Retrieving all blobs from opponent (iOS Content/Chat Modules) - quickblox

How can I retrieve all blobs uploaded by 'opponent' (not just opponent.blobId)?
Is there any solution just like PagedRequest for currentUser's blob?

There is no base way to do this,
because all files can be private or something like this
I propose to do next: use Custom Objects API
Create UserFiles or UserAlbum table and write all your files (blobx IDs i mean) to it which you want to open to users
Next, other users will be able to retrieve all files - just get all data from this table using filter user_id=


How to write dynamic query in Amazon Athena?

I have created an Athena table which contains access logs (source s3).
Now I have a working query to check when account specific data was downloaded by a different account than the account itself. It looks like the query below (account id is used in s3 as prefix):
SELECT * FROM s3_access_logs_db.mybucket_logs WHERE requester LIKE '%account-id-A%' AND operation = 'REST.GET.OBJECT' AND key NOT LIKE '%account-id-A%';
Now I want to make this more dynamic. I don't want to hardcode account IDs as I'm doing now. Is there a way to make this more dynamic. I don't care what happens as long as the account ID doesn't match.
WHERE requester LIKE '%account-id-A%' AND key NOT LIKE '%account-id-A%';
How can I achieve this?

How to store and serve coupons with Google tools and javascript

I'll get a list of coupons by mail. That needs to be stored somewhere somehow (bigquery?) where I can request and send it to the user. The user should only be able to get 1 unique code, that was not used beforehand.
I need the ability to get a code and write, that it was used, so the next request gets the next code...
I know it is a completely vague question but I'm not sure how to implement that, anyone has any ideas?
thanks in advance
Thr can be multiples solution for same requirement, one of them is given below :-
Step 1. Try to get coupons over a file (CSV, JSON, and etc) as per your preference/requirement.
Step 2. Load Source file to GCS (storage).
Step 3. Write a Dataflow code which read data from GCS (file) an load data to a different Bigquery table (tentative name: New_data). Sample code.
Step 4. Create a Dataflow code to read data from Bigquery table New_data and compare it with History_data and identify new coupons and write data to a file on GCS or Bigquery table. Sample code.
Step 5. Schedule entire process over an orchestrator/Cloud scheduler/Cron tab job.
Step 6. Once you have data you can send it to consumers through any communication channel.

Suggestions for file and data tranforms using SQL Query Results to manipulate existing PDF Files

