handling strings with \n in plain text e-mail - ruby-on-rails-3

I have a column in my database that contains a string like this:
"Warning set for 7 days.\nCritical Notice - Last Time Machine backup was 118 days ago at 2012-11-16 20:40:52\nLast Time Machine Destination was FreeAgent GoFlex Drive\n\nDefined Destinations:\nDestination Name: FreeAgent GoFlex Drive\nBackup Path: Not Specified\nLatest Backup: 2012-11-17"
I am displaying this data in an e-mail to users. I have be able to easily format the field in my html e-mails perfectly by doing the following:
simple_format(#servicedata.service_exit_details.gsub('\n', '<br>'))
The above code replaces the "\n" with "<br>" tags and simple_format handles the rest.
My issues arises with how to format it properly in the plain text template. Initially I thought I could just call the column, seeing as it has "\n" I assumed the plain text would interpret and all would be well. However this simply spits out the string with "\n" intact just as displayed above rather than created line breaks as desired.
In an attempt to find a way to parse the string so the line breaks are acknowledged. I have tried:
#servicedata.service_exit_details.gsub('\n', '"\r\n"')
#servicedata.service_exit_details.gsub('\n', '\r\n')
raw #servicedata.service_exit_details
markdown(#servicedata.service_exit_details, autolinks: false) # with all the necessary markdown setup
none of which worked.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong or how I can make this work?
What I want is for the plain text to acknowledge the line breaks and format the string as follows:
Warning set for 7 days.
Critical Notice - Last Time Machine backup was 118 days ago at 2012-11-16 20:40:52
Last Time Machine Destination was FreeAgent GoFlex Drive
Defined Destinations:
Destination Name: FreeAgent GoFlex Drive
Backup Path: Not Specified\nLatest Backup: 2012-11-17"

I see.
You need to differentiate a literal backslash followed by a letter n as a sequence of two characters, and a LF character (a.k.a. newline) that is usually represented as \n.
You also need to distinguish two different kinds of quoting you're using in Ruby: singles and doubles. Single quotes are literal: the only thing that is interpreted in single quotes specially is the sequence \', to escape a single quote, and the sequence \\, which produces a single backslash. Thus, '\n' is a two-character string of a backslash and a letter n.
Double quotes allow for all kinds of weird things in it: you can use interpolation with #{}, and you can insert special characters by escape sequences: so "\n" is a string containing the LF control character.
Now, in your database you seem to have the former (backslash and n), as hinted by two pieces of evidence: the fact that you're seeing literal backslash and n when you print it, and the fact that gsub finds a '\n'. What you need to do is replace the useless backslash-and-n with the actual line separator characters.
#servicedata.service_exit_details.gsub('\n', "\r\n")


new lines are not getting eliminated

I'm trying to replace newline etc kind of values using regexp_replace. But when I open the result in query result window, I can still see the new lines in the text. Even when I copy the result, I can see new line characters. See output for example, I just copied from the result.
Below is my query
select regexp_replace('abc123
头疼,'||CHR(10)||'allo','[^[:alpha:][:digit:][ \t]]','') from dual;
/ I just kept for testing characters.
How to remove the new lines from the text?
Expected output:
abc123 /nCHAR(10)头疼,allo
There are two mistakes in your code. One of them causes the issue you noticed.
First, in a bracket expression, in Oracle regular expressions (which follow the POSIX standard), there are no escape sequences. You probably meant \t as escape sequence for tab - within the bracket expression. (Note also that in Oracle regular expressions, there are no escape sequences like \t and \n anyway. If you must preserve tabs, it can be done, but not like that.)
Second, regardless of this, you include two character classes, [:alpha:] and [:digit:], and also [ \t] in the (negated) bracket expression. The last one is not a character class, so the [ as well as the space, the backslash and the letter t are interpreted as literal characters - they stand in for themselves. The closing bracket, on the other hand, has special meaning. The first of your two closing brackets is interpreted as the end of the bracket expression; and the second closing bracket is interpreted as being an additional, literal character that must be matched! Since there is no such literal closing bracket anywhere in the string, nothing is replaced.
To fix both mistakes, replace [ \t] with the [:blank:] character class, which consists exactly of space and tab. (And, note that [:alpha:][:digit:] can be written more compactly as [:alnum:].)

Escaping custom character in objective-c

I am working on macOS, not iOS, XCode 11.
My app allows in a specific location to enter text. This text can be anything. Once done it exports a csv which will be passed to an external process i cannot influence.
The issue: the external process uses semicolon ";" as a separator (csv is separated differently). If the user writes semicolon the external process will fail.
If I manually add an escaping backslash before each semicolon to the csv and then pass it to the external app it works.
What I need: having each semicolon escaped with ONE backslash in the final csv
What I tried
Escaping the whole text with quotation marks - fail
Escaping semicolons in objective-c before writing csv by trying
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString (look for #";" replace with #"\;" - compiler throws a warning that escape character is unknown - fail
Appreciate any help
I also tried to set a double backslash like #Corbell mentioned but this leads in a double backslash in the exported CSV -> fail
I also tried to set a single backslash by using its unicode character:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%C;",0x5C]; --> "\\;"
Also failed and produces two backslashes in the final CSV (where i need ONE only).
In your stringByReplacingOccurencesOfString call, second parameter, try escaping your backslash with a backslash to make it a literal character to insert, i.e. #"\\;" - otherwise the compiler thinks you're trying to specify #"\;" as an escape sequence (backslash-semicolon) which is invalid.
Solved. It was the CSV Parser that added additional escaping characters. Once solved that it worked like a charm.

Embedded Newline Character Issue in Redshift Copy Command

We have fifteen embedded newline characters in the field of a source S3 file. The field size in target table in Redshift is VARCHAR(5096). The field length in the source file is 5089 bytes. We are escaping each of the fifteen newline characters with a backslash \ as required by the ESCAPE option of the copy command. Our expectation with the ESCAPE option is that the backslash \ that has been inserted by us before each newline character will be ignored before loading the target in Redshift. However, when we use copy command with the ESCAPE option we are getting
err_code:1204 - String length exceeds DDL length."
Is there a way in which the added backslash \ characters are not counted for target column loads in Redshift?
Note: When we truncated the above source field in the file to 4000 bytes and inserted the backslash \ before the newline characters, the copy command with ESCAPE option successfully loaded the field in Redshift. Also, the backslash \ characters were not loaded in Redshift as expected.
You cold extend your VARCHAR length to allow for more characters.
Or, you could use the TRUNCATECOLUMNS options to load as much as possible without generating an error.
Our understanding w.r.t the above issue was incorrect. The backslashes "\" that we had inserted were not causing the error "err_code:1204 - String length exceeds DDL length.". The "escape" option with the copy command was actually not counting the inserted backslash characters towards the target limit and was also removing them from the loaded value properly.
The actual issue that were facing was that some of the characters that we were trying to load were multibyte UTF8 characters. Since, we were incorrectly assuming them to be of length 1 byte, the size of the target field was proving to be insufficient. We increased the length of the target field from varchar(5096) to varchar(7096), after which all data was loaded successfully.

Postgres 9.3 end-of-copy marker corrupt - Any way to change this setting?

I am trying to stream data through an AWK program to a Postgres COPY command. This works great usually. However, in my data recently I have been getting long text stings containing '\.' values.
Postgres Documentation mentions this combination of characters represents the end-of-data marker, http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/sql-copy.html, and I am getting the associated errors when trying to insert with COPY.
My question is, is there a way to turn this off? Perhaps change the end-of-data marker to a different combination of characters? Or do I have to alter/remove these strings before trying to insert using the COPY command?
You can try to filter your data through sed 's:\\:\\\\:g' - this would change every \ in your data to \\, which is a correct escape sequence for single backslash in copy data.
But I think not only backslash would be problematic. Also newlines should be encoded by \n, carriage returns as \r and tabs as \t (tab is a default field delimiter in copy).

Import format to intellij idea from JSMin/JSFormat

Does anybody knows which formatting rules uses jsmin/jsformatter plugin of Notepad++? I need this because we are forced to use this formatter but I'm using intellij idea to write js code. So having this rules I can import it some how or, at least, apply manually.
Thanks everyone in advance!
The minimising rules applied are listed here:
JSMin is a filter that omits or modifies some characters. This does
not change the behavior of the program that it is minifying. The
result may be harder to debug. It will definitely be harder to read.
JSMin first replaces carriage returns ('\r') with linefeeds ('\n'). It
replaces all other control characters (including tab) with spaces. It
replaces comments in the // form with linefeeds. It replaces comments
in the /* */ form with spaces. All runs of spaces are replaced with a
single space. All runs of linefeeds are replaced with a single
It omits spaces except when a space is preceded and followed by a
non-ASCII character or by an ASCII letter or digit, or by one of these
\ $ _
It is more conservative in omitting linefeeds, because linefeeds are
sometimes treated as semicolons. A linefeed is not omitted if it
precedes a non-ASCII character or an ASCII letter or digit or one of
these characters:
\ $ _ { [ ( + -
and if it follows a non-ASCII character or an ASCII letter or digit or
one of these characters:
\ $ _ } ] ) + - " '
No other characters are omitted or modified.
There are other custom formatting rules applied according to the plugin developer's page: