Solution to avoid non-sargable argument in where clause - sql

In the code_list CTE in this query I have a row constructor that will eventually take any number of arguments. The column icd in the patient_codes CTE is a five digit identifier that is most descriptive that the three digit codes that the row constructor has. The table icd_patient has a 100 million rows so for performance's sake, I would like to filer the rows on this table before I do any further work. I have
;with code_list(code_list)
select x.code_list
from (values ('70700'),('25002')) as x(code_list)
select distinct icd,pat_id,id
from icd_patient
where icd in (select icd from code_list)
select distinct pat_id from patient_codes
The problem is, however, is that in the icd_patient table all of the icd columns are five digit and more descriptive. If I look at the execution plan of this query it's pretty streamlined. If I do
;with code_list(code_list)
select x.code_list
from (values ('70700'),('25002')) as x(code_list)
select substring(icd,1,3) as icd,pat_id
from icd_patient2
where substring(icd,1,3) in (select * from code_list)
select * from patient_codes
this if course has a large performance impact because of the substring expression in the where clause. Does something akin to like in exist so I can take advantage of my indexes?
Index on icd_patient
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [ix_icd_patient] ON [dbo].[icd_patient2]
[pat_id] ASC
INCLUDE ( [id],

This much simpler query should be better than (or, at worst, the same as) your existing query.
select pat_id
FROM dbo.icd_patient
where icd LIKE '707%'
OR icd LIKE '250%'
GROUP BY pat_id;
Note that sargability only matters if there is actually an index on this column.
An alternative (since OR can sometimes give the optimizer fits):
SELECT pat_id
FROM dbo.icd_patient
WHERE icd LIKE '707%'
SELECT pat_id
FROM dbo.icd_patient
WHERE icd LIKE '250%'
) AS x
GROUP BY pat_id;
To make this extensible beyond a handful of OR conditions, I would use a table-valued parameter (TVP).
Then your stored procedure could say:
#sp dbo.StringPatterns READONLY
SELECT p.pat_id
FROM dbo.icd_patient AS p
ON p.pat_id LIKE sp.s + '%'
GROUP BY p.pat_id;
Then you can pass in your set of three-character substrings from a DataTable or other collection in C#. From T-SQL just as an example:
DECLARE #p dbo.StringPatterns;
INSERT #p VALUES('707'),('250');
EXEC dbo.whatever #sp = #p;

Something like like in does not exist. The following is sargable:
select *
from icd_patient
where icd like '70700%' or
icd like '25002%'
Because like with a constant initial substring is a special case for SQL Server. This does not work when the strings on the right are variables.
One solution is to create an indexed view on the icd_patient table with an index on the first five characters of the icd code.

Using "IN" makes that part of a command non-sargable on both sides. End of discussion.
Saying he fixes it using substring, completely changes what it would return while it remains non sarged.
Any "fix" should exactly match results. The actual fix is to join the cte so the five characters match or put three characters in the cte and match that in a join or put 4 characters in the cte where the fourth is "%" and join matching by using LIKE
Using a "like" that starts with "%" increases the complexity of the search, but it would still use the index to find the value because parsing the index should use less reading by only getting the full table row when a search is successful.


How to use Join with like operator and then casting columns

I have 2 tables with these columns:
Phone_number varchar(100) -- example data: "2022033456"
Addons ntext -- example data: "Enter phone:2022033456<br>Thephoneisvalid"
I have to join these two tables using 'LIKE' as the phone numbers are not in same format. Little background I am joining the #temp table on the phone number with orders table on its Addons value. Then again in WHERE condition I am trying to match them and get some results. Here is my code. But my results that I am getting are not accurate. As its not returning any data. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I am using SQL Server.
order_no as n
orders as o on n.order_no = o.order_no
#temp as t on t.phone_number like '%'+ cast(o.Addons as varchar(max))+'%'
t.phone_number = '%' + cast(o.Addons as varchar(max)) + '%'
You can not use LIKE statement in the JOIN condition. Please provide more information on your tables. You have to convert the format of one of the phone field to compile with other phone field format in order to join.
I think your join condition is in the wrong order. Because your question explicitly mentions two tables, let's stick with those:
select *
from orders o JOIN
#temp t
on cast(o.Addons as varchar(max)) like '%' + t.phone_number + '%';
It has been so long since I dealt with the text data type (in SQL Server), that I don't remember if the cast() is necessary or not.
Instead of trying to do everything in a single top-level query, you should apply a transformation projection to your orders table and use that as a subquery, which will make the query easier to understand.
Using the CHARINDEX function will make this a lot easier, however it does not support ntext, you will need to change your schema to use nvarchar(max) instead - which you should be doing anyway as ntext is deprecated, fortunately you can use CONVERT( nvarchar(max), someNTextValue ), though this will reduce performance as you won't be able to use any indexes on your ntext values - but this query will run slowly anyway.
CASE WHEN orders2.PhoneStart > 0 AND orders2.PhoneEnd > 0 THEN
SUBSTRING( orders2.Addons, orders2.PhoneStart, orders2.PhoneEnd - orders2.PhoneStart )
END AS ExtractedPhoneNumber
orders.*, -- never use `*` in production, so replace this with the actual columns in your orders table
CHARINDEX('Enter phone:', Addons) AS PhoneStart,
CHARINDEX('<br>Thephoneisvalid', AddOns, CHARINDEX('Enter phone:', Addons) ) AS PhoneEnd
) AS orders2
I suggest converting the above into a VIEW or CTE so you can directly query it in your JOIN expression:
CREATE VIEW ordersWithPhoneNumbers AS
-- copy and paste the above query here, then execute the batch to create the view, you only need to do this once.
Then you can use it like so:
* -- again, avoid the use of the star selector in production use
ordersWithPhoneNumbers AS o2 -- this is the above query as a VIEW
INNER JOIN order_no ON o2.order_no = order_no.order_no
INNER JOIN #temp AS t ON o2.ExtractedPhoneNumber = t.phone_number
Actually, I take back my previous remark about performance - if you add an index to the ExtractedPhoneNumber column of the ordersWithPhoneNumbers view then you'll get good performance.

Ensuring two columns only contain valid results from same subquery

I have the following table:
id symbol_01 symbol_02
1 abc xyz
2 kjh okd
3 que qid
I need a query that ensures symbol_01 and symbol_02 are both contained in a list of valid symbols. In other words I would needs something like this:
select *
from mytable
where symbol_01 in (
select valid_symbols
from somewhere)
and symbol_02 in (
select valid_symbols
from somewhere)
The above example would work correctly, but the subquery used to determine the list of valid symbols is identical both times and is quite large. It would be very innefficient to run it twice like in the example.
Is there a way to do this without duplicating two identical sub queries?
Another approach:
select *
from mytable t1
where 2 = (select count(distinct symbol)
from valid_symbols vs
where vs.symbol in (t1.symbol_01, t1.symbol_02));
This assumes that the valid symbols are stored in a table valid_symbols that has a column named symbol. The query would also benefit from an index on valid_symbols.symbol
You could try use a CTE like;
WITH ValidSymbols AS (
SELECT DISTINCT valid_symbol
FROM somewhere
FROM MyTable mt
INNER JOIN ValidSymbols v1
ON mt.symbol_01 = v1.valid_symbol
INNER JOIN ValidSymbols v2
ON mt.symbol_02 = v2.valid_symbol
From a performance perspective, your query is the right way to do this. I would write it as:
select *
from mytable t
where exists (select 1
from valid_symbols vs
where t.symbol_01 = vs.valid_symbol
) and
exists (select 1
from valid_symbols vs
where t.symbol_02 = vs.valid_symbol
) ;
The important component is that you need an index on valid_symbols(valid_symbol). With this index, the lookup should be pretty fast. Appropriate indexes can even work if valid_symbols is a view, although the effect depends on the complexity of the view.
You seem to have a situation where you have two foreign key relationships. If you explicitly declare these relationships, then the database will enforce that the columns in your table match the valid symbols.

