Video Recording with zoom in/out functionality [closed] - camera

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Closed 9 years ago.
Is there any framework in iOS which provides the feature to record a video with zoom in/out
functionality.I tried with AVFoundation framework but didn't get any success.
I am using the following code to record a video
- (void) startCamera
NSLog(#"Setting up capture session");
CaptureSession = [[AVCaptureSession alloc] init];
//----- ADD INPUTS -----
NSLog(#"Adding video input");
AVCaptureDevice *VideoDevice = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
if (VideoDevice)
NSError *error;
VideoInputDevice = [AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInputWithDevice:VideoDevice error:&error];
if (!error)
if ([CaptureSession canAddInput:VideoInputDevice])
[CaptureSession addInput:VideoInputDevice];
NSLog(#"Couldn't add video input");
NSLog(#"Couldn't create video input");
NSLog(#"Couldn't create video capture device");
NSLog(#"Adding audio input");
AVCaptureDevice *audioCaptureDevice = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeAudio];
NSError *error = nil;
AVCaptureDeviceInput *audioInput = [AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInputWithDevice:audioCaptureDevice error:&error];
if (audioInput)
[CaptureSession addInput:audioInput];
//----- ADD OUTPUTS -----
NSLog(#"Adding video preview layer");
[self setPreviewLayer:[[AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer alloc] initWithSession:CaptureSession]];
PreviewLayer.orientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientationPortrait; //<<SET ORIENTATION. You can deliberatly set this wrong to flip the image and may actually need to set it wrong to get the right image
[[self PreviewLayer] setVideoGravity:AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspectFill];
NSLog(#"Adding movie file output");
MovieFileOutput = [[AVCaptureMovieFileOutput alloc] init];
Float64 TotalSeconds = 60; //Total seconds
int32_t preferredTimeScale = 30; //Frames per second
CMTime maxDuration = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(TotalSeconds, preferredTimeScale); //<<SET MAX DURATION
MovieFileOutput.maxRecordedDuration = maxDuration;
MovieFileOutput.minFreeDiskSpaceLimit = 1024 * 1024; //<<SET MIN FREE SPACE IN BYTES FOR RECORDING TO CONTINUE ON A VOLUME
if ([CaptureSession canAddOutput:MovieFileOutput])
[CaptureSession addOutput:MovieFileOutput];
[self CameraSetOutputProperties]; //(We call a method as it also has to be done after changing camera)
// AVCaptureSessionPresetHigh - Highest recording quality (varies per device)
// AVCaptureSessionPresetMedium - Suitable for WiFi sharing (actual values may change)
// AVCaptureSessionPresetLow - Suitable for 3G sharing (actual values may change)
// AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480 - 640x480 VGA (check its supported before setting it)
// AVCaptureSessionPreset1280x720 - 1280x720 720p HD (check its supported before setting it)
// AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto - Full photo resolution (not supported for video output)
NSLog(#"Setting image quality");
[CaptureSession setSessionPreset:AVCaptureSessionPresetMedium];
if ([CaptureSession canSetSessionPreset:AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480]) //Check size based configs are supported before setting them
[CaptureSession setSessionPreset:AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480];
//Display it full screen under out view controller existing controls
NSLog(#"Display the preview layer");
CGRect layerRect;
layerRect = CGRectMake(284, 0, 200, 200);
[PreviewLayer setBounds:layerRect];
[PreviewLayer setPosition:CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(layerRect),
//[[[self view] layer] addSublayer:[[self CaptureManager] previewLayer]];
//We use this instead so it goes on a layer behind our UI controls (avoids us having to manually bring each control to the front):
UIView *CameraView = [[UIView alloc] init];
[[self view] addSubview:CameraView];
[self.view sendSubviewToBack:CameraView];
[[CameraView layer] addSublayer:PreviewLayer];
[CaptureSession startRunning];
//********** CAMERA SET OUTPUT PROPERTIES **********
- (void) CameraSetOutputProperties
AVCaptureConnection *CaptureConnection = [MovieFileOutput connectionWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
//Set landscape (if required)
if ([CaptureConnection isVideoOrientationSupported])
AVCaptureVideoOrientation orientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientationPortrait; //<<<<<SET VIDEO ORIENTATION IF LANDSCAPE
[CaptureConnection setVideoOrientation:orientation];
//Set frame rate (if requried)
if (CaptureConnection.supportsVideoMinFrameDuration)
CaptureConnection.videoMinFrameDuration = CMTimeMake(1, CAPTURE_FRAMES_PER_SECOND);
if (CaptureConnection.supportsVideoMaxFrameDuration)
CaptureConnection.videoMaxFrameDuration = CMTimeMake(1, CAPTURE_FRAMES_PER_SECOND);
- (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureFileOutput *)captureOutput
didFinishRecordingToOutputFileAtURL:(NSURL *)outputFileURL
fromConnections:(NSArray *)connections
error:(NSError *)error
NSLog(#"didFinishRecordingToOutputFileAtURL - enter");
BOOL RecordedSuccessfully = YES;
if ([error code] != noErr)
// A problem occurred: Find out if the recording was successful.
id value = [[error userInfo] objectForKey:AVErrorRecordingSuccessfullyFinishedKey];
if (value)
RecordedSuccessfully = [value boolValue];
if (RecordedSuccessfully)
NSLog(#"didFinishRecordingToOutputFileAtURL - success");
ALAssetsLibrary *library = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init];
if ([library videoAtPathIsCompatibleWithSavedPhotosAlbum:outputFileURL])
[library writeVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum:outputFileURL
completionBlock:^(NSURL *assetURL, NSError *error)
if (error)


