Fluent NHibernate Composite Mapping - nhibernate

I am trying to map two tables :
the first one has an id (idA) and a field with the id (idB) of the other table.
the other one has a composite key based on the previous id (idB) and an other one (idB2)
The idea is that the second table contains the description of A split on multiple rows.
My current implementation is the following but I am unable to retrieve the partialDescription needed for concatenation.
How should I change my mapping to work? Any ideas? :)
public class A
long idA
lond idB
string fullDescription
public class B
long idB
long idB2
strind partialDescription
public class AMap : ClassMap<A>
public AMap()
Id(x => x.id).Column("idA").GeneratedBy.Native();
Map(x => x.idB).Column("idB")
HasMany(x => x.B).KeyColumn("idB").Inverse().Cascade.All().Not.LazyLoad();
public class BMap : ClassMap<B>
public BMap()
.KeyReference(x => x.A, "idB")
.KeyProperty(x => x.idB2, "idB2");
Map(x => x.partialDescription, "desc").CustomType("AnsiString");

In fact, by your description, you must have this another scenario:
public class A
public virtual long Id { get; set; }
public virtual IList<B> PartialDescriptions { get; protected set; }
public string fullDescription
StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var partial in PartialDescriptions)
return description.ToString();
public class B
public virtual long Id { get; set; }
public virtual long Id2 { get; set; }
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
Then, try to implement your class maps like this:
public class BMap : ClassMap<B>
public BMap()
.KeyReference(x => x.Id, "idB")
.KeyProperty(x => x.Id2, "idB2");
Map(x => x.partialDescription, "desc").CustomType("AnsiString");
public class AMap : ClassMap<A>
public AMap()
Id(x => x.Dd).Column("idA").GeneratedBy.Native();
HasMany(x => x.PartialDescriptions)
NOTE: I didn't tried to compile this code. I only expect that you can take the general .
I recommend you that take a look into Getting started section of Fluent NHibernate to more information.


Fluent NHibernate - many to many with additional table - Cannot insert the value NULL Exception during deletion

I have a many-to-many relationship with additional table and when I am trying to delete a A object which also has a reference in AB table below error occur:
$exception {"could not delete collection: [A.AB#20][SQL:
null WHERE AId =
#p0]"} NHibernate.Exceptions.GenericADOException
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'AId',
table 'AB'; column
does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails. The statement has been terminated.
My database schema:
My classes:
public class A
public virtual int AId { get; protected set; }
public virtual IList<AB> AB { get; set; }
public class B
public virtual int BId { get; protected set; }
public virtual IList<AB> AB { get; set; }
public class AB
public virtual int ABId { get; protected set; }
public virtual A A { get; set; }
public virtual B B { get; set; }
public virtual int CustomProperty { get; set; }
My mappings:
public class AMap : ClassMap<A>
public AMap()
Id(x => x.AId)
HasMany(x => x.AB)
public class BMap : ClassMap<B>
public BMap()
Id(x => x.BId)
HasMany(x => x.AB)
public class ABMap : ClassMap<AB>
public ABMap()
Id(x => x.ABId)
Map(x => x.CustomProperty)
References(x => x.A)
References(x => x.B)
var a = _session.Get<A>(1);
foreach (var ab in a.AB) {
I want to delete the record in A table and every associated record in AB table.
The simplest solution is to make AId and BId in AB table nullable but I think there is a better solution and it can be resolved in mappings.
Thank you in advance :)
Try this:
HasMany(x => x.AB)

Table-per-subclass fluent nhibernate not working

I have the following classes defined:
And these tables in my database:
My fluent NHibernate mappings are:
public class BusinessUnitMap : ClassMap<BusinessUnit>
public BusinessUnitMap()
Id(x => x.Id);
Map(x => x.Code);
Map(x => x.Name);
Map(x => x.ParentId);
Map(x => x.Type).Column("Type").CustomType<BusinessUnitType>();
public class CompanyMap : SubclassMap<Company>
public CompanyMap()
Map(x => x.Something);
public class FranchiseeMap : SubclassMap<Franchisee>
public FranchiseeMap()
Map(x => x.SomethingDifferent);
public class StoreMap : SubclassMap<Store>
public StoreMap()
Map(x => x.SomethingElse);
Question #1
As far as I can tell, my code and database are setup the same as every example I've been able to find. According to those articles, NHibernate is supposed to be smart enough to determine what subclass to instantiate when I query for a particular subclass. But, when I execute the following statement:
var result = Session.QueryOver<BusinessUnit>()
.Where(x => x.Code == "Acme")
an exception is thrown because it can't create an instance of the abstract BusinessUnit class. The only way I can get this to work is to specify Company as the type argument for QueryOver.
I've confirmed that using a discriminator breaks since NHibernate is looking for all of the columns to exist in a single table. Without it, though, I struggle to see how NHibernate would know what type to instantiate.
What am I doing wrong? Is the problem in my mappings, the way I'm querying, ...?
Question #2
When I change the query to something like this:
public T WithCode<T>(String code)
where T : BusinessUnit
var result = Session.QueryOver<T>()
.Where(x => x.Code == code)
return result;
I get an exception indicating that the UPDATE statement conflicts with a foreign key constraint. Update statement!!!! Clearly something is still not right. How can a QueryOver call result in an UPDATE statement? What am I missing?
it looks like your data is not consistent. It might be better to use discrimnator mapping with optional. If you dont really need a BusinessUnitType property in code then just delete everything around the property Type
public enum BusinessUnitType
public abstract class BusinessUnit
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Code { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual BusinessUnit Parent { get; set; }
public abstract BusinessUnitType Type { get; }
public class Company : BusinessUnit
public virtual string Something { get; set; }
public override BusinessUnitType Type { get { return BusinessUnitType.Company; } }
public class Franchisee : BusinessUnit
public virtual string SomethingDifferent { get; set; }
public override BusinessUnitType Type { get { return BusinessUnitType.Franchisee; } }
public class BusinessUnitMap : ClassMap<BusinessUnit>
public BusinessUnitMap()
Id(x => x.Id);
Map(x => x.Code);
Map(x => x.Name);
References(x => x.Parent);
Map(x => x.Type, "Type")
public class CompanyMap : SubclassMap<StrangeTablePerSubclass.Company>
public CompanyMap()
DiscriminatorValue((int)new Company().Type);
Join("CompanyData", join =>
join.Map(x => x.Something);
public class FranchiseeMap : SubclassMap<Franchisee>
public FranchiseeMap()
DiscriminatorValue((int)new Franchisee().Type);
Join("FranchiseeData", join =>
join.Map(x => x.SomethingDifferent);

Trying to run query for entities when I have Inheritance with fluent Nhibernate

I attempted to extract some common properties to a base class and map with Fluent Nhibernate. In addition, I also attempted to add a second level of inheritance.
//Base entity class
public class EntityBase : IEntityBase
public EntityBase()
CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
public virtual DateTime? CreatedDate { get; set; }
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual int Version { get; set; }
//Base Entity Mapping
public class EntityBaseMap: ClassMap<EntityBase>
public EntityBaseMap()
Id(x => x.Id);
Version(x => x.Id);
Map(x => x.CreatedDate);
//first sub class of EntityBase
public class Actuate : EntityBase, IActuate
public virtual DateTime? ActivatedOn { get; set; }
//Actuate Mapping class
public class ActuateMap : SubclassMap<Actuate>
public ActuateMap()
Map(x => x.ActivatedOn);
//Sub class entity
public class Item : Actuate
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public virtual decimal UnitPrice { get; set; }
public virtual ItemStatus Status { get; set; }
public virtual Store Store { get; set; }
//Item Mapping class
public class ItemMap : SubclassMap<Item>
public ItemMap()
Map(x => x.Name);
Map(x => x.Description);
Map(x => x.UnitPrice);
Map(x => x.Status);
References(x => x.Store);
The entity I have discovered has a problem (other relationship issues might exists)
//Store entity Does not inherit from EntityBase or Actuate
public class Store
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual int Version { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual IEnumerable<Item> Items { get; set; }
//Store mapping class
public class StoreMap : ClassMap<Store>
public StoreMap()
Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.Assigned();
Version(x => x.Version);
Map(x => x.Name);
HasMany(x => x.Items);
If I try to run the following query:
//store = is the Store entity I have retrieved from the database and I am trying
//trying to return the items that are associated with the store and are active
store.Items != null && store.Items.Any(item => item.Status == ItemStatus.Active);
I get the following error:
Nhibernate.Exceptions.GenericADOException: could not initialize a collection: [SomeDomain.Store.Items#0][SQL: SELECT items0_.StoreId as StoreId1_, items0_.Id as Id1_, items0_.Id as Id10_0_, items0_.CreatedDate as CreatedD2_10_0_, items0_.ActivatedOn as Activate1_11_0_, items0_.Name as Name12_0_, items0_.Description as Descript2_12_0_, items0_.UnitPrice as UnitPrice12_0_, items0_.Status as Status12_0_, items0_.StoreId as StoreId12_0_ FROM [Item] items0_ WHERE items0_.StoreId=?]"}
Inner Exception
"Invalid object name 'Item'."
Now, if I take out the base classes and Item doesn't inherit, and the
Id, Version
columns are part of the Item entity and are mapped in the ItemMap mapping class (with the ItemMap class inheriting from ClassMap<Item> instead, everything works without issue.
I have also attempted to add on the StoreMap class unsuccessful.
HasMany(x => x.Items).KeyColumn("Id");
Any thoughts?
if entityBase is just for inheriting common properties then you do not need to map it at all
public class EntityBaseMap<TEntity> : ClassMap<TEntity> where TEntity : EntityBase
public EntityBaseMap()
Id(x => x.Id);
Version(x => x.Version);
Map(x => x.CreatedDate);
public class ActuateMap : EntityBaseMap<Actuate> { ... }
Versionmapping should map Version property not Id
Version should be readonly in code so nobody accidently alters it
.KeyColumn("Id") is wrong because the column is from the Items table and then it's both the autogenerated id and foreign key. That's not possible nor usefull
usually only classes which are abstract should containt Abstract() in the mapping

NHibernate Mapping Question

I have tried various approaches to mapping the following structure, but I finally admit that after a day of not getting very far, I need some help.
So the question is, how would you guys go about mapping something like this. The schema is not fixed at this point.
public abstract class BaseObject
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public virtual string Prefix { get; set; }
public virtual string Suffix { get; set; }
public virtual BaseObject Parent { get; set; }
public class Room : BaseObject
public virtual int AreaId { get; set; }
public class Item : BaseObject
public virtual string Owner { get; set; }
public virtual IList<ItemAttribute> Attributes { get; set; }
public virtual int ItemTypeId { get; set; }
public class Potion : Item
public virtual int AmountLeft { get; set; }
Your input is very much appreciated.
This allows you to have it all in one table... doing this from memory, so syntax might not be exact.
public class ItemMap : ClassMap<BaseObject>
Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.Identity();
Map(x => x.Name);
Map(x => x.Description);
.SubClass<Room>("Room", x =>
x.Map(r => r.AreaId);
.SubClass<Item>("Item", c =>
i.Map(x => x.Owner);
i.References(x => x.Account).LazyLoad();
HasManyToMany(x => x.Attributes)
.SubClass<Potion>("Potion", x =>
x.Map(p => p.AmountLeft);
I would probably have a table for each class - Room, Item, Potion and then do fairly standard mappings for each.
I'd like to note that in my own experiences, it is a bad idea to name your Id field in your business objects "Id"
Here's a sample with Item, assoming some data names for your table.
public class ItemMap : ClassMap<Item>
public ItemMap()
Id(x => x.Id, "ItemId").GeneratedBy.Identity();
Map(x => x.Name);
Map(x => x.Description);
Map(x => x.Prefix);
Map(x => x.Suffix);
Map(x => x.Owner);
Map(x => x.ItemTypeId);
References<Item>(x => x.Parent, "ParentItemId");
HasManyToMany(x => x.Attributes)
This is more than likely not be perfect - as I'm not sure how the mapping will work with the abstract parent.

NHibernate: Best way to deal with intermediary table using Fluent NHibernate?

How would you map the following in Fluent NHibernate?
See "18.3. Customer/Order/Product"
The following solution uses the same approach as the solution in the example, and the generated XML is as good as the same. I have omitted specifying column names and such things for brevity.
public class Customer
private ISet<Order> orders = new HashedSet<Order>();
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public ISet<Order> Orders
get { return orders; }
private set { orders = value; }
public class Order
public long Id { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public Customer Customer { get; set; }
public IList<LineItem> LineItems { get; private set; }
public class LineItem
public int Quantity { get; set; }
public Product Product { get; set; }
public class Product
public long Id { get; set; }
public string SerialNumber { get; set; }
public class CustomerMap : ClassMap<Customer>
public CustomerMap()
Id(x => x.Id)
Map(x => x.Name);
HasMany<Order>(x => x.Orders)
public class OrderMap : ClassMap<Order>
public OrderMap()
Id(x => x.Id)
Map(x => x.Date);
References<Customer>(x => x.Customer);
HasMany<LineItem>(x => x.LineItems)
.Component(c =>
c.Map(x => x.Quantity);
c.References<Product>(x => x.Product);
public class ProductMap : ClassMap<Product>
public ProductMap()
Id(x => x.Id)
Map(x => x.SerialNumber);
To see the generated XML mapping, you can use this code:
Configuration config = new Configuration().Configure();
PersistenceModel model = new PersistenceModel();
model.WriteMappingsTo("your folder name here");
I hope it helps.