Placing Label Over Combo-box in Ms-Access - vba

I am trying to place a label in Ms-Access that is being used as a button over a combo box. The user will select from the combo-box list and if they want to erase their selection they can click on the label to clear the selection.
Is it possible to get the label to show above the combo? It seems like the label is being sent behind the combo even though I specifically send it to the from etc...

Instead of creating the overlaying label to clear the selection, I would create an actual button. You will stack the button and the combo box on top of eachother in design mode, but set the button visibility to "No" in the format properties. Let's say you call the combo box "cmbSelect" and the clear button "cmdClear", use the following to show the button after the combo box is selected:
Private Sub cmbSelect_AfterUpdate
Me.cmdClear.Visible = True
End Sub
The following code will then clear the data from your table after the button is clicked:
Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
'Deletes record from your table
Dim Delete As String
Delete = "DELETE * FROM [TableName] WHERE (([TableName].KeyField)='" & KeyField & "')"
DoCmd.RunSQL Delete
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub
You could also have the form requery by running a requery on each field instead of using the delete string. Then you could build code for the button "after update" that makes the button invisible again and allows you to select a new entry from the combo box. There's a lot of possibility, but this should get you started. Let me know if you need any more explanation or help.


Make the Text box disappear for the current selected record

I have a checkbox in my main form which causes a text box and a button to disappear and appear when it is not checked and checked respectively. The code below works correctly:
Private Sub Check288_Click()
If Me.Check288.Value = True Then
MsgBox "Please Enter Reference Number and fill in the name", , "Database"
Me.MTM_Signature.Visible = True
Me.btn_8DGen.Visible = True
Me.MTM_Signature.Visible = False
Me.btn_8DGen.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
My problem is this code is affecting the whole list of records instead of the current chosen record. I have an auto numbered primary key (ID) for identifying each records. Is there any way for me to make the text box and button disappear only for the current record. I am new to access VBA. Thank you.
In the event of Check288_Click() display a modal form and let the user enter the Reference Number. When closing the pop-up form update the database. You can use conditional formatting to hide (blend) the text box if you do not want to show it when empty.

What is the best approach for generating a Word document based on a user selection via checkboxes?

I am trying to create a form template to use at work that can be customized via check boxes.
So far, I have been thinking about adding check boxes before every paragraph and at the end a button.
When I click the button, my intention is to delete all the paragraphs that don't have the checkbox activated.
The problem is that I don't know which is the most user friendly approach to this.
I am thinking about making bookmarks for each paragraph and use an IF formula for each of the check boxes.
The most user friendly check boxes are the content control ones, but I don't know how to reference them in VBA code.
All I can find is about form field check boxes, but I don't know how to make them clickable.
Before I go studying about each of these two options, I am interested in finding out which of these two alternatives is more appropriate to fulfill my requirements.
Thank you!
I have managed to do what I intended.
First of all, I've put content control checkboxes before every paragraph and I've set a unique tag for each one.
Then, for each checkbox, I've selected the paragraph, including the checkbox, and added a bookmark named exactly like the checkbox. Next, I've selected only the checkbox and added a bookmark name hide_nameofthecheckbox.
I've added an ActiveX button, with the following vba Code on click:
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click()
Dim bookmark As String
Dim ctl As ContentControl
For Each ctl In ActiveDocument.ContentControls
If ctl.Type = wdContentControlCheckBox Then
If ctl.Checked = False Then
bookmark = ctl.Tag
Bookmarks(bookmark).Range.Font.Hidden = True
bookmark = "hide_" & ctl.Tag
Bookmarks(bookmark).Range.Font.Hidden = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Basically, when I click the Submit button, the code verifies each checkbox for value True or False. If it is checked, it hides the checkbox, If it is unchecked, it hides the entire paragraph, including the checkbox.
This way, after I click the submit button, there will be no checkboxes visible, so the document is print-ready.

How to launch a Look up form, and return the value from a combo box

Hopefully I can explain what I want to do well it goes...
I have a data entry form...the user will be entering employeeIDs. Once in normal operation, most people will be entering only their own EmpID, and they should know it, so this won't be a big problem 99% of the time once this DB goes live.
However, I need some temps to enter historical data from paper sheets into the DB. These people will not know anyone else's EmpID. I'd like to set the Student field's OnDblClick event in the subform's datasheet to open a small form with a combo box. The combo box has a list of all Employee Names, and is bound to the EmpID. Once this user enters the name, and selects the person, I have a button they can click to return to the datasheet.
I can use a function to launch the form, no problem there. But how do I return the EmpID to the field in the datasheet that was double clicked?
When user double clicks in the Student field...I want the next form to appear, and then once they type in the name and select the correct person...and then click Found Them!...I need that bound value to return.
I'd love to say I have code to share right now...but the only code I have is to launch the look up form. I'm brain farting on how to pull the value back down.
The way to do this to launch your little dialog form as “acDialog”. This will cause the calling code to WAIT.
And then the “magic” part is when they click on “Found Them” you do NOT close the popup form, but simply set the form’s visible = false. This has the effect of the calling code that popped up this form that halted to continue (the form is kicked out of dialog mode when you do this). So now your calling code continues.
So your code will look like this:
Dim strF As String ' name of popup form
strF = "frmPopUp"
' open form, wait for user selection
DoCmd.OpenForm strF, , , , , acDialog
' if for is NOT open, then assume user hit cancel buttion
' (you should likly have a cancel button on the form - that cancel buttion will
' execute a docmd.close
If CurrentProject.AllForms(strF).IsLoaded = True Then
' grab the value of thee combbo box
strComboBoxValue = Forms(strF)!NameOfComboBox
DoCmd.Close acForm, strF
End If
As noted, the code behind the Found Them button DOES NOT do a close form, but sets forms visible = false (me.Visible = false), and this trick allows the calling code to continue at which point you can examine any value on the form. Remember to then close the form after you grab the value.
It looks like your data table is in a subform so there is a little more work but it does not have to be as complex as the above solution if you don't want it to be. #Andre451 was close but you need the extra step of identifying the form and subform. For the purpose of demonstration let's call the form Attendance and subform Entry then I'll call the second form LookUp. So the code for your double click in the subform field will of course look something like this :
Private Sub Student_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.OpenForm "LookUp"
End Sub
You really don't need anything else fancy there. For the button on "LookUp" you will put this:
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Forms![Attendance]![Entry].Form![Student] = Forms!Lookup!Student
DoCmd.Close acForm, "LookUp"
End Sub
And that should get you what you want without any overhead or having to leave any ghosts open.

navigation subform requery stopped working

I've built an unbound form which allows a user to select from two combo boxes that contain related information (Zone and Watershed Unit -- each Zone contains multiple watershed units) in order to see what regulations apply to each. Based on these selections (stored in txtZone and txtWU on the main form) a subform would show the existing regulations (sfrmRegsbyZWU based on qryRegsbyZWU). This serves as a reference for the user, who picks a new regulation to add from another subform, clicks a button, and the selection is added to the regulations for the Zone/Watershed Unit selected. I had this successfully built with a workaround in the OnCurrent event of the subform (which was undesirable because the user couldn't click on a record and delete it) and everything worked until I added inserted code to change the query definitions for the query which is the basis for the subform as opposed to having it in the "On current" event of the subform.
At that point the requery syntax in the main form which had previously worked stopped working. This is in all embedded in a navigation form in Access 2010, so the previously working syntax was:
I've tried every permutation of Requery I can think of, and I can not get it working. The underlying query has been changed, but the form doesn't update to reflect it. Can anyone explain to me what has gone wrong, and how to fix it? The code (attached to the _After Update() event of the combo boxes) is:
Private Sub cboZone_AfterUpdate()
'Changes WU combo box as well as the underlying text boxes
Me.cboWU = ""
'Blank out other selections
Me.txtWU = ""
'Update text box with combobox selection
Me.txtZone = Me!cboZone.Column(0)
'Change the query underlying the Existing Regs panel (frmRegsbyZWU, qryRegsbyZWU) to reflect selection
Dim strZSQL As String
Set qdfZ = CurrentDb().QueryDefs("qryRegsbyZWU")
Dim myZVar As Variant
myZVar = Forms!frmNav!NavigationSubform.Form.txtZone
'MsgBox (myZVar)
If IsNull(myZVar) Then
strZSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblRegulations WHERE FALSE"
strZSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblRegulations WHERE Zone_No=" & Forms!frmNav!NavigationSubform.Form.txtZone
End If
'MsgBox (strZSQL)
qdfZ.SQL = strZSQL
'DoCmd.OpenQuery ("qryRegsbyZWU")
Thanks in advance for any help!

Microsoft Word VBA tab key to make textbox visible

Longtime viewer, first time question asker.
I'm currently working with UserForms within MS Word and have a particular form that can have up to 20 different labels and accompanying textboxes with varying texts. I have all but the first hidden while not in use, however I would like the next label and text box to become visible following input in the previous textbox. So if you enter data (anything) in the first textbox, the next label and text box will become visible. Does this make sense? I've seen other responses here suggest using AfterUpdate() rather than Change() or Click() but can't figure out how to use any of them. I would share my code but at this point I don't have any code to share, other than my labels and textboxes are lblField1 txtField1, lblField2 txtField2...
Any suggestions?
I would suggest using Change event, when using AfterUpdate you need to leave you TextBox for a while to fire the event. If you have only one TextBox visible there is nothing to move to. If you have more TextBoxes you would need to move back to fire AfterEvent and I don't think this is what you expect.
So, double click wherever on your userform and add the following code in code area:
Private Sub txtField1_Change()
txtField2.Visible = True
lblField2.Visible = True
End Sub
Next, add next portion for next textbox:
Private Sub txtField2_Change()
txtField3.Visible = True
lblField3.Visible = True
End Sub
And so on, if only you have an order in controls name you just need to change numbers in the end of control names.