How to pick out calls to methods with default visibility? - aop

It is possible to pick out calls to methods with any of the three visibility-modifiers, e.g.
call(public * TestClass.*(..));
but not for those with default visibility.
I can think of this way around it:
pointcut bla():
call(!public * TestClass.*(..))
&& call(!protected * TestClass.*(..))
&& call(!private * TestClass.*(..));
Still, I was wondering if there is no shorter way of doing it?

// Intercept caller
pointcut packageVisibleMethodCall() :
call(!private !public !protected * *(..));
// Intercept callee
pointcut packageVisibleMethodExecution() :
execution(!private !public !protected * *(..));


How to repeat Mono while not empty

I have a method which returns like this!
Mono<Integer> getNumberFromSomewhere();
I need to keep calling this until it has no more items to emit. That is I need to make this as Flux<Integer>.
One option is to add repeat. the point is - I want to stop when the above method emits the first empty signal.
Is there any way to do this? I am looking for a clean way.
A built-in operator that does that (although it is intended for "deeper" nesting) is expand.
expand naturally stops expansion when the returned Publisher completes empty.
You could apply it to your use-case like this:
//this changes each time one subscribes to it
Mono<Integer> monoWithUnderlyingState;
Flux<Integer> repeated = monoWithUnderlyingState
.expand(i -> monoWithUnderlyingState);
I'm not aware of a built-in operator which would do the job straightaway. However, it can be done using a wrapper class and a mix of operators:
Flux<Integer> repeatUntilEmpty() {
return getNumberFromSomewhere()
// helper class, not necessarily needs to be Java record
record ResultWrapper(Integer value) {
public static final ResultWrapper EMPTY = new ResultWrapper(null);
public boolean isNotEmpty() {
return value != null;

Why is Perl 6's unwrap method a method of Routine?

There's an unwrap method, but the way it seems I'm supposed to use
it isn't the way it should be used. It seems like it should either be a
standalone routine or a method in a different class. What am I missing?
It appears that it doesn't care what its invocant is as long as it
gets the right Routine::WrapHandle thingy as an argument. In this
example, I wrap a subroutine and get back a WrapHandle:
sub add-two-numbers ( $n, $m ) { $n + $m }
sub do-some-stuff ( $n, $m, $o ) {
add-two-numbers( $n max $m, $m max $o );
put do-some-stuff( 5, 10, 15 );
# now I want to look into do-some-stuff to see what it's
# passing
my $wraphandle = &add-two-numbers.wrap: {
say "Arguments were (#_[])";
callwith( |#_ );
put do-some-stuff( 5, 10, 15 );
Then, I can create a different and unrelated routine and call unwrap
on that:
my &routine = sub { 1 };
&routine.unwrap( $wraphandle );
put do-some-stuff( 5, 10, 15 );
The invocant to unwrap seems superfluous. Indeed, I can call it as a
class method and it still works:
Routine.unwrap( $wraphandle );
But, it seems this should either be a routine (since the invocant
doesn't matter):
unwrap( $wraphandle ); # doesn't exist
Or a method on Routine::WrapHandle since that's the source of the
$wraphandle.unwrap; # but, this method doesn't exist in that class
So, what am I missing about this method?
At a guess, the interface was designed one way (with the routine keeping the information and being able to remove 'passive' handles), but implemented another (with the handle already keeping all required information so it can unwrap itself).
As to the notion that unwrap should perhaps be a method on the handle: It actually is, but the method is called restore, which Routine.unwrap merely delegates to (cf core/
method unwrap($handle) {
$handle.can('restore') && $handle.restore() ||
If you want the full story, besides core/, there's also Perl6::Metamodel::WrapDispatcher defined in Perl6/Metamodel/Dispatchers.nqp. From what I can see, it certainly should be possible to implement the original design I conjectured, but it would need someone feeling strongly enough about the issue to actually do it...

