How to test Model Errors with Mocha and rspec? - ruby-on-rails-3

I have this problem related to testing model errors with Mocha:
This is my controller (Api / Artist controller):
class Api::ArtistsController < ApplicationController
respond_to :json
def create
artist =[:artist])
if <-- This is where the test fails
render :json=>artist
respond_with artist
This is my model (Artist Model):
class Artist < ActiveRecord::Base
include Core::BaseModel
attr_accessible :name
has_many :albums
validates :name, :presence=>true, :uniqueness=>{:case_sensitive=> false}
default_scope where :deleted=>false
This is the test where it fails, about Artist controller:
it "should not save a duplicated artist" do
post :create, :format => :json
expect(response).not_to be_success
expect(response.code).to eq("422")
results = JSON.parse(response.body)
expect(results).to include({
When I run the tests, this is the error I get on the above test:
Failure/Error: post :create, :format => :json
undefined method `add_on_blank' for {}:Hash
# ./app/controllers/api/artists_controller.rb:17:in `create'
# ./spec/controllers/api/artists_controller_spec.rb:56:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
I'm starting to use Mocha, so I don't know if there's a way to test the json result for the specific case when I want to test the validation for the duplicated name.

ActiveRecord::Base#errors (i.e. Artist#errors) isn't a simple hash. It's supposed to be an instance of ActiveModel::Errors. You're stubbing it with a hash, and ActiveRecord is trying to call add_on_blank on it, which is failing.
I don't think save invokes is_valid? at all, and I suspect it's running the validations and then trying to call add_on_blank to append an error, but since you've stubbed out errors, that's failing.
This isn't really a good way to test the controller. It's making too many assumptions about the internals of Artist. You're also testing things that aren't part of the controller at all; errors isn't referenced anywhere in the action. The only behavior worth testing in the controller is whether or not it creates an Artist; if that Artist fails to save, that it renders JSON with it; and if the save succeeds, that it redirects. That's all of the controller's responsibility.
If you want to test that errors are rendered a certain way, you should write a separate view spec. If you want to test that missing fields generate errors, you should write a model spec. If you don't want to write a view spec, it's still sufficient to rely on the model to populate errors (tested in a model spec), and in your controller, just test that render is called with json set to the Artist instance.
Generally speaking it's best to avoid stubbing as much as possible, but in this case, the only things I'd consider stubbing are to return a mock, and save on that mock to return false. Then I'd check to make sure it rendered with the mock.
The easier option is to just create an actual Artist record, then call post with duplicate params to trigger a validation failure. The downside is that you hit the database, and avoiding that in a controller spec is laudable, but generally more convenient. You could instead do that in a Capybara feature spec if you want to avoid DB hits in your controller specs.
If you want to try testing the way you are, you can manually create an instance of ActiveModel::Errors and populate that, or stub methods on it, and stub out Artist.any_instance.stubs(:errors) to return your mock with ActiveModel::Errors-compatible behavior, but that's a lot of mocking.
One final tip: don't use post :create, :format => :json. Use xhr :post, :create to generate a real Ajax request rather than relying on a format param. It's a more robust test of your routing and response code.


Rails path helper generate dot or undefined method instead of slash

Route defined as follows
resources :purchases do
collection do
put :wirecardtest
Controller actions redirect in one of the following manners with associated error generated
format.html { redirect_to wirecardtest_purchase_path(#purchase)
undefined method `wirecardtest_purchase_path'
format.html { redirect_to wirecardtest_purchases_path(#purchase)
Behaviour is identical when putting code in view.
The ressource is defined in plural mode, as it ought to be. The redirect, as it is supposed to call a specific ressource should call the singular model-action mode (in plural it would generate the period).
I don't understand how I got into this damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't position.
wirecardtest_purchases PUT /purchases/wirecardtest(.:format) purchases#wirecardtest
That's your mistake right there.. the path is generated as 'wirecardtest_purchases' but you are using 'wirecardtest_purchase' note the missing 's' to pluralize the 'purchase'.
Remember its a collection. So the path method is pluralized by rails.
When in doubt rake routes :)
Improving the answer (check comments). Need here is to actually define a route as :member and not a :collection if you want to act upon a single object. Referring to Rails Docs,
resources ::purchases do
member do
get 'wirecardtest'

Rails + Devise - Session Controller explaination

I am playing around with Devise in a project, and am just trying to better understand how it all works. The Sessions controller in particular is doing a few things that I don't understand:
class Devise::SessionsController < ApplicationController
def new
# What benefit is this providing over just ""?
self.resource =
# What is "serialize_options" doing in the responder?
respond_with(resource, serialize_options(resource))
def create
self.resource = warden.authenticate!(auth_options)
set_flash_message(:notice, :signed_in) if is_navigational_format?
sign_in(resource_name, resource)
respond_with resource, :location => after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
def serialize_options(resource)
methods = resource_class.authentication_keys.dup
methods = methods.keys if methods.is_a?(Hash)
methods << :password if resource.respond_to?(:password)
{ :methods => methods, :only => [:password] }
def sign_in_params
I assume that these methods are adding some sort of security. I'd just like to know what exactly they are protecting against.
The implementation of devise_parameter_sanitizer is creating a ParameterSanitizer instance. I often find looking at tests to be helpful in understanding the purpose of code; and this test I think illustrates it best-- since you're creating a new user, you don't want to allow users to assign any value they want to any parameter they want, so sanitize means "strip out any attributes other than the ones we need for this action". If this wasn't here, and you had a role attribute, a user could send a specially-crafted POST request to make themselves an admin when signing up for your site. So this protects against what's called, in the general case, a mass assignment vulnerability. Rails 3 and Rails 4 protect against this in different ways but the protections can still be turned off, and I'm guessing Devise is trying to set some good-practice defaults.
The serialize_options method is creating a hash of options to support rendering to XML or JSON. I found this out by looking at the implementation of responds_with, which calls extract_options! which uses the last argument as options if the last argument is a Hash. The documentation for responds_with says "All options given to #respond_with are sent to the underlying responder", so I looked at ActionController::Responder, whose documentation explains the process it takes to look for a template that matches the format, then if that isn't found, calling to_#{format}, then calling to_format. There's a view for HTML, and ActiveRecord objects respond to to_xml and to_json. Those methods use those options:
The <tt>:only</tt> and <tt>:except</tt> options can be used to limit the
attributes included, and work similar to the +attributes+ method.
To include the result of some method calls on the model use <tt>:methods</tt>.
So this keeps you from exposing more information than you might want to if someone uses the XML or JSON format.

Rspec test :create method for a nested resource

I'm trying to set up specs to properly run with my nested resource.
This is the test code I'm trying to properly set up
it "redirects to the created unit" do
post :create, {:course_id => , :unit => valid_attributes}
response.should redirect_to(course_unit_path(#course, Unit.last))
That essentially should try to create a nested resource "unit" for "course".
Unfortunatly I'm getting the following error on all POST DELETE and PUT tests
Failure/Error: post :create, {:course_id => , :unit => valid_attributes}
undefined method `unit_url' for #<UnitsController:0x000000059f1000>
That makes sense since unit_url should be course_unit_url but it's RSpec calling it...
How can I make RSpec select the right named path?
For all GET tests I passed the :course_id by hand.
This is what I did:
it "redirects to the created unit" do
unit_id = "barry"
post :create, {:course_id => #course.to_param , :unit => valid_attributes}
response.should redirect_to(course_unit_path(#course, unit_id))
I decided that the point of this test was not that it created a new model and redirected it, but simply that it redirects. I have another spec to ensure it creates a new model. Another benefit to this approach is that it doesn't touch the database so it should run a little faster.
I hope that helps.
I also just noticed I have this in my before :each section which may be relevant:
Edit again:
In this case, there was code in the controller which was doing the offending call. As per comment below.

Single Controller, multiple (inherited) classes (rails 3)

I have a base class inherited by 2 others via Single Table Inheritance. I want all subclasses to share the same controller/views for various reasons-the only real difference is in the model's functionality.
However, when I try to use link_to "stuff", instance_of_child I get complaints about being unable to find the correct page.
I've tried messing with match '/subclass' => redirect('/parent') but that yields weird links that make no sense. Any suggestions? I'm pretty new at rails, and I admit that my understanding of routes.rb is still limited-however, I'm not entirely sure that is even where I should be looking.
If you’ve ever tried to add STI to an
existing Rails application you
probably know that many of your
link_to and form_for methods throw
errors when you add a parent class.
This is because ActionPack looks at
the class of an object to determine
its path and URL, and you haven’t
mapped routes for your new subclasses.
You can add the routes like so, though
I don’t recommend it:
# NOT recommended:
map.resources :cars, :as => :vehicles, :controller => :vehicles
map.resources :trucks, :as => :vehicles, :controller => :vehicles
map.resources :motorcycles, :as => :vehicles, :controller => :vehicles
This only alleviates a particular
symptom. If we use form_for, our form
fields will still not have the names
we expect (eg: params[:car][:color]
instead of params[:vehicle][:color]).
Instead, we should attack the root of
the problem by implementing the
model_name method in our parent class.
I haven’t seen any documentation for
this technique, so this is very
unofficial, but it makes sense and it
works perfectly for me in Rails 2.3
and 3:
def self.inherited(child)
child.instance_eval do
def model_name
This probably looks confusing, so let
me explain:
When you call a URL-generating method
(eg: link_to("car", car)), ActionPack
calls model_name on the class of the
given object (here car). This returns
a special type of string that
determines what the object is called
in URLs. All we’re doing here is
overriding the model_name method for
subclasses of Vehicle so ActionPack
will see Car, Truck, and Motorcycle
subclasses as belonging to the parent
class (Vehicle), and thus use the
parent class’s named routes
(VehiclesController) wherever URLs are
generated. This is all assuming you’re
using Rails resource-style (RESTful)
URLs. (If you’re not, please do.)
To investigate the model_name
invocation yourself, see the Rails
source code for the
method. In Rails 2.3 the special
string is an instance of
ActiveSupport::ModelName, in Rails 3
it’s an ActiveModel::Name

RSpec and CanCan Controller Testing

I'm using RSpec and CanCan in a project. I'm testing my permission logic in specs related to the Ability class. For the controllers I really just want to make sure I'm doing an authorization check. I set up a controller macro, but it doesn't seem to be working correctly.
So really I have two questions. One, is the strategy sufficient for testing the permission logic of my controllers (or should I be testing the controller authorization logic more)?
Two, does anyone see what I'm doing wrong to make this not work?
def approve
plan_order = PlanOrder.find(params[:id])
authorize! :update, plan_order
redirect_to plan_order_workout_plan_url(plan_order)
def it_should_check_permissions(*actions)
actions.each do |action|
it "#{action} action should authorize user to do this action" do
#plan_order = Factory(:plan_order, :id=>1)
ability =
get action, :id => 1
The output I get from RSpec is the following
Failure/Error: ability.should_receive(:can?)
(#<Object:0x00000006d4fa20>).can?(any args)
expected: 1 time
received: 0 times
# ./spec/controllers/controller_macros/controller_macros.rb:27:in `block (2 levels) in it_should_check_permissions'
I'm not really sure which method I should be checking when I call !authorize in the controller (or it is automatically called via load_and_authorize_resource)
should_receive is an expectation of something that happens in the future. Reverse these two lines:
get action, :id => 1
so you have this:
get action, :id => 1