Xcode build parameters - objective-c

I am looking at compiling building a simple app I have wrote using Objective C. Currently all the application does it print 'hello [dev|production]' on screen.
What I would like to do is able to add a build parameter into xcode so that if I build it with a dev flag then the output would be 'hello dev' else the output would be 'hello production'.
Can someone give me an code example or link to a resource which will allow me to do this.
The idea is not to distingusish between DEBUG and PRODUCTION but rather to be able to add values into the build process which will change the compiled application output.

You can add another value to your preprocessor Macros, here:
If you want to add a another build configuration:
Edit 1:
The idea is not to distingusish between DEBUG and PRODUCTION but
rather to be able to add values into the build process which will
change the compiled application output.
Something you can do is to have two plist files, with all the values you want to use in your application. If you are in debug mode use debug.plist file, otherwise release.plist. This allows you to better control what are you using in your application for each build.
You can find the configurations here:
(I used PlotCreator as an example... It's an open source lib)


Gradle Allow duplicate sourceSets

So what im trying to do is this:
I have my main resources that should be added first
I then have dev resources that should be able to overwrite the main
resources (to replace files with eg dev configs or dev icons)
Im doing this before building my jar like this:
sourceSets.getByName("main") {
Sadly this fails because by default gradle doesnt want to overwrite files.
> Entry net/snipsniper/resources/img/systray/icon.png is a duplicate but no duplicate handling strategy has been set. Please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/7.5.1/dsl/org.gradle.api.tasks.Copy.html#org.gradle.api.tasks.Copy:duplicatesStrategy for details.
So far ive tried to move the first code snippet into a copy task, where i could define a duplicateStrategy, that didnt change anything though.
I really just want the dev resources to be allowed to overwrite the base resources.

TF Build 2013 building specific version using changeset, label, buildNumber or buildId

I have two team builds created in VS 2013 - Dev and Test - using the TfvcTemplate.12.xaml build process template. Both builds also use a custom .proj file defined in the process tab "Build/Projects" parameter.
Dev is set to Continuous Integration to build on each check-in. For the Test build, I'd like to update to a particular version.
When firing the build manually, in the parameters tab, I have successfully been able to specify a Changeset in the "Get Version" option. (C9999)
1) I'd like to eventually fire this build from command line, so is it possible to pass this in as a /msBuildArgument instead? e.g. /p:GetVersion=C9999
(I've tried this, and it successfully passes GetVersion to my .proj files, but it does not override the iBuildDetail.SourceGetVersion, which I think is what needs to happen to tell MSBuild what version to get from source control.)
2) Would using the "Label", "BuildId" or "BuildNumber" be better options, and if so, can I specifiy them as /msBuildArguments?
I have found a few related posts, but these offer suggestions that don't seem directed to 2013, but rather 2010 and 2008.
This screenshot shows where I can successfully enter and build a specified changeset and what I'm attempting to pass via arguments.
I found some buried documentation which indicates to prefix the label with an "L". Setting Get Version = "LlabelName" did the trick.
This is helpful, but it seems the labels are tied the to the build's retention policy. For this reason, I'll be using Changesets to specify the version I want to get (build and deploy).
Also, I found a couple parameters to specify Changeset (or labels) to add to the TFSBuild start command I am executing from the command line:
/getOption:Custom /customGetVersion:C9999 (or LlabelName)