Difference between Mock / Stub / Spy in Spock test framework

I don't understand the difference between Mock, Stub, and Spy in Spock testing and the tutorials I have been looking at online don't explain them in detail.
Attention: I am going to oversimplify and maybe even slightly falsify in the upcoming paragraphs. For more detailed info see Martin Fowler's website.
A mock is a dummy class replacing a real one, returning something like null or 0 for each method call. You use a mock if you need a dummy instance of a complex class which would otherwise use external resources like network connections, files or databases or maybe use dozens of other objects. The advantage of mocks is that you can isolate the class under test from the rest of the system.
A stub is also a dummy class providing some more specific, prepared or pre-recorded, replayed results to certain requests under test. You could say a stub is a fancy mock. In Spock you will often read about stub methods.
A spy is kind of a hybrid between real object and stub, i.e. it is basically the real object with some (not all) methods shadowed by stub methods. Non-stubbed methods are just routed through to the original object. This way you can have original behaviour for "cheap" or trivial methods and fake behaviour for "expensive" or complex methods.
Update 2017-02-06: Actually user mikhail's answer is more specific to Spock than my original one above. So within the scope of Spock, what he describes is correct, but that does not falsify my general answer:
A stub is concerned with simulating specific behaviour. In Spock this is all a stub can do, so it is kind of the simplest thing.
A mock is concerned with standing in for a (possibly expensive) real object, providing no-op answers for all method calls. In this regard, a mock is simpler than a stub. But in Spock, a mock can also stub method results, i.e. be both a mock and a stub. Furthermore, in Spock we can count how often specific mock methods with certain parameters have been called during a test.
A spy always wraps a real object and by default routes all method calls to the original object, also passing through the original results. Method call counting also works for spies. In Spock, a spy can also modify the behaviour of the original object, manipulating method call parameters and/or results or blocking the original methods from being called at all.
Now here is an executable example test, demonstrating what is possible and what is not. It is a bit more instructive than mikhail's snippets. Many thanks to him for inspiring me to improve my own answer! :-)
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow
import org.spockframework.mock.TooFewInvocationsError
import org.spockframework.runtime.InvalidSpecException
import spock.lang.FailsWith
import spock.lang.Specification
class MockStubSpyTest extends Specification {
static class Publisher {
List<Subscriber> subscribers = new ArrayList<>()
void addSubscriber(Subscriber subscriber) {
void send(String message) {
for (Subscriber subscriber : subscribers)
static interface Subscriber {
String receive(String message)
static class MySubscriber implements Subscriber {
String receive(String message) {
if (message ==~ /[A-Za-z ]+/)
return "ok"
return "uh-oh"
Subscriber realSubscriber1 = new MySubscriber()
Subscriber realSubscriber2 = new MySubscriber()
Publisher publisher = new Publisher(subscribers: [realSubscriber1, realSubscriber2])
def "Real objects can be tested normally"() {
realSubscriber1.receive("Hello subscribers") == "ok"
realSubscriber1.receive("Anyone there?") == "uh-oh"
def "Real objects cannot have interactions"() {
publisher.send("Hello subscribers")
publisher.send("Anyone there?")
2 * realSubscriber1.receive(_)
def "Stubs can simulate behaviour"() {
def stubSubscriber = Stub(Subscriber) {
receive(_) >>> ["hey", "ho"]
stubSubscriber.receive("Hello subscribers") == "hey"
stubSubscriber.receive("Anyone there?") == "ho"
stubSubscriber.receive("What else?") == "ho"
def "Stubs cannot have interactions"() {
given: "stubbed subscriber registered with publisher"
def stubSubscriber = Stub(Subscriber) {
receive(_) >> "hey"
publisher.send("Hello subscribers")
publisher.send("Anyone there?")
2 * stubSubscriber.receive(_)
def "Mocks can simulate behaviour and have interactions"() {
def mockSubscriber = Mock(Subscriber) {
3 * receive(_) >>> ["hey", "ho"]
publisher.send("Hello subscribers")
publisher.send("Anyone there?")
then: "check interactions"
1 * mockSubscriber.receive("Hello subscribers")
1 * mockSubscriber.receive("Anyone there?")
and: "check behaviour exactly 3 times"
mockSubscriber.receive("foo") == "hey"
mockSubscriber.receive("bar") == "ho"
mockSubscriber.receive("zot") == "ho"
def "Spies can have interactions"() {
def spySubscriber = Spy(MySubscriber)
publisher.send("Hello subscribers")
publisher.send("Anyone there?")
then: "check interactions"
1 * spySubscriber.receive("Hello subscribers")
1 * spySubscriber.receive("Anyone there?")
and: "check behaviour for real object (a spy is not a mock!)"
spySubscriber.receive("Hello subscribers") == "ok"
spySubscriber.receive("Anyone there?") == "uh-oh"
def "Spies can modify behaviour and have interactions"() {
def spyPublisher = Spy(Publisher) {
send(_) >> { String message -> callRealMethodWithArgs("#" + message) }
def mockSubscriber = Mock(MySubscriber)
spyPublisher.send("Hello subscribers")
spyPublisher.send("Anyone there?")
then: "check interactions"
1 * mockSubscriber.receive("#Hello subscribers")
1 * mockSubscriber.receive("#Anyone there?")
Try it in the Groovy Web Console.
The question was in the context of the Spock framework and I don't believe the current answers take this into account.
Based on Spock docs (examples customized, my own wording added):
Stub: Used to make collaborators respond to method calls in a certain way. When stubbing a method, you don’t care if and how many times the method is going to be called; you just want it to return some value, or perform some side effect, whenever it gets called.
subscriber.receive(_) >> "ok" // subscriber is a Stub()
Mock: Used to describe interactions between the object under specification and its collaborators.
def "should send message to subscriber"() {
1 * subscriber.receive("hello") // subscriber is a Mock()
A Mock can act as a Mock and a Stub:
1 * subscriber.receive("message1") >> "ok" // subscriber is a Mock()
Spy: Is always based on a real object with original methods that do real things. Can be used like a Stub to change return values of select methods. Can be used like a Mock to describe interactions.
def subscriber = Spy(SubscriberImpl, constructorArgs: ["Fred"])
def "should send message to subscriber"() {
1 * subscriber.receive("message1") >> "ok" // subscriber is a Spy(), used as a Mock an Stub
def "should send message to subscriber (actually handle 'receive')"() {
1 * subscriber.receive("message1") // subscriber is a Spy(), used as a Mock, uses real 'receive' function
A Stub() is a Stub.
A Mock() is a Stub and Mock.
A Spy() is a Stub, Mock and Spy.
Avoid using Mock() if Stub() is sufficient.
Avoid using Spy() if you can, having to do so could be a smell and hints at incorrect test or incorrect design of object under test.
In simple terms:
Mock: You mock a type and on the fly you get an object created. Methods in this mock object returns the default values of return type.
Stub: You create a stub class where methods are redefined with definition as per your requirement. Ex: In real object method you call and external api and return the username against and id. In stubbed object method you return some dummy name.
Spy: You create one real object and then you spy it. Now you can mock some methods and chose not to do so for some.
One usage difference is you can not mock method level objects. whereas you can create a default object in method and then spy on it to get the desired behavior of methods in spied object.
Stubs are really only to facilitate the unit test, they are not part of the test. Mocks, are part of the test, part of the verification, part of the pass / fail.
So, say you have a method that takes in a object as a parameter. You never do anything which changes this parameter in the test. You simply read a value from it. That's a stub.
If you change anything, or need to verify some sort of interaction with the object, then it it is a mock.

