I´m working with datatables for a meteor app.
My problem is that when some fields change all the table is rendered again, if I´m on page two on the table or I order by field, the table is rendered again and I´m back on the beginning.
My code:
Template.adminpage.rendered = function() {
"aaSorting": [[ 0, "desc" ]],
"bFilter": false,
"aoColumns": [
{ "bVisible": false },
"aaData": Template.adminpage.arrayUsersAdmin()
Array that populates the table:
Template.adminpage.arrayUsersAdmin=function() {
var adminUsers = allUserData.find({roles: 'basic'});
var arrayUserAdmin = [];
var count=0;
adminUsers.forEach(function(user) {
var idColumn = user._id;
var dateColumn=moment(user.createdAt).format("MMM Do HH:mm");
var usernameColumn=username;
var emailColumn=email;
return arrayUserAdmin;
Collection on the server:
if(Meteor.users.find({_id: this.userId}, {roles: 'admin'})){
Meteor.publish("allUserData", function () {
var self = this;
var handle = Meteor.users.find({}).observeChanges({
added: function(id, fields){
self.added("allUsersCollection", id, fields);
changed: function(id, fields){
self.changed("allUsersCollection", id, fields);
removed: function(id){
self.removed("allUsersCollection", id);
this.onStop(function() {
Thanks for your time.
You can pass reactive: false as an option to find, which disables the underlying addition of a dependency, like so:
Template.adminpage.arrayUsersAdmin=function() {
var adminUsers = allUserData.find({roles: 'basic'}, reactive: false);
// Your code
return arrayUserAdmin;
This behaviour is documented here
Alternatively, if you would like the individual fields to update, you will have to add them in yourself. To do this, you can use allUserDate.find({roles: 'basic'}).observe. This will require you, however, to edit the HTML directly, and is quite messy. A better alternative would be to change your table structure entirely - don't use a data table, use a vanilla HTML table, and sort the data with minimongo queries.
Regardless, you can use observe like so:
allUserData.find({roles: 'basic'}).observe({
changed: function(newDocument, oldDocument) {
// Update table
I’m using a select object to trigger an ajax reload for a DataTable.
I need to add individual column searching with select inputs for a given column (not for every column) but the select is filled with the previous ajax response.
How can I update the data that the initCompleteFunction callback uses to fill the select input in the individual column searching?
// this is the select that triggers the ajax.reload
$('#proveedor').on('change', function () {
.reload(initCompleteFunction, false);
// this is my initCompleteFunction callback
function initCompleteFunction(settings, json){
var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api( settings );
api.columns().every( function () {
var column = this;
if ($(column.header()).hasClass('select')) {
var select = $('<select><option value="">' + $(column.header()).html() + '</option></select>')
.appendTo( $(column.footer()).empty() )
.on( 'change', function () {
var val = $.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex(
.search( val ? '^'+val+'$' : '', true, false )
return false;
} );
//this is the part that keeps previous data insted of the new one from the ajax reload
column.data().unique().sort().each( function ( d, j ) {
select.append( '<option value="'+d+'">'+d+'</option>' );
} );
// and this is how I’m setting the DataTable
var $datatable = $('#table_materiales');
.on('xhr.dt', function ( e, settings, json, xhr ) {
initCompleteFunction(settings, json);
"ajax": {
"url": "http://my_endpoint",
"dataSrc": "",
"type": "POST",
"data": {
id_proveedor: function () {
return $('#proveedor').val(); // to get the value in the provider’s filter (select)
"columns": [
data: 'row_num'
className: "select",
data: 'material'
// here goes the rest of the column definitions
"paging": false,
'columnDefs': [
'targets': 0,
'checkboxes': {
'selectRow': true
'select': {
'style': 'multi'
'order': [
[3, 'asc']
"createdRow": function (row, data, dataIndex) {
$(row).attr('data-id-material', data.id_material);
$(row).attr('data-pedido_sugerido', data.pedido_sugerido);
$(row).attr('id', 'id_' + data.row_num);
During research I found that the xhr.dt event is triggered before the ajax.reload() is completed so the data keeps outdated when the select for the individual column search is populated. See this reference
User grozni posted this on April, 2019:
I have used console logs and was able to confirm that the event fires before the XHR event concludes, and does not pull the latest JSON. I used XHR tracking where I could to get around it but it's still really inconvenient and complicating matters alot. I need to be able to do certain things after the data is loaded and drawn. Perhaps it's worthy of a bug report
I found this post (See here) where user conangithub needed to
count DataTables item after I reload DataTable successfully
User lovecoding-git suggested this approach:
table= $('#example').DataTable();
$('#example').on('draw.dt', function() {
So, for my own issue, instead of
.on('xhr.dt', function ( e, settings, json, xhr ) {
initCompleteFunction(settings, json);
I wrote
.on('draw.dt', function ( e, settings, json, xhr ) {
initCompleteFunction(settings, json);
Et voilà.
