Avoiding spaghetti code (gamestatemanager) - oop

I am writing a StateManager for a game (I'm using C++ and SFML, but I tried to hide language specific elements because this is a question about any OOP language).
I have a setup in which a StateManager updates the current active state. However, a State must be able to change the active state (e.g. pressing "Play" in a menu starts a PlayingState), so I keep a reference to the StateManager in my State class.
Here's an UML diagram to make things more clear.
As you see, StateManager and State both reference eachother.
How can I avoid spaghetticode? Should I make the StateManager a singleton class? While we're at it, should the game class be a singleton class? I could easily do this, but I don't really like other classes in my game being able to access the game class or statemanager class, even if I am the only programmer.

You need to design in contracts also known as interfaces. For example, a state (in principle) does not need access to the state machine. The implementation of a state may need access though. Example in C#:
public interface IState
void Render();
void Update();
public interface IStateMachine
void ChangeState(IState newState);
public class MenuState : IState
private IStateMachine _stateMachine;
public MenuState(IStateMachine stateMachine)
_stateMachine = stateMachine;
public void Render()
public void Update()
public class StateMachineImplementation : IStateMachine
public void ChangeState(IState newState)
Notice Any implementation of IState is unaware of any IStateMachine implementation, they just work on contracts. Also notice that MenuState is not concerned about where 'IStateMachine' comes from (Inversion of Control), it just uses it.
You could add in another function into IStateMachine for GetStates() if you needed to.
Ultimately, you use these contracts to avoid coupling; which means you can completely replace the implementation of IStateManager and (assuming that adheres to the contract), MenuState will still work fine.

There's nothing wrong with bidirectional references. Look at Qt's parent/child model for QWidgets. If each State can only affect one StateManager, make each State take a pointer to a StateManager "parent" in its construction, or set it later. A StateManager can keep track of its "children" in a collection, and each child knows who its parent is, so it can inform that parent of any changes.
I think the first thing to look at would be to break your State class up. Currently it represents both a state and an action to change into that state. Actions should have knowledge of a StateMachine, to tell it to change states. States should be internal to the StateMachine.


Where should I place variables or methods needed by several (but not all) child classes?

