Jasmine/Karma test: browser is not defined - testing

If this test:
'use strict'
describe('application', function() {
it('should login', function() {
includes the "browser" line, the result is:
Chrome 26.0 (Windows) application should login FAILED
ReferenceError: browser is not defined
at null.<anonymous> (...../test/js/e2e/tests/test.js:6:9)
Chrome 26.0 (Windows): Executed 1 of 1 (1 FAILED) (0.359 secs / 0.004 secs)
but without this line the test succeeds.
People suggest to include angular-scenario.js, but this breaks tests
is evaluated as true.
What to do?

You need to have your app's server running along with the karma runner. So with Node.js:
node app.js
Also, make sure you change the urlRoot property in your karma config so it doesn't conflict with your app's and yes you need angular-scenario.js
files = [
urlRoot = '/__karma/';
proxies = {
'/' : 'http://localhost:3000/'

I've run into this problem too. I believe you can only call browser() inside of a beforeEach(); Try this:
'use strict'
describe('application', function() {
it('should login', function() {


Aurelia-testing: Failed to execute 'replaceChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'

I am using for the first time the aurelia-testing package to test my HTML code.
I seem to have followed the docs to set up my test as follows:
describe('Contextual Menu HTML View test suite', function () {
let component: ComponentTester;
beforeEach(function () {
component = StageComponent
.inView('<contextual-menu is-active.two-way="activateMenu"></contextual-menu>')
.boundTo({ activateMenu: false });
it('should not add the is-active class to the root element', async function () {
await component.create(bootstrap);
const rootElement = await waitForDocumentElement('.qa-contextual-menu');
afterEach(function () {
I tried using just bind instead of two-way but that fails too.
I tried both with a document.querySelector and with waitForDocumentElement, both cases fail, but anyways I assume the error comes from earlier.
I am getting an error and I am not sure why. Could you put on the tracks to identify the root cause of the following:
TypeError: Failed to execute 'replaceChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'.
at Object.convert (/Users/lemoustachiste/work/lm-frontend/node_modules/jest-environment-jsdom/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/generated/Node.js:573:11)
at HTMLDivElement.replaceChild (/Users/lemoustachiste/work/lm-frontend/node_modules/jest-environment-jsdom/node_modules/jsdom/lib/jsdom/living/generated/Node.js:292:31)
at NodeJsDom.replaceNode (/Users/lemoustachiste/work/lm-frontend/node_modules/aurelia-pal-nodejs/dist/nodejs-dom.js:95:29)
at makeElementIntoAnchor (/Users/lemoustachiste/work/lm-frontend/node_modules/aurelia-templating/dist/commonjs/aurelia-templating.js:2432:19)
at applyInstructions (/Users/lemoustachiste/work/lm-frontend/node_modules/aurelia-templating/dist/commonjs/aurelia-templating.js:2479:17)
at ViewFactory.create (/Users/lemoustachiste/work/lm-frontend/node_modules/aurelia-templating/dist/commonjs/aurelia-templating.js:2707:7)
at TemplatingEngine.enhance (/Users/lemoustachiste/work/lm-frontend/node_modules/aurelia-templating/dist/commonjs/aurelia-templating.js:5290:24)
at /Users/lemoustachiste/work/lm-frontend/node_modules/aurelia-framework/dist/commonjs/aurelia-framework.js:176:28
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at Aurelia.enhance (/Users/lemoustachiste/work/lm-frontend/node_modules/aurelia-framework/dist/commonjs/aurelia-framework.js:174:12)
Thanks a lot
I am not a jest user. So I simply used the scaffolded TS jest skeleton app from aurelia-cli (au new jest-skeleton --unattended --select typescript,jest,vscode). And found that to be working.
It seems the you are missing the following configuration in your jest.config.js.
testEnvironment: "node",
After only adding that, the tests started working.

testCafe returning Success on timeout

I have a page that is in break now, my backend is correcting it, but my test still returning success.
When I click to open the page, it is loading forever, doesn't open the page, and my "expect" was suppose to return an error, as it didn't find the "#btnStopService".
import 'testcafe';
import { Selector, ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';
fixture('Compass - Main page')
.beforeEach(async t => {
t.ctx.username = 'admin';
t.ctx.password = 'admin';
await t.typeText(Selector('input').withAttribute('name','username'), t.ctx.username, {
paste: true,
replace: true,
await t.typeText(Selector('input').withAttribute('name','password'), t.ctx.password, {
paste: true,
replace: true,
await t.click(Selector('button').withAttribute('tabindex','0'));
.afterEach(async t => {
await t.click(Selector('#logoutBtn'));
test('Check if Services / Site Health page is loading... *** NOT WORKING ***', async t => {
await t.click(Selector('a').withExactText('Services'));
await t.click(Selector('a').withAttribute('href','#objectstore/sites/health'));
await t.expect(Selector('#btnStopService')).ok();
I am running it with:
testcafe edge .\test_spec.ts --selector-timeout 6000
The return I got is:
PS C:\ThinkOn\Compass_Test\Test1> testcafe edge .\test_spec.ts --selector-timeout 6000
Using locally installed version of TestCafe.
Running tests in:
- Microsoft Edge 17.17133 / Windows 10
Compass - Main page
√ Check if Services / Site Health page is loading... *** NOT WORKING ***
1 passed (23s)
PS C:\ThinkOn\Compass_Test\Test1>
Thanks all!!!
You need to add in an assertion option:
await t.expect(Selector('#btnStopService').exists).ok();