Display camera feed in UIView in iOS

I have an iOS app with a simple UIView placed in the view controller. I am trying to show the camera feed of the front facing camera, in the UIView. I am not trying to take a picture or record a video, I simply want to show the live feed in a UIView.
I have tried to implement AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer, however the feed I get is blank. Nothing seems to happen. Here is my code:
AVCaptureSession *session = [[AVCaptureSession alloc] init];
[session setSessionPreset:AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto];
AVCaptureDevice *device = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
NSError *error = nil;
AVCaptureDeviceInput *input;
#try {
input = [AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInputWithDevice:device error:&error];
} #catch (NSException *exception) {
NSLog(#"Error; %#", error);
} #finally {
if (error == nil) {
if ([session canAddInput:input]) {
[session addInput:input];
AVCaptureStillImageOutput *stillImageOutput = [[AVCaptureStillImageOutput alloc] init];
[stillImageOutput setOutputSettings:#{AVVideoCodecKey : AVVideoCodecJPEG}];
if ([session canAddOutput:stillImageOutput]) {
[session setSessionPreset:AVCaptureSessionPresetHigh];
[session addOutput:stillImageOutput];
AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer *previewLayer = [[AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer alloc] initWithSession:session];
[previewLayer setVideoGravity:AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspect];
[previewLayer.connection setVideoOrientation:AVCaptureVideoOrientationPortrait];
[backgroundStreamView.layer addSublayer:previewLayer];
[session startRunning];
NSLog(#"session running");
} else {
NSLog(#"cannot add output");
} else {
NSLog(#"cannot add inout");
} else {
NSLog(#"general error: %#", error);
The session runs perfectly fine, however no video feed is shown. What am I doing wrong?
Managed to fix it myself, turned out to be a fairly simple issue - I didn't specify the frame size of the AVCapturePreviewLayer and as a result it was not appearing (presumably because it defaults to a frame size of zero).
To fix this I set the frame to match the frame of my custom UIView:
[previewLayer setFrame:backgroundStreamView.bounds];
Deprecation code fix
AVCaptureStillImageOutput is also deprecated, so to fix that, I replaced it with the AVCapturePhotoOutput class. Thus the code changed from:
AVCaptureStillImageOutput *stillImageOutput = [[AVCaptureStillImageOutput alloc] init];
[stillImageOutput setOutputSettings:#{AVVideoCodecKey : AVVideoCodecJPEG}]
to the following:
AVCapturePhotoOutput *stillImageOutput = [[AVCapturePhotoOutput alloc] init];

