How do hard code HTML in VB for the Body of an email? -

Sorry if that title wasn't very easy to get the gist of. This is my first post.
Basically within my program is the option to send an email. Its an E-Ticket. I have set 'IsBodyHtml' to true. It sends it fine. No problems at all.
Within the HTML code however I want to insert some fields that are relevant to each customer.
When I put set ETicket.Body = to the HTML Code I get a number of errors because words such as 'Width' and 'Height' etc are being picked up as VB words.
As a short term fix so I could test that the HTML body actually works I put the code into a rich text box and then set ETicket.Body = RichTextBox1.Text . It works, but doesn't have the data in it that I want.
The data relevant to each customer is held in an array. Any idea how I can get the HTML code to be accepted by VB? Or how I can get my data from the array into the relevant position in the rich text box?

This will likely be due to the double quotes in the HMTL markup. Try doing a find and replace on the HTML, and replace double quotes (") with single ones (').


How to get the text written in a Plain Text Content Control in Word via VBA

I still haven't understood how to use VBA in Word. I have a Plain Text Content Control, where our employees will write some text. This text will be added to an email. But how do I get this text? I would like something like this:
preparerText = ActiveDocument.ContentControls("PreparerText").Range.Text
But it doesn't work.
I have tried to Google how to do this, but cannot find an answer (or perhaps the answer is there, but I just don't understand how to use it in my context)
Information about the content control I want to get text from:
Provided your content controls have unique titles it can be as simple as:
preparerText = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("PreparerText")(1).Range.Text

Pasting HTML into Word using VBA

I need to paste 6000 HTML strings into Word as formatted using VBA. I can do this if I insert an HTML file, but would rather do this with passing a string.
This is the sample HTML I'm using:
<html><body>normal <b>bold</b><br></body></html>
I can get this to work:
Selection.InsertFile FileName:="html test file.htm"
Result: normal bold (this is what I want).
But not this (with the above HTML in the clipboard):
ActiveDocument.Range.PasteSpecial ,,,,WdPasteDataType.wdPasteHTML
With the later, I get error 5342 "the specified data type is unavailable".
In a perfect world, I can just pass a string.
In an imperfect world, I can copy the HTML to the clipboard, then copy the clipboard into Word.
In a sucky world, I can write the HTML to a text file, then insert that file into Word (repeat 6000 times).
Even though this is a one off project, I'd rather learn the efficient way to do this, so any help would be appreciated.
In case it's not clear, this is raw HTML from a database, not copying an already formatted page.
Thanks in advance.
The code posted by GMCB (accepted answer) here will do what you want, based on some short testing:
Injecting RTF code in the Clipboard to paste into MS Word as RTF text via a VBA macro
The main focus of that post is putting RTF-format text into the clipboard, but it also covers populating HTML-format.

MS Access | How to get content from mail body to table?

I am working on a project where I need to get ms access table/data from mail body and execute some command in SAP. I can manage SAP part but issue is that how to get information from mail body. i tried linking my mailbox in access but it shows me all mail body text but i need some specified contents only. example
Please supplement budget
N.10002077.001 1
from above what i need is just "N.10002077.001" and "1" ,but how to get that information only in table is the issue?
Further, what I will get in my mail will be table with 2 column but access imports it as a simple text.
It is impossible to give a definite answer to your question because it is too vague but it is possible to get you started.
Have a look at this answer of mine: The question is not relevant other than the OP did not understand that showing screenshots told us little about what the body looked like to a VBA macro. The answer includes a macro that copies selected properties from every email in Inbox to an Excel worksheet. This will allow you to see what an email’s body looks like to a VBA macro.
How will you identify the emails from which you wish to extract data? The two simple choices are:
Look at every email in a folder and identify the interesting one by examining the subject, sender or some other property.
Select the interesting emails then run a macro which uses ActiveExplorer to access the selected emails.
The answer referenced above demonstrates technique 1. There are lots of answers demonstrating technique 2 but I can add an example macro if necessary.
An email typically has an Html body and a text body. If an email has an Html body, that is the one shown to the user. A macro can access either or both. Your screen shot looks like a text body although appearances can be deceptive. If it is a text body, the email does not have an Html body.
If it is a text body, the layout of the body is probably something like:
Please supplement budget{cr}{lf}
This assumes, the sender has used variable numbers of tabs to line up the columns.
You could use Split on vbCr & vbLf to convert the string body into an array of strings with one line per array entry. Discard lines up to and including the line starting “WBS” then process each line down to any signature. Split each line on vbTab and expect to find two entries with values with the rest blank.
See how far you can get with the above hints then clarify your answer if you need more information.

How do I fill out fillable PDF Form fields using 4gl?

I have a PDF form that I'm filling out with data using progress-4gl. To date, I've been only filling in text fields using the following syntax:
put stream stream1 unform
"^global CHX_SINGLE_CE_PLAN3" skip(0)
"X" skip
CHX_SINGLE_CE_PLAN3 is the field name...
This code works when dealing with text fields but I'm trying to check a box instead of fill in a text field. I cannot find any documentation on this. Is checking a box on a fillable pdf form even possible with 4gl?
As far as I remember PDF Include has support for filling fillable forms. Whilst it's probably a bit over the top in terms of what you want to achieve, it's an open source project and so you may well find the answer to your question within the code itself.
Here's a link to the project page:
I discovered the answer, which I thought I had already tried before asking this question. The answer is you need to pass the value "Yes" (with capital "Y") in order to check the checkbox. The correct code in this instance is:
put stream stream1 unform
"^global CHX_SINGLE_CE_PLAN3" skip(0)
"Yes" skip
I believe this is the case no matter which language you're using

Trying to scrape item from website

I was attempting to create a simple program that would pull a text item from a website and add it to the textbox. I'm simply just experimenting and thought I could do it but it is not that easy for me. I know how to get the entire source code of a website(below). It has a id I know but it does not have a tag name. So Im not really sure how to make it read through the text and only keep the part next to the id . Or would it be better to use a Webbrowser tool and then try and get the text item like that. I'm just trying to do whatever is faster. I think my 1st option is better because it would be better for the computer's ram. Using the code below I don't know what to add next?
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("Website")
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
Dim source As String = sr.ReadToEnd()
Lets say the id is "name" for example. Viewing the source of the page this is what the part looks like(below). How can I parse through the source which is a string and find this section, get the name Brandon, and add it to the textbox.
<span id="name">Brandon</span>
There are a few ways to go about this. I'm not going to write any source code though since I haven't used Visual Basic in a very long time. But if you Google for how to do any of the following you should find many tutorials and documents on it.
Regular Expressions
Using a Regular Expression on the full source code can help you find the element by searching for the ID attribute which should be unique. Regular Expressions can sometimes be very slow, which is why if you have to perform a lot of searches on large sections of text, it should be avoided.
/<([a-z0-9]+)\sid="name"(.*?)>(.*?)<\// -> Not Tested, but might help you
String Position
Using a function that will find the position of a substring in a string would be useful. In C it's strstr and in PHP it's strpos. These type of functions will give you starting position of a string, in which your case would be searching for id="name". Once you find that, you will find the position of the end of the tag and then find the closing tag for that element. You then will perform a substring function that will get you the text starting at position X for the length of that you specify, which would be the closing tag position - end of opening tag position.
HTML / XML Library
There are probably a ton of HTML / XML libraries that will parse the document into some sort of object or an array. You then can loop through these elements until you find the one you are looking for. Some of these libraries may even have search functions of element ID's similar to how JavaScript will sort for a specific element.
These libraries may be hard to get started with, but they will offer you a lot of options in the future if you need to continue finding more HTML elements.