How do I pass multiple variables to the bw_ProgressChanged function -

I have a small VB.Net program that shows a progress form. On that box, I show a progress bar and a percentage complete in a text box. Both of these can be derived by a single integer, but now I've been asked to put a 'Details' text box on the progress form, which updates with text to show how the job is doing.
My question - how do I pass both the percentage, and the text details to the ProgressChanged() function? I've tried passing an array and an object, but I can't seem to get it right. Thanks.
I'm calling the function like this (from the bw_DoWork() function) -
details = "Textbox details will go here"
progress = (100 / (UBound(servers) + 1)) * (i + 1)
bw.ReportProgress(progress) ' How do I also pass 'details'?
And here is the function it self -
Private Sub bw_ProgressChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ProgressChangedEventArgs)
Me.proProgress.Value = e.ProgressPercentage
Me.txtProgress.Text = e.ProgressPercentage.ToString() & "% complete..."
'Me.txtDetails.Text = Me.txtDetails.Text & IIf(Me.txtDetails.Text <> "", vbCrLf, "") & e.details ' How do I also pass 'details'?
End Sub

The best way is to create your own custom "status" object that contains all of the data you want to pass to whatever is handling the progress change. Then you include that in your call as part of the userState object.
Public Class MyObjectState
Public Message As String
Public StatusState As String
Public Whatever as Integer
Public Whosit as Decimal
End Class
Dim currentState as New MyObjectState()
currentState.Message = "blah blah blah"
bw.ReportProgress(progress, someMyObjectStateInstance)
Private Sub bw_ProgressChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e as ProgressChangedEventArgs)
Me.proProgress.Value = e.ProgressPercentage
Dim state as MyObjectState = CType(e.UserState, MyObjectState)
'You can now use the state object with any of the instance information you need
'At this point message would be "blah blah blah"
End Sub
This basically works like a "snapshot", so I would make your state object as detailed as possible, but only transfer what you need.

The ReportProgress event has an overload that accepts two parameters.
The first one is the Percentage that you get in the ProgressPercentage property.
The second one is an object that you get from the ObjectState property
So you can create a miniclass like this
Public Class bwObjectState
Public String Details
End Class
Then when you call ReportProgress
Dim data As new bwObjectState()
data.Details = "Textbox details will go here"
progress = (100 / (UBound(servers) + 1)) * (i + 1)
bw.ReportProgress(progress, data)
The class object is useful if you plan to pass other values, but if you need to pass just a string you could simply assign the string to the second parameter
bw.ReportProgress(progress, "Textbox details will go here")
Of course, in the ProgressChanged event, you need to cast the ObjectState object back to its original type
Dim data as bwObjectState = CType(e.UserState, bwObjectState)
or simply
Dim details as String = CType(e.UserState, String)


