I'm implementing a project where I'm testing my UI. So, each part of my UI is a separate class(Seleniums page object pattern). Now, since it's just a single web page I'm testing, according to me, theres just gotta be one instance of my UI components, while they do change state, I don't see the benefits of multiple instance of these components floating around.
So, I'm tempted to make all of them singletons, is that a bad practice?
For example -
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All of these sections will stay on my page throughout the users session, but they may change state, like toggle, resize, change the data within them, etc.
Any thoughts?
One of the ideas implemented by the page object gem (via Ruby) is to encapsulate the instantiation of your page classes using a page factory type of object. In particular, this is the 'on_page' method, the usage is like
on_page(MyPageClass) do |page|
Where the block provided should have a single argument to which the instance created in the factory is passed to.
Perhaps you can employ a similar idea. It's better to have instances of page classes in my opinion; my reasoning is that your page class actions should be 'memoryless'.
I have been reading about inheritance vs composition. I know there is already allot about this topic on this site, but i have a question about this specific example I hope will not be seen as duplicate.
Some guidelines I have gathered so far:
Prefer composition over inheritance.
Has-a relationship will therefore almost always mean composition.
Is-a relationship CAN mean inheritance is best, but not always.
So now for the example
I have been working on a simple game engine to practice C++. For this I have made some classes:
The Image class that contains an image that can be rendered.
The Transform class is all about positioning.
The Sprite class contains an image that can be rendered, in a specific position.
There is more of course, but let’s keep it simple for the example.
So - Sprite HAS an image and HAS a position (transform). Following the guideline that would mean composition for both. BUT I think it is just so much easier to have Sprite inherit from Transform.
Because I what to do things sprite->setPosition() and sprite ->setScale().
If a Sprite inherits from Transform, I don’t have to do anything, sprite->setPosition() automatically calls Transform::setPosition() for the sprite object.
If Sprite HAS a Transform, I would have to redirect ALL of these kind of methods to the Transform! (It's how I have been doing it so far and it seems to work fine)
I don’t want to write things like this for every positioning method: (there are quite a few already)
Sprite::setPosition(Vector2 position) {
mTransform.setPosition(Vector2 position);
But It seems to go against convention.
What do you all think?
When you say "easier" I think you mean "faster", because let's face it, forwarding the calls from the Sprite to the Transform component it's not difficult at all, it just takes more typing (and "less typing" is good, but I would weigh other things first). The problems of choosing inheritance over composition could not be there now, but could arise later.
With public inheritance you just have to declare the inheritance, and all the public interface from Transform is available in Sprite. All. If one day you add a "Rotate" method to the Transform, but don't want Sprites to be shown upside down, then you have to hide the base class method somehow. There are good answers here from Matthieu and CodeFirst about how to do that hiding in C++. But as Matthieu points there, by hiding the method you violate the Liskov Substitution Principle. If you had used composition, you could have just ignored that "Rotate" method in the public interface for Sprite.
With private inheritance you would be a little bit better, because it represents a "is implemented in terms of" relationship between Sprite and Transform, closer to reality than the "is a" relationship represented by public inheritance. But then you would need to put "using" statements to make available the methods from Transform in Sprite (see Eugen answer also in the previous link). So you end up still having to write extra code to achieve your purpose (although less than with composition).
With composition I feel that you have easier options to deal with design problems. Do you want to simply call the component method? You forward the call. Do you want to ban the component method? You don't add it to the Sprite interface. Do you want to add functionality to one method (e.g. keeping the Transform scale from being set to such value that the size of the Sprite Image is too small)? You add the method to the interface but do some extra processing/checkings before/after calling the Transform component...
If you can get your hands on Scott Meyers' Effective C++ book, you have two items that are worth reading for this discussion: "Use private inheritance judiciously" and "Model 'has-a' or 'is-implemented-in-terms-of' through composition". A final point extracted from there in favor of composition: "Both composition and private inheritance mean is-implemented-in-terms-of, but composition is easier to understand, so you should use it whenever you can"
I have been endeavoring to wrap my head around building larger apps using the recommended MVC approach that most of the apple docs and various tutorials seem to embrace. That is, nested controllers each holding their own view, and while I 'get it', I don't necessarily like it -- in my particular app, I have a view (and controller) hierarchy that's now several classes deep. For example, a main controller/view -> sidebar -> upper half of sidebar (NSSplitView in an NSView) -> NSTableView.
I've been playing with passing the data/objects I need up and down this hierarchy, but it's getting kind of messy and seems to be leading me down a tight-coupling road I don't like very much, passing lots of things in the init methods for each controller -- for instance a data model.
I've also played with an idea a friend suggested, a singleton service. Essentially, it's a wrapper around whatever data model or 'thing' my controllers might need, in my case an EKEventStore that surfaces an NSArray property and emits notifications (on the main thread). So far this approach seems to be leading me down the road of much cleaner code, and certainly makes unit testing easier (I think), but I'm wondering if I'm way off with my approach.
Has anyone taken this approach before with large apps? Are there any pitfalls or land mines I'm about to stumble on? I realize a lot of this is style/preference, but I'm curious if I'm headed down a bad path.
Is your singleton just holding collections of objects to use or is it also holding mutable global state? For object instantiation and easy testing you should take a look at a DI implementation like Objection. For test mocking check out OCMock.
Using Objection, you can inject a DataModelService into any controller that needs access to the data model for example.
For example, I have window (non-document model) - it has a controller associated with it. Within this window, I have a list and an add button. Clicking the add button brings up another "detail" window / dialog (with an associated controller) that allows the user to enter the detail information, click ok, and then have the item propagated back to the original window's list. Obviously, I would have an underlying model object that holds a collection of these entities (let's call the singular entity an Entity for reference).
Conceivably, I have just one main window, so I would likely have only one collection of entities. I could stash it in the main window's controller – but then how do I pass it to the detail window? I mean, I probably don't want to be passing this collection around - difficult to read / maintain / multithread. I could pass a reference to the parent controller and use it to access the collection, but that seems to smell as well. I could stash it in the appDelegate and then access it as a "global" variable via [[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate] - that seems a little excessive, considering an app delegate doesn't really have anything to do with the model. Another global variable style could be an option - I could make the Entity class have a singleton factory for the collection and class methods to access the collection. This seems like a bigger abuse than the appDelegate - especially considering the Entity object and the collection of said entities are two separate concerns. I could create an EntityCollection class that has a singleton factory method and then object methods for interaction with the collection (or split into a true factory class and collection class for a little bit more OO goodness and easy replacement for test objects). If I was using the NSDocument model, I guess I could stash it there, but that's not much different than stashing it in the application delegate (although the NSDocument itself does seemingly represent the model in some fashion).
I've spent quite a bit of time lately on the server side, so I haven't had to deal with the client-side much, and when I have, I just brute forced a solution. In the end, there are a billion ways to skin this cat, and it just seems like none of them are terribly clean or pretty. What is the generally accepted Cocoa programmer's way of doing this? Or, better yet, what is the optimum way to do this?
I think your conceptual problem is that you're thinking of the interface as the core of the application and the data model as something you have to find a place to cram somewhere.
This is backwards. The data model is the core of the program and everything else is grafted onto the data model. The model should encapsulate all the logical operations that can be performed on the data. An interface, GUI or otherwise, merely sends messages to the data model requesting certain actions.
Starting with this concept, it's easy to see that having the data model universally accessible is not sloppy design. Since the model contains all the logic for altering the data, you can have an arbitrarily large number of interfaces accessing it without the data becoming muddled or code complicated because the model changes the data only according to its own internal rules.
The best way to accomplish universal access is to create a singleton producing class and then put the header for the class in the application prefix headers. That way, any object in the app can access the data model.
