ajax forms).
So my current button works fine, I just can't seem to fire it programmatically.
I have my form:
<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("SendLocation", null, new AjaxOptions { InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace, UpdateTargetId = "result", HttpMethod = "POST" }, new { #id = "locationForm" }))
{ %>
<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true">
<li data-role="list-divider">Navigation</li>
<li><%: Html.ActionLink("About", "About", "Home")%></li>
<li><%: Html.ActionLink("Support", "Support", "Home")%></li>
<li data-role="list-divider">Location</li>
<%: Html.HiddenFor(model => model.GPSLongitude)%>
<%: Html.HiddenFor(model => model.GPSLatitude)%>
<li><input type="submit" id="submitButton" value="Send" /></li>
<% } %>
I have tried to do this in javascript:
type: "POST",
url: action,
success: function () {
And I do get the server code firing that normally would. However, the DIV is not updated and also, the model was not intact either (it existed with all internal values null, so i assume newly instantiated).
I have also tried different ways to fire the form:
var form = $('#locationForm', $('#myForm'));
if (form == null) {
alert('could not find form');
} else {
alert('firigin on form');
form.submit(function (event) { eval($(this).attr("onsubmit")); return false; });
This did not work either:
var f = $('#locationForm', $('#myForm'));
var action = f.attr("action");
var data = f.attr("data");
$.post(action, data, function() { alert('back'); });
Which were all ways to do this that I found throughout the web.
None of them worked to fire the form and have it work the way it would normally as if a user had pressed the submit button themselves. Of course, once this fails, if I hit my submit button, it works perfectly...
Using Chrome Developer Tools, I found that the $.ajax call needs to have valid data before it will even attempt to function.
I was getting a silent Internal 500 Error on the post. But of course because of AJAX it was silent and the controller was not firing because it didn't get past IIS.
So I found out that the data I was sending, saying its JSON, was not and the .serialize() does not use JSON formatting. I tried to incorporate the JSON Javascript libraries to convert the object into JavaScript, however, this does not work either, because the Data Model object (or the form object) seems to not be compatible with those libraries. I would get errors in the JavaScript console and those libraries would crash when trying.
I decided to actually just pass the object I want manually:
var encoded = '{ GPSLongitude: ' + $('#GPSLongitude', $('#myForm')).val() + ',GPSLatitude: ' + $('#GPSLatitude', $('#myForm')).val() + '}';
Which passed the hidden fields i wanted to send (GPS LON/LAT) to the controller, and the model was intact in the controller call!
Now, for anyone that is reading this answer. the actual AJAX update process that is supposed to update the view, failed to work. Although for my purpose, I did not actually need the view to update correctly. Eventhough a partial view is returned, the special AJAX call seems to break the linkage between the form's div to update.
However, since the data was passed to the controller intact, this basically passed the GPS data that I needed to the server which was my ultimate goal.
make sure you are including the proper js libraries.
you need. jquery.js, jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js
make sure unobtrusivejavascriptenabled = true in the web.confg
<add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true"/>
please try $('#locationForm').submit();
does it give error message?
if you're using i.e. you can look use the develper tools to look at network traffic to make sure nothing is sent.

AngularJS - permission directive

I am trying to write directive that will evaluate user permissions.
In case user is not permitted to see given content
the content will not be displayed (done, working fine)
requests from controllers inside permission directive will not get
function MyController ($scope){
// performing imediately server request, witch is allowed only for admin
// therefore i will get error when non admin user access this page
Permission directive:
return {
priority: 1000,
restrict: 'E',
link: (scope, element, attrs) => {
var permission = attrs.permission;
if (/*evaluating permission*/) {
// user has permission, no work for me
All together:
<permission permission="isAdmin">
<div ng-controller="MyController">
This version is removing elements from DOM, but request in MyController still gets executed. Off course, I can make check for permissions in MyController, but I don't want to.
Thank for help.
Your issue is that the controller will always be called before the link function executes. See this fiddle.
function MyCtrl($scope) {
console.log('in controller');
myApp.directive('permission', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
console.log('in link');
Log shows:
in controller
in link
I tried another approach and put removal of element into compile function. According to log, it is executed BEFORE controller, so it is right place. Anyway the request was still fired. So I tried just as a blind shot remove element children (I know, it does not make sense, removal of element should be sufficient and should remove children also).
But it worked!
compile: function(element) {
var children = element.children();
children.remove(); element.remove();
It is working, but I am not sure how much OK it is (e.g. future version Ang.)
If I were you I would make a call to the server and check if they are authorised for access.
Doing this with a directive does not really make sense.
Directives are generally for manipulating dom and this is authorisation confirmation should generally be handled in the controller and then have the result of that trigger an event.
Then have your directive be listening for that event and manipulate the dom if they got access from the server.
Otherwise anyone could easily just inject whatever they wanted and see your admin panel.
If your not sure what I mean let me know I can expand the answer if you need me to.