Is it OK to flush the EntityManager from within a domain Service? - orm

I have a domain service called OrderService, with a saveOrder() method:
class OrderService
// ...
public function saveOrder(Order $order)
// $this->entityManager->flush();
saveOrder() adds the order to the repository (which internally calls persist() on the EntityManager), then passes the Order to the NotificationService to send appropriate notifications (email, SMS).
The problem is, while NotificationService needs the order ID to include in the notifications, the Order has no ID yet as it's not been persisted to the DB (the ID is auto generated).
The obvious solution seems to pass the EntityManager as a dependency to the OrderService, and flush() right after the repository add() method, as in the example above. But I've always been reluctant to make the domain Services aware of the EntityManager, preferring to let them talk only to repositories, or other services.
What are the drawbacks, if any, of a domain Service having a dependency on the EntityManager?
Is there a better alternative?
Note: I'm using PHP and the Doctrine ORM, but I believe the same principles apply to Java & Hibernate as well.

You may want to consider one of these options (or both)
Make this service an Application layer service instead of a Domain service. It's perfectly OK to call your change tracker in an Application service since it is supposed to know about the application context and progress in the current use case. Typical application services will commit the business transaction/ask the change tracker to save changes when they're done, so why not call it to generate Id's as well ?
If you're concerned about the database being involved in the middle of a use case, maybe you can find an equivalent to NHibernate's Guid.Comb strategy to make your ORM generate an Id without issuing an INSERT to the database right away.
Use a Domain event. Upon creation, an Order could inform the world that it has been newed up. The notification service would handle the event and send appropriate notifications. You'll find an example of that here (it also includes an Application layer service to take care of the business transaction).


ServiceStack and NHibernate Unit Of Work Pattern

Long story as brief as possible...
I have an existing application that I'm trying to get ServiceStack into to create our new API. This app is currently an MVC3 app and uses the UnitOfWork pattern using Attribute Injection on MVC routes to create/finalize a transaction where the attribute is applied.
Trying to accomplish something similar using ServiceStack
This gist
shows the relevant ServiceStack configuration settings. What I am curious about is the global request/response filters -- these will create a new unit of work for each request and close it before sending the response to the client (there is a check in there so if an error occurs writing to the db, we return an appropriate response to the client, and not a false "success" message)
My questions are:
Is this a good idea or not, or is there a better way to do
this with ServiceStack.
In the MVC site we only create a new unit
of work on an action that will add/update/delete data - should we do
something similar here or is it fine to create a transaction only to retrieve data?
As mentioned in ServiceStack's IOC wiki the Funq IOC registers dependencies as a singleton by default. So to register it with RequestScope you need to specify it as done here:
container.RegisterAutoWiredAs<NHibernateUnitOfWork, IUnitOfWork()
Although this is not likely what you want as it registers as a singleton, i.e. the same instance returned for every request:
container.Register<ISession>((c) => {
var uow = (INHibernateUnitOfWork) c.Resolve<IUnitOfWork>();
return uow.Session;
You probably want to make this:
.ReusedWithin(ReuseScope.Request); //per request
.ReusedWithin(ReuseScope.None); //Executed each time its injected
Using a RequestScope also works for Global Request/Response filters which will get the same instance as used in the Service.
1) Whether you are using ServiceStack, MVC, WCF, Nancy, or any other web framework, the most common method to use is the session-per-request pattern. In web terms, this means creating a new unit of work in the beginning of the request and disposing of the unit of work at the end of the request. Almost all web frameworks have hooks for these events.
2) You should always interact with NHibernate within a transaction.
Please see any of the following for an explanation of why:
Note that when switching to using transactions with reads, be sure to make yourself aware of NULL behavior:

Entity Framework 4.1: how to work with per call life time data context?

