Is .Net 4 environment make interfere with Documentum 5.3 SP3 - .net-4.0

I have a documentum 5.3 SP3 content server installed on a machine And one .net application is also installed on the same machine
current .NET version is 2.0
and i want to install the .NET version 4.0 on that machine.
So, I want to know if that install will in any way interfere with

You can install different versions of .Net frameworks on a machine and everything should work fine. The documentum content server does not need .Net framework installed. So I suppose you are using something 3rd party/homebrew component, maybe you should ask the developers of that stuff.

You can install all major versions of .Net concurrently, so there should be no issue. This is completely independent of Documentum.


.NET Core Runtime without installing

Can anyone help as to how to use the run time binaries found in the link below?
Basically, we are moving to .NET Core (we have been using .NET framework 4.0 for many years - so big shift as you can guess). I am kind of nervous to install .NET core on the production server (Windows Server 2012). Is it safe to install .NET Core on a server running .NET framework 4.0? If no, is there any way I can get the .NET Core runtime on to the server without installing them (kind of copying portal libraries) so that I can start with the beta testing of the app. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
It is not duplicate, One of the main questions I had if I can use portable binaries on the server to run my app, without actually installing them (got the answer below, thanks again). Not sure someone down voted this without any reason. It makes the developers nervous to ask a question in StackOverflow. if they can mention the reason that would be great!
There are no issues when installing .NET Core and .NET Framework on the same machine. They are designed to allow them to be installed side-by-side.
However you do need to install the .NET Core runtime onto the server to allow the code to be run because the OS has native dependencies that need to be present. See this link for more information.
With .NET Core you can do framework dependent deployments (FDD) and self-contained deployments (SCD). FDD requires any shared assemblies to be present on the server i.e. System.* assemblies etc. but an SCD only requires the basic runtime/native dependencies. For an SCD your app deployment would include any .NET Core shared assemblies in it's deployment package.
You can read more about FDD and SCD here
Also there is more information about the native dependencies on different OS platforms here

'Forms' is not a member of 'Windows'

I tried to change the Target Framework on my app recently from .NET Framework 4.5 to 4.5.2, but if I do I get the following error when trying to build: "'Forms' is not a member of 'Windows'" (that is, System.Windows.Forms). Changing to 4.5.1 works normally. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate.
I had this error when changing to 4.5.2.
In my case the error was related to a MessageBox ... I replaced: "Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes" (which caused the same error message) with "System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes" which did the trick.
I had the same problem, me too with Windows.Forms.DialogResult enumeration values.
The project automatically imports System and System.Windows.Forms namespaces and worked fine up to 4.5.1.
In 4.5.2 I had to remove Windows.Forms. and just leave DialogResult.Ok (or whatever else) in my code, it seems to be a problem with namespaces resolution.
Make sure that you add System in front of the Windows.Form.
I ran into this with an application still targeted to .NET 4.0, where it failed on one (new) build server, but ran on my older ones.
I narrowed it down to the .NET 4.0 Targeting Pack only being installed on the old build servers. Targeting pack is included in Visual Studio, or the Windows 7.1 SDK. It is for some reason not distributed separately, and with support ending for .NET 4, 4.5 and 4.5.1, I don't suspect this is likely to change. Because my older servers have been around a couple years, they've gone through in-place upgrades and so had the targeting pack already.
When you install Windows 7.1 SDK on Server 2012R2, it complains something to the effect of "A pre-release version of .NET 4 is installed, please install the RTM version". As far as I can tell, it's simply because a newer version) is installed -- Server 2012R2 comes with 4.5.1. I tried to uninstall all newer versions, but was unable to get the SDK to install the targeting pack.
So to install:
Download the Windows 7.1 SDK ISO image
Unzip it
Run Setup\MTPack\netfx_dtp.msi EXTUI=1
You should now have a %programfiles(x86)%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\ folder with the 4.0 stuff.
(EXTUI=1 bypasses the restriction that it can't be installed separately).
This allowed me to compile projects still targeting 4.0 (or re-build old revisions/branches that were targeting it at the time).

How can you get a .NET 4.5 website to run on IIS6?

I've got an old Windows 2003 server running IIS 6, and I chose .net 4.5 for my latest web app. Problem is I can't get it to run on the server...
.NET 4.0 framework is installed. I've run aspnet_regiis and deployed the website. I gave it it's own application pool. But I'm getting the following error:
The 'targetFramework' attribute in the <compilation> element of the Web.config
file is used only to target version 4.0 and later of the .NET Framework (for
example, '<compilation targetFramework="4.0">'). The 'targetFramework' attribute
currently references a version that is later than the installed version of the
.NET Framework. Specify a valid target version of the .NET Framework, or install
the required version of the .NET Framework.
I saw the requirements for .NET 4.5 as requiring Windows Server 2008 or later, but I'm seeing lots of posts with people just needing to configure the routing for MVC4 so it seems like this should be possible.
So any ideas what I need to do in order for this to work?
EDIT: The strange thing is we are using an ASP.NET Web API site that works just fine... but that should require .net 4.5...
.Net 4.5 cannot be installed on Windows Server 2003.
Instead, you should use MVC 4.0 on .Net 4.0, which will work fine.

Install GitExtensions on a machine with .NET 4.0 only

.NET 4.0 / Visual Studio 2010 is installed on my machine.
When I execute the current installer (GitExtensions224SetupComplete.msi) it tells me that I need to install .NET 3.5.
Can one use GitExtensions with .NET 4.0 or do you have to install .NET 3.5?
If yes, how do I force the installer to use .NET 4.0?
Is there a general approach to this, which also works with other programs and installers?
As far as I can see from GitExtensions224SetupComplete.msi, it has an explicit launch condition Installed OR NETFRAMEWORK35. That's why it doesn't let you proceed without .NET 3.5 installed.
This can mean 3 things:
.NET 3.5 is required for the application and/or the installation to run. In this case you have no choice apart from installing .NET 3.5
.NET 3.5 prerequisite is a left over. In this case you can try to cheat :)
The property NETFRAMEWORK35 is set in case the registry value Install equals 1 under registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5. Add this fake registry key with the only value Install and set it to 1. Then run the installer. In case it succeeds - then it's a left over. Otherwise, there's a real dependency to .NET 3.5 and you have to live with this.
Eventually, the easiest and safest way to go is to install .NET 3.5, that's for sure.
This seems to be a general problem for installers based on WiX (like a lot of Open Source programs are) In reality you could probably use it with .Net 4 but you can't force the installer to recognize it. In other words you can (probably) either compile from source and remove the .Net 3.5 version check or just give up and install .Net 3.5 (The easy way out). 3.5 works fine in parallel with .Net 4 and can be installed after .Net 4.
This is from experience, I've had the exact same problem.

dot net 3.5 app to run on IIS7.5

Hi I have an application which has a main project set to ver 3.5 with some utility projects set to ver 2.0. I need to migrate the app to work on IIS7.5. I have tried recompiling the app as is and putting it on the server but to no avail.
What do I need to do to get this app running on 7.5? Will I need to upgrade the projects in the solution to .net 4.0?
any pointers much appreciated.
No you don't necessary need to upgrade to .NET 4.0 even if it could be nice :-) All you need is to make sure the application pool is set to use CLR 2.0 in IIS and it will run just fine (obviously .NET 3.5 needs to be installed on the server).