AVFoundation - why can't I get the video orientation right

I am using AVCaptureSession to capture video from a devices camera and then using AVAssetWriterInput and AVAssetTrack to compress/resize the video before uploading it to a server. The final videos will be viewed on the web via an html5 video element.
I'm running into multiple issues trying to get the orientation of the video correct. My app only supports landscape orientation and all captured videos should be in landscape orientation. However, I would like to allow the user to hold their device in either landscape direction (i.e. home button on either the left or the right hand side).
I am able to make the video preview show in the correct orientation with the following line of code
_previewLayer.connection.videoOrientation = UIDevice.currentDevice.orientation;
The problems start when processing the video via AVAssetWriterInput and friends. The result does not seem to account for the left vs. right landscape mode the video was captured in. IOW, sometimes the video comes out upside down. After some googling I found many people suggesting that the following line of code would solve this issue
writerInput.transform = videoTrack.preferredTransform;
...but this doesn't seem to work. After a bit of debugging I found that videoTrack.preferredTransform is always the same value, regardless of the orientation the video was captured in.
I tried manually tracking what orientation the video was captured in and setting the writerInput.transform to CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI) as needed. Which solved the problem!!!
When I viewed the results on the device this solution worked as expected. Videos were right-side-up regardless of left vs. right orientation while recording. Unfortunately, when I viewed the exact same videos in another browser (chrome on a mac book) they were all upside-down!?!?!?
What am I doing wrong?
Here's some code, in case it's helpful...
NSString* fileName = [#"compressed." stringByAppendingString:inUrl.lastPathComponent];
NSError* error;
NSURL* outUrl = [PlatformHelper getFilePath:fileName error:&error];
NSDictionary* compressionSettings = #{ AVVideoProfileLevelKey: AVVideoProfileLevelH264Main31,
AVVideoAverageBitRateKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt:2500000],
AVVideoMaxKeyFrameIntervalKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 30] };
NSDictionary* videoSettings = #{ AVVideoCodecKey: AVVideoCodecH264,
AVVideoWidthKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt:1280],
AVVideoHeightKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt:720],
AVVideoScalingModeKey: AVVideoScalingModeResizeAspectFill,
AVVideoCompressionPropertiesKey: compressionSettings };
NSDictionary* videoOptions = #{ (id)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt:kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange] };
AVAssetWriterInput* writerInput = [AVAssetWriterInput assetWriterInputWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo outputSettings:videoSettings];
writerInput.expectsMediaDataInRealTime = YES;
AVAssetWriter* assetWriter = [AVAssetWriter assetWriterWithURL:outUrl fileType:AVFileTypeMPEG4 error:&error];
assetWriter.shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse = YES;
[assetWriter addInput:writerInput];
AVURLAsset* asset = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL:inUrl options:nil];
AVAssetTrack* videoTrack = [[asset tracksWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo] objectAtIndex:0];
// !!! this line does not work as expected and causes all sorts of issues (videos display sideways in some cases) !!!
//writerInput.transform = videoTrack.preferredTransform;
AVAssetReaderTrackOutput* readerOutput = [AVAssetReaderTrackOutput assetReaderTrackOutputWithTrack:videoTrack outputSettings:videoOptions];
AVAssetReader* assetReader = [AVAssetReader assetReaderWithAsset:asset error:&error];
[assetReader addOutput:readerOutput];
[assetWriter startWriting];
[assetWriter startSessionAtSourceTime:kCMTimeZero];
[assetReader startReading];
[writerInput requestMediaDataWhenReadyOnQueue:_processingQueue usingBlock:
/* snip */
The problem is that modifying the writerInput.transform property only adds a tag in the video file metadata which instructs the video player to rotate the file during playback. That's why the videos play in the correct orientation on your device (I'm guessing they also play correctly in a Quicktime player as well).
The pixel buffers captured by the camera are still laid out in the orientation in which they were captured. Many video players will not check for the preferred orientation metadata tag and will just play the file in the native pixel orientation.
If you want the user to be able to record video holding the phone in either landscape mode, you need to rectify this at the AVCaptureSession level before compression by performing a transform on the CVPixelBuffer of each video frame. This Apple Q&A covers it (look at the AVCaptureVideoOutput documentation as well):
Investigating the link above is the correct way to solve your problem. An alternate fast n' dirty way to solve the same problem would be to lock the recording UI of your app into only one landscape orientation and then to rotate all of your videos server-side using ffmpeg.
In case it's helpful for anyone, here's the code I ended up with. I ended up having to do the work on the video as it was being captured instead of as a post processing step. This is a helper class that manages the capture.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
#interface VideoCaptureManager : NSObject<AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate>
AVCaptureSession* _captureSession;
AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer* _previewLayer;
AVCaptureVideoDataOutput* _videoOut;
AVCaptureDevice* _videoDevice;
AVCaptureDeviceInput* _videoIn;
dispatch_queue_t _videoProcessingQueue;
AVAssetWriter* _assetWriter;
AVAssetWriterInput* _writerInput;
BOOL _isCapturing;
NSString* _gameId;
NSString* _authToken;
-(void)setSettings:(NSString*)gameId authToken:(NSString*)authToken;