Multiple replacements in string in single Update Statement in SQL server 2005

I've a table 'tblRandomString' with following data:
ID ItemValue
1 *Test"
2 ?Test*
I've another table 'tblSearchCharReplacement' with following data
Original Replacement
* `star`
? `quest`
" `quot`
; `semi`
Now, I want to make a replacement in the ItemValues using these replacement.
I tried this:
Update T1
SET ItemValue = select REPLACE(ItemValue,[Original],[Replacement])
FROM dbo.tblRandomString T1
dbo.tblSpecialCharReplacement T2
ON T2.Original IN ('"',';','*','?')
But it doesnt help me because only one replacement is done per update.
One solution is I've to use as a CTE to perform multiple replacements if they exist.
Is there a simpler way?
Sample data:
declare #RandomString table (ID int not null,ItemValue varchar(500) not null)
insert into #RandomString(ID,ItemValue) values
declare #SearchCharReplacement table (Original varchar(500) not null,Replacement varchar(500) not null)
insert into #SearchCharReplacement(Original,Replacement) values
And the UPDATE:
;With Replacements as (
ID,ItemValue,0 as RepCount
union all
Replacements rs
inner join
#SearchCharReplacement scr
CHARINDEX(scr.Original,rs.ItemValue) > 0
), FinalReplacements as (
update rs
set ItemValue = fr.ItemValue
#RandomString rs
inner join
FinalReplacements fr
rs.ID = fr.ID and
rn = 1
Which produces:
select * from #RandomString
ID ItemValue
----------- -----------------------
1 `star`Test`quot`
2 `quest`Test`star`
What this does is it starts with the unaltered texts (the top select in Replacements), then it attempts to apply any valid replacements (the second select in Replacements). What it will do is to continue applying this second select, based on any results it produces, until no new rows are produced. This is called a Recursive Common Table Expression (CTE).
We then use a second CTE (a non-recursive one this time) FinalReplacements to number all of the rows produced by the first CTE, assigning lower row numbers to rows which were produced last. Logically, these are the rows which were the result of applying the last applicable transform, and so will no longer contain any of the original characters to be replaced. So we can use the row number 1 to perform the update back against the original table.
This query does do more work than strictly necessary - for small numbers of rows of replacement characters, it's not likely to be too inefficient. We could clear it up by defining a single order in which to apply the replacements.
Will skipping the join table and nesting REPLACE functions work?
Or do you need to actually get the data from the other table?
-- perform 4 replaces in a single update statement
SET ItemValue = REPLACE(
Note: I'm not sure if you need to escape any of the characters you're replacing