is there way to check if performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: has been registered?

I whould like to know if there is a way to determine if performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: for the given object has been called (registered to be called). (I could use cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:selector:object: and re-call performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:, ok but I'm interested to know if there is the alternative).
The best thing to do would be to make sure that the selector being called can be called multiple times safely.
For example, use a flag in the target object to track if the method has already been invoked e.g.
-targetSelector: (id) param
if (!hasBeenRun) // hasBeenRun is a boolean intance variable
hasBeenRun = true;
// other stuff

AspectJ: parameter in a pointcut

I'm using AspectJ to advice all the public methods which do have an argument of a chosen class. I tried the following:
pointcut permissionCheckMethods(Session sess) :
(execution(public * *(.., Session)) && args(*, sess));
This is working wonderfully for methods with at least 2 arguments:
public void delete(Object item, Session currentSession);
but it does not work with methods like:
public List listAll(Session currentSession);
How may I change my pointcut to advice both methods executions? In other words: I expected the ".." wildcard to represent "zero or more arguments", but it looks like it means instead "one or more"...
Oh well... I worked that around with this nasty trick. Still waiting for someone to show up with an "official" pointcut definition.
pointcut permissionCheckMethods(EhealthSession eheSess) :
(execution(public * *(.., EhealthSession)) && args(*, eheSess))
&& !within(;
pointcut permissionCheckMethods2(EhealthSession eheSess) :
(execution(public * *(EhealthSession)) && args(eheSess))
&& !within(
&& !within(;
before(EhealthSession eheSess) throws AuthorizationException : permissionCheckMethods(eheSess)
Signature sig = thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature();
check(eheSess, sig);
before(EhealthSession eheSess) throws AuthorizationException : permissionCheckMethods2(eheSess)
Signature sig = thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature();
check(eheSess, sig);
How about:
pointcut permissionCheckMethods(Session sess) :
(execution(public * *(..)) && args(.., sess));
I guess this will match if last (or only) argument is of type Session. By swapping the positions of args you can also match first-or-only. But i don't know if matching any arbitrary position is possible.
I cannot extend AspectJ syntax for you, but I can offer a workaround. But first let me explain why it is not possible to do what you want with an args definition in a pointcut: because if you would match your EhealthSession parameter anyplace within the method signature, how should AspectJ handle the case that the signature contains multiple parameters of that class? The meaning of eheSess would be ambiguous.
Now the workaround: It might be slower - how much depends on your environment, just test it - but you could just have the pointcut match all potential methods regardless of their parameter list and then let the advice find the parameter you need by inspecting the parameter list:
pointcut permissionCheckMethods() : execution(public * *(..));
before() throws AuthorizationException : permissionCheckMethods() {
for (Object arg : thisJoinPoint.getArgs()) {
if (arg instanceof EhealthSession)
check(arg, thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature());
P.S.: Maybe you can narrow the focus via within(SomeBaseClass+) or within(*Postfix) or within(*) so as not to apply the advice to the whole universe.
You have to use .. (double points) at the end and the beginning as follows:
pointcut permissionCheckMethods(Session sess) :
(execution(public * *(.., Session , ..)) );
Also get rid off && args(*, sess) because that means that you expect to catch only those methods with whatever type for first param but sess as second param and no more than 2 params as well..
#Before(value = "execution(public * *(.., , ..))")
private void isMethodPageable () {"in a Aspect point cut isPageableParameterAvailable()");