How does one enable or verify the REST interface of ActiveMQ? - activemq

I setup ActiveMQ 5.8.0 on a Windows 2003 virtual server for development purposes. I understand that there is suppose to be a REST interface for reading from and writing to queues and such. But, I can't seem to track down how to do it exactly. Port 8161 can be used to access the admin console, but every URL I try from Firefox Poster returns a 404. I tried URLs like these:
http://localhost:8161/queues <-- 404
http://localhost:61616/queues <-- some default message
http://localhost:61616/queue/inbox <-- same default message
http://localhost:8161/queue/inbox <-- 404
The documentation mentions mapping a URI to the servlet, but I'm not sure how or if I need to do this. The /demo feature is disabled by default, which is fine by me. How do I enable REST for my queues? Thanks!

As /demo is disabled, it been moved to /api
this is the path for all REST operations


Reverse proxy support in Quarkus

I have Embedded Jetty running which has reverse proxy servlet mapped for a particular URL. For ex: http://url1/abc is reverse proxied to http://url2. This works great, whenever someone calls http://url1/abc, data is served from http://url2.
I want to achieve the same using quarkus. Is this possible to do it in Quarkus? I think one of the option is to write own code in ContainerRequestFilter but I am looking more for OOTB support just like jetty. Can somehow undertow be leveraged here?
Please help.
I tried to do it through undertow-handlers.conf (placing it in META-INF folder). It worked well for redirect and rewrite but throwing error for reverse-proxy:
path-prefix('/a') -> redirect('/b)
path-prefix('/a1') -> rewrite('/b1')
path-prefix('/a2') -> reverse-proxy('http://localhost:7100/b')
If I have first two only, quarkus is started successfully and requests are served correctly. If I started using third one, quarkus start gets failed with below error.
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: UT000045: Error parsing predicated handler string no handler named reverse-proxy known handlers are [disallowed-methods, allowed-methods, jdbc-access-log, secure-cookie, access-log, mark-secure, response-rate-limit, canonical-path, response-code, disable-cache, ssl-headers, trace, blocking, url-decoding, access-control, redirect, set, ip-access-control, request-limit, resource, restart, clear, byte-range, done, rewrite, forwarded, stuck-thread-detector, jvm-route, learning-push, dump-request, proxy-peer-address, resolve-local-name, header, store-response, path-separator, resolve-peer-name]:
Although, I see undertow has reverse-proxy handler, not sure why it is not working for me.
I think the main issue is of dependency here. I see io\undertow\server\handlers package in my app libs but not io\undertow\server\handlers\proxy where I think the reverse proxy code is present.
How can I pull this dependency in my app?

Unable to access glassfish served content when using localhost

I created this simple dynamic web project (glassfish 4.1.1 latest atm) using eclipse java ee Mars.2 that I installed 2 days ago.
Checking on the admin, the app is deployed and running fine. I could not access the web app using the localhost:8080 url but it works when I use <computername>:8080.
I could access the admin using localhost:4848.
I tried disabling the firewall but the problem persists. What could be the problem?
The error is:
404 Not Found
No context found for request
In eclipse I see the log int he console that says: Automatic timeout occurred
As I pointed out in comments, you can configure listeners in Configuration -> needed configuration -> Network Config -> Network Listeners. However, it is still rather strange that your localhost doesn't work with IP address, since it is a special address which means "listen on all available IPs on given port". Perhaps your network is somehow misconfigured.

HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found when accesing SVC service

I have REST service application which is hosted in an IIS 8 in a Windows 8 PC. When I request the service I am getting an error as follows ... HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found.
Here is the detailed error message.
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Most likely causes:
•The directory or file specified does not exist on the Web server.
•The URL contains a typographical error.
•A custom filter or module, such as URLScan, restricts access to the file.
Things you can try:
•Create the content on the Web server.
•Review the browser URL.
•Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code and see which module is calling SetStatus. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
Detailed Error Information:
Module IIS Web Core
Notification MapRequestHandler
Handler StaticFile
Error Code 0x80070002
Requested URL
Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Wining\RService.svc\general
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
There are myriads of possible causes. In general, the target resource at given URL is not found, so it may be simply missing, misconfigured, not started, etc. First - check the server logs, they usually contain more detailed information about the issue.
Also, please doublecheck that the service really is up and running. Connect to the www server and check it via localhost not
I'm not an expert, but judging from the snippet you provided, it seems to be WCF service, the Handler: StaticFile seems very odd. It seems like the IIS misinterpretes your request as a StaticFile (a resource read from the disks and just passed-through without any further processing) which for me seems perfectly wrong.
You may have not installed the service properly, or have url mappings and/or handlers messed up, or you may even have NET/ASP framework not properly installed.. What have you installed first? .Net or IIS?
check similar questios, there are many.. for example:
WCF on IIS8; *.svc handler mapping doesn't work
HTTP 404 when accessing .svc file in IIS
I had to enable HTTP Activation in .NET Framework 4.5 Advanced Services > WCF Services (running on WIndows 2012) and after an IISReset it worked fine.

glassfish load balancer principle of operation

I have configured cluster with two instances on glassfish 3.1.1 and iPlanet Web Server as a load-balancer (on the same machine). For test application provided with glassfish everything works ok (and this application has session replication enabled).
But when I try to make my own application working following situation takes place: it responds when I send requests on ports of a particular instances (that is 28080 and 28081), but when I try to send request through load balancer (port 81) I get error 404. My application has not session replication enabled yet, but it can just make a connection and create two other sessions for each instance. I would like to get similar effect with load balancer.
So I would like to determine:
Is session replication strongly required to load balancer works fine?
Does anyone know any other reasons of this error?
Message from iPlanet log:
[23/Aug/2012:05:44:16] failure ( 4120) myHost: for host trying to GET /myApp/login.jsp, service-j2ee reports: PWC6117: File "c:/webserver7/https-myHost/docs/myApp/login.jsp" not found
Additional conclusions:
(81 - http-listener port on iPlanet)
When I send GET http://localhost:81/testApp then loadbalancer passes it to glassfish and returns correct site. But when I try the same with my test application, GET http://localhost:81/myApp then iPlanet looks for this site in its own resources (docs directory as in log above)
fragment of myHost-obj.conf:
<Object name="default">
AuthTrans fn="match-browser" browser="*MSIE*" ssl-unclean-shutdown="true"
NameTrans fn="name-trans-passthrough" name="lbplugin" config-file="C:/WebServer7/https-myHost/config/loadbalancer.xml"
NameTrans fn="assign-name" name="perf" from="/.perf"
NameTrans fn="ntrans-j2ee" name="j2ee"
NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/mc-icons" dir="C:/WebServer7/lib/icons" name="es-internal"
PathCheck fn="uri-clean"
PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default"
PathCheck fn="find-pathinfo"
PathCheck fn="find-index-j2ee"
PathCheck fn="find-index" index-names="index.html,home.html,index.jsp"
ObjectType fn="type-j2ee"
ObjectType fn="type-by-extension"
ObjectType fn="force-type" type="text/plain"
Service method="(GET|HEAD)" type="magnus-internal/directory" fn="index-common"
Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file"
Service method="TRACE" fn="service-trace"
Error fn="error-j2ee"
AddLog fn="flex-log"
First, if you are running the Load Balancer plugin, then you may have a support contract (a GlassFish license is required before you put the plugin into production). If so, calling support is a good option.
To answer your first question, session replication is not required for the Load Balancer to work.
As a shameless plug, I have a 5-part youtube series on setting this up. You can skip the videos on downloading and installing and go straight to setup/configuration/testing. Based on what you describe, I suspect the issue isn't the plugin itself, but the loadbalancer.xml configuration. Look at loadbalancer.xml and see if myApp is configured.
Hope this helps.

$_POST undefined from remote server POST

I am writing a Drupal 7 module which is listening for HTTP POST messages to be sent by a 3rd party remote application. For testing I am sending messages using the Firefox Poster extension.
If I POST the message, the following code fails to place any value in my local vars (I get 'undefined index'):
$transId = urldecode($_POST['c2s_transaction_id']);
However, if I send the message using GET, the vars get populated fine with the following code:
$transId = urldecode($_REQUEST['c2s_transaction_id']);
This is true on both my local WAMP setup and on a shared hosting package.
I have never worked with HTTP POST messages before and have no idea where the problem might be. Could it be Drupal, the web server, or my code? Can anyone suggest how I might resolve this?
Many thanks,
Drupal removes the $_POST/$_GET in the system, just use $_REQUEST instead.