ANTLR 3, what does LT!* mean? - grammar

I was looking at the code for a Javascript grammar written in ANTLR 3,
In many instances I found
: LT!* sourceElements LT!* EOF!
what does LT!* mean ?
I found that LT stands for LOOKAHEAD TOKEN but it is the Nth look ahead token, where is the N part in the above ?

No, LT does not mean LOOKAHEAD TOKEN in this context. It is a token defined nearly at the end of the grammar:
: '\n' // Line feed.
| '\r' // Carriage return.
| '\u2028' // Line separator.
| '\u2029' // Paragraph separator.
The * means that the parser tries to match zero or more of these tokens, and the ! indicates that the generated AST should not include these LT tokens.


grammar is accepting too much

I am new to ANTLR and try to get along with some very first and simple examples (using antlr-4.8). This seems to me like a stupid newbie problem but I could not find an appropriate answer (actually I do not even know how to phrase the question other than this lousy title). Sorry for that!
My grammar looks like this.
grammar ExprTest;
expr : compareExpr
: (GT | GE | LT | LE) NUMBER
NUMBER : [0-9]+;
GT : '>';
GE : '>=';
LT : '<';
LE : '<=';
It pretty much does the job and recognizes 17, >15 and <=22 and it complains correctly with token recognition error at an input of #34.
What I do not understand is the input 34>. There is no complaining and it is matched as (expr 34).
Why isn't there a recognition error with the last greater-than character (which is obviously in the wrong position)?
The input 34> does not produce a token recognition error, because there are two expected tokens in it: NUMBER and GT. And the parser also has no problem with it because the rule:
expr : compareExpr
happily accepts the NUMBER token and then stops, leaving the GT token alone.
If you want to force the parser to consume all tokens in your stream, you should anchor your parser with the built-in EOF token:
expr : (compareExpr | NUMBER) EOF;
after which the input 34> will produce an error.

Single quoted literal value fails Antlr lexer

I have a lexer rule that defines single-quoted literal string as
L_S_STRING : '\'' (('\'' '\'') | ('\\' '\'') | ~('\''))* '\''
It fails one particular case:
The problem is really with the last two single quotes. If I added a space in between, it worked. Or I could use two single quotes to end and it worked too, e.g.
I am not sure if it has something to do with having a non-greedy operator which caused the first-match of ('\'' '\'')? If so, I don't see how the last version could have worked.
In any event, could someone help please?
UPDATE - I am not able to reproduce it outside of the full grammar. This may be a red herring.
UPDATE - I missed some important context so I posted another question here Antlr4: single quote rule fails when there are escape chars plus carriage return, new line
I can't reproduce that. Given the following grammar:
lexer grammar Test;
L_S_STRING : '\'' (('\'' '\'') | ('\\' '\'') | ~('\''))* '\'';
OTHER : . ;
which can be tested as follows:
String source = "A'yyyy-MM-dd\\\\'T\\\\'HH:mm:ss\\\\'Z\\\\''B";
Test lexer = new Test(CharStreams.fromString(source));
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
for (Token t : tokens.getTokens()) {
System.out.printf("%-15s %s\n", Test.VOCABULARY.getSymbolicName(t.getType()), t.getText());
will print:
L_S_STRING 'yyyy-MM-dd\\'T\\'HH:mm:ss\\'Z\\''

What is the ANTLR4 equivalent of a ! in a lexer rule?

I'm working on converting an old ANTLR 2 grammar to ANTLR 4, and I'm having trouble with the string rule.
~('\'' | '\\' | '\r' | '\n')
This creates a STRING token whose text contains the contents of the string, but does not contain the starting and ending quotes, because of the ! symbol after the quote literals.
ANTLR 4 chokes on the ! symbol, ('!' came as a complete surprise to me (AC0050)) but if I leave it off, I end up with tokens that contain the quotes, which is not what I want. What's the correct way to port this to ANTLR 4?
Antlr4 generally treats tokens as being immutable, at least in the sense that there is no support for a language neutral equivalent of !.
Perhaps the simplest way to accomplish the equivalent is:
string : str=STRING { Strings.unquote($str); } ;
STRING : SQuote ~[\r\n\\']* SQuote ;
fragment SQuote : '\'' ;
where Strings.unquote is:
public static void unquote(Token token) {
CommonToken ct = (CommonToken) token;
String text = ct.getText();
text = .... unquote it ....
The reason for using a parser rule is because attribute references are not (currently) supported in the lexer. Still, it could be done on the lexer rule - just would require a slight bit more effort to dig to the token.
An alternative to modifying the token text is to implement a custom token with custom fields and methods. See this answer if of interest.
I believe in ANTLR4 your problem can be solved using lexical modes and lexer commands.
Here is an example from there that I think does exactly what you need (although for double quotes but it's an easy fix):
lexer grammar Strings;
LQUOTE : '"' -> more, mode(STR) ;
WS : [ \r\t\n]+ -> skip ;
mode STR;
STRING : '"' -> mode(DEFAULT_MODE) ; // token we want parser to see
TEXT : . -> more ; // collect more text for string

ANTLR and Empty Strings Contradictory Behavior

I fundamentally don't understand how antlr works. Using the following grammar:
blockcomment : '/\*' ANYCHARS '\*/';
ANYCHARS : ('a'..'z' | '\n' | 'r' | ' ' | '0'..'9')* ;
I get a warning message when I compile the grammar file that says:
"non-fragment lexer rule 'ANYCHARS' can match the empty string"
Fine. I want it to be able to match empty strings as: "/\*\*/" is perfectly valid. But when I run "/\*\*/" in the TestRig I get:
missing ANYCHARS at '*/'
Obviously I could just change it so that '/**/' is handled as a special case:
blockcomment : '/\*' ANYCHARS '\*/' | '/**/';
But that doesn't really address the underlying issue. Can someone please explain to me what I am doing wrong? How can ANTLR raise a warning about matching empty strings and then not match them at the same time?
add "fragment" to ANYCHARS? It will then do what you want.
"non-fragment lexer rule 'ANYCHARS' can match the empty string"
The error message hints you to make ANYCHARS fragment.
Empty string cannot be matched as a token, that would end up with infinitely many empty tokens anywhere in the source.
You want to make the ANYCHARS part of the BLOCKCOMMENT token, rather than a separate token.
That is basically what fragments are good for - they simplify the lexer rules, but don't produce tokens.
fragment ANYCHARS : ('a'..'z' | '\n' | 'r' | ' ' | '0'..'9')* ;
EDIT: switched parser rule blockcomment to lexer rule BLOCKCOMMENT to enable fragment usage

How to consume text until newline in ANTLR?

How do you do something like this with ANTLR?
Example input:
title: hello world
header : IDENT ':' REST_OF_LINE ;
IDENT : 'a'..'z'+ ;
REST_OF_LINE : ~'\n'* '\n' ;
It fails, with line 1:0 mismatched input 'title: hello world\n' expecting IDENT
(I know ANTLR is overkill for parsing MIME-like headers, but this is just at the top of a more complex file.)
It fails, with line 1:0 mismatched input 'title: hello world\n' expecting IDENT
You must understand that the lexer operates independently from the parser. No matter what the parser would "like" to match at a certain time, the lexer simply creates tokens following some strict rules:
try to match tokens from top to bottom in the lexer rules (rules defined first are tried first);
match as much text as possible. In case 2 rules match the same amount of text, the rule defined first will be matched.
Because of rule 2, your REST_OF_LINE will always "win" from the IDENT rule. The only time an IDENT token will be created is when there's no more \n at the end. That is what's going wrong with your grammars: the error messages states that it expects a IDENT token, which isn't found (but a REST_OF_LINE token is produced).
I know ANTLR is overkill for parsing MIME-like headers, but this is just at the top of a more complex file.
You can't just define tokens (lexer rules) you want to apply to the header of a file. These tokens will also apply to the rest of the more complex file. Perhaps you should pre-process the header separately from the rest of the file?
antlr parsing is usually done in 2 steps.
1. construct your ast
2. define your grammer
pseudo code (been a few years since I played with antlr) - AST:
WORD : 'a'..'z'+ ;
SPACE : ' ';
pseudo code - tree parser:
Hope that helps....