From the perspective of object-oriented best practices, where should I place a variable or method needed in some children of a parent class, but not others?
Classes Button, Knob, Lever, and Switch inherit from parent class Device.
Button, Lever, and Switch need a boolean isOn, but Knob does not. Where would you define isOn?
Lever and Switch need a method Throw() that toggles isOn; Button uses isOn but does not use Throw() to handle it. Does this affect your placement of isOn, and where would you define the Throw() method?
The above is purely an example; let's assume that there are distinct properties of each child class that distinguish it and that there are commonalities that make it reasonable to use the inheritence model discussed.
When only a sub-set of sub-classes share functionality, this can be expressed with an interface that contains the methods in question, which is only implemented by the sub-classes that need them.
public interface OnOffable {
boolean isOn();
void toggleOnOff();
void turnOn(boolean is_on);
void turnOn();
void turnOff();
class Switch extends Device implements OnOffable...
If one or more of the functions is moderately complicated, you can create a static utility function that helps prevent redundant code. In this example, however, the "complicated-ness" is the need to keep the on-off state.
In this situation, you can create an OnOffableComposer which (my preference) does not implement OnOffable.
And actually, since this particular interface can be completely implemented (meaning it needs no protected or abstract function), it can actually be a "simple" implementation of it:
public class SimpleOnOffable implements OnOffable {
private boolean isOn;
public class OnOffableComposer(boolean is_on) {
public boolean isOn() {
return isOn;
public void turnOn(boolean is_on) {
isOn = is_on;
public void toggleOnOff() {
public void turnOn() {
public void turnOff() {
Here's how it's used:
public class Switch extends Device implements OnOffable {
private final SimpleOnOffable smplOnOff;
public Switch(boolean is_on) {
smplOnOff = new SimpleOnOffable(is_on);
public boolean isOn() {
return smplOnOff.isOn();
public void turnOn(boolean is_on) {
public void toggleOnOff() {
public void turnOn() {
public void turnOff() {
Although the composer is "simple", this all demonstrates the concept of choosing composition over inheritance. It allows for much more complicated designs than single inheritance allows.
It sounds like the wrong abstraction all around. At the very least, Knob doesn't belong with the others. I might inject a class between Device and the three closely-related devices. Perhaps something like BinaryDevice:
abstract class Device {}
abstract class BinaryDevice : Device {
abstract void Activate();
abstract void Deactivate();
class Switch : BinaryDevice {
void Activate() { // activate the switch }
void Deactivate() { // deactivate the switch }
// same for Lever, which honestly is really just a Switch with a different styling and may not even need to be a separate object
class Button : BinaryDevice {
void Activate() { // activate the button, then immediately call Deactivate() }
void Deactivate() { // deactivate the button }
Knob can also inherit from Device, but at this point there is no common functionality for a Device so it's not clear why that universal common base class is even necessary. As further functionality is added to the various devices there may indeed be common functionality to push up to the base class. Indeed, there are well established refactoring patterns for dealing with generalization like this.
With the classes above, I imagine there would be error handling for trying to invoke an action in an incorrect state. For example, it's difficult to imagine a scenario where a Button would need anybody to call Deactivate() on it, since it de-activates itself. (Though just as a real-life button can become stuck, so too can this one if the action it invokes hangs for some reason.) But in any event even the Activate() and Deactivate() on the other objects would still need to check state. You can't activate a switch that's already active, for example.
The point is, the clarity of an object model starts to make itself more apparent when terminology and real-world modeling is more carefully considered. A lot of times developers try to shoehorn terminology into a handful of common terms in order to maximize their use of things like inheritance, and unfortunately this often results in the wrong abstraction and a confused domain model.
Build your objects as they naturally exist, then look for patterns which can be abstracted into common functionality. Don't try to define the common functionality first and then force objects to fit that mold.
In general, I would say that if an element of a parent class is needed in some but not all of the children then an intermediate parent should be introduced.
When defining an inheritance hierarchy, it's a logical assumption that the children of a parent should share all properties of that common ancestor. This is akin to the way a biological taxonomy would work, and it helps to keep the code clean.
So let's have a look at the objects in your system (we'll use the "is a" relationship to help us figure out the inheritance hierarchy):
Button, Knob, Lever, and Switch
Each of these might indeed be called "Devices", but when we say "devices" most people will probably think of digital devices like phones or tablets. A better word for describing these objects might be "controls" because these objects help you to control things.
Are all objects Controls? Indeed they are, so every object will have Control as a parent in its inheritance hierarchy.
Do we need to further classify? Well your requirements are to have an on/off status, but it does not make sense for every control to have on/off status, but only some of them. So let's further divide these into Control and ToggleControl.
Is every Control a ToggleControl? No, so these are separate classes of objects.
Is every ToggleControl a Control? Yes, so ToggleControl can inherit from Control.
Are all objects properly classified and are all parent attributes shared by all children? Yes, so we're done building our inheritance hierarchy.
Our inheritance hierarchy thus looks like this:
Control (Code shared by all controls)
/ \
/ \
Knob ToggleControl (Code shared by all controls that can also be toggled - Adds isOn)
Button, Lever, Switch
Now, to the other part of your question:
Lever and Switch need a method Throw() that toggles isOn; Button uses isOn but does not use Throw() to handle it. Does this affect your placement of isOn, and where would you define the Throw() method?
Firstly, "throw" is a reserved word (at least in Java), so using method names that are similar to reserved words might cause confusion. The method might be better named "toggle()".
Button should (in fact it must) use toggle() to toggle it's isOn since it is a togglable control.

IntelliJ Idea's Law of Demeter inspection. False positive or not?

Suppose the next class
interface Thing {
void doSomething();
public class Test {
public void doWork() {
//Do smart things here
// calls to doSomethingToThing might happen in various places across the class.
private Thing getThing(int index) {
//find the correct thing
return new ThingImpl();
private void doSomethingToThing(int index) {
Intelli-J is telling me that I'm breaking the law of demeter since DoSomethingToThing is using the result of a function and supposedly you can only invoke methods of fields, parameters or the object itself.
Do I really have to do something like this:
public class Test {
//Previous methods
private void doSomething(Thing thing) {
private void doSomethingToThing(int index) {
I find that cumbersome. I think the law of demeter is so that one class doesn't know the interior of ANOTHER class, but getThing() is of the same class!
Is this really breaking the law of demeter? is this really improving design?
Thank you.
Technically, this is breaking the Demeter's laws. Though I would contest that private functions should be considered for LoD-F, as supposedly they are not accessible from outside. At the same time, it's not really breaking Demeter's laws, if 'thing' is owned by Test. But in Java, the only way to get to thing may be through a getter, which takes this back to that technicality (no clear separation between getter and action methods).
I would say, do this:
public class Test {
private Thing getThing(int index) {
//find the thing
return thing;
private void DoSomethingToThing(Thing thing) {
private void DoSomethingToThing(int index) {
Or, probably better, have the caller use thing directly. Which is possible if Test's function is to produce or expose things, rather than being the intermediary to manipulate thing.
IntelliJ is not detecting object instantiation correctly.
Wikipedia (what IDEA links to) describes that you can call objects created in the current context.
That's what I do, but still I get the warning on getMajor():
Version version = Loader.readVersion(inputStream); // Instantiates a new Version
if (version.getMajor() != 2)
throw new IOException("Only major version 2 is supported");
IDEA's inspection offers an option to ignore calls to 'library' methods. In my case, Loader.readVersion() is a library method, however it's located inside the current project (the project must be self-supporting). IDEA thinks it's not a library method.
Since the mechanism of this inspection is inadequate/incomplete/naive (like with MANY of IDEA's inspections btw), the only solution is disabling it and attempt to avoid these situations manually.

