Flex 3 - Enable context menu for text object under a transparent PNG - flex3

Here is the situation. In my app I have an overlay layer that is composed of a transparent PNG. I have replaced the hitarea for the png with a 1x1 image using the following code:
[Embed(source = "/assets/1x1image.png")]
private var onexonebitmapClass:Class;
private function loadCompleteHandler(event:Event):void
// Create the bitmap
var onexonebitmap:BitmapData = new onexonebitmapClass().bitmapData;
var bitmap:Bitmap;
bitmap = event.target.content as Bitmap;
bitmap.smoothing = true;
var _hitarea:Sprite = createHitArea(onexonebitmap, 1);
var rect:flash.geom.Rectangle = _box.toFlexRectangle(sprite.width, sprite.height);
var drawnBox:Sprite = new FlexSprite();
bitmap.width = rect.width;
bitmap.height = rect.height;
bitmap.x = -loader.width / 2;
bitmap.y = -loader.height / 2;
bitmap.alpha = _alpha;
_hitarea.alpha = 0;
drawnBox.x = rect.x + rect.width / 2;
drawnBox.y = rect.y + rect.height / 2;
// Add the bitmap as a child to the drawnBox
// Rotate the object.
drawnBox.rotation = _rotation;
// Add the drawnBox to the sprite
// Set the hitarea to drawnBox
drawnBox.hitArea = _hitarea;
private function createHitArea(bitmapData:BitmapData, grainSize:uint = 1):Sprite
var _hitarea:Sprite = new Sprite();
_hitarea.graphics.beginFill(0x900000, 1.0);
for (var x:uint = 0; x < bitmapData.width; x += grainSize)
for (var y:uint = grainSize; y < bitmapData.height; y += grainSize)
if (x <= bitmapData.width && y <= bitmapData.height && bitmapData.getPixel(x, y) != 0)
_hitarea.graphics.drawRect(x, y, grainSize, grainSize);
return _hitarea;
This is based off the work done here: Creating a hitarea for PNG Image with transparent (alpha) regions in Flex
Using the above code I am able to basically ignore the overlay layer for all mouse events (click, double click, move, etc.) However, I am unable to capture the right click (context menu) event for items that are beneath the overlay.
For instance I have a spell check component that checks the spelling on any textitem and like most other spell checkers if the word is incorrect or not in the dictionary underlines the word in red and if you right click on it would give you a list of suggestions in the contextmenu. This is working great when the text box is not under the overlay, but if the text box is under the overlay I get nothing back.
If anyone can give me some pointers on how to capture the right click event on a textItem that is under a transparent png that would be great.


Illustrator script (or action) to make 1 random layer visible per group

Similar to this question but with adobe Illustrator: Photoshop action to make 1 random layer visible within each group
I want to use an illustrator script (or action) to generate images that are composed of a random sampling of grouped layers.
With in each of the 12 groups, I want to make 1 layer per group visible.
Export the visible layers as an svg. Bonus points if I can change the file format.
Repeat the process n times
I know this is similar to the code linked above though I want to be able to use illustrator instead of photoshop if possible.
It could be something like this:
function main() {
var doc = app.activeDocument;
// hide all items
var i = doc.pageItems.length;
while(i--) doc.pageItems[i].hidden = true;
// show one random item on every layer
var i = doc.layers.length;
while(i--) {
var items = doc.layers[i].pageItems;
var index = Math.round(Math.random()*(items.length-1));
items[index].hidden = false;
// save svg
var counter = 0;
var file = File(Folder.desktop + '/' + counter + '.svg') ;
while (file.exists) {
file = File(Folder.desktop + '/' + counter++ + '.svg');
doc.exportFile(file, ExportType.SVG);
// save png
var counter = 0;
var file = File(Folder.desktop + '/' + counter + '.png') ;
while (file.exists) {
file = File(Folder.desktop + '/' + counter++ + '.png');
var options = new ExportOptionsPNG24();
options.artBoardClipping = true;
doc.exportFile(file, ExportType.PNG24, options);
// repeat the script N times
var n = 3;
while(n--) main();
It hides all the page items, shows one random item on every layer, and saves the document as SVG and PNG in the desktop folder.