I got the needed solution.
I've got a list I'm trying to pull an object from using _.get but following that selection I need to loop over the object to create a new property. So far I've been successful using a combination of _.get and _.map as shown below but I'm hoping I can use _.chain in some way.
var selected = _.get(results, selectedId);
return _.map([selected], result => {
var reviews = result.reviews.map(review => {
var reviewed = review.userId === authenticatedUserId;
return _.extend({}, review, {reviewed: reviewed});
return _.extend({}, result, {reviews: reviews});
Is it possible to do a transform like this using something other than map (as map required me to break this up/ creating an array with a solo item inside it). Thank you in advance!
I can see that you're creating unnecessary map() calls, you can simply reduce all those work into something like this:
var output = {
reviews: _.map(results[selectedId], function(review) {
return _.defaults({
reviewed: review.userId === authenticatedUserId
}, review);
The defaults() method is similar to extend() except once a property is set, additional values of the same property are ignored.
var selectedId = 1;
var authenticatedUserId = 1;
var results = {
1: [
{ userId: 1, text: 'hello' },
{ userId: 2, text: 'hey' },
{ userId: 1, text: 'world?' },
{ userId: 2, text: 'nah' },
var output = {
reviews: _.map(results[selectedId], function(review) {
return _.defaults({
reviewed: review.userId === authenticatedUserId
}, review);
document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(output, 0, 4) + '</pre>';
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.4/lodash.js"></script>
I have a grid wich store is a QueryReadStore. It works fine, even the virtual scrolling.
The problem is the filter, when I filter, it generates a strange URL like this:
And I want to looks like this:
Here is the code that generates the grid and the filter:
this.grid = new EnhancedGrid({
store: null,
structure: this.columns,
rowsPerPage: 20,
autoHeight: false,
plugins: {
filter: {
closeFilterbarButton: false,
isServerSide: true,
setupFilterQuery: dojo.hitch(this, function(commands, request){
if(commands.filter && commands.enable){
var gridStoreURL = this.grid.store.url;
if(gridStoreURL.indexOf("?") > -1) {
request.query = "&filter=" + JSON.stringify(commands.filter);
} else {
request.query = "?filter=" + JSON.stringify(commands.filter);
ruleCount: 3,
itemsName: "logs",
disabledConditions: {anycolumn : this.disabledFilterAnyColumn}
}, this.idGridContainer);
I create the store with this function:
var store = dojox.data.QueryReadStore({
url : this.urlBase + agentId,
this.grid.setStore(store, null, null);
When I use JsonStore to create the store, the filter works fine, but with this doesn't.
Thank you in advance
You appear to be attempting to set the store query to a string, but IIRC QueryReadStore only ever expects the query to be passed as an object, as opposed to JsonRestStore which can accept it either way.
Try something like this instead, for starters, and see if it gets you further:
request.query = { filter: JSON.stringify(commands.filter) }
How do I get access to the columns/datastore fields that are part of the sort set.
I am looking to modify the a grid's sort parameters for remote sorting. I need the remote sort param's sort key to match the column's field's mapping property. I need these things to happen though the normal 'column header click sorts the data' functionality.
Remote sorting and field mapping (ExtJS 4.1)
This functionality seems not to be implemented in ExtJS. Here is a solution using the encodeSorters function provided since ExtJS 4. Accessing fields map throught the model's prototype is a bit dirty but it does the job :
var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
proxy: {
encodeSorters: function (sorters) {
var model = store.proxy.model,
map = model.prototype.fields.map;
return Ext.encode(Ext.Array.map(sorters, function (sorter) {
return {
property : map[sorter.property].mapping || sorter.property,
direction: sorter.direction
However, it would be more relevant to override the original method :
encodeSorters: function(sorters) {
var min, map = this.model.prototype.fields.map;
min = Ext.Array.map(sorters, function (sorter) {
return {
property : map[sorter.property].mapping || sorter.property,
direction: sorter.direction
return this.applyEncoding(min);
Assuming you are using simpleSortMode, you could do something like this in your store.
listeners: {
beforeload: function( store, operation, eOpts ) {
if (store.sorters.length > 0) {
var sorter = store.sorters.getAt(0),
dir = sorter.direction,
prop = sorter.property,
fields = store.model.getFields(),
applyProp = prop;
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (fields[i].name == prop) {
applyProp = fields[i].mapping || prop;
//clearing the sorters since the simpleSortMode is true so there will be only one sorter
store.sorters.insert(0, applyProp, new Ext.util.Sorter({
property : applyProp,
direction: dir
I would like to start by saying I have read Rally Kanban - hiding Epic Stories but I'm still having trouble on implementing my filter based on the filter process from the Estimation Board app. Currently I'm trying to add an items filter to my query object for my cardboard. The query object calls this._getItems to return an array of items to filter from. As far as I can tell the query calls the function, loads for a second or two, and then displays no results. Any input, suggestions, or alternative solutions are welcomed.