Implementation (w/ a bit of editing and a few little TODO's)
#implementation VideoCaptureManager
self = [super init];
if (self) {
NSError* error;
_videoProcessingQueue = dispatch_queue_create("VideoQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
_captureSession = [AVCaptureSession new];
_videoDevice = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
_previewLayer = [AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer layerWithSession:_captureSession];
[_previewLayer setVideoGravity:AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspectFill];
_videoOut = [AVCaptureVideoDataOutput new];
_videoOut.videoSettings = #{ (id)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt:kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange] };
_videoOut.alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames = YES;
_videoIn = [AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInputWithDevice:_videoDevice error:&error];
// handle errors here
[_captureSession addInput:_videoIn];
[_captureSession addOutput:_videoOut];
return self;
_previewLayer.connection.videoOrientation = orientation;
for (AVCaptureConnection* item in _videoOut.connections) {
item.videoOrientation = orientation;
return _previewLayer;
[_captureSession startRunning];
[_captureSession stopRunning];
if (_isCapturing) return;
NSURL* url = put code here to create your output url
NSDictionary* compressionSettings = #{ AVVideoProfileLevelKey: AVVideoProfileLevelH264Main31,
AVVideoAverageBitRateKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt:2500000],
AVVideoMaxKeyFrameIntervalKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1],
NSDictionary* videoSettings = #{ AVVideoCodecKey: AVVideoCodecH264,
AVVideoWidthKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt:1280],
AVVideoHeightKey: [NSNumber numberWithInt:720],
AVVideoScalingModeKey: AVVideoScalingModeResizeAspectFill,
AVVideoCompressionPropertiesKey: compressionSettings
_writerInput = [AVAssetWriterInput assetWriterInputWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo outputSettings:videoSettings];
_writerInput.expectsMediaDataInRealTime = YES;
NSError* error;
_assetWriter = [AVAssetWriter assetWriterWithURL:url fileType:AVFileTypeMPEG4 error:&error];
// handle errors
_assetWriter.shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse = YES;
[_assetWriter addInput:_writerInput];
[_videoOut setSampleBufferDelegate:self queue:_videoProcessingQueue];
_isCapturing = YES;
if (!_isCapturing) return;
[_videoOut setSampleBufferDelegate:nil queue:nil]; // TODO: seems like there could be a race condition between this line and the next (could end up trying to write a buffer after calling writingFinished
dispatch_async(_videoProcessingQueue, ^{
[_assetWriter finishWritingWithCompletionHandler:^{
[self writingFinished];
// TODO: need to check _assetWriter.status to make sure everything completed successfully
// do whatever post processing you need here
-(void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput*)captureOutput didDropSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection*)connection;
NSLog(#"Video frame was dropped.");
-(void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput*)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection
if(_assetWriter.status != AVAssetWriterStatusWriting) {
CMTime lastSampleTime = CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer);
[_assetWriter startWriting]; // TODO: need to check the return value (a bool)
[_assetWriter startSessionAtSourceTime:lastSampleTime];
if (!_writerInput.readyForMoreMediaData || ![_writerInput appendSampleBuffer:sampleBuffer]) {
NSLog(#"Failed to write video buffer to output.");
For compressing /Resizing the video ,we can use AVAssetExportSession.
We can uppload a video of duration 3.30minutes.
If the video duration will be more than 3.30minutes,it will show a memory warning .
As here we are not using any transform for the video,the video will be as it is while recording.
Below is the sample code for compressing the video .
we can check the video size before compression and after compression.
-(void)trimVideoWithURL:(NSURL *)inputURL{
NSString *path1 = [inputURL path];
NSData *data = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsAtPath:path1];
NSLog(#"size before compress video is %lu",(unsigned long)data.length);
AVURLAsset *asset = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL:inputURL options:nil];
AVAssetExportSession *exportSession = [[AVAssetExportSession alloc] initWithAsset:asset presetName:AVAssetExportPreset640x480];
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *outputURL = paths[0];
NSFileManager *manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
[manager createDirectoryAtPath:outputURL withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:nil];
outputURL = [outputURL stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"output.mp4"];
fullPath = [NSURL URLWithString:outputURL];
// Remove Existing File
[manager removeItemAtPath:outputURL error:nil];
exportSession.outputURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:outputURL];
exportSession.shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse = YES;
exportSession.outputFileType = AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie;
CMTime start = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(1.0, 600);
CMTime duration = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(1.0, 600);
CMTimeRange range = CMTimeRangeMake(start, duration);
exportSession.timeRange = range;
[exportSession exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler:^(void)
switch (exportSession.status) {
case AVAssetExportSessionStatusCompleted:{
NSString *path = [fullPath path];
NSData *data = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsAtPath:path];
NSLog(#"size after compress video is %lu",(unsigned long)data.length);
NSLog(#"Export Complete %d %#", exportSession.status, exportSession.error);
Do your neccessay stuff here after compression
case AVAssetExportSessionStatusFailed:
case AVAssetExportSessionStatusCancelled:

