Make a Custom Rally Grid a Bulk-Edit capable grid - rally

Is it possible to add Bulk-Edit capabilities to a grid in a custom Rally app?

Unfortunately there aren't any pre-built hooks that you can toggle to make an AppSDK2 grid bulk-editable. I can see where this would be useful though - I'd recommend posting this as a Feature Request to Rally Ideas.

With App SDK v2.0rc3 you can add "enableBulkEdit: true" to the list of grid configs and it will add that capability


BigCommerce automatic moxieplayer wrap in tinymce

How can I control the behavior of the MCEeditor in the BigCommerce admin control panels?
For instance, I want to add the MCE config flash_video_player_url: false per the question Disabling automatic moxieplayer wrap in tinymce
I know that I can disable the MCE editor, but I'd like to control it's configuration...
The tiny MCE config is within the core BC application and isn't accessible to customize. It would be good to get more info about your use case to see if it's something we could accommodate as a feature request; otherwise, disabling the editor would be the best way to control the content.

Can I remove the title/border of an app in Rally?

I recently found that one of the custom apps I can add to my Rally homepage is a custom HTML app.
This will be really useful to me, since I can use some HTML (Bootstrap) headers to separate apps on my page and make it more organized.
I got the custom HTML to show properly (and I currently have a header/divider) however, it is showing the grey title bar just like any other app would.
Is it possible to hide this when using the HTML app, so just the HTML output shows?
(If anyone is familiar with apps in Sharepoint, it's called a "Chrome" and you can hide the chrome/title so just the content shows.
I don't think there's any built-in chrome to the apps themselves... Can you show a screenshot? Are you following the general formula to embedding apps presented in this guide?!/guide/embedding_apps

how to find element through appium when The UI Automation View don't provide element information

I am unable to identify element using xpath. The UI Automation View don't provide the element detail information.
I want to click the link on the email content.But there is no link element information.
Please help me. I am struck here.
UI Automation screenshot:
Below is the page source:
Switch the context for handling webview autoamation.
driver.context("WEBVIEW"); //replace with your webview context
Try accessing using the x-path, css, class or simply by
You need to use chrome browser for inspecting the web view embedded in Android application. Official doc here
However, there might be a slight issue related to your problem. The thing is to debug a web view embedded in Android application, the web view itself should allow debugging. i.e. the web views object element needs to be changed in the source code. **cached reference here, they have not mentioned this in the updated document.
I am not sure if the email application has this enable or not. If you have the source code update the object as mentioned in the snippet.
Use chromes adb plugin to view the web view elements and to perform actions in web view use switch to context , after performing your actions in web view switch context back to native view

Which plugin is better for developing browser tables: jQuery Datatables or AngularJs UI Grid?

Here is Google trends statictics. AngularJs is a very popular framework, the UI Grid has lower request rates than jQuery Datatables.
Which plugin is better today for developing customable browser tables: AngularJs Grid UI or jQuery Datatables?
P.S.: I have already checked that AngularJs Grid UI is the most popular table plugin among all angularjs table plugins (google trends and github statistics is checked). Also I do not like angular datatables plugin because it is not as customable and sometimes not as fast as original datatables.
Jquery has been around for a very long times and therefore statistics are true with more requests for jquery datatables.
But, the choice depends on you. If your application is angular app and you want to go throughj the angular way, then angular grid ui is the best bet. This takes of the load of refreshing the data. Angular will handle everything for you.
But yes, the library overhead will be there and if you want to put in extra efforts of handling everything on your own , then you can go with jquery datatables.
I would suggest you to go with angular Grid.

Shopify api: add a link

I am developing a shopify app.
Is it possible to add a new link to the main menu via the shopify API?
If you log in to your partner account and then create an App you can edit the created App and you will see all the resources at your disposal where you can add a new link.
If you notice also, using the API you can pull and rewrite any asset in a shop to contain a new link. This is discouraged as bad practice. Instead, inject a script tag that does the dirty work.
Soon as I know the API itself cannot change something inside the theme files... some APPs ask you to apply some code manually in the theme, with proper instructions... maybe this code could add the new menu or dynamically interact to get it.