elliptical fixture in box2d and cocos2d - objective-c

I am trying to develop an iOS game in Cocos2d + Box2d. I want to use elliptical fixtures in Box2D. I tried using b2Capsule shape, but its not exactly what I want as the collision is not proper. Anyone has done this before?

For specific shapes in Box2D you will have to triangulate you original polygon (in your case an ellipse in which you keep a certain number of vertices).
For this, you can use the poly2tri excellent constrained Delaunay triangulation at http://code.google.com/p/poly2tri/
It is very simple. Here is the way I get my triangles :
- (NSArray*) triangulate:(NSArray*)verticesArray
NSMutableArray* outputTriangles = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
p2t::CDT* triangulationContainer;
vector<p2t::Triangle*> p2tTriangles;
vector< vector<p2t::Point*> > polylines;
vector<p2t::Point*> polyline;
for (hOzPoint2D *point in verticesArray) {
polyline.push_back(new p2t::Point([point x], [point y]));
triangulationContainer = new p2t::CDT(polyline);
p2tTriangles = triangulationContainer->GetTriangles();
for (int i = 0; i < p2tTriangles.size(); i++) {
p2t::Triangle& t = *p2tTriangles[i];
p2t::Point& a = *t.GetPoint(0);
p2t::Point& b = *t.GetPoint(1);
p2t::Point& c = *t.GetPoint(2);
[outputTriangles addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[hOzPoint2D point2DWithDoubleX:a.x doubleY:a.y],
[hOzPoint2D point2DWithDoubleX:b.x doubleY:b.y],
[hOzPoint2D point2DWithDoubleX:c.x doubleY:c.y], nil]];
delete triangulationContainer;
for(int i = 0; i < polylines.size(); i++) {
vector<p2t::Point*> poly = polylines[i];
return [outputTriangles copy];
hOzPoint2D here is my custom point class, but you can pass any couple of coordinates. You don't even have to output a NSArray : you can insert this method in your body creation one.
Be careful that poly2tri has some restrictions :
you can't have twice the same point in your polygon ;
the polygon must not be self-intersecting ;
Read the poly2tri page to know more.
The resulting array contains triangles that you attach as fixtures to the same body.

I have used approximation as well. This has some performance drawbacks, but nothing major I guess. Code (Flash ActionScript 3, but you should be able to port that easily):
var vertices:Vector.<b2Vec2> = new Vector.<b2Vec2>();
var a:Number = _image.width / 2 / PhysicsVals.RATIO;
var b:Number = _image.height / 2 / PhysicsVals.RATIO;
var segments:int = ellipse_approximation_vertices_count; (the more the more precise shape is, but the more time it takes to do collision detection)
var segment:Number = 2 * Math.PI / segments;
for (var i:int = 0; i < segments; i++)
vertices.push(new b2Vec2(a * Math.cos(segment * i), b * Math.sin(segment * i)));
var shape:b2PolygonShape = new b2PolygonShape();
shape.SetAsVector(vertices, vertices.length);
var fixtureDef:b2FixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();
fixtureDef.shape = shape;


Best way to do object collision?

I'm trying to do wall collision for objects and I've followed a tutorial that offers one method of doing collision.
This is the tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZU1QJJdxgs
Currently, if the object detects a wall, instead of moving it's full distance, it moves pixel by pixel until it's against the wall. This worked well until I started trying to rotate the object with image_rotate, because it caused objects to get stuck in walls by either sliding against them or if they rotated into them.
I fixed this by using draw_sprite_ext instead and changing the rotation of the sprite itself and not the mask, which worked for about 20 minutes until it started causing more problems.
///obj_player Step
//Initialise Variables
hor_speed = 0;
ver_speed = 0;
accelerationspeed = 0.2;
decelerationspeed = 0.2;
maxspeed = 3;
pointdirection = 0;
//Get player's input
key_right = keyboard_check(ord("D"))
key_left = -keyboard_check(ord("A"))
key_up = -keyboard_check(ord("W"))
key_down = keyboard_check(ord("S"))
pointdirection = point_direction(x,y,mouse_x,mouse_y) + 270
hor_movement = key_left + key_right;
ver_movement = key_up + key_down;
//horizontal acceleration
if !(abs(hor_speed) >= maxspeed) {
hor_speed += hor_movement * accelerationspeed;
//horizontal deceleration
if (hor_movement = 0) {
if !(hor_speed = 0) {
hor_speed -= (sign(hor_speed) * decelerationspeed)
//vertical acceleration
if !(abs(ver_speed) >= maxspeed) {
ver_speed += ver_movement * accelerationspeed;
//vertical deceleration
if (ver_movement = 0) {
if !(ver_speed = 0) {
ver_speed -= (sign(ver_speed) * decelerationspeed)
//horizontal collision
if (place_meeting(x+hor_speed,y,obj_wall)) {
while(!place_meeting(x+sign(hor_speed),y,obj_wall)) {
x += sign(hor_speed);
hor_speed = 0;
//vertical collision
if (place_meeting(x,y+ver_speed,obj_wall)) {
while(!place_meeting(x,y+sign(ver_speed),obj_wall)) {
y += sign(ver_speed);
ver_speed = 0;
//move the player
x += hor_speed;
y += ver_speed;
///obj_player Draw
//rotate to look at cursor
draw_sprite_ext(spr_player, 0, x,y,image_xscale,image_yscale, pointdirection, image_blend, image_alpha);
I think the best way to rotate objects is through image_rotate, and I'd like to do it without getting stuff stuck in walls. Can my current method of collision be adapted to do this, or should I attempt to do it in a different way?
Your code looks fine, but if you're going to be rotating objects then you would also need to consider having a "knock back mechanic." Reason being is the player could be sitting next to this wall and if you rotate the object over them so they cant move, its not a fun time being stuck.
So you 'could' have the object that's rotating do a check before rotating and if objects are in the way then either stop it or push them back so they cant be within range.

