dynamic data for each TableViewRow - titanium

I'm using alloy (markup and models) to construct a tableview, Everything works perfect
<Collection src="spot" />
<TableView id="spotTableView" dataCollection="spot">
<TableViewRow title="{name}">
<View class="header-view">
<Label class="title-header" text="{name}"/>
<Label class="desc-header" text="{desc}"/>
<View class="fixed-view">
<ImageView class="image" image="{logo}"/>
<View class="info-view">
<Label class="green-label" text="{cost}"/>
<Label text="{minimum}"/>
But I have a question: How I can modify dynamic data form for each tableviewrow? I need to change the colors of the labels depending on the data that brings each model in the collection. For example, if the cost is 0 that the label "cost" is green, but if the cost is 100 then the color of the label is red.
I guess this must realizarce on the controller, but I would not like create the tableviewrow out of view, because they do not want to miss the advantages of data bindings

Add a field containing the color to the model, and bind the label's color to it.


Appcelerator Alloy TableView click event is not firing up on parent tableview

Im building a app that i have a tableview inside a tableview row.
i have a click event in the main tableview, that i wish to keep.
<Collection src="orders" />
<Window onAndroidback="closeWindow" id="activeorderswindow" class="maincontainer_noactionbar">
<View class="topcontainer">
<ImageView class="topbackbutton" onClick="closeWindow"></ImageView>
<Label class="topheadinglabel">Aktive ordre</Label>
<ImageView class="topmenubutton" onClick="closeWindow"></ImageView>
<View class="maindatacontainer">
<TableView class="orderstable" id="activeorderstable" dataTransform="transformFunction" dataCollection="orders" dataFunction="updateUI" onDragEnd="refreshTable" >
<!-- Also can use Require -->
<TableViewRow class="activeordersrow" oid="{oid}" touchEnabled="true" >
<Label class="rowOid" text="{oid}"/>
<Label class="rowCust" text="{cust}"/>
<Label class="rowScode" text="{scode}"/>
<Label class="rowVehicle" text="{vehicle}"/>
<Label class="rowOrdertime" text="{ordertime}"/>
<ImageView class="imgOrdertime" image='/images/clock_green.png'/>
<ImageView class="imgDeadline" image='/images/clock_red.png'/>
<Label class="rowDeadline" text="{deadline}"/>
<View class="addresstablewrapper" backgroundColor="#000"/>
<TableView touchEnabled="false" scrollType="vertical" class="activeorders_addresses" data="{orders_addresses}" backgroundColor="yellow" />
The problem is that because i have another within the table with its own rows (without a click event) it seems like the click on the main does not fire.
Help appreciated :)
Maybe the nested TableView should have touchEnabled="true" so the click bubbles up to the parent (tableviewrow).

Titanium Layout not working while set touchEnabled=false inside Listview

When I set touchEnabled="false" for a view which was inside my List view template all my list view layout was broken. when i remove the touch enabled property it working fine. Anyone please help me to solve this issue.
Titanium SDK : 3.4.0 ,
OS : IOS and android,
Here is my sample code.
<Window backgroundColor="#fff">
<ListView id="LstView" top="50" defaultItemTemplate="template1">
<Templates >
<ItemTemplate id="mytemplate" name="template1">
<View layout="horizontal" width="Ti.UI.FILL" touchEnabled="false">
<View width="Ti.UI.SIZE" height="Ti.UI.SIZE" left="5">
<Label bindId="Lbl1" Id="Lbl1" color="black"></Label>
<View width="Ti.UI.SIZE" height="Ti.UI.SIZE" left="10" >
<Label bindId="Lbl2" Id="Lbl2" color="black"></Label>
<View width="Ti.UI.SIZE" height="Ti.UI.SIZE" left="10">
<Label bindId="Lbl3" Id="Lbl3" color="black" ></Label>
<ListItem Lbl1:text="hello" Lbl2:text="how are you?" Lbl3:text="I am fine" height='70'/>
According to this article touchEnabled = false will forward the touch event to it's peers. Can you show your whole xml file? I can't clarify anything yet..
it seems a titanium bug.. open a ticket in JIRA.. Jira Bug Report

Problems using a composite view in Titanium Alloy

I am trying to implement a simple app in Alloy that has a very basic structure but I cannot get it to layout reliably. I am trying to bottom align a group of navigation buttons with a working area above them which in the following example would be a TableView.
<Collection src="book">
<Window height="100%" id="main" title="My Library {opts.username}" exitOnClose="true" onOpen="loadExtras">
<TableView id="content" dataCollection="book" top="10px" bottom="100px" onDragEnd="refreshTable">
<TableViewRow title="{title}" color="black" onClick="showBook"/>
<View bottom="0px" height="72px" layout="horizontal" id="actionPanel">
<Button class="footerBtn" onClick="refreshTable">View</Button>
<Button class="footerBtn" onClick="refreshTable">Help</Button>
<Button class="footerBtn" onClick="refreshTable">List</Button>
<Button class="footerBtn add" onClick="addBook"></Button>
The only way I can get this to work is to specify a height for the TableView such as height="80%" and then play with this value until things layout as I would prefer but I do not want to do as I need this to work independently of the devices physical screen size.
How can I implement this kind of layout in Alloy to get a view to pin to the bottom of the screen with a variable working area above it - or, do I have to assume a standard height and work relative to that?
Try pinning the table to the bottom of the parent view and then setting the height to be 80% of the parent view height. Also, use dp values to be screen independent.
<TableView id="content" height="80%" bottom="100dp"

Titanium display image on xml from local

I was storing the full path of an image & retrieved it below, I want to know why does this image file path,doesn't display in imageview on xml?
<TableView dataCollection="photos">
<TableViewRow id="row" dataId="" model="{id}">
<View id="holderview">
<ImageView id="imageview" url="{path}"></ImageView>
However as I view in the finder where the application project documents is located the image is stored in there.Is there something wrong on displaying/retrieving on my xml? Thanks for all your courage in helping.
Try setting the image property, not url, url is deprecated.
<TableView dataCollection="photos">
<TableViewRow id="row" dataId="" model="{id}">
<View id="holderview">
<ImageView id="imageview" image="{path}"></ImageView>

How to make a button event in pure xaml

I have this code
<Image Name="LightOn_BMP" Source="Res/LightOn.bmp" Canvas.Left="150" Canvas.Top="10" />
<Image Name="LightOff_BMP" Source="Res/LightOFF.bmp" Canvas.Left="150" Canvas.Top="10" />
<Button Canvas.Left="215" Canvas.Top="150" Click="PowerOn">
<Image Name="SwitchDown_BMP" Source="Res/SwitchDown.bmp" />
<Button Canvas.Left="215" Canvas.Top="150" Click="PowerOff">
<Image Name="SwtichUp_BMP" Source="Res/SwitchUp.bmp" />
And I want in pure XAML to make the PowerOn event to change so that LightOn.bmp is visible and LightOff.bmp is hidden and hide the Switchdown.bmp picture/button
Then I should be able to figure out how to make the event for the PowerOff
Simply put, you can't. The whole idea behind WPF is that you should separate behavior from display. So, at least without making some crazy black magic, you won't be able to change the state of the Image object (visible to false).