Omniauth-facebook rails 3 => invalid credentials error - ruby-on-rails-3

I am using omniauth-facebook gem in my rails app to authenticate with facebook.
Everything worked fine, but recently i have "invalid credentials" error in my production server. (in local it still works great).
I've read that it is due to the last version of the gem (1.4.1) and downgrading to 1.4.0 should solve the problem.
But it does not work for me and i don't know where to look.
ps: i have rails 3.2.11
Thanks for you help.


Ruby soundcloud Gem : uninitialized constant SoundCloud (NameError)

I installed the SoundCloud ruby gem but when I tried running the example 'Print links of the 10 hottest tracks' on this page
I kept getting an error message "uninitialized constant SoundCloud (NameError)"
I did follow the instruction on the example, registered a client and got my client_id (not sure how to get the access token, which is not required in this example)
I followed the instruction on to add require 'soundcloud' to the example code but i still keep getting the same error message.
I am using OSX terminal.
sorry i'm new to ruby and soundcloud API so my question might be very entry level.
The README showed currently on GitHub doesn't match the version 0.3.1 of the gem that you have probably installed.
Changing SoundCloud to Soundcloud should fix your problems.
Please update to version 0.3.2. The README documents the latest interface.

Spree-social and omniauth

I am new to ruby and have spree-ecommerce application on spree .70 . I am trying to add Facebook Authentication using spree-social. Install request fails , when I follow exact steps. Here is what I get:
Could not load 'omniauth'. Please ensure you have the omniauth gem >= 1.0.0 installed and listed in your Gemfile.
I see same error even after running gem install omniauth
I had the same problem but I resolved it by watching the video tutorial at this address It shows an introduction to OmniAuth.

devise undefined method `users_url' for RegistrationsController

Rails 3.2.12 + Devise 2.2.3
A NoMethodError occurred in registrations#create:
undefined method users_url' for #<RegistrationsController:0x007fd04f04b330>
actionpack (3.2.12) lib/action_dispatch/routing/polymorphic_routes.rb:129:inpolymorphic_url'
the app works fine on rails 3.2.8
I had the same problem, it looks a problem inside Devise (still present in master).
The only solution I found was to go back to Devise 2.1.2 (I knew it was working because I used it in another project).
So to fix this problem you can put
gem 'devise', '2.1.2'
in your Gemfile and then re-install it with
rails generate devise:install
Hope it helps you while Devise's team fixes it

Cannot Deploy App w/ Heroku - Rake::DSL Error

I'm using Rails v. 3.0.9 and have pushed the app to Heroku. When I view the custom Heroku domain I get the following message from Heroku:
"We're sorry, but something went wrong.
We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly."
I run heroku logs and don't seem to get any error messages. The only error I encounter with Heroku seems to be when I run heroku rake db:migrate with which I get the following in return:
rake aborted!
uninitialized constant Rake::DSL
Note: I'm new to Rails and to Heroku. I'm not quite understanding the difference between production and development environments. Do I need to be in production for Heroku to work? At the moment, I'm using localhost3000 to view my app. Thanks guys!
I have a blog post about it here:
There are two solutions. Use an older version of rake or require DSL.

rails-geocoder environmental problem in Rails 3 app

I'm working with Alex Reisner's geocoder gem on a Rails 3 app (3.0.3) because I'm concerned about GeoKit's shakey Rails 3 compatibility. Alex's gem looked perfect for my application so I started using it and had it working flawlessly last night on my Macbook. I pushed the app to Github when I got it running.
Today, I did a git clone of the app on a desktop Mac. Same version of Ruby, Rails and identical source and Gemfile. This time geocoder is throwing this exception:
NameError (uninitialized constant Geocoder::Net):
app/controllers/restaurants_controller.rb:16:in `create'
My models use after_validation :fetch_coordinates to geocode the model upon save.
Has anyone noticed any other dependencies outside the bundle that could cause this? I like the way Alex put this one together but may give geokit-rails3 a try even though it's an unfinished port.
I just released gem version 0.9.7 which should solve this problem.