iPad capturing 16:9 photos

I am building a prototype app on iOS, and I’m cannibalizing some Apple sample code to do it (thin ice, I know—this code uses goto statements :\ ). I am using the AVCam project from Session 520 - What's New in Camera Capture. I don’t need video capture capability, just still photos.
The device inputs and outputs are set up thusly:
// Init the device inputs
AVCaptureDeviceInput *newVideoInput = [[AVCaptureDeviceInput alloc] initWithDevice:[self backFacingCamera] error:nil];
AVCaptureDeviceInput *newAudioInput = [[AVCaptureDeviceInput alloc] initWithDevice:[self audioDevice] error:nil];
// Setup the still image file output
AVCaptureStillImageOutput *newStillImageOutput = [[AVCaptureStillImageOutput alloc] init];
NSDictionary *outputSettings = #{AVVideoCodecKey: AVVideoCodecJPEG};
[newStillImageOutput setOutputSettings:outputSettings];
// Create session (use default AVCaptureSessionPresetHigh)
AVCaptureSession *newCaptureSession = [[AVCaptureSession alloc] init];
// Add inputs and output to the capture session
if ([newCaptureSession canAddInput:newVideoInput]) {
[newCaptureSession addInput:newVideoInput];
if ([newCaptureSession canAddInput:newAudioInput]) {
[newCaptureSession addInput:newAudioInput];
if ([newCaptureSession canAddOutput:newStillImageOutput]) {
[newCaptureSession addOutput:newStillImageOutput];
[self setStillImageOutput:newStillImageOutput];
[self setVideoInput:newVideoInput];
[self setAudioInput:newAudioInput];
[self setSession:newCaptureSession];
And here is the method that’s called when I tap the shutter button:
- (void) captureStillImage
AVCaptureConnection *stillImageConnection = [[self stillImageOutput] connectionWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
if ([stillImageConnection isVideoOrientationSupported])
[stillImageConnection setVideoOrientation:orientation];
[[self stillImageOutput]
completionHandler:^(CMSampleBufferRef imageDataSampleBuffer, NSError *error) {
ALAssetsLibraryWriteImageCompletionBlock completionBlock = ^(NSURL *assetURL, NSError *error) {
if (error)
if ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:#selector(captureManager:didFailWithError:)])
[[self delegate] captureManager:self didFailWithError:error];
if (imageDataSampleBuffer != NULL)
NSData *imageData = [AVCaptureStillImageOutput jpegStillImageNSDataRepresentation:imageDataSampleBuffer];
ALAssetsLibrary *library = [[ALAssetsLibrary alloc] init];
UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:imageData];
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(captureManagerCapturedImage:)])
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.delegate captureManagerCapturedImage:image];
[library writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum:[image CGImage]
orientation:(ALAssetOrientation)[image imageOrientation]
completionBlock(nil, error);
if ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:#selector(captureManagerStillImageCaptured:)])
[[self delegate] captureManagerStillImageCaptured:self];
This code successfully captures an image and saves it to the library. However, at some point while I was working on it, it changed from capturing 5-megapixel 4:3 images to capturing 1920x1080 16:9 images. I can’t find anywhere that the aspect ratio is specified, and I didn’t change any of the code relating to the configuration of the camera, capture sessions, or capture connection. Why did my camera start taking 16:9 photos?
Update: I just re-ran Apple’s original sample code, and it appears that it is also saving 16:9 images captured directly from the video. It is quite possible that I was insane before, or I took a test shot with and was looking at that. So my real question is, how do I show a live feed from the camera on the screen while I’m shooting, and take a full-resolution photo. I can’t use UIImagePickerController, because I need to be able to overlay things on top of the live camera feed.
Update 2: I was able to solve this by throwing out the AVCapture code I was using. It turns out that UIImagePickerController does what I needed. I didn’t realize you could overlay custom controls - I thought it took over the whole screen until you were done taking a picture.
If you're capturing frames from a video source, you'll end up with a resolution of 16:9. Capturing frames from a video source and taking photos are different things.

