SSRS, some fields are not displayed report once deployed to server (Sharepoint 2010) - sharepoint-2010

I am not able to view some of the fields once the report is generated on server. Report is getting generated properly but data is not being displyed. The report works fine on local machine.
Below is the screenshot of the issue I am facing.
Local Reports:
On Server I am facing the issue as below, the data is fetched properly as can be seen on the screenshot. The sections have got created correctly indicates query has executed successfuly. For some strange reasons only Time column is getting displayed.

The above issue was because Dataset did not contain all the columns, i changed the default view and added all the fields to the default view.
I could see only time column as the default view had only Time column in it, i had to add all other columns in order to get it working.
Referred this link to get to the solution.


Field shows in Pentaho designer but not in OpenERP

I am new to Pentaho (5.01) and Open ERP(7.0) I have an existing report that I have added a field (text), that is a selection in the corresponding module.
In the Pentaho Report Designer Preview the value of the field is correct, however after loading the .prpt into OpenERP the report runs (PDF) and all the other fields are populated correctly except this one.
Is there some setting I am missing in OpenERP that is preventing display of this field? The field value is also correct in the DB (Postgres) table.
The issue was that the pentaho.server.url had been hardwired to an IP address.
In our OpenERP installation we have three servers, production, demo (copy of production) and development, The pentaho.server.url stored as a record in the ir_config_parameter table in the Postgres DB on developmen, has been pointed to the Pentaho report server for production. So even though I was loading the correct .prpt report file on the development system the query was pulling data from the production system which did not have the correct DB data or structure.
I deciphered this by debugging the report activation and calling code in the (community/pentaho_reports) module.

Microsoft Access ADP view designer always adds _1 to tables and does not show the fields inside each table

The view designer inside Microsoft Access ADP always adds _1 to all table names, also all table fields are not shown. The only thing that shows inside the table is *(All Columns)
I have tried access 2007 and access 2010 and both have the same output.
Every view inside the database is shown in this way, and the fields never show.
This problem is within a specific database. Other database show normally.
I am forced to make my changes inside the SQL Sever.
I found something on the Microsoft website that says if the database server driver does not have permission then the fields will not populate, but I cannot seem to find a solution.
Please help!!
I found the solution, if someone else has the same issue.
Turns out that the database name included the "." and space character, and this was the source of the problem even though everything else worked fine. Access was not finding the table fields. I renamed the database and the problem was solved.

Specified query not executable here - pentaho reporting

So I've designed a report in Pentaho Report Designer 3.9 and previewed it and ran it on my machine and everything works fine.
I have an input paramater that is a dropdown list and gets its values from a query called Vertical-List.
Now the drop down works on my machine. However, when I publish the report to the Online interface and try to access it, I get a message that says "The Specified query 'Vertical-List' is not executable here". I don't know what that means and what to do. It worked this morning and suddenly it stopped working.
Please help a brother out.
here is the query that generates the drop down
Double check your datasource and query, especially the parameters. If you have parameters, remember that a parameter is read in the Pentaho Report Designer as ${parameter_name}.
Also double check that you have defined the datasource in your BI Server.

Reporting Services: Exported to Excel results are different than the ones viewed on IE

I'm having this problem:
The SQL Server holds a said value, let's say 990.30, the Reporting Services Report show a different value (948.33) when viewed online, in the brower and a third value (912.22) when the report is exported to Excel.
There are no formulas on Excel, just plain values.
Also, there's no formula on the layout of the report.
The code shows only a simple select that, when run on the SQL Server Management Studio, returns me the original value (990.30).
How on earth shall I start to troubleshoot this ?
I've never heard of this kind of problem before. I would recommend submitting a ticket to Microsoft and provide them with screen shots of the errors, the RDL file, a sample output of the stored procedure, etc.
To troubleshoot this on your own, I would recommend creating a new report that just has a simple table that returns all the details from your stored procedure or query to validate the values are consisten across all interfaces. From there, just start adding on complexity until you get the report to look like it is today.

Website Data Source is empty

This is driving me insane. I am trying to get a basic Report to show with Report Viewer but cant get the DataSet to show in the Website Data Source window no matter what I do.
I created a dataset..picked the proc I want, etc. without any problems. I added my RDLC and tried adding a table that I can bind data to but the Windows that contains the Data Sources is empty.
Im using VS 2008. Is there anything im doing wrong? Ive followed some tutorials but cant get further due to this issue.
Ok..figured it out after wasting 1 day on it.
As I said i am running VS 2008 and what I did was remove all the DLL references one by one until the window populated with some datasources. I found out a reference to Entity Spaces cause the problem. So I create the reports and when im down add back the reference. A pain but it now works.