Get my windows 8 key after replacing a hard disk [closed] - windows-8

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I bought a new hard disk and installed windows 8 from some usb I prepared, My, question is, how can I get my product key from the bios or my Microsoft account, is it possible?

If windows8 was preinstalled when you bought the computer it most likley had a OEM key, that key is no longer valid for your usage as it's no longer the preinstalled version.
You may have recovery disks (or partitions) at your disposal they would restore the key and the preinstalled version of windows.
The key is not saved to bios or similar the only way from the machine you would had gotten the key is if you had extract it before reinstallation.
But most large producers put stickers with the key on the computer.


Can windows server 2012 be installed on virtual box? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Im trying to install windows server 2012 on virtual box via a bootable usb but it just reaches to this screen and hangs indefinitely, I've allocated 2GB of RAM and 15GB of space for the virtual HDD, not getting any error messages just stuck at this screen.
That's the correct window you're on. Have you tried closing the alerts on top?
Maybe the press any key to boot..... is behind those alerts?
And give atleast 3 GB ram to run smoothly

Dont Remove programs on Turn OFF [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hi all I have a Windows CE 6.0 device. I installed SqlServecCompact3.5 but the device removes the program when I power off the device.
What Do I have to do for it not to reinstall programs I have installed?
Many Windows CE devices reset to factory default if you pull the battery. You will want to refer to the vendor's documentation to determine the appropriate way to restore the device. Typically there are one or more persistent storage areas and a mechanism to auto-run CAB installs, file copies, and registry updates upon a cold-boot restart. These allow you to rebuild the device.

Windows Server 2012 Standard entitlement in Microsoft Action Pack Subscription [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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In the Microsoft Action Pack Subscription Windows Server 2012 Std shows "2" as the entitlement.
I'm not sure what this means. A "normal" Server 2012 Std includes:
1. One activation for the host (Hyper-V)
2. Two activations for guests on the same host
....making a total of three activations
I'm pretty sure from reading some threads that partners don't get the same as a normal Std license, but it's pretty fuzzy.
Does anyone know what the story really is?
It looks like you can perform only two activations:
On bare metal
As a VM

How to get data from rs232 in Win 8 [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Is there any application in win 8 to get data from rs232 and save it as a xml file?
The question of Serial Port support is certainly not a new one for Windows 8 apps. You did not indicate if you meant Store apps or not. If you did, the answer is here: If you did NOT mean Store apps, then the technique has not changed since Windows 7. This is done in code, there is no native app.

Could a mac application regulate internet usage? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm not sure how open the Mac platform is for 3rd party applications.
Would it be possible to write software that regulates internet usage?
Say I wanted to only allow internet usage between 5-6pm? Is that possible?
Any pointers on how to get started?
Yes. You can look at the Mac app Self Control:
This application disables a certain list of sites for a defined period of time. I know that the application uses the /etc/hosts file to disable access to these sites by setting all of these hosts to Obviously a savvy user could override this method, but it works well.