Most efficient was to reuse classes across iOS Projects - objective-c

I have created a number of re-usable classes that I use across xcode projects, for example:
I had been simply copying these class files from and back into a central repository, but now I have a number of apps it is all getting a little confusing from a config management point of view. So I was looking for an alternative.
I started investigating Static Libraries but they seem to be quite a lot of more effort for simply re-using code (e.g. different libs for device vs simulator, still having to have copies of .h files, etc).
Does anyone know of a decent alternative for quick and easy code reuse?
Thanks, Charlie

You can put the code files into a project without actually copying them into the project. In other words, just keep the class files in a completely separate location. Import them into many projects, but uncheck the option to copy them in. The projects will still refer to them successfully. Now a change made in the class files will propagate to every project that uses them.
Also, consider whether workspaces will help you.
In my view, almost anything is better than making a library or framework!

Static libraries would probably be your best bet, as I have used them and have found them to be pretty easy to use. (I haven't had to use different libraries for device or simulator, mine works on them all). Having the header isn't that annoying, and static libraries are really the only way (outside of dynamic libraries, which are banned by apple) other than copying the files to reuse code.


How should I design the interaction between multiple c++/clr projects?

I have a few different projects that all get mixed and matched into different types of solutions.
For projects, I currently have
EngineProj: c++, built as a .lib
GameProj: c++, built as a .exe
EditorProj: c++/clr, built as a .exe
For solutions, I currently have
Game: c++, built with EngineProj and GameProj
Editor: c++/clr, built with EngineProj and EditorProj
This has worked great for games. I have been able to make a few different game solutions that keep reusing the shared EngineProj.
The Editor solution has EditorProj build a .exe with a WindowsForm object called EditorForm. This is used to edit generic game data that is common for all game solutions.
Now, though, I want to be able to do the same thing for my Editor that I do with my games. I want to be able to make game specific versions of the Editor that reuse as much project setup and code as possible. Here is what I am working towards.
For projects, I am planning
EngineProj: c++, built as a .lib
GameCoreProj: c++, built as a .lib
GameExeProj: c++, built as a .exe (a very thin and small project)
EditorCoreProj: c++/clr, built as a .lib
EditorGameExeProj: c++/clr, built as a .exe
For solutions, I am planning
Game: c++, built with EngineProj, GameCoreProj, and GameExeProj
GameEditor: c++/clr, built with EngineProj, GameCoreProj, EditorCoreProj, and EditorGameExeProj
I am having troubles getting my GameEditor solution to come together.
The idea is for EditorCoreProj to provide the same EditorForm that EditorProj did; only in a .lib instead. EditorGameExeProj would then build with GameCoreProj.lib and EditorCorProj.lib. EditorGameExeProj would support a new WindowsForm object that derives from EditorForm, but implements new features unique to the needs of GameCorProj.
Various forms of unresolved externals have been plaguing me for a couple days now.
It seems that my issues stem from the fact that EditorCoreProj is a c++/clr project.
I read many articles and tried many different approaches, but eventually I found some reading that suggested that making a .lib would never work. It sounds like c++/clr .libs are not supported.
So, then, I tried making EditorCoreProj build as a .dll. For hours, I tried to get EditorGameExeProj to import the .dll. I read that maybe I need to tag everything for export and import. That sounded like a lot of work, and so I started just making some test solutions. However, that continually resulted in unresolved externals, too.
I am pretty new to making a .dll; I have always preferred .libs. Maybe I am just encountering newb issues with .dlls. At this point though, I have spent a couple days trying to get this setup.
And so, finally, my question.
Am I headed in the right direction? Maybe there is something much easier I should be doing?
Thank you for your time
I ended up sticking to the plan, and got everything working. I don't know if there was a better route to take, but this does full-fill all of my needs.

Is there a good way in XCode to reuse Classes across projects and easily share with other devs?

I have a library that I created which I would like to use the included classes across a few different projects while maintaining the library code independently. I would also like to be able to easily share it with other developers and have them easily implement it. At this point it doesn't need to be a static library.
What is the best method to do this? I have seen other devs put their classes in a brand new XCode project then import that, but what is best practice?
I think the best practice is to create a project with a static library target. Other developers can include it as a subproject in their projects.
Second best would be to simply make a directory of source files that can be included in a project on an as-needed basis. This is useful for general purpose utility code where a particular project may not want all of it.
In both cases, the library code should belong to its own git repository and included in a project as a git submodule.
If it will ever become a static library, it's best to make it one now, rather than waiting until it is "ready"; by the time you decide to switch it over, a few projects will already be using it, and converting each of them to use it will be a pain. Just do it the right way from the beginning.
If you want to distribute the library without source, you will want to use lipo to build a universal library that contains both ARM and x86 code. Unfortunately, Xcode doesn't make this as easy as it could be, but it's not too difficult with some light shell scripting.
As far as I know you should create a new project and that project to any other project you want use library in. Then link the projects and you can access it. The other way which I have done also, copy the library classes directly to the new project and access the library through importing the needed classes. In my case i found creating a project and linking it with the new project is the easiest. although copying the classes isnwhat we all do when using external libraries such as cocos2d. As far as sharing it with others, just upload it to github another place of your choice so it can be used by other dev's. I hope this helps you.t
I don't know how mature the code is, but since you specifically mention wanting to share it with other developers, you may want to investigate CocoaPods.