Can I have AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput in the same session?

I'm developing an app in iOS. I need to capture video from the camera and I need to record that video to a file and also get the uncompressed frames, that's why I need to use both AVCaptureOutput...
I read this in the apple's documentation "You can configure multiple inputs and outputs, coordinated by a single session:" So I think it must be doable, but I'm having problems with it...
I'm setting both to the session doing:
self.fileOutput.maxRecordedDuration = CMTimeMake(5000,1 );;
self.fileOutput.minFreeDiskSpaceLimit = 3000;
if([self.captureSession canAddOutput:self.fileOutput]){
[self.captureSession addOutput:self.fileOutput];
NSLog(#"Added File Video Output");
NSLog(#"Couldn't add video output");
if ([self.captureSession canAddOutput:videoOutput]){
[self.captureSession addOutput:videoOutput];
NSLog(#"Added Data Video Output");
NSLog(#"Couldn't add video output");
I'm getting both 'positive' confirmation messages. After that I'm calling to:
NSString *assetPath = [self createAssetFilePath:#"mov"];
NSURL *outputURL = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:assetPath];
[self.fileOutput startRecordingToOutputFileURL:outputURL recordingDelegate:self];
[self.captureSession startRunning];
And then I have my delegate function:
- (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureFileOutput *)captureOutput didFinishRecordingToOutputFileAtURL:(NSURL *)outputFileURL fromConnections:(NSArray *)connections error:(NSError *)error {
NSLog(#"Output File URL: %# ", outputFileURL);
BOOL recordedSuccessfully = YES;
if ([error code] != noErr) {
NSLog(#"Error: %#", error);
id value = [[error userInfo] objectForKey:AVErrorRecordingSuccessfullyFinishedKey];
NSLog(#"Error: %#", value);
if (value) {
recordedSuccessfully = [value boolValue];
And I'm getting no error, but the "AVCaptureVideoDataOutput" was working before adding the "AVCaptureMovieFileOutput" and now it's not...
So... Is that possible to do both?! Any idea?!
The answer to this question: Simultaneous AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput indicates that you cannot have an AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and a AVCaptureMovieFileOutput to your session simultaneously. I can't verify this in the Apple documentation unfortunately. My experience is that I no longer receive messages to my AVCaptureVideoDataOutput's sampleBufferDelegate after I add an AVCaptureMovieFileOutput to the session's output, which seemingly backs up that assertion.

zXing (ios version) Black/White screen error

I'm working over application, that using zxing library to read QRcodes. I have problem with ZxingWidgetController - when view is showed, during application is in background/not active (eg. screen is lock) image from camera is not shown on screen - only background is visible, and scanner seems to be not working.
when i call initCapture method again, after a little delay video from camera is showed, but in this case, every time when application lose activity i need to reinitialize scanner - this behavior is not comfortable at all.
this bug can be repeated on almost all aplication used zXing, so i suppose that is some zXing bug.
zXing initCapture method code is:
- (void)initCapture {
AVCaptureDeviceInput *captureInput =
[AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInputWithDevice:
[AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo]
NSLog(#"ERROR - CaptureInputNotInitialized");
AVCaptureVideoDataOutput *captureOutput = [[AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc] init];
captureOutput.alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames = YES;
NSLog(#"ERROR - CaptureOutputNotInitialized");
[captureOutput setSampleBufferDelegate:self queue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
NSString* key = (NSString*)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey;
NSNumber* value = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA];
NSDictionary* videoSettings = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:value forKey:key];
[captureOutput setVideoSettings:videoSettings];
self.captureSession = [[[AVCaptureSession alloc] init] autorelease];
self.captureSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPresetMedium; // 480x360 on a 4
if([self.captureSession canAddInput:captureInput])
[self.captureSession addInput:captureInput];
NSLog(#"ERROR - cannot add input");
if([self.captureSession canAddOutput:captureOutput])
[self.captureSession addOutput:captureOutput];
NSLog(#"ERROR - cannot add output");
[captureOutput release];
if (!self.prevLayer)
[self.prevLayer release];
self.prevLayer = [AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer layerWithSession:self.captureSession];
// NSLog(#"prev %p %#", self.prevLayer, self.prevLayer);
self.prevLayer.frame = self.view.bounds;
self.prevLayer.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspectFill;
[self.view.layer addSublayer: self.prevLayer];
[self.captureSession startRunning];
Maybe you guys know what is wrong?
I dont understand your question. If application is in background/not active, of course it cant working. You should make it clear.