Here's my code
$that._redisplayBoard = function() {
this._getItems = function(callback) {
//Build types based on checkbox selections
var queries = [];
type: "HierarchicalRequirement",
fetch: "Name,FormattedID,Owner,ObjectID,Rank,PlanEstimate,Children,Ready,Blocked",
order: "Rank"
function bucketItems(results) {
var items = [];
rally.forEach(queries, function(query) {
if (results[query.key]) {
rally.forEach(results[query.key], function(item) {
//exclude epic stories since estimates cannot be altered
if ((item._type !== 'HierarchicalRequirement') ||
(item._type === 'HierarchicalRequirement' && item.Children.length === 0)) {
items = items.concat(item);
rallyDataSource.findAll(queries, bucketItems);
function displayBoard() {
artifactTypes = [];
var cardboardConfig = {
types: [],
items: that._getItems,
attribute: kanbanField,
sortAscending: true,
maxCardsPerColumn: 200,
order: "Rank",
cardRenderer: KanbanCardRenderer,
cardOptions: {
showTaskCompletion: showTaskCompletion,
showAgeAfter: showAgeAfter
columnRenderer: KanbanColumnRenderer,
columns: columns,
fetch: "Name,FormattedID,Owner,ObjectID,Rank,Ready,Blocked,LastUpdateDate,Tags,State,Priority,StoryType,Children"
if (showTaskCompletion) {
cardboardConfig.fetch += ",Tasks";
if (hideLastColumnIfReleased) {
cardboardConfig.query = new rally.sdk.util.Query("Release = null").or(kanbanField + " != " + '"' + lastState + '"');
if (filterByTagsDropdown && filterByTagsDropdown.getDisplayedValue()) {
cardboardConfig.cardOptions.filterBy = { field: FILTER_FIELD, value: filterByTagsDropdown.getDisplayedValue() };
if (cardboard) {
artifactTypes = cardboardConfig.types;
cardboard = new rally.sdk.ui.CardBoard(cardboardConfig, rallyDataSource);
cardboard.addEventListener("preUpdate", that._onBeforeItemUpdated);
cardboard.addEventListener("onDataRetrieved", function(cardboard,args){ console.log(args.items); });
that.display = function(element) {
//Build app layout
//Redisplay the board
Per Charles' hint in Rally Kanban - hiding Epic Stories
Here's how I approached this following Charles' hint for the Rally Catalog Kanban. First, modify the fetch statement inside the cardboardConfig so that it includes the Children collection, thusly:
fetch: "Name,FormattedID,Children,Owner,ObjectID,Rank,Ready,Blocked,LastUpdateDate,Tags,State"
Next, in between this statement:
cardboard.addEventListener("preUpdate", that._onBeforeItemUpdated);
And this statement:
Add the following event listener and callback:
function(cardboard, args){
// Grab items hash
filteredItems = args.items;
// loop through hash keys (states)
for (var key in filteredItems) {
// Grab the workproducts objects (Stories, defects)
workproducts = filteredItems[key];
// Array to hold filtered results, childless work products
childlessWorkProducts = new Array();
// loop through 'em and filter for the childless
for (i=0;i<workproducts.length;i++) {
thisWorkProduct = workproducts[i];
// Check first if it's a User Story, since Defects don't have children
if (thisWorkProduct._type == "HierarchicalRequirement") {
if (thisWorkProduct.Children.length === 0 ) {
} else {
// If it's a Defect, it has no children so push it
filteredItems[key] = childlessWorkProducts;
// un-necessary call to cardboard.setItems() was here - removed
This callback should filter for only leaf-node items.
Mark's answer caused an obscure crash when cardboard.setItems(filteredItems) was called. However, since the filtering code is actually manipulating the actual references, it turns out that setItems() method is actually not needed. I pulled it out, and it now filters properly.
Not sure this is your problem but your cardboard config does not set the 'query' field. The fetch is the type of all data to retrieve if you want to filter it you add a "query:" value to the config object.
Something like :
var cardboardConfig = {
types: ["PortfolioItem", "HierarchicalRequirement", "Feature"],
attribute: dropdownAttribute,
query : fullQuery,
cardRenderer: PriorityCardRenderer
Where fullQuery can be constructed using the the Rally query object. You find it by searching in the SDK. Hope that maybe helps.