iPad iOS6 where to find Autolayout programmatically example project [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for an example xCode project that can demonstrate how to apply autolayouts to UIViews programmatically. I see quite a lot of questions that deal with how to apply autolayout, but I'm a total novice and need something to play with before I can get a feeling for how autolayouts work.
Thank you!

Take a look at this:
http://www.raywenderlich.com/20881/beginning-auto-layout-part-1-of-2 (with IB)
and this:
http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Implementing_iOS_6_Auto_Layout_Constraints_in_Code (without IB)
In addition: If you want to do it programmatically I would prefer to use math instead of complex AutoLayout statements. If you want to have a button placed 20pixel up from bottom just work with something like [[[[UIScreen mainscreen]bounds]size]height]-20] I think this is easier to work with.


Non speech recognition ( Whistle, etc.. ) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to build an app that recognizes sounds like whistle and other non speech sounds.
So when someone whistles, method is called or something happens.
Is there any API for that?
I searched a lot but I couldn't find anything.
Try the following guides:
http://mobileorchard.com/tutorial-detecting-when-a-user-blows-into-the-mic/ (a bit old, but should do the trick)
Detecting a clap in IOS
Essentially you can use the AVAudioRecorder class that does the job for you.

interactive doughnut (or pie) chart control for XAML [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need a doughnut control with a similar interactive behavior like this one:
(Chart can be rotated by the user so that different Details can be displayed).
Unfortunately this sample control is for HTML/JS only but my app is in XAML.
Any ideas?
You can take a look at the Chart-Controls from DevExpress. The bad point is, that they are not very cheap.

UICollectionView like iOS Home Screen [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wanna make an UICollectionView like iOS Home Screen. I found several (and good) samples like:
iOS: Are there any open-source Launcher Views like the home screen?
All libraries above work well. Editing, removing and animating is not a problem. But combining two cells into a new group, well, none of the libraries was able to do it. I heavily searched and I didn't find anything.
Does anybody know any libraries to combine two cells with drag and drop?!?!
Or at least has some tips on how to make?!?
You can use sections to group items and SupplementaryElements to decorate groups.
You can also just create 2 kinds of different UICollectionViewCells: one normal cell + one group cell.
If your data source reflects grouping it should straight-forward to decide which one to return in collectionView:cellForItemAtIndexPath: .

open source piano keyboard ios [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any open source code for creating a piano keyboard with sounds for ios? I have looked but have not found one, or offer a good recommendation were to start, AVAudioPlayer. or systemSoundID
Here is one you can try. It is something I started a while back and have not had time to finish because of my day job.
I found this great tutorial, it is a little advanced but perfect for learning. I already have a simple version up and running using this tutorial
I have tried a few solutions, and eventually used this piano keyboard for iOS, since I couldn't get rid of the lag which is crucial when using it as part of a multitracker for timing issues (an app I'm working on).
I learned a lot from going over the code and through the support I got from the author, so even though it wasn't free I was very pleased with it.

web-based query designer [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I remember seeing online a (sql?) query designer tool that looked like the "point and click GUI" that you get in MSFT access (and other similar apps).
It allowed the user to do simple joins and where clauses and select clauses simply by toggling checkboxes, dragging table icons into view and connecting joins by drawing lines.
This link: Google Image Search Examples has examples.
The output was the SQL in plain text.
If anyone knows of a web-based GUI that works like this, that can be plugged into a web CMS, please link and discuss here.
Maybe WWW SQL Designer will suit you. See online demonstration.