Problems with var page = $(this).attr("id"); - scripting

i have been working for hours on the live search concept, and i am having problems with just one part of the Code.
<input id="searchs" autocomplete="off" />
<div class="livesearch" ></div>
$(function () {
$("#searchs").keyup(function () {
var searchs = $(this).val();
$.get("livesearch.php?searchs=" + searchs, function (data) {
if (searchs) {
} else {
$(".page").live("click", function () {
var searchs = $("#searchs").val();
var page = $(this).attr("id");
$(".livesearch").load("livesearch.php?searchs=" + searchs + "&page=" +page);
the part var page = $(this).attr("id"); is not working. The page shows the error below
Notice: Undefined index: page in C:\xamp\...
and this error comes from the livesearch.php file which intends to use the index.
I am new to this way of scripting.
what could be the problem?
the part where the error is coming from on livesearch.php
$pagenum = $_GET["page"];
} else {
$pagenum = 1;

Try this:
$(".livesearch").load("livesearch.php", {
searchs: searchs,
page: page
You weren't properly encoding the search string, and it could cause problems parsing the URL. jQuery will do that for you if you put the parameters in an object.


How to copy a example into a .vue

I found a example ( I want to play around with in the context of a .vue app I'm working on, and I need some help transferring the <script> section over.
I copied the HTML chunk into a <template> and the CSS into a <style>. I've confirmed the .vue file works within the broader context (content loads when the <script> is commented out. I also placed <script src="" /> immediately before my <script> to resolve the $ not defined error I was getting. Is there something I need to import into App.vue or into this particular .vue file? When I leave <script> uncommented, I simply get a blank page loaded.
<script src="" />
var hidWidth;
var scrollBarWidths = 40;
you could define a method like this:
methods: {
renderStuff: function () {
var hidWidth;
var scrollBarWidths = 40;
var widthOfList = function(){
var itemsWidth = 0;
$('.list li').each(function(){
var itemWidth = $(this).outerWidth();
return itemsWidth;
var widthOfHidden = function(){
return (($('.wrapper').outerWidth())-widthOfList()-getLeftPosi())-
var getLeftPosi = function(){
return $('.list').position().left;
var reAdjust = function(){
if (($('.wrapper').outerWidth()) < widthOfList()) {
else {
if (getLeftPosi()<0) {
else {
$('.scroller-right').click(function() {
$('.scroller-left').click(function() {
and run the method on mount like this:
mounted() {
Side note, var is not ideal in this day and age. Recommend converting these to let.

Jqgrid change nav properties on callback function

i try to change the navbar properties on a jqgrid in a callback function without succes.
The grid is display afeter user is chosing a period. Depend on either the period is open or close user can or cannot edit, add, delete rows. So the navbar need to change properties dynamically.
My code look like that:
// some properties of my grid that works fine
pager : '#gridpager'
url: 'checkifperiodopen.php',
data: {
success: function(data){
$('#validChossenPeriod').click(function () {
ajax call to get data on choosen period
$("#mygrid").jqGrid('setGridParam', { datatype: 'local'});
$("#mygrid").jqGrid('setGridParam', { data: data});
I finally found the answer by show or hide the div that include the navgrid button:
grid = $("#mygrid");
gid = $.jgrid.jqID(grid[0].id);
var $tdadd = $('#add_' + gid);
var $tdedit = $('#edit_' + gid);
var $tddel = $('#del_' + gid);
condition if false =
if true =
Why so complex? There is a other clear way to do this
var view_buttons = true;
if(condition_to_hide) {
view_buttons = false;
$("#mygrid").jqGrid('navGrid','#gridpager', { add:view_buttons, edit:view_buttons, del:view_buttons, search:true, refresh:true});

Vue JS fire a method based on another method's output unique ID

I'm trying to render a list of notes and in that list I would like to include the note's user name based on the user_id stored in the note's table. I have something like this, but at the moment it is logging an error stating Cannot read property 'user_id' of undefined, which I get why.
My question is, in Vue how can something like this be executed?
<div v-for="note in notes">
return this.$http.get('http://api/notes/' + id )
this.notes = response.body;
return this.$http.get('http://api/user/' + id )
this.user = response.body;
created: function(){
.then( () => {
I modified my code to look like the below example, and I'm getting better results, but not 100% yet. With this code, it works the first time it renders the view, if I navigate outside this component and then back in, it then fails...same thing if I refresh the page.
The error I am getting is: [Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'user_name' of undefined"
Notice the console.log... it the returns the object as expected every time, but as I mentioned if refresh the page or navigate past and then back to this component, I get the error plus the correct log.
<div v-for="note in notes">
return this.$http.get('http://api/notes/' + id )
this.notes = response.body;
for( let i = 0; i < response.body.length; i++ ) {
let uId = response.body[i].user_id,
uNote = this.notes[i];
this.$http.get('http://api/users/' + uId)
uNote.user = response.body;
It looks like you're trying to show the username of each note's associated user, while the username comes from a different data source/endpoint than that of the notes.
One way to do that:
Fetch the notes
Fetch the user info based on each note's user ID
Join the two datasets into the notes array that your view is iterating, exposing a user property on each note object in the array.
Example code:
let _notes;
.then(notes => this.fetchUsers(notes))
.then(notes => _notes = notes)
.then(users => this.joinUserNotes(users, _notes))
.then(result => this.notes = result);
Your view template would look like this:
<div v-for="note in notes">
demo w/axios
UPDATE Based on the code you shared with me, it looks like my original demo code (which uses axios) might've misled you into a bug. The axios library returns the HTTP response in a data field, but the vue-resource library you use returns the HTTP response in a body field. Attempting to copy my demo code without updating to use the correct field would cause the null errors you were seeing.
When I commented that axios made no difference here, I was referring to the logic shown in the example code above, which would apply to either library, given the field names are abstracted in the fetchNotes() and fetchUsers().
Here's the updated demo: demo w/vue-resource.
Specifically, you should update your code as indicated in this snippet:
fetchInvoices(id) {
return this.$http.get('http://localhost/php-api/public/api/invoices/' + id)
// .then(invoices =>; // DON'T DO THIS!
.then(invoices => invoices.body); // DO THIS: `.data` should be `.body`
fetchCustomers(invoices) {
// ...
return Promise.all( => this.$http.get('http://localhost/php-api/public/api/customers/' + id))
// .then(customers => =>; // DON'T DO THIS!
.then(customers => => customer.body)); // DO THIS: `.data` should be `.body`
Thank you for all your help and effort dude! Ultimately, with the help from someone in the Vue forum, this worked for me. In addition I wanted to learn how to add additional http requests besides the just the user in the fetchNotes method - in this example also the image request. And this works for me.
<div v-if="notes.length > 0">
<div v-if="loaded === true">
<div v-for="note in notes">
<img :src="note.image.url" />
<div v-else>Something....</div>
<div v-else>Something....</div>
name: 'invoices',
data () {
return {
invoices: [],
loaded: false,
methods: {
fetchNotes: async function (id){
let notes = (await this.$http.get('http://api/notes/' + id )).body
for (let i = 0; notes.length; i++) {
notes[i].user = (await this.$http.get('http://api/user/' + notes[i].user_id)).body
notes[i].image = (await this.$http.get('http://api/image/' + notes[i].image_id)).body
this.notes = this.notes.concat(notes)
}catch (error) {
this.loaded = true;

Update the notification counter in mvc 4

I want to sync the notification counter on both sides at a time. The attached image will make you understand easily what i need to do on which I am stuck from quite a few days.
The Right Side of the notification bell is in Layout:
<div class="header-top">
<h2 style="width:100%">#ViewBag.Heading</h2>
<a class="info sprite" id="lnkInfo"></a>
if(ViewBag.ShowNotification != null && ViewBag.ShowNotification) {
<span class="notifications-icon"><em>#ViewBag.NotificationCount</em></span>
The Left Notification Bell is in View.
<div class="head">
<span class="notifications-icon"><em>#Model.Announcement.Count</em></span>
Jquery Ajax Call to Controller Action:
function UpdateNotification(id) {
var json = { "AnnouncementID": id };
type: 'POST',
url: '#Url.Action("UpdateNotificationData", "Home")',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
data: '{"AnnouncementID":' + id + '}',
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
if (data) {
function updatenotificationUI(id) {
var $notificaitonContainer = $(".notifications");
if (id != null) {
var $li = $notificaitonContainer.find("li[id=" + id + "]");
if ($li != null) {
$li.slideUp("slow", function () {
var legth = $notificaitonContainer.find("#listing li").length;
if (legth > 0)
else {
Home Controller :
public ActionResult UpdateNotificationData(string AnnouncementID)
var announcements = new AnnouncementResponse() { Announcement = new List<Announcement>() };
if (IsUserAuthenticated)
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Account");
announcements = _contentManager.Announcement();
var item = announcements.Announcement.Where(p => p.AnnouncementID == Convert.ToInt32(AnnouncementID)).FirstOrDefault();
ViewBag.NotificationCount = announcements.Announcement.Count;
return Json(new { success = true });
But the Notification Bell in Layout doesnt update with the viewbag value or even when the model is assigned to it.
Please provide a solution for this.
You're only updating one of the two notifications. First you find a containing element:
var $notificaitonContainer = $(".notifications");
The HTML in the question doesn't have any elements which match this, so I can't be more specific. But just based on the naming alone it sounds like you're assuming there's only one such container.
Regardless, you then choose exactly one element to update:
var $li = $notificaitonContainer.find("li[id=" + id + "]");
(This can't be more than one element, since id values need to be unique.)
So... On your page you have two "notification" elements. You're updating one of them. The solution, then, would be to also update the other one. However you identify that elements in the HTML (jQuery has many options for identifying an element or set of elements), your updatenotificationUI function simply needs to update both.

SimpleCart.js search functionality

Have been using simpleCart for a while and it works great and i know it has a search function in it but it only seems to search certain elements my question is this, i would like to know if it can be set up to search within the contents of html files? as all the items are stored in Html pages for simple cataloging.
try this: JS
function filter(e){
search = e.value.toLowerCase();
text = row.innerText.toLowerCase();
} else {"none"
// need to count hidden items and if all instances of .kb-items are hidden, then hide .kb-item
var countHidden = document.querySelectorAll(".item_name[style='display: none;']").length;
function detectParent()
var collectionref=document.querySelectorAll(".simpleCart_shelfItem");
var itemcollection=group.getElementsByClassName("item_name");
var hidecounter=0;
for(var j=0;j<itemcollection.length;j++)
<input type="text" onkeyup="filter(this);detectParent();"/>