Let me clarify the important difference between a naked global variable and a globally accessible class encapsulated data model.
Historically, we viewed global variables as bad design because they were just raw variables. Any part of the code could alter them at will. This nakedness led to obvious problems has you had to continuously guard against some stray fragment of code altering the global and then bringing the app down.
However, in a class based global, the global variable is encapsulated and protected by the logic implemented by the encapsulating class. This encapsulation means that while any stray fragment of code may attempt to alter the global variable inside the class, it can only do so if the encapsulating class permits the alteration. The automatic validation reduces the complexity of the code because all the validation logic resides in one single class instead of being spread out all over the app in any random place that data might be manipulated.
Instead of creating a weak point as in the case of a naked global variable, you create strong and universal validation and management of the data. If you find a problem with the data management, you only have to fix it in one place. Once you have a properly configured data model, the rest of the app becomes ridiculously easy to write.
My initial reaction would be to use a "modal delegate," a lot like NSAlerts do. You'd create your detail window by passing a reference to a delegate, which the detail window would message when it is done creating the object. The delegate—which would probably be the controller for the main window—could then handle the "done editing" message and add the object to the collection. I'd tend to not want to pass the collection around directly.
I support the EntityCollection class. If you have a list of objects, that list should be managed outside a specific controller, in my opinion.
I use the singleton method where the class itself manages it's own collections, setup and teardown. I find this separates the database/storage functionality from the controllers and keeps things clean. It's nice and easy to just call [Object objects] and have it return a reference to my list of objects.
I'm trying to help a coworker come to terms with OO, and I'm finding that for some cases, it's hard to find solid real-world examples for the concept of a tag (or marker) interface. (An interface that contains no methods; it is used as a tag or marker or label only). While it really shouldn't matter for the sakes of our discussions, we're using PHP as the platform behind the discussions (because it's a common language between us). I'm probably not the best person to teach OO since most of my background is highly theoretical and about 15 years old, but I'm what he's got.
In any case, the dearth of discussions I've found regarding tag interfaces leads me to believe it's not even being used enough to warrant discussion. Am I wrong here?
Tag interfaces are used in Java (Serializable being the obvious example). C# and even Java seem to be moving away from this though in favor of attributes, which can accomplish the same thing but also do much more.
I still think there's a place for them in other languages that don't have the attribute concept that .NET and Java have.
You would typically use this when you have an interface that implies an implementation, but you don't want the class that implements the interface to actually have to provide that implementation.
Some real world examples:
Serializable is a good example - it implies that there is an implementation (somewhere) that can serialize the object data, but since a generic implementation for that is available, there is no need to actually have the object implement that functionality itself.
Another example might be a web page caching system. Say you have a "Page" object and a "RequestHandler" object. The RequestHandler takes a request for a page, locates/creates the corresponding Page object, calls a Render() method on the Page object, and sends the results to the browser.
Now, say you wanted to implement caching for rendered pages. But the hitch is that some pages are dynamic, so they can't be cached. One way to implement this would be to have the cacheable Page objects implement an ICacheable "tag" interface (Or vice-versa, you could have an INotCacheable interface). The RequestHandler would then check if the Page implemented ICacheable, and if it did, it would cache the results after calling Render() and serve up those cached results on subsequent requests for that page.
In .Net Tag interfaces can be great for use with reflection and extension methods. Tag interfaces are typically interfaces without any methods. They allow you to see if an object is of a certain type without having the penatilty of reflecting over your objects.
An examples in the .Net Framework INamingContainer is part of ASP.Net
I'd call myself an OO programmer, and I've never heard of a tag interface.
I think tag interfaces are worth discussing, because they're an interesting corner case of the concept of an interface. Their infrequent use is also worth noting, though!
I've used tag interfaces a couple of times in an object model representing a SQL database. In these instances, it's a subtype of the root interface for particular types of objects. It's easier to check for a tag interface than an attribute ('obj is IInterface' rather than using reflection)
The .NET Style guide says to use Attributes rather than tag/marker interfaces.
alt text http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/th.4528577db5.jpg
Click for Full image
source: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=423349&seqNum=6
or any number of other exposure points of Cwalina's recommendations, like the book.
I've used a tag interface twice in the past month. They can cut through some nasty problems when refactoring to make a function more generic.
That said, another thing I just discovered is using a tag interface as a parent class to a bunch of related interfaces with methods. The object can be passed around, and various preprocessors can check to see if they need to deal with a particular object. A way of keeping the processing in a separate object where it belongs, but the implementation details of processed objects in their definitions where they belong.
I have been developing a web application in Seaside+Squeak recently, and have found it to be a wonderful experience. Seaside really is head and shoulders above every other framework out there, and I feel as though I am working at a higher level of abstraction (above the HTTP request/response cycle and HTML templating that other frameworks make you deal with).
That said, I'm a little confused about Seaside components. I recently had to display a list of objects on a component (similar to the stackoverflow front page). At first I made each object a component (a subclass of WAComponent), but this proved to be really wasteful, and I had to set #children dynamically in the parent component for it to work at all. I then tried making them render objects (objects that aren't subclasses of WAComponent, and render using renderOn: instead of renderContentOn:, like components do). This worked, but now they could no longer access global state in the session object as components can (using #session). Then I discovered "WACurrentSession value", which gives any object access to the current Seaside session object. I was now able to make them render objects. In addition, I discovered that I could rewrite a lot of my other, more minor components as render objects, too.
Besides needing call/answer or backtracking state, what other reasons are there for using components over render objects?
This is a frequent point of confusion for new Seaside users. We have tried hard to make this clearer in Seaside 2.9, which is currently in Alpha, but I will try to focus on 2.8 here since it sounds like that is what you are using.
First of all, you are correct that you do not need to use a Component in order to access the Session. Seaside 2.9 moves #session up to a new class WAObject which makes it accessible to almost all Seaside objects (including Components) but you can definitely refer to WACurrentSession yourself for now in 2.8.
Components provide roughly the following functionality in 2.8:
#renderContentOn: is called with an instance of whatever renderer class you specify in #rendererClass (instead of whatever renderer is in use when your object is asked to render itself)
A hook (#updateUrl:) to allow updating the URL used by the renderer to generate links
Hooks (#updateRoot:, #style, #script) to allow updating the HEAD section of the HTML document
The ability to be the root of an Application
Hooks (#updateStates:, #states) to make state backtracking easier
A hook (#initialRequest:) to allow initialization based on the request that caused the Session to be created
A facility (#children) to make sure all components below you will also have the above hooks called on them
The ability to add Decorations
The ability to show/answer/call (uses Decorations)
Some convenience methods (#inform:, #isolate:, etc)
If you don't need any of the above, you don't need a Component. If you need any of the above, you pretty much do need a Component unless you want to implement the equivalent functionality on your own class.
The simplest metric is probably: if you intend to keep the object around between HTTP requests it should be a Component; if you intend to throw the object away and create it on each rendering pass it probably doesn't need to be. If you imagine an application that was displaying blog pages, you'd probably have Components for a menu, a blog roll, the blog body, each comment, and so on. You might want to factor out the reading of the blog's markup and generation of its HTML so that you could support different markups or different renderers and so that the comment Components could support the same markup. This could be done with a non-Component class that implements #renderOn: and could be created and used by other Components as needed.
Seaside 2.9 currently splits up the above functionality by making WAPresenter concrete and introducing WAPainter as its superclass. 1-3 above are implemented on WAPainter and 4-7 on WAPresenter so you have your choice of what to subclass depending on your needs. It also removes a lot of methods from WAPresenter and WAComponent in an effort to make them easier for end users to understand.
Hope that helps.