Yii Framework Captcha conflict with beforeAction() function - yii

I have app in Yii and i extend all classes from some base controller and i have these code in it :
protected function beforeAction($action)
return parent::beforeAction($action);
as i just understand , these code prevent the Captcha to show , because when i delete it , the captcha shows up ! the captcha function is :
public function actions()
return array(
// captcha action renders the CAPTCHA image displayed on the contact page
// page action renders "static" pages stored under 'protected/views/site/pages'
// They can be accessed via: index.php?r=site/page&view=FileName
So how could i use beforeAction and captcha in same time ?

The confilict is in your structure , Show us more code . put the program in fresh yii and test it.

beforeAction function , Do not have any conflict with other Yii methods or functions.
The probelm is in your code.

Obviously there is some code in your Controller::setglobalvariables() method that conflicts with the captcha's code.
The CCaptachAction::run() method uses $_GET parameters. Are you somehow resetting $_GET ?
Can you show us the code ?


I am adding js form my block but it's not working

Here is my code , anyone can you please solve my problem
class Company_Module_Block_Custom extends Mage_Core_Block_Template {
public function _prepareLayout() {
return parent::_prepareLayout();
If the head block is already rendered then it has no effect. You have to make sure the js is added to the head after loadLayout() has been called in the controller action and before you call renderLayout() in the same action.

Phalcon\Mvc\View\Simple::render() in mailer causing WSOD

I have a simple controller action that creates a Guest record and renders a template.
// First bind the form to our Guest:
$form->bind( $_POST, $guest );
// Validate and save, or show error messages
if( $form->isValid($_POST, $guest) ) {
if( $guest->save($_POST) ) {
$this->view->setMainView( 'confirm' );
This works fine before I add any mailer stuff. However, when I add an event handler inside the Guest model which happens to render a template, the controller renders a WHITE SCREEN OF DEATH instead of my confirm template.
In Guest model:
public function afterCreate() {
return GuestMailer::sendEmailConfirmation( $this );
In GuestMailer class:
public static function sendEmailConfirmation( $guest ) {
// create/configure $email message
$view = $guest->getDI()->get('simpleView');
$view->render( // Works without this call...
array( 'guest' => $guest )
$content = $view->getContent();
$email->content( $content );
return $email->send();
Note that when I remove the above call to render(), the confirm template is rendered successfully.
I thought components in Phalcon were supposed to be highly decoupled? Why is rendering a completely different template causing my controller's view to get messed up? How can I avoid this?
I think this problem is caused by a peculiar configuration of the templating service, in a normal workflow it doesn't causes issues, they appears when you need to render "manually" a template as in your case, you can refer to this PhalconPHP forum discussion linked, in particular the answer refered by the link anchor:

Rails3: how to reload a page with a parameter taken from a collection_select within the page?

I have a page with a route in the form : :client_id/tarif/:tarif_name
in the corresponding HTML page, I have a <%= collection_select(.....:tarif_name...) which enables to select the name of the tarif to be shown. That works.
How do I instruct to reload the page with the new :tarif_name parameter in the url ?
I thought of using the :onchange option helper with collection_select, but although I managed to execute javascript this way, I find no example of composing and triggering the loading of a url through that option.
Thank you very much for your help
If you are able to run javascript code in the :onchange, then window.location.href = "your_url" will make the redirect.
You will also need the selected value. Your onchange will be something like
function() {
window.location.href = "your_url" + this.value

EmberJS Route to 'single' getting JSONP

I'm having trouble with EmberJS to create a single view to posts based on the ID, but not the ID of the array, I actually have a ID that comes with the json I got from Tumblr API.
So the ID is something like '54930292'.
Next I try to use this ID to do another jsonp to get the post for this id, it works if you open the api and put the id, and actually if you open the single url with the ID on it, works too, the problem is:
When, on the front page for example, I click on a link to go to the single, it returns me nothing and raise a error.
But if you refresh the page you get the content.
Don't know how to fix and appreciate some help :(
I put online the code: http://tkrp.net/tumblr_test/
The error you were getting was because the SingleRoute was being generated as an ArrayController but the json response was not an Array.
App.SingleController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
Further note that the model hook is not fired when using linkTo and other helpers. This because Ember assumes that if you linked to a model, the model is assumed to be as specified, and it directly calls setupController with that model. In your case, you need to still load the individual post. I added the setupController to the route to do this.
App.SingleRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(params) {
return App.TKRPTumblr.find(params.id);
setupController: function(controller, id) {
.then(function(data) {
controller.set('content', data.response);
I changed the single post template a bit to reflect how the json response. One final change I made was to directly return the $.ajax. Ember understands jQuery promises directly, so you don't need to do any parsing.
Here is the updated jsbin.
I modified: http://jsbin.com/okezum/6/edit
Did this to "fix" the refresh single page error:
setupController: function(controller, id) {
if(typeof id === 'object'){
controller.set('content', id.response);
.then(function(data) {
controller.set('content', data.response);
modified the setupController, since I was getting a object when refreshing the page and a number when clicking the linkTo
Dont know if it's the best way to do that :s

How does one add a 'plain text node' to a zend form?

I'm trying to add a plain text node in a zend form - the purpose is to only dispay some static text.
The problem is - im not aware of any such way to do it.
I have used 'description' but that HAS to be attached to a form element.
Is there any way to simply display some text as part of a form? Zend considers everything as a form element so I cannot just print it out.
The following will test your ability on so and so.
Any thoughts?
Zend has a form note view helper (Zend_View_Helper_FormNote), which you can use to add text.
Just create a new form element (/application/forms/Element/Note.php):
class Application_Form_Element_Note extends Zend_Form_Element_Xhtml
public $helper = 'formNote';
In your form:
$note = new Application_Form_Element_Note(
array('value' => 'This is a <b>test</b>')
Adding a hidden element with non-escaped description does the thing.
$form->addElement('hidden', 'plaintext', array(
'description' => 'Hello world! Check it out',
'ignore' => true,
'decorators' => array(
array('Description', array('escape'=>false, 'tag'=>'')),
Works perfectly. It is still attached to an element, which is, however, not rendered this way.
Code taken from: http://paveldubinin.com/2011/04/7-quick-tips-on-zend-form/
There might be a better way, but I created a paragraph by using a custom form element and view helper. Seems like alot of code for something so simple. Please let me know if you've found a more simplistic way to do it.
//From your form, add the MyParagraph element
$this->addElement(new Zend_Form_Element_MyParagraph('myParagraph'));
class Zend_Form_Element_MyParagraph extends Zend_Form_Element
public $helper = 'myParagraph';
public function init()
$view = $this->getView();
class Zend_View_Helper_MyParagraph extends Zend_View_Helper_FormElement {
public function init() {
public function myParagraph() {
$html = '<p>hello world</p>';
return $html;
A little late but thought I'd throw it in anyway for the benefit of the community.
Aine has hit the nail on the head. FormNote is what you need if you want to use text in Zend_Form. However, you can use it without needing to extend Zend_Form_Element_Xhtml. See example below:
$text = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('myformnote');
$text->setValue("Text goes here")
->helper = 'formNote';
Note that you can use both text and html with the formNote helper.
This functionality is built into Zend via Zend_Form_Element_Note.
$note = new Zend_Form_Element_Note('forgot_password');
$note->setValue('Forgot Password?');
I faced the same problem and decided is better not to use Zend_Form at all, but to use directly view helpers (like Ruby on Rails does) and validate on the model.
This one-liner works for me:
$objectForm->addElement(new Zend_Form_Element_Note('note', array('value' => 'Hello World')));