How publish Hootsuite on Google+ Pages stream? - google-plus

I want to achieve the same as Hootsuite, publish a post in a PAGE STREAM. But I don't know even where to look for it. It looks like Hootsuite is using the API, because they prompt an open Auth authentication where the user selects and authorize what this APP can do with his data.
With the PHP client I've been able of posting in the user APP stream (different from the user main stream) using moments class, and get data from the user using plus class client, both from the PHP library available here:
But I don't know how to write in a user's page. Does anyone knows or can point me where to go to, at least, publish on main Google+ page stream as Hootsuite? Thanks.

The Google+ Pages API is currently available to a limited number of parters only, including HootSuite. You can request access to the API at but there is no guarantee when, or even if, Google will approve your access.
Although you can use the HootSuite console to post messages to Google+ pages (see, it isn't clear if you can use the HootSuite API to do so.


API to check Periscope User is Online

I've scoured for any information regarding an Open API for Periscope.
I have a twitter feed, that should only show if Periscope is Live (the said user will share the broadcast via Twitter).
I can parse the word "IS LIVE" but then I'd have to parse multiple languages.
I'm looking to check an API if the user is Online in periscope, if so, then display the latest twitter feed (which is the broadcast).
There was this User Online button that could be generated
it calls an api like
but it seems that the certificate is invalid, so I keep getting errors ..
Any help / workarounds would be much appreciated!
I've Searched OPEN Periscope, but mostly requires an Authentication token etc.
There is no open API for Periscope. At least, not that I'm aware of. Which would explain your difficulty in finding anything. The closest thing would be the Unofficial Periscope API, documented by Pmmlabs (the same folks who run the OpenPeriscope project). However, as you've already discovered, most of the calls to the Periscope API, including all user-related calls, require an auth token.
Outside of using the API or screen scraping, the only other way I can think of to tell if a user is live or not is to try accessing their Periscope page directly. When you go to a user's Periscope page at{userId}, Periscope will redirect you to that users most recent broadcast, where you can parse the broadcast id from the redirect URL. Once you have the broadcast id of the most recent broadcast, you can use the following API call (which does not require an auth token):{broadcastId}
... to determine whether the broadcast is live or not. Look at the JSON response and if the "type" field equals "StreamTypeReplay", then it's a replay, otherwise it's a live broadcast.

How do sites like Instagress bypass Instagram's API?

I just discovered, and noticed that they ask you for your Instagram username and password to automate certain activity such as likes, comments, follows, etc. on your IG account. However they do this without using IG's official API since their service is obviously against IG's TOS.
So I'm wondering, how are they technically able to do this? I was thinking they use something like Selenium, but this only automates web browsers and (for all I know) it's impossible to perform those interaction through Instagram's web interface.
Any ideas?
I just checked..and actually you CAN Like, Comment, and Follow via Instagram's web interface. So most likely they do use a browser and/or mask it as a mobile device. Also they are not using any IG app to authenticate your profile to any api app. Otherwise it would show up here:
the instagram web access can allow you like, comment and follow and unfollow

Login Via Twitter

It has been almost a month and I couldn't figure this out.
I am developing a social network application and I want the users to be able to log in via their Twitter and Facebook account Like the screenshot below:
The Facebook is done, and I am stock with the twitter, Note that these pictures are actually set as a buttons.
What I want exactly is:
The user can be able to login (sign up) on the application using their Twitter and I will retrieve the basic information from Twitter API "Name,Username,Profile picture" in my application and store them in my database.
Note: I am using Parse and I already have a table call user.
Please help me :'(
It sounds like you haven't tried anything with Twitter yet.
If this were my code, I'd probably use the Twitter API to login, which they introduce you to here.
Or you can use one of the handy Objective-C libraries they've listed here

get latest tweet of a user without authentication

I am creating a website using rails. there is no user authentication but all the team members data(name, summary of job experience, social media handles, etc) is saved in a json file which is parsed to show the data on page. I have a twitter handle of every user. I want to collect the latest tweet and the tweet's information(tweeted on, etc) for every handle. Also, if any of the user posts another tweet, that tweet should replace the old tweet. I dont have user authentication in my application. i did try on terminal
but it gives me
{"errors":[{"message":"Bad Authentication data","code":215}]}
All requests to Twitter's API now need to be authenticated. See the documentation for the API call you want to make.
You will need to register an app with Twitter and get your authentication tokens before you can start to make requests like that.
So, to be clear, the users do not need to be authenticated - but your app does need to be authenticated.

soundcloud authentication for server-side code (no app!)

I would like my server-side code to upload tracks to soundcloud in its own name, then later it will retrieve comments, favourites and listener counts. I do not want to do this on behalf of an app user - for there is no app! Previous questions here on stackoverflow§ (there is no "me too" button) and the API docs seem to suggest I cannot do this. Am I correct?
§ Can track belong to the application and not individual users?
This is called "Authenticating without the SoundCloud Connect Screen" in the API docs:
An "app" in this case is a program that wants to access the Soundcloud API. You register them here:
Normally you would make a unique username, and register the app to that user. Then, the code logs in as that user to authenticate.