Apologies if something similar to the question I'm asking has already been addressed. I'm not even sure how to best frame my question but I haven't been able to find any posts that are obviously germane. I'm hoping someone has some experience with this and might be willing to offer some suggestions. My company has already contracted to have the bulk of our database converted to HTML for ETL purposes and we simply can't afford to double the already barely-manageable costs of this project by adding this additional requirement to the scope.
We have a SQL database from an EMR software vendor that our company has now left. Due to recent economic factors, we just just can't afford to stay with them any longer. When we left this ex-vendor begrudgingly provided us with a backup copy of our SQL database along with copies of all the scanned images our users have uploaded via their application GUI over the years. I was told they stored the uploads as BLOB data but it turns out not. They weren't actually storing the files in the database at all. Instead, they moved the image to a storage location and wrote the ID, DocType, Filename, DirPath and other document information to the Document table of the DB. It makes sense but leaves us in a bind. Mainly because the filename appears to have been randomly generated at upload. So we now have 50,000 image files with unintelligible filenames stored in a date-based folder structure with no way to correlate any of them with the patients to whom they belong. A couple of examples are as follows:
I compiled a list of attribs so I can make any of them available to the transform. I pulled:
SELECT * FROM document d
JOIN patients p ON d.PatientId =
JOIN users u ON d.PatientId = u.uid
WHERE u.UserType = '3' AND d.fileformat is NOT NULL AND d.dirpath LIKE 'm%'
ORDER BY u.ulname;
This gave me all patient and document attribs resulting in a list with 197 columns. The challenge is the new EMR vendor can only import these files if all the files for each patient are in a dedicated folder at the patient level so I need the files in a new folder structure. I am trying to do it without abandoning things like PatientID, Scan Date, Description (the customName column), Scanned By, and a possibly a couple other points.
I'll probably end up making the file name something like a concat of customName+docID for identification purposes. Then I'll just need to get the files in something like a /Patient/Docs.extension folder structure.
I went ahead and flattened all the files into a single folder figuring that would make it easier to manipulate. I batched them out like so:
md "D:\OneDrive\Documents\Assets\eClinicalworks\PID\FTP\mobiledoc\Documents\All\"
cd /d "D:\OneDrive\Documents\Assets\eClinicalworks\PID\FTP\mobiledoc\Documents\"
for /r %d in (*) do copy "%d" "D:\OneDrive\Documents\Assets\eClinicalworks\PID\FTP\mobiledoc\Documents\All\"
Now I have them all together.
I still have to figure out how to get them into the new folder structure by patient though.
Just to have it mentioned, I was originally considering using SQL so I could recreate the files and assign the desired attribs as file attribs in one step.
To answer the question asked about the HTML conversion, we have tons of Progress Notes, Doctors Notes, Prescriptions, etc in the database. The only way to get them to the new EMR is to export them to HTML and group them at the patient level so the new vendor can import them.
Honestly, after having to wrestle with all this garbage, I would prefer to avoid this situation in the future by refusing to upload them to the new EMR at all. Instead, just put all these documents on OUR file server and give the new EMR a hyper-link to insert into each patient's patient record that would open all the patient files. The new EMR is browser-based so it could be feasible but I doubt I'll be able to get them to write files to our file server moving forward so doing so would likely just end up making the end-user experience more disjointed.
I don't think your contractors did anything wrong tbh. Taking uploaded files with all their problem characters/duplicated names (got more than one patient called JohnSmith.jpg?) etc and renaming them to a GUID so they can coexist alongside other images without overwriting them is a) sensible and b) what I would do.
I also wouldn't store images inside a database as then the only thing you can do with them is get them out again; something you have to do every time you want to do anything with them. Being able to map an images folder to a url on your web server and then send html using just the file name means that the web server can sever the image without having to pull it out of the db; the db doesn't have to involve itself in pointless IO.
The way to correlate these images with the patients to whom they belong is done by the database. Somewhere else in the db structure will be eg a Patient record with a DocumentId column that links to this document record or a PatientDocuments table that has PatientId/DocumentId pairs.
If there is not, then storing the document bytes in the db won't have helped relate them to the patient, because this relation is not about where the bytes of an image are, it's about what other data was stored to make for a usable system. As it stands your thoughts on the matter, of uploading tens of thousands of images into a db just so you can... er.. get them all out again, would seem to indicate you haven't yet fully grasped the reasons behind why your contractors did what they did.
Because you're under the impression that you can do this, you seem to know how the db relates a document to a patient (if it doesn't then your proposed process will fail) and as such you can arrange for a suitable renaming process without needing to move the image data anywhere. In essence, you're failing to see that a file system storing file data against unique paths is no different to a database table storing file data against unique ids. Your database tables for documents clearly thus links to your file system/file system can be viewed as an extension to the documents table. You need the other tables in the db to make sense of the files, but you need the other tables in a db to make sense of any table in a db. These are key concepts of modelling related data
I don't recommend you undertake the process you propose, but I'm sure that won't dissuade. Consider then (because you didn't really post any details we can work with) this assumed scenario:
John Smith,1
Jane Doe,2
SELECT CONCAT('REN ', d.filePath, ' "', p.Name, RIGHT(d.filePath, 4), '"')
Patients p
INNER JOIN Documents d ON p.DocumentId = d.DocumentId
The results of the query will essentially be a batch file full of rename commands that renames all the files into a single folder, organized by patient name.
And now all your multiple patients with the same names will overwrite each other and everything will end up in a mess
It also makes my point for me about "don't store files in the db" - look how easy it is to manipulate files when they're in a file system, using existing commands that understand filesystems and files and do things like rename files, or extract exif data, rotate, resize and print... if all those images were in your db the only thing you could do with them, is get them out again; sqlserver cannot rotate, resize, print etc BLOB data but there are thousands of tools out there that understand files and can convert them - those tools cannot understand your db so putting files into a db saddles you with the problem that they become useless until dug out again
Your contractors may not have been so daft as you think; pause a moment before you set about hacking apart all they did, and question whether your driver for doing so is actually correct. If Jane from reception needs to see a picture of John Smith with drivers license XY1234 to ID him, don't provide her with a shared drive full of everyone's pictures, and let her double click, drag and accidentally delete her way around the file system. Provide her with an app that looks in the db, gets the unintelligible but helpfully unique filename off disk and opens it for her to view. And make the file system read only to everyone other than the app, so that users can't break things

Sensenet: Documents Sharing

I'm trying to list the shared files in dashboard through #sensenet/query. But I didn't find any documentation about that. I also tried using the #sensenet/query but I can't find any proper query for that.Please help
SharedWidth is a reference field on every content in sensenet, that contains the list of users with whom the content is shared. So you can search by this field the same as by other reference field is sensenet queries.
For example if you want to search for the documents that are shared with the current user, add the following to the query:

Data Lake Analytics: Custom Outputter to write to different files?

I am trying to write a custom outputter for U-SQL that writes rows to individual files based on the data in one column.
For example, if the column has a date "2016-01-01", it writes that row a file with that name, and a the next row to a file with the value in the same column.
I am aiming to do this by using the Data Lake Store SDK within the outputter, which creates a client and uses the SDK functions to write to individual files.
Is this a viable and possible solution?
I have seen that the function to be overriden for outputters is
public override void Output (IRow row, IUnstructuredWriter output)
In which the IUnstructuredWriter is casted to a StreamWriter(I saw one such example), so I assume this IUnstructuredWriter is passed to this function by the U-SQL script. So that doesn't leave for me any control over this what is passed here, also it will remain constant for all rows and can't change.
This is currently not possible but we are working on this functionality in reply to this frequent customer request. For now, please add your vote to the request here:
UPDATE (Spring 2018): This feature is now in private preview. Please contact us via email (usql at microsoft dot com) if you want to try it out.