How would you structure data with different datatypes in VB.NET

Right now I have many locations with this structure. At the moment I have: name as string and x,y,z positions as single. So it's a mix of data types and I might want to add both more data in the future and also other data types. I must be able to easily extract any part of this data.
Example of how I'll work with this data is: When I choose South Wales from a combobox then I want to get its properties, x,y,z populated in a textbox. So they need to be "linked". If I choose London then it'll have its x,y,z properties etc.
My initial idea is just to dim every single data such as in the first example below. This should be the easiest way with 100% control of what's what, and I could easily extract any single data but at the same time might get tedious I assume, or am I wrong? Is it a good way to approach this?
Dim SW_FP As String = "South Wales"
Dim SW_FP_X As Single = "489,1154"
Dim SW_FP_Y As Single = "-8836,795"
Dim SW_FP_Z As Single = "109,6124"
The next example below is something i just googled up. Is this a good method?
Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable
dt.Columns.Add("South Wales", GetType(String))
dt.Columns.Add("489,1154", GetType(Single))
dt.Columns.Add("-8836,795", GetType(Single))
dt.Columns.Add("109,6124", GetType(Single))
OR should I use something else? Arrays, Objects with properties... and this is where my ideas end. Are there other methods? XML?
I want to do it in a smart way from start instead of risking to rewrite/recreate everything in the future. So my main question is: Which method would you suggest to be the smartest to choose? and also if you could provide a super tiny code example.
You mentioned that when you choose an item you want to get it's properties. This shows that you are looking for objects. If not using a database one example could be to make Location objects and have a List of these to be added or removed from. Then you have a lot of different ways to get the data back from the List. For example:
Public Class Location
Public Property Name As String
Public Property X As Single
Public Property Y As Single
Public Property Z As Single
End Class
Dim locations As New List(Of Location)
Dim location As New Location With {
.Name = "South Wales",
.X = 1.1,
.Y = 1.2,
.Z = 1.3
LINQ to get result:
Dim result = locations.SingleOrDefault(Function(i) i.Name = "South Wales")
This is just an example for use within your program, hope it helps.
Disclaimer: Untested code. It's more to guide you than copy-paste into your project.
First, create a Class that will represent the structured data:
Public Class Location
Public Property Name As String
Public Property PositionX As Single
Public Property PositionY As Single
Public Property PositionZ As Single
Public Sub New()
Me.New (String.Empty, 0, 0, 0)
End Sub
Public Sub New(name As String, x As Single, y As Single, z As Single)
Me.Name = name
Me.PositionX = x
Me.PositionY = y
Me.PositionZ = z
End Sub
Now, you can create a List(Of Location) and use that List to bind to a ComboBox, like this:
Dim list As New List(Of Location) = someOtherClass.ReadLocations ' Returns a List(Of Location) from your database, or file, or whatever.
cboLocations.DataSource = list
cboLocations.DisplayMember = "Name" ' The name of the Location class' Property to display.
cboLocations.ValueMember = "Name" ' Use the same Name Property since you have no ID.
You can also forego the list variable declaration like the following, but I wanted to show the declaration of list above:
cboLocations.DataSource = someOtherClass.ReadLocations
Function someOtherClass.ReadLocations() may populate the List(Of Locations) in a way similar to this. Note I'm not including data access code; this is just an example to show how to add Location objects to the List(Of Location):
Dim list As List(Of Location)
' Some loop construct
For each foo in Bar
Dim item As New Location(foo.Name, foo.X, foo.Y, foo.Z)
' End loop
Return list
The "magic" happens when you select an option from the ComboBox. I forget the ComboBox event offhand, so that's homework for you :-) You take the selected Object of the ComboBox and cast it back to the native type, in this case Location:
Dim item As Location = DirectCast(cboLocations.SelectedItem, Location)
txtName.Text = item.Name
txtPosX.Text = item.PositionX.ToString
txtPosY.Text = item.PositionY.ToString
txtPosZ.Text = item.PositionZ.ToString
Here is one way, using a DataTable as you mentioned. This is a stand alone example project just to show code used.
This example loads data from file is found and saves data on exit.
Form1 Image
' Stand alone example
' needs DataGridView1, Label1 and
' ComboBox1 on the Designer
' copy/replace this code with default
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Public Class Form1
Dim dt As New DataTable("Freddy")
Dim bs As New BindingSource
'edit path/filename to use as test data path
Dim filepath As String = "C:\Users\lesha\Desktop\TestData.xml"
Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
With dt
dt.Columns.Add("Country", GetType(String))
dt.Columns.Add("x", GetType(String))
dt.Columns.Add("y", GetType(String))
dt.Columns.Add("z", GetType(String))
' add extra column to hold concatenated
' location (could be a hidden column)
dt.Columns.Add("CombLoc", GetType(String), "'x = ' + x + ' y = ' + y + ' z = ' + z")
If IO.File.Exists(filepath) Then
' saved file found so load it
' no saved file so make one test row
.Rows.Add("South Wales", 489.1154, -8836.795, 109.6124)
End If
End With
bs.DataSource = dt
DataGridView1.DataSource = bs
' set any properties for DataGridView1
With DataGridView1
' to hide Combined Location column
.Columns("CombLoc").Visible = False
' dontwant row headers
.RowHeadersVisible = False
End With
set up ComboBox
With ComboBox1
.DataSource = bs
' displayed item
.DisplayMember = "Country"
' returned item
.ValueMember = "CombLoc"
If .Items.Count > 0 Then .SelectedIndex = 0
End With
' default Label text
Label1.Text = "No items found"
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
no items in list so exit sub
If ComboBox1.SelectedIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub
send returneditem to Label
Label1.Text = ComboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString
End Sub
End Class