Interaction between restartBrowserBetweenTests with onPrepare()

I want each of my tests to run on clean browser (Firefox) so i use restartBrowserBetweenTests:true option. Because i use non-Angular demo app, in onPrepare() function i use browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false). It's works fine, when i run a single spec, but when i run 2 specs, i have error.
Angular could not be found on the page. If this is not an Angular application, you may need to turn off waiting for Angular.
How can i solve this? And in addition, how onPrepare works in this case - every time when browser starts or one time before all specs?
Here is my conf.js
const screenshotReporter = require('./screenshotCustomReporter')
exports.config = {
capabilities: {
browserName: 'firefox'
restartBrowserBetweenTests: true,
framework: 'jasmine',
directConnect: true,
baseUrl: URL,
specs: ['path/**/*Spec.js'],
// Options to be passed to Jasmine.
jasmineNodeOpts: {
defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000,
includeStackTrace: true
onPrepare: () => {
You can recreate this issue using the following simple project:
exports.config = {
framework: 'jasmine',
specs: ['./app.1.js', './app.2.js'],
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
describe('second test', () => {
it('should check is displayed successfully', () => {
expect(element(by.linkText('Ask Question')).isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
describe('first test', () => {
it('should check is displayed successfully', () => {
expect(element(by.linkText('Ask Question')).isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
OnPrepare is defined for all settings need to be executed for suite. It means it
is always one time operation irrespective of number of spec files.
One concept you need to understand is that whenever the new instance of
firefox browser is launched then WebdriverJs initialize the instance of webdriver.
and global object browser in protractor also gets initialized.
In your case First spec file start firefox browser, OnPrepare function is executed afterwards and
default setting of protractor is overriden by WaitForAngularEnabled.But when you run second spec file,
again firefox browser is launched with fresh instance of webdriver and protractor browser which expect
angular application and in that case test case gets failed.
The solution for this problem is to use before function in spec file
describe('first test', () => {
before(() => {
it('should check is displayed successfully', () => {
expect(element(by.linkText('Ask Question')).isDisplayed()).toBe(true);
Note : If you are using restartBrowserBetweenTests: true then you will have to use beforeEach() function for waitForAngularEnabled because every time fresh instance of webdriver will be created.

mocha 'after' fails saying it can't find 'app'

Ok, my mocha tests will pass if I comment out the 'before' and 'after' methods. I am sure that both of my errors are related to each other.
The 'after' method fails stating app.close isn't a function. The 'before' method fails saying it cant find 'app' on my line 7 (clearing server cache).
I am completely out of options or ideas. I would like to be able to start and stop my server at my command. This is the first time that I have attempted to include any type of 'before/after' methods to my mocha testing. working code below, but with my failing portion commented out. Any suggestions??
var request = require('supertest');
var app = require('../../server');
describe('server', function() {
before(function () {
//var app = require('../../server')();
//delete require.cache[require.resolve('app')];
after(function () {
describe('basic comms', function() {
it('responds to root route', function testSlash(done) {
.expect('Content-type', /json/)
//.expect(res.message).to.equal('Hello World!')
.expect(200, done);
it('404 everything else', function testPath(done) {
//console.log('testing 404 response');
.expect(404, done);
In before you require your app in a different way than in line 2. Why would you not use already required app?
before(function () {
// here you can use app from line 2
Regarding app.close, where did you find this function?
Check Express docs:
To close express server, you can use this approach:
how to properly close node-express server?

How to pass AngularJS $scope in karma test

I'm starting writing some tests with Karma and for begging I just decided to try out simple test. However, I get two errors (one related with jasmine, and other with inject (I get same error when I try angular.inject):
two errors Firefox 22.0 (Windows) ConfigurationController encountered a declaration exception FAILED
TypeError: this.func.apply is not a function in
/adapter/lib/jasmine.js?1374202126000 (line 1145)
ReferenceError: inject is not defined in /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/lunchtime/test/controllers/configuration-controller.js (line 7)
Firefox 22.0 (Windows): Executed 1 of 1 (1 FAILED) (0.48 secs / 0.011 secs)
I have simple controller:
app.controller("ConfigurationController", ["$scope", "$http", function($scope, $http) {
$scope.configuration = {};
And simple test:
'use strict';
describe('ConfigurationController', function() {
var scope, ctrl;
//you need to indicate your module in a test
beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
ctrl = $controller("ConfigurationController", {$scope: scope})
it("should have defined configuration", function($scope) {
For the inject error, you need to include angular-mocks.js. both module and inject are defined in that file. I'm afraid I don't know about the Jasmine error.
The solution for this is to include this in karma.conf.js:
files: [
'app/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js', <--------- notice mocks here