fit a image on a background image with wideimage

is it possible to fit image onto a white background image using wideimage and in that way to show the image without deformations?.
Now I have this, this source merges a background image with an uploaded image, but a part of image loses
public function createThumb($pathimg, $img, $id) {
$paththumb = 'img/upload/thumbs/' . $img;
$imagen = WideImage::load($pathimg);
$width = $imagen->getWidth();
$height = $imagen->getHeight();
$newWidth = 427;
$newHeight = ($newWidth / $width) * $height;
$imagen->resize($newWidth, $newHeight, 'fill')->saveToFile($paththumb);
$img1 = WideImage::load(realpath($paththumb));
$watermark = WideImage::load(realpath('img/bg.jpg'));
$new = $img1->merge($watermark, 0, 0, 20);

WinRT UI element to follow another during manipulation

I am trying to use manipulation on a UI element (rectangle) and can rotate and translate it without problem. What I would like to achieve is to make another UI element (ellipse for example) to follow the first (rectangle).
If I apply the same transform group -that I used for rectangle- to ellipse, during translation manipulation it works fine but during rotation ellipse does not follow rectangle.
I think I somehow must find a suitable composite transform center Point to provide to ellipse but I can not figure out how.
Here is corresponding sample code.
public MainPage()
rectMy.ManipulationMode = ManipulationModes.None | ManipulationModes.TranslateX | ManipulationModes.TranslateY | ManipulationModes.Rotate;
rectMy.ManipulationStarted += rectMy_ManipulationStarted;
rectMy.ManipulationDelta += rectMy_ManipulationDelta;
rectMy.ManipulationCompleted += rectMy_ManipulationCompleted;
rectMy.RenderTransform = transformGroup;
void rectMy_ManipulationCompleted(object sender, ManipulationCompletedRoutedEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
void rectMy_ManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs e)
previousTransform.Matrix = transformGroup.Value;
Point center = previousTransform.TransformPoint(new Point(rectMy.Width / 2, rectMy.Height / 2));
compositeTransform.CenterX = center.X;
compositeTransform.CenterY = center.Y;
compositeTransform.Rotation = e.Delta.Rotation;
compositeTransform.ScaleX = compositeTransform.ScaleY = e.Delta.Scale;
compositeTransform.TranslateX = e.Delta.Translation.X;
compositeTransform.TranslateY = e.Delta.Translation.Y;
void rectMy_ManipulationStarted(object sender, ManipulationStartedRoutedEventArgs e)
e.Handled = true;
OK. I understood it better now and found the solution. It is all about the center point of the composite transform (as I initially guessed). For center of the ellipse, I had to feed the center of rectangle. However the coordinate needed to be given relative to the ellipse. In my case ellipse is at the right upper corner of the rectangle so below is what I have given as composite transform center.
Point centerE = previousTransformE.TransformPoint(new Point(-rectMy.Width / 2 + ellipseMy.Width / 2, rectMy.Height / 2 + ellipseMy.Height / 2));
For rectangle, the center point for composite transform was:
Point center = previousTransform.TransformPoint(new Point(rectMy.Width / 2, rectMy.Height / 2));
Stackoverflow does not allow me to post an image to better visualize the things. Sorry!
The whole code:
previousTransform.Matrix = transformGroup.Value;
previousTransformE.Matrix = transformGroupE.Value;
Point center = previousTransform.TransformPoint(new Point(rectMy.Width / 2, rectMy.Height / 2));
compositeTransform.CenterX = center.X;
compositeTransform.CenterY = center.Y;
compositeTransform.Rotation = e.Delta.Rotation;
compositeTransform.TranslateX = e.Delta.Translation.X;
compositeTransform.TranslateY = e.Delta.Translation.Y;
Point centerE = previousTransformE.TransformPoint(new Point(-rectMy.Width / 2 + ellipseMy.Width / 2, rectMy.Height / 2 + ellipseMy.Height / 2));
compositeTransformE.CenterX = centerE.X;
compositeTransformE.CenterY = centerE.Y;
compositeTransformE.Rotation = e.Delta.Rotation;
compositeTransformE.TranslateX = e.Delta.Translation.X;
compositeTransformE.TranslateY = e.Delta.Translation.Y;

Add Drop Shadow to text

How do I add a drop shadow (with defined distance, size etc) using Photoshop scripting?
Current JS Code
var fontSize = 14;
var fontName = "Arial-Bold"; // NB: must be postscript name of font!
// This is the colour of the text in RGB
//Click foreground colour in Photoshop, choose your colour and read off the RGB values
//these can then be entered below.
var textColor = new SolidColor();
textColor.rgb.red = 255;
textColor.rgb.green =255;
textColor.rgb.blue = 255;
var newTextLayer = doc.artLayers.add();
newTextLayer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;
newTextLayer.textItem.size = fontSize;
newTextLayer.textItem.font = fontName;
newTextLayer.textItem.contents = ++Count;
newTextLayer.textItem.color = textColor;
newTextLayer.textItem.kind = TextType.PARAGRAPHTEXT;
newTextLayer.textItem.height = fontSize;
newTextLayer.textItem.width = doc.width -20;
//The line below is the text position (X Y) IE; 10 Pixels Right 10 Pixels Down
newTextLayer.textItem.position = Array(10, 12);
I believe there is no API function for this.
The best you can do is to use Scriptlistner.
The code that it generates then can be used in your script.
Here are some similar discussion with Scriptlistner-generated code:

How to draw a triangle in a math graph?

How to draw a triangle in a math graph which displays X and Y axis.
To draw shapes using ActionScript2, you can use the moveTo() and lineTo() methods of the MovieClip object. You can specify line colour and thickness with lineStyle(), or make a solid shape using beginFill() and endFill().
So to draw your graph and triangle you could do the following steps:
Make a movieClip named "graph"
Define how big your graph should be (using the flash.geom.Rectangle object)
Draw a grey background using graph.beginFill(grey) and then moveTo() and lineTo()
Draw some blue lines at regular intervals for a grid
Draw the X and Y axes on the side and bottom of your grid
Make a second movieClip named "shape"
Pick 3 random points: moveTo(point1), lineTo(point2), lineTo(point3), lineTo(point1)
Here's how the code might look:
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
function drawGraph(mc:MovieClip, rect:Rectangle):Void {
//this is a function to draw the graph
//draw the background
mc.moveTo(rect.left, rect.bottom);
mc.lineTo(rect.left, rect.top);
mc.lineTo(rect.right, rect.top);
mc.lineTo(rect.right, rect.bottom);
mc.lineTo(rect.left, rect.bottom);
//draw a grid
var unit:Number = 20;
mc.lineStyle(1, 0x0000FF, 20, true, "none", "round", "round");
var i:Number=rect.x;
do {
mc.moveTo(i, rect.bottom);
mc.lineTo(i, rect.top);
} while (i<rect.right);
do {
mc.moveTo(rect.left, i);
} while (i>rect.top);
//draw the axes
mc.lineStyle(2, 0x808080, 100, true, "none", "round", "round");
mc.moveTo(rect.left, rect.bottom);
mc.lineTo(rect.left, rect.top);
mc.moveTo(rect.left, rect.bottom);
mc.lineTo(rect.right, rect.bottom);
function randomPoint(rect:Rectangle):Point {
//this is a function which returns a random point within rect
var p:Point = new Point(rect.x+Math.random()*rect.width, rect.y+Math.random()*rect.height);
return p;
function drawTriangle(mc:MovieClip, rect:Rectangle):Void {
//this is a function to draw the triangle
// pick 3 random points within rect
var p1:Point = randomPoint(rect);
var p2:Point = randomPoint(rect);
var p3:Point = randomPoint(rect);
//connect the points to make a triangle
mc.lineStyle(3, 0xFF0000, 100, true, "none", "round", "round");
mc.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
mc.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y);
mc.lineTo(p3.x, p3.y);
mc.lineTo(p1.x, p1.y);
//make the 'graph' clip:
var myGraph:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("myGraph", this.getNextHighestDepth());
//define the graph size:
var myRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(50,50,300,300);
drawGraph(myGraph,myRect);//draw the graph
var myShape:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("myShape", this.getNextHighestDepth());//make the 'shape' clip
drawTriangle(myShape,myRect);//draw a random triangle
//add a function to draw a new triangle when the graph is clicked:
myGraph.onRelease = function() {
myShape.clear();//erase the old triangle
drawTriangle(myShape,myRect);//draw a new one
You can click the graph to generate a new random triangle.
(source: webfactional.com)
It sounds like you need to know how the drawing API works in Flash. Your question is kind of vague, but this might help to get you started - google "Flash Drawing API" for more information.
var point1:Point = new Point (0, 0);
var point2:Point = new Point (25, -50);
var point3:Point = new Point (50, 0);
var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
s.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xff0000);
s.graphics.moveTo(point1.x, point1.y);
s.graphics.lineTo(point2.x, point2.y);
s.graphics.lineTo(point3.x, point3.y);
s.graphics.lineTo(point1.x, point1.y);
s.x = (stage.stageWidth - s.width) / 2;
s.y = ((stage.stageHeight - s.height) / 2) + 50;
I hope that helps, let me know if you have any questions.
NOTE: This solution is using ActionScript 3. If you need AS2 this won't work, and off the top of my head I don't know how to help but you might just try googling "AS2 Drawing API" or something to that effect.