Pass integer value from one form to another in VB.NET

I'm writing a program that has two forms. One form gets the user to enter multiple values, and then does some calculations. Then it passes that information to another form However I can't figure out how to do it. Here is a relevant part of my code. To head some confusion, I am trying to pass 11 values, also initially, form 2 is not shown, and then when the values are passed from form 1 to form 2, then form 1 goes away and form 2 is the only one that shown
NOTE: This is not all my code, I don't believe all my code is required (I have 1000 lines right now) However this is the code with the information I want to be passed to the other form.
A lot of people are apparently saying that this is a duplicate of another question, however that question, he seems to already know how to pass the variables, but is just having issues with it (and even with looking at his, i cant figure it out)
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
Dim intNormal As Integer
Dim intChildren As Integer
Dim intBonanza As Integer
Dim intDiamond As Integer
Dim intPictureFrame As Integer
Dim intKite As Integer
Dim intCrazyT As Integer
Dim intLetterX As Integer
Dim int2PostageStamp As Integer
Dim intPick7 As Integer
Dim intJackpot As Integer
If txtNormal1.Enabled = False Then
intNormal = intNormInput
intNormal = CalcNormalBooks()
End If
If txtChildren1.Enabled = False Then
intChildren = intChildInput
intChildren = calcChildrensBooks()
End If
If txtBonanza1.Enabled = False Then
intBonanza = intBonInput
intBonanza = calcBonanza()
End If
If txtSpecial1.Enabled = False Then
intSpecial = intSpeInput
intSpecial = calcSpecialBooks(intSpecial)
End If
If txtDiamond1.Enabled = False Then
intDiamond = intDiaInput
intDiamond = calcDiamond(intSpecial)
End If
If txtPictureFrame1.Enabled = False Then
intPictureFrame = intPicInput
intPictureFrame = calcPictureFrame(intSpecial)
End If
If txtKite1.Enabled = False Then
intKite = intKiteInput
intKite = calcKite(intSpecial)
End If
If txtCrazyT1.Enabled = False Then
intCrazyT = intCrazyInput
intCrazyT = calcCrazyT(intSpecial)
End If
If txtLetterX1.Enabled = False Then
intLetterX = intLettInput
intLetterX = calcLetterX(intSpecial)
End If
If txt2PostageStamp1.Enabled = False Then
int2PostageStamp = intPostInput
int2PostageStamp = CalcPostageStamp(intSpecial)
End If
If txtPick71.Enabled = False Then
intPick7 = intPickInput
intPick7 = calcPick7(intSpecial)
End If
If txtJackpot1.Enabled = False Then
intJackpot = intJackInput
intJackpot = calcJackpot()
End If
End Sub
Since I had almost the same requiremnt lately here is my solution:
Custom Event which fires when your 2nd Form is closing
Public Event HotKeyFormClosed As EventHandler(Of HotKeyFormClosedEventArgs)
Custom EventArgs class where you store your values you want to pass to Main Form
Public Class HotKeyFormClosedEventArgs
Inherits EventArgs
'Your properties here
Public Sub New(...) 'your params here
'set your properties here
End Sub
End Class
On 2nd Form handle FormClosed event and pass your values to EventArgs
Private Sub HotKey_FormClosed(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs)
RaiseEvent HotKeyFormClosed(Me, New HotKeyFormClosedEventArgs(...)) 'your params here
End Sub
On Main Form handle your custom event (here HotKeyFormClosed) and extract its values
AddHandler frmHotKey.HotKeyFormClosed, AddressOf HotKey_FormClosed;
Private Sub HotKey_FormClosed(sender As Object, e As HotKeyFormClosedEventArgs)
'Do stuff with values from e
End If
I have chosen the Event approach since it decouples the two forms from another.
One could easily duplicate the information on both forms, make them public and access it directly thru an object instance.
But I like the observable approach from the events more due to it gives mor flexibility (additonal forms using the same events etc.)
P.S.: I wrote my code in c# and blind entered the VB code here so be gracious.
The values/variables that a method expects to receive (specified in the method's signature) are called Parameters.
The values sent to a method when the method is called are called Arguments.
As long as the arguments used when calling a method match the parameters for that method, those values can be passed.
For example (and I'll try to apply this to your context), if you want to create an instance of a form that takes certain values, you can specify those parameters in the form's New event, like so:
Public Sub New(someInt As Integer)
'do something with someInt here
End Sub
Then when you call this method you'd pass it the arguments, like so:
Dim myInt As Integer = 10
Dim newForm As myForm = New myForm(myInt)
When I say the arguments need to match the parameters, that means the number of values, the order of those values, and the value types must be the same (or in the case of numbers the parameter's type must be the same or larger than the argument's type).
As long as that is true, then it shouldn't really matter how you pass these - you could pass 11 individual arguments, you just have to make sure you are matching the argument to the parameter.
Hope that helps!

List of user made Object not updating values indivudally

I'm pretty sure this problem is really obvious, but I can't seem to make due. I have a list of a user defined object (not by me, but I can look into editing if need be). I tried to declare it to have 14 blank objects. That way when I go to listname(5).setvalues(), it only edits that value. Instead it edits all of them (i.e. all 14) in the list or leaves them to be null.
Here's the code:
Dim currentProperties As New List(Of ExtendedCamObject)
'create a blank list
For i As Integer = 0 To 13
' Dim exp As New ExtendedCamObject
' currentProperties.Add(exp)
currentProperties.Add(New ExtendedCamObject)
propVal = "4012"
currentProperties(8).SetValues(ExtendedCamObject.PropertyTypes.Max_Bitrate, propVal)
This leaves them to null. If I do the commented out version instead (removing the other line in the for loop), it sets them all to the same value. Here's the set value's definition in the class definition:
Private m_strValue As String
Private m_PropertyType As String
Public Sub SetValues(ByVal ExtendedProperty As PropertyTypes,
ByVal strValue As String)
m_PropertyType = CType(ExtendedProperty, PropertyTypes)
m_strValue = strValue
End Sub
I didn't write this user object, but I noticed that there aren't any 'get/set' property items from the original coder. Is that why my values are not being set correctly?
You could use some code clean up here:
Public Class ExtendedCamObject
Private _strValue As String
Private _PropertyType As ExtendedProperty
Public Sub SetValues(ByVal ExtendedProperty As PropertyTypes, ByVal strValue As String)
_PropertyType = ExtendedProperty
_strValue = strValue
End Sub
End Class

Adding a variable to a listBox in Windows Form

I am making a dvd database system in windows form and trying to display the dvd's entered by a user. Then display the Title, Director and Genre in 3 separate listBoxes.
When the user enters the information through 3 separate text boxes, the information is stored in a structure I made called TDvd. This means I can call for example dvd.Title or dvd.Director. I also use the variable index to add this information to an array I made called Dvd(100) (just a random number I used to test).
Here is the code I currently have for adding the items to the ListBox:
For i = 1 To noOfAddedDvds
The variable NoOfDvdsAdded is just a way of keeping track of the number of dvd's the user has already entered.
I run this and enter the Title, Director and Genre, but when I try and display this information across the 3 listboxes, I get the error:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll
Public Class Form1
Structure TDvd
Dim Title As String
Dim Director As String
Dim Genre As String
End Structure
Dim dvd(100) As TDvd
Dim index As Integer = 0
Dim noOfAddedDvds As Integer
Private Sub btnAddToDatabase_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAddToDatabase.Click
If txtDirector.Text <> "" Or txtGenre.Text <> "" Or txtTitle.Text <> "" Then
txtTitle.Text = dvd(index).Title
txtDirector.Text = dvd(index).Director
txtGenre.Text = dvd(index).Genre
index += 1
noOfAddedDvds += 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnDisplayDatabase_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDisplayDatabase.Click
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To noOfAddedDvds
MessageBox.Show(index & ", " & i)
MessageBox.Show(index & ", " & i)
End Sub
End Class
According to the documentation, an ArgumentNullException is thrown by the Add() method if the argument passed to it is null. (Or Nothing in VB.) So one of these is Nothing at runtime:
You'll have to debug to determine which. It would seem that the error is because you're starting your iteration at 1 instead of 0, I would think it should be:
For i = 0 To noOfAddedDvds - 1
So when you get to the index of noOfAddedDvds in your collection, that element will be an uninitialized struct with Nothing strings.
You'll definitely want to fix the iteration (indexes start at 0). Additionally, you may also benefit from initializing the String properties in your struct to String.Empty internally. Depends on whether you want similar errors to manifest as an exception or as an empty record. Sometimes the latter makes the problem more obvious since at runtime you'd see that your output started on the second record.
Just a few pointers...
The Items collection on the ListBox is actually 0 indexed, by which I mean that instead of going "1,2,3", it actually goes (0,1,2).
That's what your problem is.
Hint - think about perhaps using a List instead of an array as well... (for dvd)
Your thing cries out for being rewritten in OO form:
Friend DVDGenres
End Enum
Friend Class DVD
Public Property Title As String
Public Property Director As String
Public Property Genre As DVDGenres
Public Sub New
Title = ""
Director = ""
Genre = DVDGenres.Undefined
' other stuff too
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString As String
Return Title
End Sub
End Class
Now something to store them in. Arrays went out with Rubik's Cubes, so a List:
Private myDVDs As New List(of DVD)
A list and a class can do what arrays and structures can without the headaches. Add a DVD:
Dim d As New DVD
d.Name = TextBoxName.Text
d.Director = TextBoxDir.Text
d.Genre = comboboxGenre.SelectedItem
' add to the container:
Display all the DVDs in a ListBox to pick from:
AllDVDsLB.DataSource = myDVDs
AllDVDsLB.DisplayMember = "Title"
This will set your list as the datasource for the listbox. Whatever is in the List is automatically displayed without copying data into the Items collection. Then, say from selectedindex changed event, display the selected item details to some labels:
Label1.Text = Ctype(AllDVDsLB.SelectedItem, DVD).Title
Label2.Text = Ctype(AllDVDsLB.SelectedItem, DVD).Director
Label3.Text = Ctype(AllDVDsLB.SelectedItem, DVD).Genre.ToString
Iterate to do something like what is in the Question:
For Each d As DVD in myDVDs ' CANT run out of data
Or iterate and reference with an Int32:
For n As Integer = 0 To myDVDs.Count - 1
' etc
Next n

Why is this object function exiting?

A very simple issue im having trying to return a dataset from a VB.NET object function.
The following shows my function that is currently exiting from the function as soon as the SQL query is run and just before the new object connection is created.
The edit form is called here:
Within the edit form, the following is run to to retrieve the details of the selected data in the database fro a retrieved datatset of the 'editEntry' method based on the ID set at the constructor.
Private Sub edit_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim editDetails As New DBHandler(ID)
Dim returnedDetails As New DataSet
returnedDetails = editDetails.editEntry()
Dim nameReturned As Object = returnedDetails.Tables("editedTable").Rows(0)(1)
Dim firstNameEdit As String = nameReturned.ToString()
TextBox1.Text = firstNameEdit
This is the function where the problem is occuring. Nothing is being returned from the query
Constructor where the ID is set:
Public Sub New(ByVal ID As Integer)
IDofFault = ID
End Sub
The function of the class:
Public Function editEntry() As DataSet
Dim editDataSet As New DataSet
Dim editSql As String = "SELECT * FROM duraGadget WHERE _id = " + IDofFault + ""
'Exiting from the function here
Dim connectionEdit As New OleDbConnection(conString)
Dim editAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(editSql, connectionEdit)
editAdapter.Fill(editDataSet, "editedTable")
Return editDataSet
End Function
There is no error it simply exits from the function and im not sure why.
You could be receiving an exception and your visual studio debug settings are not configured to stop you on those types of exceptions.
Wrap the contents of the EditEntry function in a Try / Catch block, and put a break point inside the catch. See if that triggers and look at the exception details for more info on what occurred.
Very silly error this was guys. I simply stored the ID value as a sting...then tried to pass it as an Integer to the constructor...the result?.....Conversion exception.