Splunk Sideview Editor throws 404 - splunk

I installed latest sideview utils app in my spunk 4.2.2 installation and ran straight away into a problem. Evertime I try to launch sideview editor it throws 404 errors.
Any pointers would help

This just means that you have not restarted Splunk after installing the app.
Splunk should give you a notification after installing the app through the Manager section, that a restart is required. I think that notification system in Splunk may not be working on all Splunk's supported platforms, because we seem to be getting this problem reported with some regularity, where something or other doesn't work properly and ends up being just because the server hasn't been restarted.
By the way, you'll find a ton of questions and answers about this app over on answers.splunk.com rather than here on stackoverflow.


ActiveMQ :Web demo not working

I am a newbie to activemq stuff.I tried to run the web demos using the steps mentioned on the site http://activemq.apache.org/web-samples.html and I am getting 404 not found.I googled for the same and tried digging through the logs as well .But my bad , I could not get any clue even from the logs. I even copied the demo folder to the webapps folder but some of the links don’t work.
Kindly help me out with the steps to run these web demos
.\bin\activemq.bat start xbean:examples/conf/activemq-demo.xml - works perfectly fine on Windows 10. start was missing in other answers.
I encounter similar issue in Windows Platform.
The documentation at Getting Started Page or Web Sample Page states how to start the ActiveMQ with examples in Linux/Unix Platform.
There is an minor issue in activemq.bat file as stated in Apache's JIRA. Put double quotes around %ACTIVEMQ_CONF%\login.config fixes this issue.
To Start ActiveMQ in Windows in unzipped apache-activemq-5.9.0 folder use the below command,
.\bin\activemq.bat xbean:examples/conf/activemq-demo.xml
I was able to open http://localhost:8161/demo/ without any Issue.
I ran into the same issue. It seems like
bin\activemq console
is not an option on Windows. I finally got around it by using:
bin/activemq start xbean:examples/conf/activemq-demo.xml

Unable to run app on device using android studio

I have been trying to use android studio and every time I deploy an app on a device, it gives me an error saying:
Installation failed since the device possibly has stale dexed jars that don't match the current version (dexopt error).
In order to proceed, you have to uninstall the existing application.
I have tried using Build->Clean Project and yet it seems to do no good.
I have also tried deleting the file from /data/local/tmp on device (as my phone is a rooted one), but, all in vain.
If anyone knows a way out, please, please help.
Uninstall the application from the device.
Check the storage space.
Once Restart the mobile and try to install it

Worklight Console can not be opened because the Worklight Server is not running

I'm just getting started with some of the samples at the Getting Started site, working with the Developers Edition. Whenever I Open Worklight Console, the eclipse environment abends. I'm sure I missed a set up item, but all seemed to install well. I appreciate any help / direction. Thanks.
I tried to post an image of the error, but stackoverflow indicates I need 10 reputations to post an image. Go figure.
The first line is Java was started but returned exit code=8096
There are some hits on this indicating that the license may not be compatible with the Rational license installed. Not sure what to do with that.
There's another post indicating Environment Variable corruption, but I don't have the corrupt Temp environment variables indicated.
StackOverflow has a FAQ explaining what one can and cannot do and when. It makes sense. Read it.
Did you at least create a new Worklight project and application?
If you do that and run the application by right-clicking on the application in the project tree and choose Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server this will: start the server + build the app + deploy the app.
Then you can right-click on the project icon and choose Open Worklight Console and you will see the console...
So unless you have some errors preventing the server from loading, the above should work.
Host the image elsewhere, like imgur.com
Explain what you have installed in your Eclipse. Which Eclipse is it? Did you install only Worklight Studio, or another plug-in in addition? Which?
What are those "hits" you mention? Elaborate.
Searching for the exit code in Google, I see the following IBM tech notes:
Perhaps one of them is relevant for you as well.
If you have followed Idan's advice to Run on Worklight Development Server and it is still not started, try this:
Switch to the Servers view (on the bottom pane of Eclipse by default).
Check your Worklight Development Server status
Right-click and select Clean...
Select OK when prompted to discard all publish start.
Redeploy your app using Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server
I am not sure if this would clean up your environment variable error message as I have not seen that one, but it has helped with several other errors that have caused my server to not start or run properly. (The most common one I get is an Out of Memory in the server.)

Installing dotnetnuke module install fails with 404

Im doing some dev work on a dnn module. I was able to build and install a package on my installation of DNN once. I made some changes and wanted to uninstall and reinstall it. Uninstalling went fine. Installing the module again failed by throwing a 404 on the install popup window as soon as i upload the new module zip. I dont see anything logged in the event viewer. Anyone know what can cause this?
Im running DNN 6.2.4
UPDATE: adding more info
the url its 404ing on is: "/Host/Extensions/tabid/36/ctl/Install/rtab/36/portalid/0/Default.aspx?popUp=true"
Im sure this is something unique to my module. I tried installing other modules and they worked fine.
Try hitting F12 in your browser to load the Developer console and see if you can find what the URL is that is 404'ng, that'll make tracking down the issue easier.
Update: Since it appears to be the old "max upload size" issue check out this video for how to fix that part

API documentation: LSOpenURLsWithRole()

Recently, starting Preview on a list of gif images produced the error :-
LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -600 for the file /Users/uki/repos/gif-fuzzing/test/234.gif.
However on opening 234.gif the error could not be reproduced. This error keeps repeating at random intervals of time. I've been searching around for Apple Developer Documentation on what LSOpenURLsWithRole actually does, but I could not find any(which is weird).
Could anyone point me to where the API docs of this function would be?
Has anyone had a similar error before?
fbernardo's link provides a good starting point... In this case, it's a more generic error as explained here:
An inability to send a 'launch' event to the mach port sounds like a runtime kernel level issue... in my case, it was a zombie of a process I'd killed form the terminal holding on to certain resources, which only a reboot could solve.
I had the same issue, and found a fix without rebooting. If you Kill the WindowServer the issue with Finder no longer opening windows will be resolved. You will be returned to the login screen, and when you login again Finder should be working perfectly!
This function was available in version 10.4 to 10.10 of MacOS.
It's official complete documentation is here:
LSOpenURLsWithRole Apple documentation
To answer:
Has anyone had a similar error before?
Yes with many different applications and with many different versions of MacOS. For example, I am running a clean version of MacOS 10.13.5 where this function is deprecated. Nonetheless I have a process track which shows /usr/bin/open is calling this function.
See this other question:
Old bug: The application “Preview.app” is not open anymore