How to create new sample library in LINQPad - linqpad

I am trying to figure out how to write a sample library in LINQPad.
Went on the official website and tried to google arround as well but couldn't find anything.
I am working on a small framework library for work and I would like to showcase the usage of the framework via some samples. I don't want to publicly distribute the samples, just want to be able to send them to other developers I am working with.
Any idea ?

In the latest beta, you can create a sample library just by right-clicking a folder in My Queries and choosing Create sample library.

You can find some sample library .zip files here:
LINQPad Sample Libraries
Just unzip them and look at the contents.
It looks like all you have to do is just zip up a folder full of LINQPad scripts, and provide a header.xml file in the root of the zip file containing something like this:
<Name>Name of your sample library</Name>
If you check the contents of some those libraries on that web page you'll notice that they also bundle the libraries used in the zip file, you should consider doing this as well so that the people you send the library to don't have to fix references in any of the samples before trying them.


Compile pbtxt into binarypb

I'm playing around with Mediapipe and I'm trying to better understand how the graph works and what is the input/output of the different calculators.
If I understand correctly, the .pbtxt files are just plain-text instructions that describe how each calculator should interact with the rest of the calculators. These files are compiled into .binarypb files, which are fed to Mediapipe.
For example, this .pbtxt file got compiled into this .binarypb file.
I have a few questions:
I saw , which seems to be Mediapipe's playground. That playground seems to be compiling the text in the textarea on the right. If that is correct, how does it do it? Is there any documentation I can read about it? How are .pbtxt compiled into .binarypb?
I'm especially interested in the web capabilities of mediapipe and I'd like to create a small POC using both face-mesh and depth-to-iris features. Unfortunately, there isn't a "solution" for the second one, but there is a demo in Mediapipe's viz claiming depth-to-iris web support (the demo doesn't seem to be working correctly though). If I were able to create a .pbtxt with a pipeline containing the features that I'm interested into, how would I ¿compile? the .wasm and .data files required to deploy the code to the web?

Adding a two new phases to an Xcode framework project

I am building a project on Github written in Objective-C. It resolves MAC addresses down to manufacturer details. The lookup table is currently stored as text file manuf.txt (from the Wireshark project), which is parsed at run-time, which is costly. I would prefer to compile this down to archived objects at build-time, and load that instead.
I would like to amend the build phases such that I:
Build a simple compiler
Run the compiler, parsing manuf.txt and outputting archived objects
Build the framework
Copy the archived objects into the framwork
I am looking for wisdom on how to achieve steps 1 and 2 using Xcode v7.3 as Xcode provides only a Copy Files phase or a Run Script phase. An example of other projects achieving similar goals would be inspiring.
I suspect that what you are asking is possible, but tricky. The reason is that you will need to write a bunch of class files and then dynamically add them to the project.
Firstly you will need to employ a run script phase to run various tools from the command line to parse your file and generate a number of class files from it. I would suggest looking into various templating engines. For example appledoc uses moustache templates to generate API documentation files. You could use the same technique to generate header and implementation files.
Next, rather than generating archived objects an trying to import into a framework. I think you may be better off generating raw source code, adding it to a project and compiling into a framework. Probably simpler in the long run.
To automatically include the generated code I would look into (which means I haven't actually tried this :-) adding a folder reference to the project rather than an Xcode group. Folder references are an option in the 'Add files to ...' dialog.
Folder references refer to a directory and automatically add the entire contents of that directory to a project. So you can use one to point to the directory where you have generated the source code. This is a much better option than trying to manipulate the project or injecting things into an established framework.
I would prefer to parse the file at runtime. After launch you can look for an already existing output, otherwise parse it one time.
However, I have to do something similar at Objective-Cloud. I simply added a run script build phase and put the compiler call into it.

Using Apparat dump with FDT and ant

I am totally new to flash development, don't even know ActiveScript yet.
I have to improve some existing flash application, so at first I need to understand the code.
I want to use some tool for code analysis, something to visualize class dependencies and code structure. I googled and found out about Apparat tool. Now I'm struggling with it because I can not find documentation that describes how to use Apparat. I'm frustrated, but it seems to be the only such tool.
So I started with example.
I've set up apparat running on FDT following this guide:
The example ( builds well and creates two SWF files. (I'm using ANT builder)
Now I want to analyze existing swf and see a PNG with class dependencies.
How should I do that?
What do I have to add and where?
Or maybe someone can explain how to use dump from windows command line? Something like
dump example.swf exampleAnalysis.png
After resolving all dependencies (which was tricky), I managed to get dump running
dump -i example.swf -uml
But it saves the UML diagram in .DOT format which is really hard to read as Graphviz GVedit cannot zoom and exports to PNG only what you see (messy impossible to read zoomed out graph), smyrna doesn't work and zgrviewer fails to load some files.

How to setup an Xcode Project to produce a static library + sample code for easy building and distribution

I'm working on a project that generates a iOS static library, and some sample code describing how to use the library... The code for the library will not be made public, but the sample code obviously will be. I also use the sample code as a simple test harness for the library, so during dev, I point it directly to the private source files, and test w/o the library dependency. The trouble is, I then have to manually make changes to the sample code project to get it ready for general consumption. I would like an easy way to test changes to the library while in dev mode, then build and package the library along with the sample code (now pointing to an actual .a file + headers) into a releasable file hierarchy. I know how to build everything in manual steps, my question is more to the point of how you set up your folder/project structure, as well as how to set up any build scripts to make the whole process automatic. I am using Xcode v4.3.2
You should setup a project that just builds your static library. It should be the only thing that contains the source for the library. Then you could have a separate project that imports that static library as well as the sample code in order to test it. You shouldn't have to ever point your test application directly at the source. It is best to develop your library from the perspective of people who will be using it (only having access to the public headers and the static library).

Find 'net_rim_api.jar' version?

Usually, Blackberry library comes with JDE named "net_rim_api.jar".
Now, the problem with how we come to know the API version ?
Let me explain to avoid digress viewers at all,
suppose you just get "net_rim_api.jar" by somewhere/somehow
Totally unaware about its relevant JDE
Now, how you come to know the API version like 4.7 or .... ?
Ok, 'net_rim_api.jar' as any jar is an archive, so you extract the archive to a temp folder, open any .cod file from the root folder and look through with a HEX viewer. For instance, on my PC I have 2 JDEs (4.7 and 6.0), so I extract both jars, open 'net_rim_pdap_resources.cod' (just because it is the smallest .cod file) and (hurray!) I am able to observe the desired difference by these substrings:
Go to the project properties and then look at the Java Build Path. It should say in Libraries tab which version you are using.