SoapUI - Increase property value for each test case

I want to use a property ('currentId') which has a certain start value. For each test case the value should be increased by 1. I can do that by adding an extra test step in each test case which increases the value but that would be much copy paste. The code for that would be (see reference):
def uniqueUserPortion = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getPropertyValue("currentId")
// convert it to an Integer, and increment
def uniqueUserPortionInc = uniqueUserPortion.toInteger() + 1
// set the property back as string
testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.setPropertyValue("currentId", uniqueUserPortionInc.toString())
To avoid that copy&paste I've added the code above to the Load Script of the project but it doesn't work:
testSuite.testCases.each {
*code above*
What can I do to use the code in one script/call for all test cases?
I could define the property as the start value plus the test case ID but that would be a definition in each test case again since I can not reference the #TestCase#ID in project level/property.
Issue with what your are trying
Load Script of the project is executed once when you import the project into soapui workspace. So, this approach does not work.
As you rightly mentioned, either you need to have it in a separate step of the each test case or you can add the same code as setup script. Yes, it is copy paste only
It is possible to achieve easily using SoapUI NG which pro edition using Event feature.
Then your next question may be : how to do it in Open Source edition of SoapUI.
Here is an soapuiExtensions which I did sometime ago which allows you do the same without having to copy paste for each test case in open source edition.
All you need do is have your groovy script into a specific file called 'TestCaseBeforeRun.groovy'. That means, the script is executed before running each test case.
For more details refer README
This soapuiExtensions library allows users to have some additional functionality in soapUI(free edition) tool, like soapui pro allows to do something before, after doing something.
For eg: User may want to do something before running a test case or after running a test case etc by implementing appropriate groovy script as required. Allow me to add an example here. Usually user may want to add credentials for the request step automatically, see the script samples/scripts/TestSuiteTestStepAdded.groovy
How to use this library:
set SOAPUI_HOME environment variable.
copy lib/SoapUIExtListeners.jar file under $SOAPUI_HOME/bin/ext directory
copy samples/listeners/custom-listeners.xml file under $SOAPUI_HOME/bin/listeners directory
copy samples/scripts directory under $SOAPUI_HOME
And implement appropriate groovy script available under $SOAPUI_HOME/scripts. Refer Mappings file in order to implement respective groovy script.
Note: for windows users, you may need to check %SOAPUI_HOME%\bin\soapui.bat which actually overwrites SOAPUI_HOME, need to fix soapui.bat script if requires.
Uses jdk 7, soapUI 4.5.1, and groovy 1.8.9
UPDATE: this is realted to the note in the above.
As it was mentioned in the note, soapui.bat overrides SOAPUI_HOME environment variable on windows, needs to be tweaked a bit. May be you want to copy that groovy file under %SOAPUI_HOME%\bin\scripts (this is without tweaking soapui.bat)and retry. If your machine is linux then it should work if you copy the groovy file under $SOAPUI_HOME/scripts directory

How to permanently save a build variable as a build step?

I have the following variables defined:
Now once a build is complete (the last step in the build process), I want to update the VersionRevision variable, basically increment it.
So I'm looking for an API I can call from C# and create a console application or a powershell script to edit the build definition (if I have to do this)?
You can use VSTS Rest API to update the variable value in Build Definition. Both Console Application and Powershell Script is OK for this.
If I understand correctly, you want to get these build variables and them assignment them as your version number.
After the build completes, update and increment the VersionRevision. It's not a good way and seems not available to achieve it.
In TFS build there is a $(Rev:.r) which means
Use $(Rev:.rr) to ensure that every completed build has a unique name.
When a build is completed, if nothing else in the build number has
changed, the Rev integer value is incremented by one.
Source: Specify general build definition settings
To version your assemblies you could just add an powershell script in your build definition, detail ways to achieve please follow this link from MSDN: Version your assemblies
And usually we only define and assignment variables with the Major and Minor version. If you want to change the value of them. You may need manually edit the build definition.
More related link about how to manage version numbers as part of your vNext builds.
vNext Build Awesomeness – Managing Version Numbers
Generate custom build numbers in TFS Build vNext

iOS, detect ad-hoc from code

I want to use a different API url for my iPhone app when I'm debugging or doing an ad-hoc deployment. Is there any way to detect from code (if adhoc) use this Url rather than the default one?
There are two ways I can think of:
1.) Conditional Compilation
Since you have to "Archive" the product to distribute the adhoc build, you might as well setup a new config for Archive and leverage the preprocessor.
2.) Alternate default .settings files based on Release/Debug/AdHoc.
Same suggestion as above, but using a .settings file instead of compilation. Personally, I'd recommend this over the conditional compilation because it can be changed (and saved) after deployment if you want to test other environments without redeploying.
Conditional Compilation refers to using "ifdef" blocks right? I tried this once but couldn't get it to check for AD-HOC, only DEBUG seemed to work
There is not an "ADHOC" macro defined by default. But you can easily add one.
Here's how you might go about setting up an additional configuration with a new preprocessor macro for your ADHOC builds:
Step 1: Setup a new Config (optional... you might just use Release... up to you).
Step 2: Add the preprocessor macro for that config. In my screenshot it only shows Debug and Release because I didn't actually add a new config. If you added a new Config (and called it something like "AdHoc", it should show up here as well:
Add ADHOC=1 just like the DEBUG=1 macro for the debug config.
Step 3: Either modify your current Scheme, or duplicate it, such that the "Archive" step uses your new configuration: