Where can beginners run their SQL code?If it's a PL,then why it doesn't have a compiler? [closed] - sql

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am totally new to the subject of databases and I have only theoretical knowledge about it.I want to run the SQL commands I read about but totally clueless where to run it.The definition says SQL is a special purpose programming language.If so why doesn't it have a compiler?And if I have to install in a RDBMS on my computer to practice SQL, what is the one you would suggest for learners?Can SQL commands be run in all RDBMS?
I am totally despondent about it,utterly clueless.Please help me take the first step.Just a simple thing--Where on earth to run those SQL commands?

You can use http://sqlfiddle.com/ to test your queries. There you can chose a database (mysql, Oracle, Sql Server or other), generate test tables, fill them with test data and generate test queries to this data


update a table on my website [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Hey all and thank you in advance for any help, I have my website I'm building as a hobby I have an java app I wrote sitting on my comp, it updates certain tables and the the end result is a table shown to users, now I update the tables manually using phpmyadmin.
The question is how do I set a connection to import tables into my website DB?
I googled it before I asked, haven't found related stuff....
There are many ways to do what you want (dozens in fact). One way, that I personally use is through PHP and the $mysqli class.
Read more on mysqli here
You will need to setup a database conection, and from here you would use this connection to query your database by building SQL queries and using the $mysqli class to send them to the database.

Where can I find an MDX interpreter? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to learn some MultiDimensional eXpressions query language. I've already found sufficient theoretical information. Now, I want a place to write and test my own queries.
Where can I find an MDX interpreter? Either downloadable or available online?
You can use the Saiku demo in MDX mode. It is loaded with the common Foodmart 2000 sample data warehouse which will give you a host of analytics scenarios to play with. This is an open source front-end to the open-sourced Mondrian OLAP engine.
To enable MDX mode, select a Cube from the dropdown and press the icon.

What's a quick way to create SQL tables when starting out? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I find that creating SQL tables tedious when starting to create a web app (ASP/Python/PHP).
Do you guys know any tools that makes creating tables quicker and faster and easier? Thanks in advance! :-)
In my opinion writing a CREATE TABLE statement is far less tedious than writing HTML pages.
The recommended approach is to use a ER design tool co create and define your database model. Most (if not all) ER designer can then create the necessary DDL statement directly from the model.
With this approach you also have a documentation of your database model which is always a good thing.
It depends on the tools/libraries you use to create your app.
If you use an ORM, many ORMs offer you the possibility to create the database with all tables automatically, according to the classes and mappings you defined in your application.

Difference between openrowset,Linked server,Opendatasource [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Difference between openrowset,Linked server,Opendatasource and openquery in sql server
You don't say what you're trying to do or how your confused but briefly:
Linked servers allows you to connect to another instance of SQL Server running on a different machine.
OPENROWSET is an alternative method to accessing tables in a linked server and is an ad hoc method of accessing remote data using OLE DB.
OPENDATASOURCE allows you to connect with using a linked server name.
Take a look on MSDN or SQLServer Central, there are some good summaries and examples on there.

can any one suggest me which project can be best for half known student of vb.net? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
i am student of t y bsc...
i have my 1.5 month project
can any one suggest me any topics that can be also make some sort of money and easy to make a project
I want to used Vb.net and sql server ...............V S 2010 and sql server 2005
You can make project for library management system which every student make in its college time and this project also having difficult task(at student label) and try to implement each and ever task of library. try to implement barcode reader for books. Implemeting Bar code reader is not expensive.
Some other topic may be,
Work monitoring system,Hospital management,college management etc.