No javascript project enlisted in visual studio 2012 ultimate - windows-8

I have installed visual studio ultimate 2012 for windows 8 store apps but it doesnt show JavaScript in the new project.
The setup is good, i have installed it before using the same setup but i dont know what is the problem now..
I have also tried Visual studio Express, but got the same issue.. And one more thing BLEND is also not working in both the cases.

Are you looking in the right place? They can be 'hidden' in "Other Languages"
Search in the upper right hand corner of "New Project" for javascript to be sure.
Make sure you are up to date as well on the following updates as good measure

After uninstalling the current VS and then deleting all registries and finally installing Vs 2012 ultimate, fixed the issue.


Visual studio 2017 showing Errors for Blazor but compiles

Found issue to be resharper. When I disable it it stop showing errors.
When I start a new Blazor fullstack project from Visual Studio it shows error in IDE. I have looked at Visual Studio displaying errors even if projects build but doesn't seem to help.
I followed the guide on Blazor (
But the client side project shows lots of errors
and more details:
Any one else tried this and know how to fix it?
I am running VS Studio Enterprise 2017 Version 15.8.8
I have installed ASP.NET Core Blazor Language Services.
Everything seems to work as it should. I was able to add new page with external RestAPI calls and all.
Updated VS to latests version with no luck
Seems it might be resharper:
Well. Seems that jetbrains is aware of issue.
It can be found here:
Not much to do than disable Resharper for the moment and wait for them to fix it :)
If you need help to disable and enable it again:
How can I disable ReSharper in Visual Studio and enable it again?

VS2015: The components for communicating with FTP servers are not installed

I have been using Visual Studio 2010 Pro for my desktop application development. I publish the apps via clickonce to a web server with ftp. My settings look like this:
Publishing folder location:
Installation folder :
This works perfect in VS2010.
I am now trying to upgrade to Visual Studio 2015 community edition. When I try to publish my app, I get the error "The components for communicating with FTP servers are not installed". I am getting this error on both computers I have installed VS2015 on.
Strangely enough, there isn't much info on this error. The only solution I've seen is to repair the installation. I did this but still a no go.. Another cause I read about is having Xamarin installed, but I have never had that installed.
Has anybody run into this and know what the fix is??
It appears to not actually have anything to do with installed components. After I posted this question, I realized the publish via FTP had worked earlier on a little sample Hello World project i made (brain fart). It was only once I loaded my existing project that this error started showing up.
I closed the solution, created another simple project, and still got the error. I closed visual studio, reopened the sample project, and ftp worked! I then opened my existing project and ftp worked there too?! So I don't know what the trigger is, and I haven't had it fail again yet, but maybe this info will help figure out what is causing the failure.
EDIT (3/30/2017)
Just an update - I am still having this issue. This issue happens on visual studio 2013, 2015, and 2017. I have tried reinstalling the c++ redistributable, still nothing. It seems others are having this issue with a web project but mine is a desktop app publishing with clickonce via FTP. It must be something to do with solution I am working on that was originally created in 2010, as the issue is not present in any other project.
I had the same issue with Visual Studio 2017. What fixed it for me was to start the Visual Studio Installer and install the ".NET Core cross-platform development" workload.
I had the same issue in Visual Studio 2015 / Update 3. It was resolved after installing the 32-bit version of Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 (
See also
I had the same problem with Visual Studio 2015. And Publish used to work fine so I went going crazy looking for and trying different solutions. Then I read on another thread of doing a Setup-> Repair (submitted by Erikest). I did a Setup->Repair and the publish process now works! I think it's also possible that the Repair not only did the trick on the FTP components but also replaced the C++ redistributable (often mentioned as a solution to this problem),
This is a total work around, but I've noticed I get this error every time I open my app (that originated in VS2010) and try to publish without first opening a sample app. I created a new project and published it to my FTP server. When I receive this error, I close Visual studio, reopen and the open the sample project, publish that app, then open my real app. The publish then works.
This works every time, and seems to be a bug in Visual studio, and probably has something to do with the fact that my app was originally built in 2010.
Maybe this will help somebody else with the same issue. It's a big pain so hopefully MS gets a fix in for this.
I have been banging my head against this problem for many months, re-installed VS over and over and just did a clean install of Windows 10 in the hope it would work but to no avail. By chance I cleaned some old .accdb files from the App_Data folder that I no longer need since I converted to SQL Server database and FTP publishing now works.
So it seems VS does not like the .accdb files but was happy with .mdb files when publishing with FTP.
As soon as I put the file back in App_Data the problem returns. Hope this is some help.
I had the same issue here, I was using the Publish right click option on the project, which had been working fine. What fixed it for me was going back through the publish options and re-testing the connection. Publish seemed to work after that. Maybe it forgot a password or settings?
I also installed the x86 C++ Redistribution Package.
Hope this helps someone who is in the same boat.
After many successful website publishes with Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition, we experienced the "components for communicating with ftp servers are not installed" issue. :(
First attempt at resolution was uninstalling VS Community 2015, then installing VS Community 2017. Received the same error: "components for communicating with ftp servers are not installed" when attempting to publish our business website.
With some work, we found that by uninstalling Microsoft Web Deploy and re-installing, this seemed to fix the problem. We can now use Visual Studio > Publish function to our ftp without problems.
See this link for download of Microsoft Web Deploy components.
Dont know what broke this VS IDE functionality, but hope this fix helps some.
I encountered the same error with Visual Studio 2019
I fixed it by using the Visual Studio Installer to install the Web Deploy (inc .netcore 2.1) under individual components
I just did a simple "repair installation" in the installer. Worked for me.
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 and had this problem for a while.
The problem went away after I updated about 10 NuGet updates that were over due.
I had the same problem, I closed all the open windows I closed Visual Studio and then I opened again and published and then it worked!

System.NullReferenceException occurs in xaml designer

I've created a C++ UWP Windows 10 app using Visual Studio 2015. However, I'm not able to visualize any xaml in the designer because I'm always getting a System.NullReferenceException error. How can I fix this?
That's very odd but I solved following these steps:
Close any instance of Visual Studio
Open Visual studio and create a new C# UWP empty project (name it as you like, do not matter)
Run the "useless" created project then close it as Visual Studio
Open again your previous C++ UWP project
In my case everything started working!
Switching solution platform to x86 worked for me.
I'm experiencing exactly the same problem on my primary development machine but not on another. The reason is... I think... When I installed Visual Studio 2015 on the 2nd machine, the first time I created a Universal Solution (C#) I was shown a dialog asking me to OK "elevated permissions" (custom permissions) for the VS2015 installation folder. I OK'd it and Designer works on that machine in both Blend2015 and VS2015 (community edition)
On the other machine I was never shown the dialog asking me to confirm elevated permissions and Designer does NOT work on that machine (VS2015 Enterprise). This machine also has VS2013 update 5) on it.
I am thinking that I might have to completely wipe off VS2015 and try to clean the registry of all VS2105 references AND remove the VS2015 installation directories on C:\ AND when I reinstall, create a installation directory with a different name (if I can). What a PAIN though... I'm waiting to see if MS delivers a simple solution since I'm quite positive that this whole issue boils down to a bug (feature... grrr) having to do with custom permissions that can't be changed (or added) after installation.
Would be nice is MS would confirm this...
(please note, none of this involved c++... it was all C#)
this is the dialog I was shown on the machine where Designer works]1
Installing the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 10 solved the issue for me. It may ask to unistall the previous version of Windows 10 RTM SDK
This is fixed in Update 1 of Visual Studio 2015

Can't open project in Visual Studio 2013 Express - Framework issue

So I have a program I've been making in VB for my company through Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop and have not worked on it in a couple of months. When I try to open it, I get the following error:
"The VB project "WindowsApplication1" is targeting ".NETFramework,Version=4.5" which is not installed on this machine."
I have all of the .NET frameworks installed including all developer and service packs (even language packs). I uninstalled all .NET frameworks and re-installed each of them without any resolution.
I tried to re-install Visual Studio and even tried changing the Framework (one of the options I have) but I cannot view any code or open designer view if I do so. (
The strange thing is this computer is the same one I have been developing this application on for months, so I'm not sure what happened over the last 60 days since I launched it.
Does anyone have any clues as to how I can resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance,
The path to your project must be Les then 256 Character.
That can be the reason of it.
Make sure the path is short "Copy the project to your c drive "C:\ProjectFolder" and try again".

Visual studio 2013, can't open or create projects

I tried getting Visual Studio 2013 to work today but i couldn't get it to work. This is the error I keep getting when making a c++ window application.
The error message I keep getting:
I tried opening the vcxproj file in the message box, but I couldn't open that either. In fact I am unable to open any vcxproject's. This problem happens with pretty much all languages.
I uninstalled vs 2012 and 2010, and then installed vs2013.
I have tried :
reinstalling the nuget extension.
Reinstalling vs2013 a bunch of time and trying to repair the
Uninstalling all traces of vs2010 and vs2012
one thing that might be important is that I used the november CTP c++ preview compiler for vs2012. I can't seem to uninstall it though
but nothing helped so far. Anybody able to help me?
I decided to bite the bullet and re-install windows 7. Everything works again. In the future I will probably avoid downloading CTP's though or be very careful about uninstalling them.
This happened to me when I installed .NET framework 3.5 manually to install "SQL Server Management Studio" as I recall, Then I found that v. 3.5 is incompatible with VS 2013 as this page mentioned:
VS 2013 Comparability
after I turned the related feature off, The problem with creating c++ projects disappeared ..