Bidirectional path tracing

I'm making a bidirectional path tracer and I have some troubles.
To be clear :
1) One point light
2) All objects are diffuse
3) All objects are spheres, even walls (they are very large)
The light emission is a 3D vector. The BRDF of a sphere is a 3D vector. Hard coded.
In the main function below I generate EyePath and LightPath then I connect them. At least I try.
In this post I will talking about the main function then EyePath then LightPath. The talking about connecting function will appear once EyePath and Light are good.
First questions :
Does the generation of the first light point is good ?
Do I need to compute this point according to the emission of the light source? or is it just the emission ? The line is commented where i'm filling the Vertices structure.
Do I need to translate fromlight ? In order to put it on the sphere
The code below is sampled in the main function. Above it there is two for loops going through all pixels. Camera.o is the eye. CameraRayDir is the direction to the current pixel.
//The path light starting point is at the same position as the light
Ray fromLight(Vec(0, 24.3, 0), Vec());
Sphere light = spheres[7];
#define PDF 0.15915494309 // 1 / (2 * PI)
for(int i = 0; i < samps; ++i)
std::vector<Vertices> PathEye;
std::vector<Vertices> PathLight;
Vec cameraRayDir = cx * (double(x) / w - .5) + cy * (double(y) / h - .5) + camera.d;
Ray rayEye(camera.o, cameraRayDir.norm());
// Hemisphere oriented towards the top
fromLight.d = generateRayInHemisphere(fromLight.o,Vec(0,1,0)).d;
double f = clamp(n.dot(fromLight.d.norm()));
Vertices vert;
vert.d = fromLight.d;
vert.x = fromLight.o;
vert.id = 7;
vert.cos = f;
vert.n = Vec(0,1,0).norm();
// this one ?
//vert.couleur = spheres[7].e * f / PDF;
// Or this one ?
vert.couleur = spheres[7].e;
int sizeEye = generateEyePath(PathEye, rayEye, maxDepth);
int sizeLight = generateLightPath(PathLight, fromLight, maxDepth);
for (int s = 0; s < sizeLight; ++s)
for (int t = 1; t < sizeEye; ++t)
int depth = t + s - 1;
if ((s == 0 && t == 0) || depth < 0 || depth > maxDepth)
pixelValue = pixelValue + connectPaths(PathEye, PathLight, s, t);
For the EyePath I intersect the geometry then I compute the illumination according to the distance with the light. The colour is black if the point is in the shadow.
Second question : For the eye path and the direct illumination, is the computation good ? I've seen in many code, people use the pdf even in direct illumination. But I'm only using point light and spheres.
int generateEyePath(std::vector<Vertices>& v, Ray eye, int maxDepth)
double t;
int id = 0;
Vertices vert;
int RussianRoulette;
while(v.size() <= maxDepth)
if(distribRREye(generatorRREye) < 10)
// Intersect all the geometry
// id is the id of the intersected geometry in an array
intersect(eye, t, id);
const Sphere& obj = spheres[id];
// Intersection point
Vec x = eye.o + eye.d * t;
// normal
Vec n = (x - obj.p).norm();
Vec direction = light.p - x;
// Shadow ray
Ray RaytoLight = Ray(x, direction.norm());
const float distance = direction.length();
// shadow
const bool visibility = intersect(RaytoLight, t, id);
const Sphere &lumiere = spheres[id];
float degree = clamp(n.dot((lumiere.p - x).norm()));
// If the intersected geometry is not a light, then in shadow
if(lumiere.e.x == 0)
vert.couleur = Vec();
else // else we compute the colour
// obj.c is the brdf, lumiere.e is the emission
vert.couleur = (obj.c).mult(lumiere.e / (distance * distance)) * degree;
vert.x = x;
vert.id = id;
vert.n = n;
vert.d = eye.d.normn();
vert.cos = degree;
eye = generateRayInHemisphere(x,n);
return v.size();
For the LightPath, for a given point, I compute it according to the previous one and the values at this point. Like in a common path tracing.\n
Third question: Is the colour computation good ?
int generateLightPath(std::vector<Vertices>& v, Ray fromLight, int maxDepth)
double t;
int id = 0;
Vertices vert;
Vec previous;
while(v.size() <= maxDepth)
if(distribRRLight(generatorRRLight) < 10)
previous = v.back().couleur;
intersect(fromLight, t, id);
// intersected geometry
const Sphere& obj = spheres[id];
// Intersection point
Vec x = fromLight.o + fromLight.d * t;
// normal
Vec n = (x - obj.p).norm();
double f = clamp(n.dot(fromLight.d.norm()));
// obj.c is the brdf
vert.couleur = previous.mult(((obj.c / M_PI) * f) / PDF);
vert.x = x;
vert.id = id;
vert.n = n;
vert.d = fromLight.d.norm();
vert.cos = f;
fromLight = generateRayInHemisphere(x,n);
return v.size();
For the moment I get this result.
enter image description here
The connecting function will come once EyePath and LightPath are good.
Thank you all
Try the spherical reference scene mentioned in this paper. I think then you can work out most of your questions by yourself since it has an analytical solution.
It would save your time to implement and verify your understanding with path tracing and light tracing first, then try to combine them with weights.

Pick a next item from NSArray and then start over

I need to toggle three different font sizes in the view controller for terms and conditions screen in an endless loop (13 , 15, 17..13, 15, 17..etc..). The screen is pretty simple, just text on full screen and a button in the navigation bar that when pressed, triggers and event handled in action.
The three fonts are represented by three NSString constants.
if (self.currentFontIdentifier == regularFontIdentifier)
self.currentFontIdentifier = largeFontIdentifier;
else if (self.currentFontIdentifier == largeFontIdentifier)
self.currentFontIdentifier = smallFontIdentifier;
self.currentFontIdentifier = regularFontIdentifier;
self.termsAndConditionsTextView.font = [[BrandingManager sharedManager] fontWithIdentifier:self.currentFontIdentifier];
This code works (for now :)), but it's a nice Mediterranean IF yacht.I am wondering if there is some more mature approach. I already see the stakeholders changing their mind and adding a 4th font size. I want it to be manageable better, so basically once they add a new size I would only add it into some Array and that would be it.
Any ideas for a more mature algorithm?
Declare an instance variable for the current selected index and an array for the three fonts (small, regular and large) and try this:
-(IBAction)toggleFontSize:(id)sender {
_currentSelectedIndex = (_currentSelectedIndex + 1) % 3;
self.currentFontIdentifier = _fontIdentifiers[_currentSelectedIndex];
self.termsAndConditionsTextView.font = [[BrandingManager sharedManager] fontWithIdentifier:self.currentFontIdentifier];
You may not need currentFontIdentifier property since it can be obtained with _fontIdentifiers[_currentSelectedIndex]
You could use the methods 'indexOfObject and 'lastObject' of the NSArray class, something like:
Using an array of sizes:
NSArray *fontList = #[#"12","14","18"];
Then you could iterate through it using the indexOfObject
NSUInteger ix = [fontList indexOfObject:self.currentFontIdentifier] + 1;
if ([[fontList lastObject] isEqual:self.currentFontIdentifier])
self.currentFontIdentifier = [fontList objectAtIndex:ix];
NSUInteger ix = [fontList indexOfObject:self.currentFontIdentifier] + 1;
if (ix >= [fontList count])
self.currentFontIdentifier = [fontList objectAtIndex:ix];

Determine whether a CLLocationCoordinate2D is within a defined region (bounds)?