According to this post, I am using a data context per call, so in each method of my WCF service, I use a using block to create a new data context.
But I have some doubts in the form to work in this way.
For example, I use a method getAllCLients() from my repository to get all the clients of the data base, then the service send to the client that call the method a list with all the clients. Then the user modify the information of some of them, three for example. The modify client perhaps I can add to a list that have the modified clients.
When I want to update this three clients, I can call a method updateClients() which receive a list of modified clients. How I am use a new data context per each method, in updateCients() get a new dataContext, without entities, so I think that I have to follow this steps:
1.- create a new data context which has the clients that I want to update. SO I need to specified the conditions for that. This is an extra operation (I get the clients before with the getAllClients() method), so I need to get again the clients.
2.- go throw the clients collection of the DBSet (I use EF 4.1) and change the information. This makes me to go throw the list that I receive from the client application too. So I must to go throw two lists. This needs resources.
3.- save the changes. This is needed anyway, so it has no required more work.
There is any way to make the step 2 easily? exist some method in dataContext to pass the values from my modified client to the client in the data context? I use POCO entities, perhaps it exists an easy way to do that.
Other question is about concurrency. If I control the concurrency with pesimistic concurrency that allow EF (with a timestamp field for example), is it better to call the updateClient() one for each client or better to pass a list with all the clients? I mean that if I use a list as parameter, if there is a concurrency issue with one client,the second for example, the first client will be update correctly, but the second not and the third neither. How can I notify to the user that there is problems with some clients?
To resume, I would like to know the best way to make updates when I have a short life datacontext.
The service is disconnected scenario so when your client passes backs modified records you just need to process them as modified. You don't need to load all records from database for that.
public void SaveClients(List<Client> modifiedClients)
using (var context = new Context())
modifiedClients.ForEach(c =>
context.Entry(c).State = EntityState.Modified;
If you are using per call service and every service operation needs context you can move your context instancing to service constructor because service instance will live only to server single service call = you don't need using for every call. If you do that don't forget to implement IDisposable on your service to dispose context.
Other question is about concurrency. If I control the concurrency with
pesimistic concurrency that allow EF (with a timestamp field for
example), is it better to call the updateClient() one for each client
or better to pass a list with all the clients?
EF doesn't support pesimistic concurrency out of the box. Using timestamp is optimistic concurrency because it allows others to use the record. Pesimistic concurrency is application logic where other client is not able to select locked record for update.
The concurrency is resolved per record but the problem in this case is transaction. Each call to SaveChanges results in transaction used to process all changes in the database. So if any of your modified records is not up to date you will get concurrency exception and whole transaction is rolled back = no record is updated.
You can still overcome the issue by passing list of modified records to the service (reducing roundtrips between client and service is a best practice) but you can process each record separately by calling SaveChanges for every single record. Anyway this should be very carefully considered because each call to SaveChanges is like separate unit of work - is it really what you want?
Btw. the best practice is to make your service statless. You should avoid maintaining data between service calls and this example really doesn't need it.

WCF service calls includes same information in every call

I have a web service that will be consumed by some application (web site currently).
The calls are almost all specific to a certain client but still the same. So one call might be getAllFoo() but I would need some parameter to say from which client the Foo is.
It would become bothersome quickly if I just add a standard parameter to all calls so I was hoping to do it a little bit DRY and automatic. Something that would be included in all service calls.
Is IDispatchMessageInspector the right thing for me here? What kind of info could that include and can I access that info inside the methods?
Should I create some sort of attribute perhaps for the calls?
If anyone could point me towards a solution for this it would be great.
Another solution I'm thinking off.
Where the service call to a specific client happens on the consumer side, it will be known at instanceCreation so I could instance the ServiceClient with a known client.
Could I use this solution for the ClientBase<> extender somehow.
Let's say I'm serving Domain1 (let's call the client Domain to not confuse it with a serviceclient/consumer) I create a InformationProvider consumer side that has a ClientBase<IInformationService> field. I ensure that the DomainName (domain1) is set at construction so I could parhaps do the same thing when instancing the ClientBase<IInformationService> so It somehow let's the service know what domain I'm calling for.
I'm just still learning about WCF so I'm not sure how one would do this.
I can understand that you want to keep you solution simple and tidy, but ultimately - as you say yourself -
... I would need some parameter to say from which client...
The obvious and simplest solution is to include a client parameter on all your service calls where it is required. Surely there'll be service calls that don't require the client parameter, and in those cases you don't need to include the parameter.
You may be able to do something clever where a client identifier is passed discreetly under the covers, but beware of doing unnecessarily clever things. I would pass the client as a simple parameter because it is being used as a parameter. Two reasons come to mind:
if someone maintains your code they quickly understand what's going on.
if someone needs to use the service it is obvious how to use it.
A possible pattern:
Make sure you service instantiates per session. This means you'll have to use wsHttpBinding, netTcpBinding, or a custom binding as http does not support sessions.
Always call an initialization operation when each session is instantiated that sets the client id for that service.
Put this initialization operation inside a constructor for a proxy.
The steps involved would be something like this:
public class MyService : IMyService
private int clientId;
public void StartUp(int clientId)
this.clientId = clientId;
and then client side, assuming you use the generated proxy, wrap the client inside another proxy.
public class ExtendedClient : MyServiceClient
public ExtendedClient(int clientid) : base()
Now you should instantiate the ExtendedClient, it will create the channel and prime the service by delivering the client id.
I would personally prefer to simply send the client id for each service call, but if you are able to use a session-able binding then this should work.
Just some information on WCF for you. If you have a stateless service, then you'll need to include the client as a parameter in every service call. This does not mean you need to include the client everywhere throughout your code - you could, for example, retrieve it inside the ClientBase constructor. But you will need to add it to every OperationContract and all the service implementations.
The alternative is to have a stateful service - the instance that you first use will remain for you to reuse (except for timeouts / exceptions). In this case you can potentially send the client just once, and then the service will know about the client for subsequent calls. This is the pattern described above. It means that you cannot use http binding. I believe that by doing this you're only increasing the potential for problems in your application (stateful services, having to ensure the initialization operation completes, more service calls being made).

Need some advice for a web service API?

My company has a product that will I feel can benefit from a web service API. We are using MSMQ to route messages back and forth through the backend system. Currently we are building an ASP.Net application that communicates with a web service (WCF) that, in turn, talks to MSMQ for us. Later on down the road, we may have other client applications (not necessarily written in .Net). The message going into MSMQ is an object that has a property made up of an array of strings. There is also a property that contains the command (a string) that will be routed through the system. Personally, I am not a huge fan of this, but I was told it is for scalability and every system can use strings.
My thought, regarding the web services was to model some objects based on our data that can be passed into and out of the web services so they are easily consumed by the client. Initially, I was passing the message object, mentioned above, with the array of strings in it. I was finding that I was creating objects on the client to represent that data, making the client responsible for creating those objects. I feel the web service layer should really be handling this. That is how I have always worked with services. I did this so it was easier for me to move data around the client.
It was recommended to our group we should maintain the “single entry point” into the system by offering an object that contains commands and have one web service to take care of everything. So, the web service would have one method in it, Let’s call it MakeRequest and it would return an object (either serialized XML or JSON). The suggestion was to have a base object that may contain some sort of list of commands that other objects can inherit from. Any other object may have its own command structure, but still inherit base commands. What is passed back from the service is not clear right now, but it could be that “message object” with an object attached to it representing the data. I don’t know.
My recommendation was to model our objects after our actual data and create services for the types of data we are working with. We would create a base service interface that would house any common methods used for all services. So for example, GetById, GetByName, GetAll, Save, etc. Anything specific to a given service would be implemented for that specific implementation. So a User service may have a method GetUserByUsernameAndPassword, but since it implements the base interface it would also contain the “base” methods. We would have several methods in a service that would return the type of object expected, based on the service being called. We could house everything in one service, but I still would like to get something back that is more usable. I feel this approach leaves the client out of making decisions about what commands to be passed. When I connect to a User service and call the method GetById(int id) I would expect to get back a User object.
I had the luxury of working with MS when I started developing WCF services. So, I have a good foundation and understanding of the technology, but I am not the one designing it this time.
So, I am not opposed to the “single entry point” idea, but any thoughts about why either approach is more scalable than the other would be appreciated. I have never worked with such a systematic approach to a service layer before. Maybe I need to get over that?
I think there are merits to both approaches.
Typically, if you are writing an API that is going to be consumed by a completely separate group of developers (perhaps in another company), then you want the API to be as self-explanative and discoverable as possible. Having specific web service methods that return specific objects is much easier to work with from the consumer's perspective.
However, many companies use web services as one of many layers to their applications. In this case, it may reduce maintenance to have a generic API. I've seen some clever mechanisms that require no changes whatsoever to the service in order to add another column to a table that is returned from the database.
My personal preference is for the specific API. I think that the specific methods are much easier to work with - and are largely self-documenting. The specific operation needs to be executed at some point, so why not expose it for what it is? You'd get laughed at if you wrote:
public void MyApiMethod(string operationToPerform, params object[] args)
case "InsertCustomer":
case "UpdateCustomer":
case "Juggle5BallsAtOnce":
So why do that with a Web Service? It'd be much better to have:
public void InsertCustomer(Customer customer)
public void UpdateCustomer(Customer customer)
public void Juggle5BallsAtOnce(bool useApplesAndEatThemConcurrently)

