Class running when I open VS 2012 -

I'm working on Visual Studio 2012, on a .NET project.
I have a class that pops up a window asking the user for input. The window isn't set to show up at start-up.
Whenever I load my project, before I even build it, that class starts shows up.
When I run my program using the exe file, I don't have the same problem.
Does anybody know how I can prevent it from happening?


Pictures on Multiple Forms crash VB 2019 projects

Using Visual Studio 2019, VB Windows Forms App(.Net Framework) template, my students are building projects using multiple forms, pictures (as background images and in picture boxes) and timers. When they have two or more pictures, the programs crash irretrievably.
The error message is:
Error while trying run project: (path to project location) Access is
Even if they remove the pictures, the error remains and the program no longer works. I never experienced this problem when we were using VB2015.
My student assistant tried to replicate the problem on (Vis Studio 2019) his home computer and couldn't.
If you're using an antivirus you may add an Exception to the project path.
You may also try to run VB2019 as Administrator to see if that was the problem, click on the VS2019 icon using the right button of the mouse and then click on Execute as Administrator.

Can't run UWP release executable outside of Visual Studio 2017

I am using Visual Studio 2017 on Windows 10 with the official UWP sample code.
There is a UWP sample called basicinput that runs as a release build within the Visual Studio IDE without a problem.
My problem is:
when I attempt to run the release basicinput.exe executable by a mouse click (outside of the Visual Studio environment) I get an error saying that some DLLs names of the form vs*.dll can't be found.
I did a search for those .dlls and tried moving them to same folder as basicinput.exe, but then the application just hung.
What don't I understand?
What am I doing wrong?
As #Chuck-walbourn says, your application will appear in the Start Menu. If you want to deploy it to another computer (that doesn't have VS installed) you will need to create AppX packages using the menu item Project -> Store -> Create App Packages.... If you need more help with that. see the MSDN docs.
If you want to run your app from the command-line or from the Win+R dialog (with a simple name like foo.exe) you can create an appExecutionAlias for your application.

Visual Studio debugging VB.Net Web Forms App shows Locals as Busy... then hangs

I'm trying to debug a Web Forms application written in VB.Net and Visual Studio (2017) keeps hanging as soon as I try to move through a breakpoint.
The Locals window shows "Busy..." and is never populated with any variables (see image).
Debugging an MVC application works.
I've tried updating VS to the latest version, running in Safe Mode, removing the bin and obj directories, and rebooting; all to no avail.
I've also pulled the code into a new local repository from the current working version in TFS and it crashes in the same place.
Am I missing something obvious or is a re-install the next step?

Visual Studio 2012 MVC page doesn't update after refresh

In Visual Studio 2010 I can change cshtml file with the project running, save it, refresh the page in the browser and see my changes take effect. But, for some reason I can't see my changes when I refresh the page while running a Visual Studio 2012 project. I have to rerun the project to see my changes. Needless to say, it makes developing in VS 2012 impossible, because I can't test my changes out very quickly. So, unless, I can get this to work in VS 2012, I'll have to stick to VS 2010. Can anyone help me with this?
P.S I had installed Visual Studio Update 2 hoping that it would fix this issue, but it didn't get fixed
Checked first option with suboption
Detecked when file is changed...
Auto-load changes..
I hope after ctrl+f5 it works...
or maybe
Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Build and Run-> On Run, when projects are out of date
Choose Always Build

Unable to start debugging - Visual Studio 2012

"Unable to start debugging 'C:\Windows\System32\WWAHost.exe'. The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remote computer. This may be because a firewall is preventing communication to the remote computer. Please see Help for assistance on configuring remote debugging."
Searched for similar posts, but didn't found one. If duplicate just inform.
I am not trying to connect to any remote machine. Just testing on my local machine.
Is there any way to solve this issue. (I'm using Windows 8 Enterprise 64-bit, just a javascript project)
Problem solved. Installed Remote tools update from here and working fine. Thanks for responding. Closing the topic.
I had the same problem. I fixed it by changing properties/compile/target platform to x86 instead of Any CPU. It solved the problem in my case. Hope it helps.
This happened to me just now when I had a website set up in IIS for, and set my project's start up url (Local IIS) to, and then launched the project before remembering to add a record in the host files for the domain:
This got me for a good hour before I remembered I never set the record. Adding the record fixed it right away.
Windows 7 x64, VS 2012
In my case, the Remote Debugging Monitor component was installed and the app was clearly configured to debug locally in settings. This was a WinForms app upgraded from VS 2008, .NET 3.5.
Turns out it was the Windows Firewall. By directly running:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe
A firewall dialog appeared where I could allow msvsmon.exe to run. After a VS 2012 re-start, debugging (locally) was fine!
Ensure you have Local Machine selected in this drop-down menu:
Windows 7 x64, VS 2012, VB.NET
I fixed it like this:-
Create a shortcut on your desktop to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe".
Right-click shortcut and select "Properties" from the dropdown menu. Select the "Compatibity" tab, tick "Run this program as administrator" and click OK
Create a shortcut on your desktop to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe".
Right-click shortcut and select "Properties" from the dropdown menu. Select the "Compatibity" tab, tick "Run this program as administrator" and click OK.
To start VS2012:-
Double-click the msvsmon shortcut icon (that you created above, to launch msvsmon). Wait for the "Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (Administrator)" window to display before continuing ...
Double-click the "Visual Studio 2012 Professional" shortcut icon (that you created above, to launch VS2012)
In VS2012, ensure standard toolbar is visible.
In VS2012, ensure "Solution Platforms" dropdown (on standard toolbar) is visible and set to "x86".
and debug now works (for me anyway) ...
However after 15 minutes or so, debug may stop working and you may get the msvsmon error again. If that happens, simply close VS2012 and msvsmon and then start again (from "To start VS2012:-" above) ...
Myself and several other developers have been trying to look for a solution for this problem for about 3/4 hours as Visual Studio crashed then this error would occur (twice in 2 days). I then suddenly (after a lot of debugging and trying other suggestions and headbanging) I somehow realised that the file which was highlighted had changed and when I was trying to debug was not the MVC app project, once I changed it to my project's one it then worked.
Hope this helps and saves people from hours of pain!
I also got this error, I usually run sites under a named user (which is also a database user) and forgot to set the Application Pool. (parliament's answer also helped me)
For me this worked in VS2013:
Save your work, close Visual Studio then reopen your project
I encountered this error as well.
The cause of mine was that I had accidentally emptied out the following property
Changing it to:
inherit from parent or project defaults
Solved the issue.
If you are using Microsoft's Azure, try attaching manually the debugger:
I have outlined the steps in the following answer: