i have an issue when disconnecting ethernet-cable from computer or just turned off ethernet. in this case some entrys do not exist and my app would crash.
so i tryed to find out how to prevent and just found CFDictionaryContainsKey, but this does not prevent the error. Anybody who knows an workaround which is also working lower than osx 10.6 ?
- (NSString *)checkNetworkInterface
SCDynamicStoreRef ds = SCDynamicStoreCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR("myapp"), NULL, NULL);
CFDictionaryRef dr = SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(ds, CFSTR("State:/Network/Global/IPv4"));
Boolean ck = CFDictionaryContainsKey( dr, CFSTR("PrimaryInterface"));
NSString *interfaceString;
if (ck) {
CFStringRef interface = CFDictionaryGetValue(dr, CFSTR("PrimaryInterface"));
interfaceString = [NSString stringWithString:( NSString *)interface ];
} else {
interfaceString = [NSString stringWithString:#"" ];
return interfaceString;
if "State:/Network/Global/IPv4" does not exist, app crashes :(
As the documentation for SCDynamicStoreCopyValue() states:
Return Value: The value associated with the specified key, or NULL if no value was located or if an error occurred. You must release the returned value.
CFDictionaryContainsKey() attempts to inspect the passed-in dictionary; if it's NULL, you crash with a NULL pointer dereference. You also shouldn't CFRelease() a NULL pointer.
To correct this, just add a NULL check before calling CFDictionaryContainsKey().
NSString *interfaceString;
if(dr != NULL && CFDictionaryContainsKey(dr, CFSTR("PrimaryInterface")))
CFStringRef interface = CFDictionaryGetValue(dr, CFSTR("PrimaryInterface"));
I think you just want to check whether dr == NULL and abort if so. Apologies if this is a little obvious, but you're not doing it here and it seems like it would ward off the crash.
I have been trying to convert existing swift2.3 to swift3. I got Ambiguous use on intValue error at the following code.
jobPackageVersion.intJobPackageId = (JobPackageVersionDictionary["intJobPackageId"]! as AnyObject).intValue as NSNumber
Here is the full code
if let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "tblJobPackageVersion", withExtension: "csv") {
do {
let strData = try String(contentsOf: url)
let csv = CSwiftV(String: strData)
if csv.keyedRows != nil {
for dictionary in csv.keyedRows! { // [Dictionary<String, String>]
let JobPackageVersionDictionary = dictionary as NSDictionary // Cast to NSDictionary
let JobPackageVersionEntity = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: "JobPackageVersion", in: context)
let jobPackageVersion = JobPackageVersion(entity: JobPackageVersionEntity!, insertInto: context)
// Set object attributes
jobPackageVersion.intJobPackageId = (JobPackageVersionDictionary["intJobPackageId"]! as AnyObject).intValue as NSNumber
jobPackageVersion.intJobPackageVersionId = (JobPackageVersionDictionary["intJobPackageVersionId"]! as AnyObject).intValue as NSNumber
jobPackageVersion.intStatus = (JobPackageVersionDictionary["intStatus"]! as AnyObject).intValue as NSNumber
jobPackageVersion.intVersion = (JobPackageVersionDictionary["intVersion"]! as AnyObject).intValue as NSNumber
do { // Save object to database and clean up memory
try context.save()
context.refresh(jobPackageVersion, mergeChanges: false)
} catch let error as NSError { Logger.sharedInstance.logMessage("\(#function) JobPackageVersion Saving Error: \(error.userInfo)") }
} // for-loop
Logger.sharedInstance.logMessage("\(#function): Loaded \(csv.keyedRows!.count) tblJobPackageVersion records.")
} else { Logger.sharedInstance.logMessage("\(#function) CSV Parser Warning: no CSV data was parsed in tblJobPackageVersion.csv!") }
} catch { Logger.sharedInstance.logMessage("\(#function) Error reading contents of tblJobPackageVersion.csv.") }
} else { Logger.sharedInstance.logMessage("\(#function) Error locating URL for resource tblJobPackageVersion.csv") }
Any help would be appreciated.
You're trying to call intValue on an object of type AnyObject. As the error states, this is too ambiguous because both NSNumber and NSString have intValue properties. Xcode doesn't know which intValue to use, because both NSNumber and NSString fall under the AnyObject umbrella. Since Xcode is confused, you need to be more specific about what type your object is. Try something like this:
jobPackageVersion.intJobPackageId = (JobPackageVersionDictionary["intJobPackageId"]! as NSNumber).intValue
Note 1: You're probably going to get the same error with the other objects you call intValue on, but you can fix them accordingly.
Note 2: Be extremely careful about force unwrapping your objects using !. If the dictionary you're using ever returns nil your program will crash. Instead I would safely unwrap them using either an if let or guard statement depending on your use case. Something like this may work a little better:
guard let intJobPackageId = JobPackageVersionDictionary["intJobPackageId"] as? NSNumber,
let intJobPackageVersionId = JobPackageVersionDictionary["intJobPackageVersionId"] as? NSNumber,
let intStatus = JobPackageVersionDictionary["intStatus"] as? NSNumber,
let intVersion = JobPackageVersionDictionary["intVersion"] as? NSNumber
else {
print("one of the dictionary values is nil")
jobPackageVersion.intJobPackageId = intJobPackageId.intValue
jobPackageVersion.intJobPackageVersionId = intJobPackageVersionId.intValue
jobPackageVersion.intStatus = intStatus.intValue
jobPackageVersion.intVersion = intVersion.intValue
This may not be exactly what you want, but it should give you an idea on how to safely unwrap your objects so your app doesn't crash. You can play around with it and decide what's best for you.
I am attempting to run a conditional to basically see if the object is empty but I keep getting (similar variations) of this error:
invalid operation: release.Name == "" (mismatched types *string and string)
Here is the code that is dying:
import (
func TestLatestTag(user, project string) {
var client *github.Client
client = github.NewClient(nil)
releases, _, err := client.Repositories.ListTags(user, project, nil)
var release github.RepositoryTag
if err != nil {
} else {
if release.Name == "" {
} else {
If I change the if statement to *release.Name == "" as the error suggests I get a different error, which I don't really understand:
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal 0xb code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x26fd]
goroutine 1 [running]:
I'm sure there is any easy way to do this but I am not very familiar with handling objects/structs
From the error message it looks like you are trying to compare a string pointer (*string) to an actual string.
release.Name is a *string (a pointer to a string value)
"" is a string (is a string value)
They are two different types. So you can't compare them.
What you probably want to do instead is release.Name == nil
When a pointer that references to nothing (equals to nil) is tried to be dereferenced you get that second error. So in your case *release.Name panics because infact release.Name is nil
var release github.RepositoryTag
You never assign any value to that var. That's why *release.Name gives you a "runtime error": release.Name is a nil pointer
As per your code you have declared var release github.RepositoryTag, but you have not initialized it.
In structure RepositoryTag, Name is declared as *string which is a pointer and in case of release.Name == "", string comparison is attempted which is incorrect hence "mismatched types *string and string" error.
In case of *release.Name == "", since release is not yet initialized, it is complaining "invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference"
You need to do two things, 1st initialize, release and second, check release.Name = nil.
In my program, I store objective-c objects in a c array, like this
va_start(list, o);
retval->objs = malloc(SIZE * count);
retval->objs[0] = (__bridge void *)o;
for (int i = 1; i < count; i++)
id o = va_arg(list, id);
retval->objs[i] = (__bridge void *)o;
(count is a number containing how many objects will be added; that value is always correct)
objs is a void ** and is part of retval, which is a pointer to a struct. As of now, SIZE is defined as 100. Increasing and decreasing that had no effect.
As you can see, I bridge o to a void *, as I have to. objs, when all the objects are added, contains 3 objective-c objects. When I try to access a value like this
void *obj = CLArrayObjectAtIndex(_arr, ind);
return (__bridge id)obj;
this is the CLArrayObjectAtIndex() function
void *CLArrayObjectAtIndex(CLArrayType *arr, int ind)
void *o = arr->objs[ind];
if (o)
return o;
perror("Attempt to access NULL object or index out of bounds."), abort();
if the index (ind) is 0, it works. If the index is 1, the program crashes when it returns in main. If the index is 2, the program crashes as soon as I try to access it. If the index is 1, the value returned above is correct, but when the program crashes on return it is nil.
If the index is 1, the EXC_BAD_ACCESS code is 1; if the index is 2, the code is EXC_I386_GPFLT, a general protection fault. I already checked here for an explanation of this exception, although I couldn't find anything helpful. So, does anybody see why this error may be occurring?
when you store obj-c objects in C array don't just bridge cast them since that way arc doesn't know they are still used and releases them. __bridge_retain them so they stay around later, when you free the array __bridge_transfer them to give them back to ARC
also don't define size as 100.. sizeof(id) should work. You only need to store pointers
I override object's -(NSString*)description however Xcode always displays error: summary string parsing error in summary field in variables view.
My current implementation is the following:
- (NSString*)description {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"<%# %p> x=%f, y=%f", self.class, self, _x, _y];
If I type po objectName in console, LLDB shows a fine output as expected, however Xcode and command p objectName always indicate error, so what's the proper debug description format to make summary field work? Worth to notice that the output of "p" command is the same as a summary message that you see in Xcode for instances of Foundation classes.
As far as I can see from "WWDC 2012 session Debugging in Xcode", custom summaries can be implemented using Custom python script only. -(NSString*)description or -(NSString*)debugDescription methods are not connected anyhow to summary messages. I thought they are because I got an error displayed, but it seems it's a standard message for classes that do not have their own formatters.
I would suggest at least:
- (NSString*)description {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#; x=%f, y=%f", [super description], _x, _y];
So that you're not manually replicating the NSObject default and thereby blocking any non-default behaviour your superclass may have opted to include.
Beyond that, "summary string parsing error" is an lldb error. It's being reported by the debugger only. Per its documentation, po is correct for Objective-C objects; p is for C or C++ objects. So you needn't heed that error — it's essentially just telling you that you used the wrong lldb command.
EDIT: for what it's worth, the method used by CFArray is open source and looks like:
static CFStringRef __CFArrayCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFArrayRef array = (CFArrayRef)cf;
CFMutableStringRef result;
const CFArrayCallBacks *cb;
CFAllocatorRef allocator;
CFIndex idx, cnt;
cnt = __CFArrayGetCount(array);
allocator = CFGetAllocator(array);
result = CFStringCreateMutable(allocator, 0);
switch (__CFArrayGetType(array)) {
case __kCFArrayImmutable:
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("<CFArray %p [%p]>{type = immutable, count = %u, values = (%s"), cf, allocator, cnt, cnt ? "\n" : "");
case __kCFArrayDeque:
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("<CFArray %p [%p]>{type = mutable-small, count = %u, values = (%s"), cf, allocator, cnt, cnt ? "\n" : "");
cb = __CFArrayGetCallBacks(array);
for (idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++) {
CFStringRef desc = NULL;
const void *val = __CFArrayGetBucketAtIndex(array, idx)->_item;
if (NULL != cb->copyDescription) {
desc = (CFStringRef)INVOKE_CALLBACK1(cb->copyDescription, val);
if (NULL != desc) {
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("\t%u : %#\n"), idx, desc);
} else {
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("\t%u : <%p>\n"), idx, val);
CFStringAppend(result, CFSTR(")}"));
return result;
As with the other comments above, I'm willing to gamble that the answer is: Xcode's debugger isn't smart in any sense and definitely isn't smart enough to use the correct po means of getting an Objective-C description; if your object is an uninflected Objective-C object then the debugger isn't going to be able to figure it out.
I have an object that returns a value if successful and false (or nil) if it failed.
i want to assign that value to a variable
if(var1 = [object foo])
//if the [object foo] returned a variable, goes here
//[object foo] returned FALSE (or nil), go here
can an If statement detected if an assignment was valid?
This is all right but will generate a warning, since this is a common typo (= instead of ==). To silence that warning add another set of parentheses like this:
if ((var = [object foo])) ...
Since this easily can lead to misunderstandings a lot of people will advise against doing this. For a simple if statement this is much clearer to do the assignment first:
var = [object for];
if (var) ...
In while loops this is more useful, but also considered harmful by many people.
Not sure I understand your question, but let me try and explain a few situations you can check
1) Property contains value
if ([object foo])
// If foo has a value associated to it that is not nil/false/zero
// If foo equals nil, false or zero
2) Assignment to a variable was successful
if ((bar = [object myMethod]))
// If myMethod returns any non-nil value
// If myMethod returns nil
3) Previous assignment of a variable was successful
bar = [object myMethod];
if (bar)
// If bar has a value associated to it that is not nil/false/zero
// If bar equals nil, false or zero
use == instead of = in the if statement.
before the if statement, you may have var1 = [object foo]
see comparison operators
If you mean by valid that the variable contains an expected result, you can just perform another if on the variable against the expected result, or null to check it.