OO Design Principle - Open Closed Principle

I have a Layout Manager Class and this class designed for setting datagrid layout.
class LayoutManager
private object _target;
public LayoutManager(object aDataGrid)
_target = aDataGrid;
public void SaveLayout(string strProfileID)
public void LoadLayout(string strProfileID)
//in future I might add below function
public void ResetLayout()//OtherFunction0
public void OtherFunction1()
public void OtherFunction2()
According to OCP "a Class should be open for extension, but closed for modification". If I add the new function in LayoutManager Class, is this action violate the OCP? If yes, what is the proper way to design the class?
I don't think that adding methods to a class in general violates the OCP prinicple,
as this in fact extends the class's behviour.
The problem is if you change existing behaviours.
So that if the code on your added methods might change the behaviour of the existing methods
(because it changes the object's state) that would be a violation.
The correct way to follow the SOLID principals, is to make an interface:
ILayoutManager with the interfaces you want , with documented behaviours.
The class LayoutManager would implement this interface.
Other new methods might be added in a new interface, say ILayoutFoo or added to the existing interface, as long as they won't break the contract of the documented behaviour in the existing methods.
It's not possible to directly answer this without some concrete code.
Generally speaking though, the upshot of the OCP is that when classes derive from your base class and then override methods, the internal invariants shouldn't break because that's modification. There shouldn't be any way for the derived class to change those parts of the class' behaviour. The derived classes can change behaviour or add new functionality by using the parts exposed by the base class.
Whenever we speak about Open-Closed Principle, one important issue comes into play, which is called Strategic Closure.
It should be clear that no significant program can be 100% closed. In general, no matter how “closed” a module is, there will always be some kind of change against which it is not closed. Since closure cannot be complete, it must be strategic. That is, the designer must choose the kinds of changes against which to close his design. This takes a certain amount of prescience derived from experience. The experienced designer knows the users and the industry well enough to judge the probability of different kinds of changes. He then makes sure that the open-closed principle is invoked for the most probable changes.
For example in famous sample of Shape class you just grantee that your program (in side of Client and Shape)just is closed for modification about adding new shape.
public class Shape {
public draw() {
public class Circle extends Shape {
public void draw() {
// implementation special to Circle
public class Client {
public drawMyShape(Shape shape) {
According to this Strategy, when you are designing your program, you should make a decision about the sections that you want to be closed to changes. Therefore, in your example, when you were designing your program, if you decided that your entity (in this case it is GraphCalculator class) should be closed for modification and open to extension regarding to adding new functionality, adding new function in this example violates Open-Closed Principle, due to the fact that it changes implementation in side of client and GraphCalculator class. And solution can be using abstraction, which is mentioned in previous answers.

Multiple Inheritance: What's a good example?

I'm trying to find a good example for the use of multiple inheritance what cannot be done with normal interfaces.
I think it's pretty hard to find such an example which cannot be modeled in another way.
Edit: I mean, can someone name me a good real-world example of when you NEED to use multiple inheritance to implement this example as clean as possible. And it should not make use of multiple interfaces, just the way you can inherit multiple classes in C++.
The following is a classic:
class Animal {
virtual void eat();
class Mammal : public Animal {
virtual void breathe();
class WingedAnimal : public Animal {
virtual void flap();
// A bat is a winged mammal
class Bat : public Mammal, public WingedAnimal {
Source: wiki.
One example where multiple class inheritance makes sense is the Observer pattern. This pattern describes two actors, the observer and the observable, and the former wants to be notified when the latter changes its object state.
A simplified version for notifying clients can look like this in C#:
public abstract class Observable
private readonly List<IObserver> _observers = new List<IObserver>();
// Objects that want to be notified when something changes in
// the observable can call this method
public void Subscribe(IObserver observer)
// Subclasses can call this method when something changes
// to notify all observers
protected void Notify()
foreach (var observer in _observers)
This basically is the core logic you need to notify all the registered observers. You could make any class observable by deriving from this class, but as C# does only support single class inheritance, you are limited to not derive from another class. Something like this wouldn't work:
public class ImportantBaseClass { /* Members */ }
public class MyObservableSubclass : ImportantBaseClass, Observable { /* Members */ }
In these cases you often have to replicate the code that makes subclasses observable in all of them, basically violating the Don't Repeat Yourself and the Single Point of Truth principles (if you did MVVM in C#, think about it: how often did you implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface?). A solution with multiple class inheritance would be much cleaner in my opinion. In C++, the above example would compile just fine.
Uncle Bob wrote an interesting article about this, that is where I got the example from. But this problem often applies to all interfaces that are *able (e.g. comparable, equatable, enumerable, etc.): a multiple class inheritance version is often cleaner in these cases, as stated by Bertrand Meyer in his book "Object-Oriented Software Construction".

How do you implement type-specific functionality when using polymorphism does NOT make sense?

A common red flag that an OOP language is not being leveraged properly looks like this:
if (typeof(x) == T1)
else if (typeof(x) == T2)
The standard "fix" for such design issues is to make T1 and T2 both share an interface, either through inheritance of a base type or implementation of a common interface (in languages that support it); for example, in C# a solution might be:
public interface IT
void DoSomething();
However, sometimes you want to implement functionality that differs based on the type of an object but that functionality does not belong within that object's type; thus polymorphism seems the wrong way to go.
For example, consider the case of a UI that provides a view of a given clump of data. Supposing this view is capable of rendering various layouts and controls depending on the type of data being presented, how would you implement this type-specific rendering without a bunch of if/else statements?
For reasons that I hope are obvious, putting the rendering logic in the type itself strikes me as a very bad decision in this case. On the other hand, without coupling the type of data object to its visual presentation I have a hard time seeing how the if/else scenario is avoided.
Here's a concrete example: I work on a trading application which utilizes many different pricing models for various market products. These different models are represented by types inheriting from a common PricingModel base; and each type is associated with a completely different set of parameters. When the user wants to view the parameters for a particular pricing model (for a particular product), currently these are displayed by a form which detects the type of the model and displays an appropriate set of controls. My question is how this could be implemented more elegantly than it is currently (with a big if/else block).
I realize this probably seems like a very basic question; it's just one of those gaps in my knowledge (of solid OOP principles? design patterns? common sense?) that I figured it's about time to fix.
We are injecting (Spring.Net) such functionality into dictionaries by type.
IDictionary<Type, IBlahImplementor> blahImplementors;
This dictionary could be managed by a kind of repository which provides the functionality.
As an implementation detail, the implementor usually knows the type it depends on an can provide it itself:
interface IBlahImplementor
Type ForType { get; }
void Do(object thingy);
Then it is added to the dictionary like this:
IEnumerably<IBlahImplementor> blahImplementors;
foreach (var implementor in blahImplementors)
blahImplementors.Add(implementor.ForType, implementor);
Remark: IMHO, it is very important to understand that some things do NOT belong into a class, even if providing subtype-specific implementations would make life much easier.
Edit: Finally understood your concrete example.
It is actually about instancing the right UI control to show the pricing models parameters. It should be possible with the pattern I described above. If you don't have a single UI control for a pricing model, you either create it or you write a UI configurer or something like this which sets up the required controls.
interface IPricingModelUiConfigurer
Type PricingModelType { get; }
void SetupUi(Control parent, IPricingModel model);
you can use common interface approach as you describe and Command pattern to trigger methods with "functionality does not belong within that object's type". I think this won't break solid OOP principles.
What you described is pretty much exactly the use case for the Visitor Pattern.
EDIT: For your concrete example, you could apply the visitor pattern like this:
// interface used to add external functionality to pricing models
public interface PricingModelVisitor {
void visitPricingModel1(PricingModel1 m);
void visitPricingModel2(PricingModel2 m);
// your existing base-class, with added abstract accept() method to accept a visitor
public abstract class PricingModelBase {
public abstract void accept(PricingModelVisitor v);
// concrete implementations of the PricingModelBase implement accept() by calling the
// appropriate method on the visitor, passing themselves as the argument
public class PricingModel1 : PricingModelBase {
public void accept(PricingModelVisitor v) { v.visitPricingModel1(this); }
public class PricingModel2 : PricingModel {
public void accept(PricingModelVisitor v) { v.visitPricingModel2(this); }
// concrete implementation of the visitor interface, in this case with the new
// functionality of adding the appropriate controls to a parent control
public class ParameterGuiVisitor : PricingModelVisitor {
private Control _parent;
public ParameterGuiVisitor(Control parent) { _parent = parent; }
visitPricingModel1(PricingModel1 m) {
// add controls to _parent for PricingModel1
visitPricingModel2(PricingModel2 m) {
// add controls to _parent for PricingModel1
now, instead of using a big if-else block when you need to display the edit-controls for the parameters of a specific subtype of PricingModelVisitor, you can simply call
somePricingModel.accept(new ParameterGuiVisitor(parentControl))
and it will populate the appropriate GUI for you.