How to handle multiple storage backends transparently

I'm working with an application right now that uses a third-party API for handling some batch email-related tasks, and in order for that to work, we need to store some information in this service. Unfortunately, this information (first/last name, email address) is also something we want to use from our application. My normal inclination is to pick one canonical data source and stick with it, but round-tripping to a web service every time I want to look up these fields isn't really a viable option (we use some of them quite a bit), and the service's API requires the records to be stored there, so the duplication is sadly necessary.
But I have no interest in peppering every method throughout our business classes with code to synchronize data to the web service any time they might be updated, and I also don't think my entity should be aware of the service to update itself in a property setter (or whatever else is updating the "truth").
We use NHibernate for all of our DAL needs, and to my mind, this data replication is really a persistence issue - so I've whipped up a PoC implementation using an EventListener (both PostInsert and PostUpdate) that checks, if the entity is of type X, and any of fields [Y..Z] have been changed, update the web service with the new state.
I feel like this is striking a good balance between ensuring that our data is the canonical source and making sure that it gets replicated transparently and minimizing the chances for changes to fall through the cracks and get us into a mismatch situation (not the end of the world if eg. the service is unreachable, we just do a manual batch update later, but for everybody's sanity in the general case, the goal is that we never have to think about it), but my colleagues and I still have a degree of uncomfortableness with this way forward.
Is this a horrid idea that will invite raptors into my database at inopportune times? Is it a totally reasonable thing to do with an EventListener? Is it a serviceable solution to a less-than-ideal situation that we can just make do with and move on forever tainted? If we soldier on down this road, are there any gotchas I should be wary of in the Events pipeline?
In case of unreliable data stores (web service in your case), I would introduce a concept of transactions (operations) and store them in local database, then periodically pull them from DB and execute against the Web Service (other data store).
Something like this:
public class OperationContainer
public Operation Operation; //what ever operations you need CRUD, or some specific
public object Data; //your entity, business object or whatever
public class MyMailService
public SendMail (MailBusinessObject data)
OperationContainer operation = new OperationContainer(){Operation=insert, Data=data};
public class Updater
Timer EverySec;
public void OnEverySec()
var data = DataAcceessLair<OperationContainer>.GetFirstIn(); //FIFO
var webServiceData = WebServiceData.Converr(data); // do the logic to prepare data for WebService
new WebService().DoSomething(data);
This is actually pretty close to the concept of smart client - technically not logicaly. Take a look at book: .NET Domain-Driven Design with C#: Problem-Design-Solution, chapter 10. Or take a look at source code from the book, it's pretty close to your situation: