Autoreleasing blocks in NSMutableArray retained by their creator - objective-c

I'm trying to write a category based on node.js EventEmitter, which can take a number of blocks, store them weakly in an array, and execute them later if the instance creating the block isn't deallocated (in which case they would be removed from the array). This is in order not to keep filling the array with old, unused blocks.
The problem is that the blocks seem to be copied by the class, and thusly never released, even though the instance creating the block is deallocated.
So the implementation looks something like this;
[object on:#"change" do:^(id slf, NSArray *args) {
NSLog(#"something changed");
Implementation (WeakReference class found here, courtesy of noa)
- (void)on:(NSString *)eventType do:(Callback)callback
NSMutableArray *callbacks = self.emitterEvents[eventType];
__weak Callback wcb = callback;
// Wrap the callback in NSValue subclass in order to reference it weakly
WeakReference *cbr = [WeakReference weakReferenceWithObject:wcb];
callbacks[callbacks.count] = cbr;
- (void)emit:(NSString *)eventType withArgs:(NSArray *)objArgs
NSInteger idx = 0;
NSMutableIndexSet *indices = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
callbacks = (NSMutableArray *)callbacks;
for (WeakReference *cbv in callbacks) {
__weak id cb = [cbv nonretainedObjectValue];
if (cb) {
Callback callback = (Callback)cb;
__weak id slf = self;
callback(slf, objArgs);
} else {
[indices addIndex:idx];
[callbacks removeObjectsAtIndexes:indices];
I read something about blocks being copied when used past their scope, but frankly, reading about all these block semantics is kind of making my head spin right now.
Is this way of approaching the problem even possible?

In Objective-C, blocks are objects, but unlike other objects, they are created on the stack. If you want to use the block outside of the scope it was created you must copy it.
[object on:#"change" do:^(id slf, NSArray *args) {
NSLog(#"something changed");
Here, you are passing a pointer to a block on the stack. Once your current stack frame is out of scope, your block is gone. You could either pass a copy to the block, making the caller the owner of the block, or you could copy the block in the receiver.
If you want the caller to own the block, then you have to keep a strong reference to the block in the caller (e.g. as a property). Once the caller gets deallocated, you lose your strong reference and your weak reference is set to nil.

copy a block which is already copied is same as retain it, so if the caller of the method copy the block first then pass it to the method, it should works as you expected. but this means you cannot simply use the method as you described in your usage section.
you have use it like this
typeofblock block = ^(id slf, NSArray *args) {
NSLog(#"something changed");
self.block = [block copy]
[object on:#"change" do:self.block];
to actual solve the problem, you have to figure out owns the block. the caller of on:do:, or the object been called?
sounds to me you want to remove the block when the caller is deallocated, which means the owner of the block is the caller. but your on:do: method does not aware the owner of the block, and cannot remove the block when the caller is deallocated.
one way is to pass the owner of the block into the method and remove the block when it deallocated. this can be done use associate object.
- (void)on:(NSString *)eventType do:(Callback)callback sender:(id)sender
// add the block to dict
// somehow listen to dealloc of the sender and remove the block when it is called
another way is to add new method to remove the block, and call the method in dealloc or other place to remove the block manually.
your approach is similar to KVO, which require the observer to unregister the observation, and I think is a good practice that you should follow.

Thanks for the answers, I realize I was a little bit off on how blocks are managed. I solved it with a different approach, inspired by Mike Ash's implementation of KVO with blocks & automatic dereferencing, and with xlc's advice on doing it in dealloc.
The approach is along the lines of this (in case you don't want to read the whole gist):
Caller object assigns listener to another object with on:event do:block with:caller
Emitter object creates a Listener instance, with a copy of the block, reference to emitter & the event-type
Emitter adds the copied block to an array inside a table (grouped by event-types), creates an associated object on the caller and attaches the listener
Emitter method-swizzles the caller, and adds a block to its dealloc, which removes itself from the emitter
The caller can then choose to handle the listener-instance, which is returned from the emit-method, if it wants to manually stop the listener before becoming deallocated itself
Source here
I don't know if it is safe for use, I've only tested it on a single thread in a dummy-application so far.


Send the message objc_msgSend(class,#selector(dealloc)) to release the object, why is it wrong to access the object pointer?

