Get a wav file from Google TTS API - text-to-speech

a question concerning Google Text-to-Speech (TTS) with PHP.
With the help of this script
#$this->mp3data = file_get_contents("".$lang."&q={$text}");
I have been able to access the Google TTS API and download mp3 files to my server. Unfortunately I don't get the mp32ogg programm installed on my server so I wanted to ask whether anybody knows if there is the option to download a .wav file directly from Google?
Just saving the resulting file as .wav didn't work as Firefox throws me a "couldn't decode this .wav file"
I would need it for Firefox support of HTML5 Audio.
Thanks for any help!

I don't know exactly what your final goal is, but have you tried using the "embed" tag instead of "audio"?
I use Firefox and replacing:
<audio controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay">
<source src="<?=$mp3?>" type="audio/mp3" />
<source src="<?=$ogg?>" type="audio/ogg" />
Your browser does not support the audio tag.
<embed src="<?=$mp3?>" type="audio/mp3">
got it working.
Let me know if it helps you out, I would like to see the finished project.


Bigcommerce main banner Video not working on IOS devices only

Here is the link to the bigcommerce store I'm working on. It shows background video on all the devices except IOS devices on any browser.
Looking for help in this weird issue.
Thanks in advance.
Here is the video element code,
<video id="bannerVideo" class="bgVideovideo" autoplay loop muted playsinline>
<source src=""
type='video/webm;codecs="vp8, vorbis"' />
<source src=""
type='video/mp4;codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />
Your browser does not support the video tag.
From a quick check this actually does not work on Safari on MacOS either and it does on Chrome on the same Mac.
Looking at the network traffic you can see the server responds with a '200' to the byte range request from the browser for the video, which Safari does not handle well, although Chrome does:
The most common root cause of this issue appears to be servers that are not configured to handle range requests in what Safari consider the correct manner. It expects to see a '206' response when it sends a request with a byte range.
There is more discussion and examples in the answer here:
Looks like you've uploaded the video to WebDAV - just like Mick's answer, the file hosting server that BigCommerce WebDAV uses is not configured to send the correct request type that IOS/Safari is looking for when loading a <video> element's source.
When I ran into this, I had to upload the video to AWS S3 Storage. You should be able to get 5GB permanently on the free tier.

Not able to play aac audio files on IE11

I have a page with this html :
<audio controls="controls">
<source src="" type="audio/aac" />
It works on Firefox and Edge but it doesn't on IE11. My windows version is up to date and I saw it should be supported. I tried to change my settings to be sure ActiveX is enabled and it is.
I also tried with :
<audio controls="controls" src="">
It doesn't works too.
What can I do?
I tested the sample code with IE 11 browser and I am able to produce the issue.
I try to check the documentation and found this information.
Beginning with Windows Internet Explorer 9, any audio or video content
needs the correct mime type set on the server, or the files won't
play. Internet Explorer 9 supports MP3 audio, and MP4 audio and video.
WebM audio and video files can be supported by installing the WebM
components from The WebM project. The following table shows the
required settings for your web server to host these files correctly.
Microsoft Edge updates introduced WAV support.
audio element | audio object
you can see that .AAC format is not in the list but sites like MDN and CANIUSE shows that it is supported.
I also tried with audio type mp4 which also did not worked.
<audio controls="controls">
<source src="" type="audio/mp4" />
It also can be possible that it is some kind of bug with IE browser or issue is related with H.264 format.
As a work around, I suggest you to use mp3 file format which is working fine with IE 11.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<audio controls="controls">
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg3" />

Captions Not Working with Video.js

I've been using Video.js to embed mp4 videos, it's a great player, thanks to everyone who develops and works on it. For the most part, it's working great, but I have a few small issues I need to figure out.
Here's one of the video pages; Columbia River Bass Fishing. It's mostly XHTML Transitional, I think mixing the HTML 5 in is causing some issues, especially with attribute values, but as long as it works, I'll figure out the details later. Here's the video.js code:
<video id="WAW_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="auto" width="640" height="360" poster="ColumbiaRiverSmallmouthBassFishing.jpg" data-setup='{"WAW_option":true}' >
<source src="ColumbiaRiverSmallmouthBassFishing.mp4" type='video/mp4' />
<track kind="captions" src="captions.vtt" srclang="en" label="English" default />
Your browser does not support this video. Maybe you should update your internet browser
The video stuff works great in Firefox, Chrome and IE11, but no captions. The "captions.vtt" file is correct and IE10 will display the captions locally on my computer, but on the remote server there are no captions. I tried using the full URL location for the VTT file but that didn't work either.
A quick look at the coding on this page should tell you that I'm no expert, but I'd like to try and produce code that works and is compliant, so forgive the stupid questions.
Thanks in advance
Ron B
Change .vtt to .txt rule out if it's a MIME type issue with your web server config.
If you need to add web.config to your root, it needs to list .vtt as an acceptable MIME type.

IE10 not playing a video when using the <video> tag, but plays it when requesting the video directly

I have a webpage with a tag on it with the following markup:
<video width="456" height="360" controls autoplay>
<source src="Movies/Intro.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<source src="Movies/Intro_H264.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8.0, vorbis"'/>
<source src="Movies/Intro_H264.ogg" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'/>
If I visit this page in IE10 it renders the video player but with an error message that reads: "Error: unsupported video type of invalid file path"
But what's odd is if I right-click on the video box and choose, Copy video URL, and then open a new tab in IE and paste in the direct URL to the video file (Movies/Intro.mp4) it plays in the browser without issue.
Also, I can visit the page using Chrome and it plays the MP4 video from the webpage without issue. All that to say, I don't think there's any issue with the video file itself or the encoding, but why is IE 10 not playing the video when it's in the tag, but it is playing it when requesting the video directly?
Any insights?
I would check whether the mime-type is correctly being returned for the file.
Chrome will play correctly regardless of the MIME Type returned.
To check:
Press F12 to display the IE Tools Window/Pane.
Go to the Network Tab
Click Start Capturing
Browse to the page in question
Find the mp4 line
If the Type is displayed as application/octect-stream then this is your issue.
I had the same issue with IE 11 and the problem was the content type was application/octect-stream as stated by csmith. I was serving my videos from Azure storage and apparently that is the default content type.
You can change the type with Azure storage or using Azure api as shown in the post
Set Content-type of media files stored on Blob
Here is a guide for people on Amazon cloud (I did not test it)
Changing content type for Amazon
Make sure you set the web server to use MIME type video/mp4 for .mp4. I accidentally set .mp4 to use MIME type video/mpeg, the video plays in Chrome, but not in IE11.
I had this same issue which was a real pain in the ass. My solution was actually quite simple (after searching on the internet for about 4 hours).
Add this line (specific for IE) to your .htaccess file.
AddType video/mp4 .mp4 .m4v
When you paste the URL to your browser it doesn't use HTML5 player anymore, so it doesn't say that it is really a supported file; only that the file path should be valid.
According to wikipedia, IE10 supports (not only) H.264 for video and AAC for audio - these are very common formats for mp4 container. Chrome's support is much wider (video- and audio-wise).
The problem is that the Intro.mp4 file might have different formats altogether (the file could by just renamed or created using unsupported formats).
I'd look into the file using properties->details or third party programs (for example Media Info).
I don't think it is IE10's issue. The only similar one I've found is when the user was too specific using unsupported format of used codecs ([...] type='video/mp4; codecs="H.264, AAC"' [...]).
Now it is very easy to update mime type for your videos on amazon s3,
Just login and navigate to your file, under preferences you will see metadata, there you can edit content-type
Save it and reload your page.
If it directly plays find when you put the .mp4 URL into the browser make sure it's not running with the Quicktime plugin which you may have installed (especially if you use iTunes). Right click on the successfully playing video to rule that out. If it comes up with menu items related to Quicktime you may want to disable Quicktime plugin in adins and continue troubleshooting.
Sample MP4 video:

HTML5 Video not Playing in Safari

I've been working on an HTML5 video implementation, but I'm having some issues. I've been following the guide at I have encoded .m4v, .ogv, and .webm versions of all of the video. Chrome and Firefox have no troubles playing the video. When I attempt to play it in Safari, it loads the video container, but not the video. You see a white space where the video should be, the controls, and the "loading" text. In Web Inspector's network tab, the video's status is "pending" and the mime-type is "undefined". Interestingly, I only experience this problem on the staging site, while it works fine on my local dev.
When I visit the video directly in the browser on local dev, I get the following output in the console:
Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type video/x-m4v.
GET Plug-in handled load
Note that GET has a little red x to the left of it in the inspector.
My html code looks like:
<video class="html5-video" width="700" controls>
<source src="content/videos/movie.m4v" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />
<source src="content/videos/movie.webm" type='video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"' />
<source src="content/videos/movie.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"' />
Your browser does not support this video.
Additionally, the video is ~20mb.
Any thoughts? Thanks! turns out that the issue occurred because I was using .htaccess to password protect the directory. Interestingly, all browsers except for Safari would allow access to the video files. Thanks to those who helped!
Try encoding to mp4 and replace this file instead m4v format, update your code and run.
Work's fine.