how do web rendering engines work with not visible objects? - webkit

I have a css stylesheet that defines some animations with transition states for many objects. Only one of these objects is visible at a time; all the other ones lie outside the visible area thanks to a line such as left:-1000px in the css style.
I am reluctant to use JavaScript to active the animations only when they are needed (in other words: I prefer a pure CSS solution), but on the other hand I fear that the rendering engine could stress the cpu if it draws the animations even for all the objects which are not currently visible. Is that the situation?


Apply tint filter to object with code in Animate CC

I'm using Animate CC 2015 and publishing to Canvas.
Can anyone tell me how to apply a tint to an object on my timeline?
The object has been placed there manually and has an instance name. I simply want to change it from white to red using code that runs in the first frame.
On a related note, do you know of a good JS language reference for Animate CC? I always seem to end up on Actionscript references or the CreateJS site which doesn't cater well for stuff that is created manually on the timeline.
Have you applied a tint already in Animate? Filters in Canvas are particularly expensive, so by default, Animate will cache items that have filters applied. You have a few options:
Every frame, cache the symbol again. This can be very expensive, but it will work.
Instead of transitioning a single filter, cross-fade between a filtered and non-filtered object. This looks very similar (especially with a tint), and has no performance concerns.
As for JavaScript reference, what exactly are you looking for? Mozilla's MDN reference tends to be the goto place for our team when it comes to raw JavaScript.

Memory usage of Universal app for Windows 10

When we build Universal app for Windows 10, in order to support multiple resolutions we can use Adaptive triggers.
In this case for each visual state, separate layout is used. If we have 3 sizes to adopt, for each layout must be created, and as a result for most controls there will be multiple duplicates, which are hidden and becoming visible for appropriate visual state.
All these controls will be loaded to memory and waste RAM, which can be dangerous for low memory mobile phones (like lumia 620).
Is it right solution to use separate view for this case?
If someone needs, here are good and very simple articles about element layout reordering form wintellect (AdaptiveTrigger, changing element positions in grid) and galasoft (AdaptiveTrigger, RelativePanel).
Windows 10 Xaml introduces an attribute x:DeferLoadingStrategy to mark controls to be loaded only when needed. This will let you include all of the controls in the Xaml without loading them into memory unless and until they are actually used. In the mobile case where the device is likely to have only one size actually used (or two for portrait / landscape) the layouts for the other sizes will never load.
For the case where you are using the same controls but just have slightly different positioning I would look at moving them (possibly with RelativePanel), as Jon Stødle suggests in the comments.
If there are bigger changes then I'd look into separate layouts (like you're doing) within the same file or with separate Xaml, but for simple positional changes that's probably overkill.

Vector art on iOS

We've now got 4-resolutions to support and my app needs at least 6 full-screen background images to be pretty. Don't want to break the bank on megabytes of images.
I see guides online about loading PDFs as images and custom SVG libraries but no discussion of prectically.
Here's the question: considering rendering speed and file size, what is the bet way to use vector images in iOS? And in addition, are there any practical caching or other considerations one should make in real world app development?
Something to consider for simple graphics, such as the type of thing used for backgrounds, etc., is just to render them at runtime using CG.
For example, in one of our apps, instead of including the typical repeating background tile image in all the required resolutions, we instead draw it once into a CGPatternRef, then convert it to a UIColor, at which point things become simple.
We still use graphic files for complex things, but for anything that's simple in nature, we just render it at runtime and cache the result, so we get resolution independence without gobs of image files. It's also made maintenance quite a bit easier.

How to manage memory in scolling components?

Are there known and proven ways to manage memory with scrolling components like tables or grids other than recycling cells as is used in Cocoa? The sequence of calculations and datasource/delegation calls needed to make this way of laying out views works but also makes coordinating complex animations with the cells and a scroll view error prone as you have to pay careful attention to the sequence of calls as it reloads data, scrolls to an offset and other mechanisms of the layout that affect the target frame of your animations. I am looking for a more declarative approach to providing content to the scroll view and having it figure out a smart way to manage it's memory as is done by a browser when you load the DOM with a long vertical layout of pictures.
I found it easier to create my own custom layout classes that only do layout on my views and not to impose an elaborate protocol such as NSTableViewDataSource and the like that makes animation difficult to program. I like to know exactly where my views are at all times, the complete hierarchy of each view and I don't like to keep a model in sync with my views so I store data on the views themselves. In my mind the objects on screen are the one and only objects I like to orchestrate as a programmer. I want direct declarative control over them kind of like a game programer. By subclassing a scroll view directly and following very simple layout rules outside of the normal layoutSubviews methods of Cocoa to avoid surprise layouts, I was able to control my animations better and do more complex and fluid animations. Hope this inspires someone to do the same.

Interface Builder + Sprite Strips

I'm in the midst of porting a win32 app to cocoa. Wherever possible, I'm using IB, since... well its way easier in every way possible, obviously. One thing is the designer and the win32 dev set up all the button assets on a massive "sprite sheet" such you move around the viewport to determine button state. Similar to how yahoo does CSS sprites on their home page (
Can IB be setup to handle this type sprite strip with the default buttons, or are we SOL on this one? I can certainly fire something up programmatically that would do this, but would like to incorporate as much of the default button behavior and selector hookup in IB.
This isn't supported in IB because it is really not a Cocoa way of setting button images. I understand why you would use sprites in CSS but in a native program (on any platform) it seems really unnecessary and inefficient.
I honestly think it would be much less work for you to forget about using the sprites. Out of curiosity, are these buttons going to be for standard user interactions, or something more along the line of buttons for a game? If it is for standard user interactions (open file, change font, etc.) then I strongly recommend using the stock buttons as much as possible, although I understand that this might be out of your control. The reason is that the worst ported apps are usually the ones that try to keep visual fidelity with their Windows counterpart.