The code is under ARC. When I delete the code NSObject* objc = (NSObject*)object; the program runs fine, but I didn't have access to the pointer objc. When I keep the code NSObject* objc = (NSObject*)object; I am prompted EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x20). Is the system accessing the objc pointer after the block function body ends?
Class targetClass = obj.class;
#synchronized (swizzledClasses()) {
NSString *className = NSStringFromClass(obj.class);
if ([swizzledClasses() containsObject:className]) return;
SEL deallocSel = sel_registerName("dealloc");
__block void (*deallocBlock)(__unsafe_unretained id, SEL) = NULL;
id block = ^(__unsafe_unretained id object){
NSObject* objc = (NSObject*)object;
NSUInteger hash = ((NSObject*)object).hash;
[self removeAllTargetWitSuffixKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%lu",(unsigned long)hash]];
if (deallocBlock == NULL) {
struct objc_super superInfo = {
.receiver = object,
.super_class = class_getSuperclass(targetClass)
void (*msgSend)(struct objc_super *, SEL) = (__typeof__(msgSend))objc_msgSendSuper;
msgSend(&superInfo, deallocSel);
} else {
deallocBlock(object, deallocSel);
IMP blockImp = imp_implementationWithBlock(block);
if (!class_addMethod(obj.class, deallocSel, blockImp, "v#:")) {
Method deallocMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(obj.class, deallocSel);
deallocBlock = (__typeof__(deallocBlock))method_getImplementation(deallocMethod);
deallocBlock = (__typeof__(deallocBlock))method_setImplementation(deallocMethod, blockImp);
[swizzledClasses() addObject:className];
enter image description here
Note: This answer is being directly typed in, your code has not been tested, indeed no code has been tested. Therefore that the issues below are causing your issues is being inferred.
There area number of issues with your design:
Swizzling dealloc is not recommended. The dealloc method is called automatically by the system when it is in the process of destroying an object, as such using the partly destroyed object inappropriately (whatever that might be) could lead to issues - as you have found!
You are using ARC under which "an implementation of dealloc, [should] not invoke the superclass’s implementation". However your block does this.
The variable objc is unused. However by default a local variable has the attribute strong so you are creating a strong reference to an object in the process of destruction. Any strong reference made by the block in this way will be released by ARC when the block has finished, this is almost certainly not good as your error indicates.
You appear to be trying to call your removeAllTargetWithSuffixKey: method when a particular object is destroyed (appear as you swizzle [and can only swizzle] the class but are using the hash of a particular object). A better way to do this avoiding swizzling is to use associated objects.
The runtime function objc_setassociatedobject() allows you to attach an object to a particular instance of another object and have that object be destroyed automatically when its host is destroyed (use an objc_AssociationPolicy of OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN).
Design a class which has an instance property of your required hash value and a dealloc method which calls your removeAllTargetWithSuffixKey: then rather than swizzle the class simply create and associate an instance of your class with the target object.
Yes, it's accessing the pointer after the method ends. If this is being compiled under ARC, then the objc is a "strong" reference. However, you are fabricating the implementation of the dealloc method, and so are retaining the object when it's already going to be dealloced, so it's too late to have a strong reference to it. Your implementation is going to call super, which should actually deallocate the object, and then afterwards ARC is going to release the objc value, but it's already gone since it's the receiver, i.e. "self" if you were writing a normal dealloc method.
ARC will never retain self in a regular dealloc method, but that is what you are effectively doing. The "object" value is the same pointer, but is explicitly __unsafe_unretained, so you should just use that directly. You can type the block as NSObject* instead of id if that helps, but it shouldn't matter. Or you can make your objc value also __unsafe_unretained so ARC leaves it alone. You don't want ARC touching the "self" value inside the block in any way, since you are going around ARC's back in this case.
Whatever the case, once you are in an object's dealloc method, don't ever retain/release/autorelease the self pointer -- it will end up with crashes. Calling a method from dealloc and passing a reference to self is a no-no, for example. You need to be very careful about that, and understand exactly what ARC is doing if you are playing these types of runtime games.

Call Block_Release inside block to be released

Is it possible to release a block inside itself? For the compiler it's fine, but I'm not sure if at runtime it will crash, since it releases memory that is executed at the same time.
cancel_block_t someFunction(/*args*/){
__block BOOL canceled = NO;
__block cancel_block_t cancel_block = Block_copy(^{
canceled = YES;
Block_Release(cancel_block); //<-- can I do this?
cancel_block = NULL; //<-- can I do this?
// […]
return cancel_block;
Would this approach be more safe?
cancel_block_t someFunction(/*args*/){
__block BOOL canceled = NO;
__block cancel_block_t cancel_block = Block_copy(^{
canceled = YES;
dispatch_async(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0.001 * NSEC_PER_SEC), dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0),^{
cancel_block = NULL;
// […]
return cancel_block;
Thanks for help!
Edit #1: corrected return type of function.
Is this non-ARC code? ARC will automatically copy, retain, and release blocks.
Anyway, this is not safe, at least not always. I've seen crashes for similar behavior. The issue is that the reference to the __block variable is within the same block object that Block_release() may deallocate. So, trying to set the variable can access memory after it's been freed (and maybe reused).
About your function:
1) Why does it return a pointer to a block type? It would be more normal for the function to just return the block type (which is already a reference). That is, someFunction() should have a return type of cancel_block_t, not cancel_block_t*. Anyway, it's not safe to take the address of a __block variable, since such a variable can change location. It starts life on the stack but gets moved to the heap.
2) The normal semantics for a function that returns a block would be to return an autoreleased object. So, someFunction() should just return [cancel_block autorelease]; (given that it's already been copied). The caller is responsible for retaining it if it wants to keep it beyond the current scope or autorelease pool. If it's submitted to a function (e.g. dispatch_async()), then that function is responsible for retaining it. In other words, the memory management semantics are the same as any other object. The block should not try to release itself.

Objective-C block "retain cycle" warning, don't understand why

I've seen several other questions of the same form, but I either a) can't understand the provided answers, or b) don't see how those situations are similar to mine.
I'm writing a Category on UIView to recursively evaluate all the subviews of a UIView and return an Array of subviews passing a test. I've noted where my compiler warning occurs:
-(NSArray*)subviewsPassingTest:(BOOL(^)(UIView *view, BOOL *stop))test {
__block BOOL *stop = NO;
NSArray*(^__block evaluateAndRecurse)(UIView*);
evaluateAndRecurse = ^NSArray*(UIView *view) {
NSMutableArray *myPassedChildren = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (UIView *subview in [view subviews]) {
BOOL passes = test(subview, stop);
if (passes) [myPassedChildren addObject:subview];
if (stop) return myPassedChildren;
[myPassedChildren addObjectsFromArray:evaluateAndRecurse(subview)];
// ^^^^ Compiler warning here ^^^^^
// "Capturing 'evaluateAndRecurse' strongly in this block
// is likely to lead to a retrain cycle"
return myPassedChildren;
return evaluateAndRecurse(self);
Also, I get a bad_access failure when I don't include the __block modifier in my block's declaration (^__block evaluateAndRecurse). If someone could explain why that is, that would be very helpful too. Thanks!
The problem here is that your block evaluteAndRecurse() captures itself, which means that, if it's ever to be copied (I don't believe it will in your case, but in slightly less-trivial cases it may), then it will retain itself and therefore live forever, as there is nothing to break the retain cycle.
Edit: Ramy Al Zuhouri made a good point, using __unsafe_unretained on the only reference to the block is dangerous. As long as the block remains on the stack, this will work, but if the block needs to be copied (e.g. it needs to escape to a parent scope), then the __unsafe_unretained will cause it to be deallocated. The following paragraph has been updated with the recommended approach:
What you probably want to do here is use a separate variable marked with __unsafe_unretained that also contains the block, and capture that separate variable. This will prevent it from retaining itself. You could use __weak, but since you know that the block must be alive if it's being called, there's no need to bother with the (very slight) overhead of a weak reference. This will make your code look like
NSArray*(^__block __unsafe_unretained capturedEvaluteAndRecurse)(UIView*);
NSArray*(^evaluateAndRecurse)(UIView*) = ^NSArray*(UIView *view) {
[myPassedChildren addObjectsFromArray:capturedEvaluateAndRecurse(subview)];
capturedEvaluateAndRecurse = evaluteAndRecurse;
Alternatively, you could capture a pointer to the block, which will have the same effect but allow you to grab the pointer before the block instantiation instead of after. This is a personal preference. It also allows you to omit the __block:
NSArray*(^*evaluteAndRecursePtr)(UIView*) = &evaluateAndRecurse;
evaluateAndRecurse = ^NSArray*(UIView*) {
[myPassedChildren addObjectsFromArray:(*evaluateAndRecursePtr)(subview)];
As for needing the __block, that's a separate issue. If you don't have __block, then the block instance will actually capture the previous value of the variable. Remember, when a block is created, any captured variables that aren't marked with __block are actually stored as a const copy of their state at the point where the block is instantiated. And since the block is created before it's assigned to the variable, that means it's capturing the state of the capturedEvaluteAndRecurse variable before the assignment, which is going to be nil (under ARC; otherwise, it would be garbage memory).
In essence, you can think of a given block instance as actually being an instance of a hidden class that has an ivar for each captured variable. So with your code, the compiler would basically treat it as something like:
// Note: this isn't an accurate portrayal of what actually happens
PrivateBlockSubclass *block = ^NSArray*(UIView *view){ ... };
block->stop = stop;
block->evaluteAndRecurse = evaluateAndRecurse;
evaluteAndRecurse = block;
Hopefully this makes it clear why it captures the previous value of evaluateAndRecurse instead of the current value.
I've done something similar, but in a different way to cut down on time allocating new arrays, and haven't had any problems. You could try adapting your method to look something like this:
- (void)addSubviewsOfKindOfClass:(id)classObject toArray:(NSMutableArray *)array {
if ([self isKindOfClass:classObject]) {
[array addObject:self];
NSArray *subviews = [self subviews];
for (NSView *view in subviews) {
[view addSubviewsOfKindOfClass:classObject toArray:array];

Is there ever a situation where retaining self in a block under ARC is ok?

Let's say my class looks like
#interface MyClass {
MyObject* _object;
dispatch_queue_t _queue;
Ignoring the semantics of initializing the queue, now I implement
-(void)myBlockUsingMethod {
dispatch_async(_queue, ^{
[_object doSomething];
As the above code stands, is retaining self in the block ok?
I could rewrite the block like
-(void)myBlockUsingMethod {
__weak MyClass* weakSelf = self;
dispatch_async(_queue, ^{
MyClass* strongSelf = weakSelf;
[strongSelf._object doSomething];
But now is it necessary to test if strongSelf == nil in this situation given that my _queue is an iVar of the object I'm retaining?
Also, what happens if my doSomething method were to push another block that references self onto the same queue? Will that cause a retain cycle?
To answer the question in the title: Yes, there are many reasons to do this. You may know for certain that the object will outlive the block, or you may want to create a retain cycle that will be broken manually at a specific time later.
However, in your code, you are doing something quite wrong. The first method (the one that creates the implicit strong reference to self) should generate a warning.
The second one should not compile. You have this:
[strongSelf._object doSomething];
which is invoking a property named _object and I doubt that's the case. So, maybe you meant this:
[strongSelf.object doSomething];
in which case, you will be fine because if strongSelf is nil then a message sent to nil effectively does nothing.
Or, if there is no property, maybe you really mean this:
[strongSelf->_object doSomething];
in which case, your program will blow up if strongSelf is nil, because this is not sending a message to nil but dereferencing a null pointer. If you do the latter, you need to check for nil explicitly.
Since you do not access _queue in the block, that access is fine. Any direct access of an iVar inside a block must either create a retain cycle to make sure the object is still alive, or it must play the weak-strong-dance and check for nil.
If you use the object in multiple lines, you also need to do the weak-strong-dance because the weak object could dealloc in between accesses (the runtime guarantees that if a __weak is not nil, and accepts a message, that it will stay alive until that message has been handled).
[weakObject message1];
// weakObject can become nil here
[weakObject message2];
It should be okay, because the retain cycle is temporary. When the dispatched action is done, it is removed from the queue, so nothing retains the block anymore.

Tying an object to a block

I have the following object:
Someobject *Object = [[Someobject alloc] init];
void (^Block)() = ^()
The block is copied in DoSomethingWith and stored somewhere. it might either not be called, called once or called multiple times. I want to tie Object with the block so whenever the block or any of its copies is released, Object is released, and whenever the block or any of its copies is retained or copied, Object will be retained.
Is there a way to do so?
Change your first line to [[[Someobject alloc] init] autorelease] and you're done.
Blocks retain objects declared without and referenced within their body, and release them on release. So will the copy of the block made within DoSomethingWith. Assuming that copy eventually gets released there's no leak. It's pretty cool.
(Exception: if Object were declared __block Someobject *Object, along with the expected effect (removing the 'const' of the block's private reference, allowing the block to assign to Object), this autoretain behavior is also turned off. In that case retain/release is your responsibility again.)