I am trying to find a simple method to determine whether a CLLocationCoordinate2D lies within the boundaries of an arbitrary shape defined by a series of other CLLocationCoordinate2D's. The shapes may be large enough that great-circle paths need to be considered.
CL used to have a circular region and the containsCoordinate: call to test against, but this has been deprecated in iOS7 and the dox do not contain a hint of what might replace it. I cannot find any other examples, notably one that works on polygons.
There are many similar questions here on SO, but they are not related to iOS specifically, and again, I can't seem to find one that works generally on great-circle polys.
Here's an example (using Algonquin Provincial Park) of an approach that may work for you.
To use CGPathContainsPoint for this purpose, an MKMapView is not required.
Nor is it necessary to create an MKPolygon or even to use the CLLocationCoordinate2D or MKMapPoint structs. They just make the code easier to understand.
The screenshot below was created from the data only for illustration purposes.
int numberOfCoordinates = 10;
//This example draws a crude polygon with 10 coordinates
//around Algonquin Provincial Park. Use as many coordinates
//as you like to achieve the accuracy you require.
CLLocationCoordinate2D algonquinParkCoordinates[numberOfCoordinates];
algonquinParkCoordinates[0] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(46.105, -79.4);
algonquinParkCoordinates[1] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(46.15487, -78.80759);
algonquinParkCoordinates[2] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(46.16629, -78.12095);
algonquinParkCoordinates[3] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(46.11964, -77.70896);
algonquinParkCoordinates[4] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(45.74140, -77.45627);
algonquinParkCoordinates[5] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(45.52630, -78.22532);
algonquinParkCoordinates[6] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(45.18662, -78.06601);
algonquinParkCoordinates[7] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(45.11689, -78.29123);
algonquinParkCoordinates[8] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(45.42230, -78.69773);
algonquinParkCoordinates[9] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(45.35672, -78.90647);
//Create CGPath from the above coordinates...
CGMutablePathRef mpr = CGPathCreateMutable();
for (int p=0; p < numberOfCoordinates; p++)
CLLocationCoordinate2D c = algonquinParkCoordinates[p];
if (p == 0)
CGPathMoveToPoint(mpr, NULL, c.longitude, c.latitude);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(mpr, NULL, c.longitude, c.latitude);
//set up some test coordinates and test them...
int numberOfTests = 7;
CLLocationCoordinate2D testCoordinates[numberOfTests];
testCoordinates[0] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(45.5, -78.5);
testCoordinates[1] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(45.3, -79.1);
testCoordinates[2] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(45.1, -77.9);
testCoordinates[3] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(47.3, -79.6);
testCoordinates[4] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(45.5, -78.7);
testCoordinates[5] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(46.8, -78.4);
testCoordinates[6] = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(46.1, -78.2);
for (int t=0; t < numberOfTests; t++)
CGPoint testCGPoint = CGPointMake(testCoordinates[t].longitude, testCoordinates[t].latitude);
BOOL tcInPolygon = CGPathContainsPoint(mpr, NULL, testCGPoint, FALSE);
NSLog(#"tc[%d] (%f,%f) in polygon = %#",
(tcInPolygon ? #"Yes" : #"No"));
Here are the results of the above test:
tc[0] (45.500000,-78.500000) in polygon = Yes
tc[1] (45.300000,-79.100000) in polygon = No
tc[2] (45.100000,-77.900000) in polygon = No
tc[3] (47.300000,-79.600000) in polygon = No
tc[4] (45.500000,-78.700000) in polygon = Yes
tc[5] (46.800000,-78.400000) in polygon = No
tc[6] (46.100000,-78.200000) in polygon = Yes
This screenshot is to illustrate the data only (actual MKMapView is not required to run the code above):
Anna's solution converted to Swift 3.0:
extension CLLocationCoordinate2D {
func contained(by vertices: [CLLocationCoordinate2D]) -> Bool {
let path = CGMutablePath()
for vertex in vertices {
if path.isEmpty {
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: vertex.longitude, y: vertex.latitude))
} else {
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: vertex.longitude, y: vertex.latitude))
let point = CGPoint(x: self.longitude, y: self.latitude)
return path.contains(point)

Rendering painted lines as nodes in Cocos

I'm working on a drawing app for iPad using Cocos-iOS and I'm having performance issues with drawing lines as a type of CCNode. I understand that using draw in a node causes it to be called every time the canvas is repainted and the current code is very heavy if used every time:
for (LineNodePoint *point in self.points) {
start = end;
end = point;
if (start && end) {
float distance = ccpDistance(start.point, end.point);
if (distance > 1) {
int d = (int)distance;
float difx = end.point.x - start.point.x;
float dify = end.point.y - start.point.y;
for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
float delta = i / distance;
[[self.brush sprite] setPosition:ccp(start.point.x + (difx * delta), start.point.y + (dify * delta))];
[[self.brush sprite] visit];
Very heavy...
I either need a better way to draw the lines or to be able to cache the drawing as a raster.
Thanks in advance for any help.
How about ccDrawLine or CCMutableTexture? CCMutableTexture is for manipulating pixels using CCRenderTexture internally as you said.
cocos2d for iPhone 1.0.0 API reference
Fast set/getPixel for an opengl texture?
[render texture] pixel manipulation (integrated CCMutableTexture functionality)