SP to find keywords like a list or strings

In my mssql database I have a table containing articles(id, name, content) a table containing keywords(id, name) and a link table between articles and keywords ArticleKeywords(articleId, keywordID, count). Count is the number of occurrences of that keyword in the article.
How can I write a SP that gets a list of comma separated strings and gives me the articles that have this keywords ordered by the number of occurrences of the keywords in the article?
If an article contains more keywords I want to sum the occurrences of each keyword.
Thanks, Radu
Although it isn't completely clear to me what the source of your comma-separated string is, I think what you want is an SP that takes a string as input and produces the desired result:
CREATE PROC KeywordArticleSearch(#KeywordString NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS BEGIN...
The first step is to verticalize the comma-separated string into a table with the values in rows. This is a problem that has been extensively treated in this question and another question, so just look there and choose one of the options. Whichever way you choose, store the results in a table variable or temp table.
DECLARE #KeywordTable TABLE (Keyword NVARCHAR(128))
-- or alternatively...
CREATE TABLE #KeywordTable (Keyword NVARCHAR(128))
For lookup speed, it is even better to store the KeywordID instead so your query only has to find matching ID's:
DECLARE #KeywordIDTable TABLE (KeywordID INT)
INSERT INTO #KeywordTable
SELECT K.KeywordID FROM SplitFunctionResult S
-- INNER JOIN: keywords that are nonexistent are omitted
INNER JOIN Keywords K ON S.Keyword = K.Keyword
Next, you can go about writing your query. This would be something like:
SELECT articleId, SUM(count)
FROM ArticleKeywords AK
WHERE K.KeywordID IN (SELECT KeywordID FROM #KeywordIDTable)
GROUP BY articleID
Or instead of the WHERE you could use an INNER JOIN. I don't think the query plan would be much different.
For the sake or argument lets say you want to look-up all articles containg the keywords Foo, Bar and Shazam.
ALTER PROCEDURE spArticlesFromKeywordList
#KeyWords varchar(1000) = 'Foo,Bar,Shazam'
DECLARE #KeyWordInClause varchar(1000)
SET #KeyWordInClause = REPLACE (#KeyWords ,',',''',''')
t1.Name as ArticleName,
t2.Name as KeyWordName,
t3.Count as [COUNT]
FROM ArticleKeywords t3
INNER JOIN Articles t1 on t3.ArticleId = t1.Id
INNER JOIN Keywords t2 on t3.KeywordId = t2.Id
WHERE t2.KeyWord in ( ''' + #KeyWordInClause + ''')
3 descending, 1
I think I understand what you are after so here goes ,(not sure what lang you are using but) in PHP (from your description) I would query ArticleKeywords using a ORDER BY count DESC statement (i.e. the highest comes first) - Obviously you can "select by keywordID or articleid. In very simple terms (cos that's me - simple & there may be much better people than me) you can return the array but create a string from it a bit like this:
$arraytostring .= $row->keywordID.',';
If you left join the tables you could create something like this:
$arraytostring .= $row->keywordID.'-'.$row->name.' '.$row->content.',';
Or you could catch the array as
$array[] = $row->keywordID;
and create your string outside the loop.
Note: you have 2 fields called "name" one in articles and one in keywords it would be easier to rename one of them to avoid any conflicts (that is assuming they are not the same content) i.e. articles name = title and keywords name= keyword

How to combine IN operator with LIKE condition (or best way to get comparable results)

I need to select rows where a field begins with one of several different prefixes:
select * from table
where field like 'ab%'
or field like 'cd%'
or field like "ef%"
What is the best way to do this using SQL in Oracle or SQL Server? I'm looking for something like the following statements (which are incorrect):
select * from table where field like in ('ab%', 'cd%', 'ef%', ...)
select * from table where field like in (select foo from bar)
I would like to see how this is done with either giving all the prefixes in one SELECT statement, of having all the prefixes stored in a helper table.
Length of the prefixes is not fixed.
Joining your prefix table with your actual table would work in both SQL Server & Oracle.
DECLARE #Table TABLE (field VARCHAR(32))
DECLARE #Prefixes TABLE (prefix VARCHAR(32))
FROM #Table t
INNER JOIN #Prefixes pf ON t.field LIKE pf.prefix
you can try regular expression
SELECT * from table where REGEXP_LIKE ( field, '^(ab|cd|ef)' );
If your prefix is always two characters, could you not just use the SUBSTRING() function to get the first two characters of "field", and then see if it's in the list of prefixes?
select * from table
where SUBSTRING(field, 1, 2) IN (prefix1, prefix2, prefix3...)
That would be "best" in terms of simplicity, if not performance. Performance-wise, you could create an indexed virtual column that generates your prefix from "field", and then use the virtual column in your predicate.
Depending on the size of the dataset, the REGEXP solution may or may not be the right answer. If you're trying to get a small slice of a big dataset,
select * from table
where field like 'ab%'
or field like 'cd%'
or field like "ef%"
may be rewritten behind the scenes as
select * from table
where field like 'ab%'
union all
select * from table
where field like 'cd%'
union all
select * from table
where field like 'ef%'
Doing three index scans instead of a full scan.
If you know you're only going after the first two characters, creating a function-based index could be a good solution as well. If you really really need to optimize this, use a global temporary table to store the values of interest, and perform a semi-join between them:
select * from data_table
where transform(field) in (select pre_transformed_field
from my_where_clause_table);
You can also try like this, here tmp is temporary table that is populated by the required prefixes. Its a simple way, and does the job.
select * from emp join
(select 'ab%' as Prefix
select 'cd%' as Prefix
select 'ef%' as Prefix) tmp
on emp.Name like tmp.Prefix