dojo lazytreegrid is displayed differently in websphere portal 8 - dojo

websphere portal 8 comes with default dojo 1.7.2, and this dojo documentation for lazytreegrid if for dojo 1.7
But when I run the example in the documentation, the treegrid is displayed like in image1. But when I use the same example, the treegrid is displayed in portal 8 differently(image2), which is quite ugly, how to get the same look and feel as in documentation

The example on the Dojo site is using "Claro" and your Portal site is using a different theme (I'm not sure which one, I think Soria).
The different themes can be loaded as modules in the Portal theme (not to be confused with the Dojo/Dijit theme).
Here's the wiki page:
Look at this paragraph:
The tundra class is set on the body element in the portal Web 2.0 themes, and its corresponding CSS files are linked in as well. To use a different theme within a particular portlet, do not change the CSS classes of the body element from within the portlet because it has consequences on all other portlets and theme components that use Dijits on the page. Instead, use a separate node within the portlet to contain all the widgets used by that portlet, and assign the different theme class name on the container node inside the portlet.


Is there a way to create tabs and mark selected tab based on page loaded in spartacus

I am using spartacus framework for storefront. I want to show tabs in my application and load pages based on selected tab. Is there any existing cms component or configuratio with which we can do or can i extent the cmscategorynavigation component and customize?
The CMSTabParagraphContainer is used on the product details page to display tabs. A CMSTabParagraphContainer can contain SimpleCMSComponents but not for example ContentPages. You would have to extend the CMSTabParagraphContainer on the backend to also accept ContentPages, ProductPages etc. and then extend the frontend components as well. To extend Spartacus components have a look at:
To be honest: This seems like a lot of work if you just want a visual change to the navigation

Customize Hybris Backoffice login Theme

Anyone has an idea about how to change the default Backoffice Login Theme (Color, Background and image or any of these) ?
It could be helpful if you point out the file(s) responsible for this, or a specific way to customize it.
Using Hybris 6.0 or later.
Replacing Styles of Backoffice Application :
It is possible to replace the standard look and feel of the Backoffice Application. In other words, you can change the style sheet used in login page and main application pages including all components.
Files responsible for changing Backoffice main page style are located in the following key properties :
For more about this topic, you can visit this link.

Piranha CMS customisation

A few questions on customisation with Piranha CMS.
Is there a way to create additional custom site-wide items similar to those from the site helper?
e.g. to be able to set a phone number used throughout the site but still editable in the settings section of the manager.
Is is possible to create additional custom items for a page, e.g. page subtitle, and for those to appear in the Information section of page editing? Creating a region for say a page subtitle seems overkill.
Is it possible to create a custom page type with a region that is a collection of HtmlRegions or similar? e.g. for the purpose of managing a set of FAQs or similar enumerated content?
Is is possible to define custom settings properties for a page type?
Yes, you can add regions to your site in the same way as with page types under Settings > Sites. You then add content for them under Content > Pages > Edit Site.
You can add simple text properties on the page type. They will be shown as single line text inputs under Properties when editing the page.
No native support, however the region body can be anything that can be serialized to JSON so you have to handle this in the edit view for your region.
There is no support for injecting fields into the page settings, however if it's important you can override the whole edit view for pages and do anything you like by placing a copy of the view in the manager area in your local project. You can find the views in the github repo in the 2.2.5 branch.

MVC5 MvcSiteMapProvider to display full sitemap

I successfully installed MvcSiteMapProvider, and got the breadcrumbs working and customizing the templates to generate Twitter Bootstrap navbar menu. Everything is honky dory. Now I'd like to have a view which sole purpose would be to display the whole sitemap hierarchy (in a tree structure, nodes would be clickable).
I've found traces of old ASP.NET sitemap solution to XSLT transform the sitemap XML file. That's not only a dead-end because it's old and doesn't look like a good idea, but I also take advantage of the annotation feature of MvcSiteMapProvider.
I don't use external DI framework.
I turn to here because my search attempts came out empty. I guess I could do something like the bootstrap navbar customization, creating some templates. But I'm sure I'm not the first one and I'd be happy to see some working code if there any out there.
Per the documentation:
Html.MvcSiteMap().SiteMap() - Can be used to generate a list of all pages in your sitemap
If that doesn't meet your needs, you could always build your own custom HTML helper to display the SiteMap per your requirements. Have a look at this answer for a demo showing how to create Next and Back links according to the document outline of the SiteMap.

How to customize the page?

I'm attempting to customize the Piranha CMS system. I'm interested in changing the layout, setting up my own styled menu and tweaking where the content on the page shows up.
Is the intent that I modify the _Layout.cshtml file to my liking?
If there's a page in the documentation that covers this, please helpfully provide the link. :)
Piranha CMS is just a framework for content management, not a website template with widgets, themes and stuff like that :) With that said, a basic Piranha CMS project is basically a standard MVC project with two included controllers, one that loads the model for a requested page, and one that loads the model for a requested post.
This means you can do anything that you can do with any normal MVC application when it comes to styling and modification.
There exists some helpers for rendering Menus, Breadcrumbs and so on. Documentation for the helpers can found here:
For the helper methods that render html there are hooks for overriding all content rendered so that you can change the standard menu to your own style of html if you need. Documentation for the hooks available can be found here:
Regarding what can be achieved with Page types and creating templates with different regions you can check the following pages:
I hope this helps you a bit.