Creating your own custom libraries in iOS?

I'm fairly new to programming and wanted to start programming more efficiently. Try as I may I often find myself straying from the MVC model.
I was wondering are there any tips or methods in keeping your code organized when coding in xcode objc? To be more specific (I know you guys like that :) I want to
Be able to write libraries or self-containing code that can bring from one project to another
Share my code with others as open sourced projects
Prevent myself from writing messy code that does not follow proper structure
Use a high warning level. Build cleanly.
Remove all static analyzer issues.
Write some unit tests.
Keep the public interfaces small.
Specify your library's dependencies (e.g. minimum SDK versions and dependent libraries).
Compile against multiple/supported OS versions regularly.
Learn to create and manage static library targets. This is all you should need to support and reuse the library in another project (unless you drag external resources into the picture, which becomes a pain).
No global state (e.g. singletons, global variables).
Be precise about support in multithreaded contexts (more commonly, that concurrency shall be the client's responsibility).
Document your public interface (maybe your private one too…).
Define a precise and uniform error model.
You can never have enough error detection.
Set very high standards -- Build them for reuse as reference implementations.
Determine the granularity of the libraries early on. These should be very small and focused.
Consider using C or C++ implementations for your backend/core libraries (that stuff can be stripped).
Do establish and specify any prefixes for your library's objc classes and categories. Use good prefixes too.
Minimize visible dependencies (e.g. don't #import tons of frameworks which could be hidden).
Be sure it compiles without the client needing to add additional #imports.
Don't rely on clients putting things in specific places, or that resources will have specific names.
Be very conservative about memory consumption and execution costs.
No leaks.
No zombies.
No slow blocking operations on the main thread.
Don't publish something until it's been well tested, and has been stable for some time. Bugs break clients' code, then they are less likely to reuse your library if it keeps breaking their program.
Study, use, and learn from good libraries.
Ask somebody (ideally, who's more experienced than you) to review your code.
Do use/exercise the libraries wherever appropriate in your projects.
Fix bugs before adding features.
Don't let that scare you -- it can be really fun, and you can learn a lot in the process.
There are a number of ways you can reuse code:
Store the code in a common directory and include that directory in your projects. Simple, but can have versioning issues.
Create a separate project which builds a static iOS library and then create a framework. More complex to setup because it involves scripting to build the framework directory structure. But easy to use in other projects and can handle versioning and device/simulator combined libs.
Create a separate project which builds a static iOS library and then include this as a subproject in other projects. Avoids having to build frameworks and the results can be more optimised.
That's the basic 3, there are of course a number of variations on these and how you go about them. A lot of what you decide to do is going to come down to who you are going to do this for. For example I like sub projects for my own code, but for code I want to make available for others, I think frameworks are better. even if they are more work to create. Plus I can then wrap them up with docsets of the api documentation and upload the whole lot as a DMG to github for others to download.

Obfuscate Objective-C code for a reusable iOS package [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Objective-C Code Obfuscation
I am trying to put together an iOS package that can be reused in multiple apps. I would like to be able to bundle it up for others to easily plug in and use, and I would like to obfuscate the code so that no one can read it.
What would you recommend between building a framework, a static library, or another solution to accomplish this and why?
If you're distributing for iOS, you have two options:
Distribute a precompiled binary and headers
Distribute the source
Since you're asking about hiding stuff, I don't think #2 is what you're looking for.
As for #1, the best you can do is just not tell 3rd party users about more stuff. They'll still be able to use the runtime to find methods and properties and instance variables, etc. If you're doing everything in C-land (ie, no Objective-C classes), then they can still use things like otool to dump symbols.
In short:
It's probably not worth trying to "obfuscate" your code. Just tell them about the stuff they need to know about, then give them a .a file and the headers they need.
A framework is the standard Cocoa approach to shared code. You can distribute a framework as a compiled code library and a collection of public headers without making any of the underlying Objective-C soure code visible. Of course, a dedicated hacker could still read the machine code, but this would be a big undertaking, and probably not worth the time they would have to spend on it.
If you are really concerned about sensitive code, you could consider an internet-based service, in which your library calls out to a remote server under your control to perform some business logic. This approach is quite a bit more involved, and does not offer as much flexibility for your customers.

When Should Namespaces Become Their Own, Independent Class Libraries?

I could use a little advice on naming my assemblies
(ie. When to turn a logical naming convention in my
namepaces into its own DLL).
I recently downloaded an example project with a ton of
class libraries in it that almost exactly mirrored the
To date, I have been building one massive class
library - MyProject.DLL - and referencing it in my
project. This way, I only need one library and can
access all namespaces using it.
But, in the project I downloaded, there seems to
be a DLL for every namespace (and, in some cases,
subcategoreis within a namespaces. For example,
SomeProj.Web.Security has SomeProj.Web.Dll and
I understand that having multiple DLLs can make
it easier to focus on particular areas of the project
(and, probably, updating the DLL withing the site
easier) but is there a best practice here?
Thanks in advance...
OK, this pretty much answers my question: