ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure - sql

I've followed the following tutorials :
Create wallet,Create ACL
And I am still getting ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure error.
I'm trying this query :
UTL_HTTP.set_wallet('file:/home/oracle/wallet', 'password');
l_http_request := UTL_HTTP.begin_request('https://somedomain.co.il');
l_http_response := UTL_HTTP.get_response(l_http_request);
Now i've added to the ACL : *.somedomain.co.il,somedomain.co.il
And I've downloaded the certificate as DER encoded, as I've read somewhere that this is the one needed and didn't get any errors in the proccess of generating the wallet.
Any thoughts?
I'm using Oracle 11g

In the end my problem was when I exported the certificate i choose DER, in my case i should have used PCKS # 7, but this won't most likley work in all cases i guess it depends on the key.
So i guess if you landed here try and play with your certificate files (be sure to remove and re-add)
And very important, change sessions between tries to know if it worked or not because otherwise it'll keep giving you the error all though it should work.


Postfix not using given ssl certificate

I'm getting errors, such as the one below, in my /var/log/mail.log file.
Apr 9 18:28:29 blueberry postfix/smtps/smtpd[13294]: warning: TLS library problem: error:14094415:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert certificate expired:../ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1544:SSL alert number 45:
I'm 100% sure the certificates are valid since I'm using them on my websites, all of which couldn't be happier with them. Postfix was also happy previously, but since I renewed the certificates it's been spamming this when my Nextcloud server tries to (and can't) connect to the mail server, despite my mail client still working (although without rDNS as I didn't manage to get my provider to set it up).
I assume the blame is somewhere with Nextcloud - presumably the php handler for mail. Another thing that could be at fault that I tried to check is OpenSSL, but I have no idea how to replace its certificates with my own (generated by Acme.sh).
Both dovecot and postfix have in their config mentioned the correct path to my keys, hence the assumption above.
EDIT: Fixed it.
So, turns out, when I updated my certificate locations when I changed the method of acquiring them (certbot vs acme.sh), I got a typo in one of the filenames. /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf was correct and so was /etc/postfix/main.cf, but /etc/postfix/vmail_ssl.map had a typo which I didn't see previously - and so was throwing a certificate error.

adding a certificate to Oracle Wallet

Are wallets dedicated to the pc where we have created them? or can I move my ewallet.p12 file to another client?
If the answer is "yes, why not?" then could you take a look below?
I did:
create mijn_wallet on a pc on which I could find a proper oracle client installation
download the certificate to a folder
add certificate to mijn_wallet
then I tried to reach to https web site that I've gotten the certificate from.
utl_http.set_wallet('file:C:\ora_wall', 'foo');
l_req := utl_http.begin_request(l_url);
l_result := utl_http.get_response(l_req);
however, I keep getting the same sql error message: Certificate Validation Failure
Do you have any suggestion? Thank you very much.
downloading "a certificate" is not enough. moments ago I downloaded all the certificate chain, then imported to my wallet. Now it works..

Configuring Proton for SSL / TLS throwing openssl wrong version number and gRPC client error

I'm kinda at a loss here.
Trying to set up proton with SSL / TLS access, but after creating the certificates with the (modified) shell scripts
supplied by the AppDev-Pack and linking the keyring and everything in notes.ini, I always seem to get
the error "Handshake failed with fatal error SSL_ERROR_SSL: error: 100000f7:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:
Tried both a windows and linux server, as well as using the accessing node.js app with and without
certificates - but with no success.
Also tried the troubleshoot section of https://doc.cwpcollaboration.com/appdevpack/docs/en/proton-admin.html and it connected just fine,
but won't if i connect with node.js.
Looks like the error is thrown before a certificate is even checked?
In this example the error is thrown after trying to get a document by UNID.
notes.ini (proton parts)
gRPC Client Error
If someone has an idea how to fix that issue or where to start - that would really help me.
Thanks in advance.
It appears that the client side does not have the secure flag set. At least I get a similar stack when I try to connect without TLS when the server expects TLS.
See the secure attribute when calling useServer() function, and you'll also need to provide the credentials attributes.

X509 Certificate issue with Go smtp.SendMail

When using Go's smtp.SendMail to send an email to support#groupsio.zendesk.com, I get the following error:
x509: certificate is valid for mx.zendesk.com, www.mx.zendesk.com, not mail.pod-4.int.zendesk.com
Before calling SendMail, I do an MX lookup on groupsio.zendesk.com, which returns mail.pod-4.int.zendesk.com. So, the address I pass into SendMail is mail.pod-4.int.zendesk.com:25.
This used to work, but something broke and I can't figure out what's wrong. If I send a message to support#groupsio.zendesk.com from Gmail, it works fine.
Using http://www.checktls.com/, it's clear that the Zendesk TLS cert is incorrect in that it doesn't specify that mail.pod-4 host. But, you can still use the cert to encrypt the message; you just may be susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks.
The Go TLS library has a config flag, InsecureSkipVerify, that when set to true, will go ahead with this certificate/host combo. There's no way to specify that flag at the smtp.SendMail level. If you wish to go ahead and send the email anyways, you need to clone the smtp library, and within smtp.SendMail, on line 283, set the InsecureSkipVerify flag to true.
It's unclear to me if Gmail is functionally doing this, or if I'm missing a detail somewhere.

Opening an SSL web-browser connection in HtmlUnit library

I've searched through web for couple hours on this issue, and none of the answers I found didn't really fit into my problem, so here's me, asking my first-ever question in SOF.
So, I'm trying to open a web-browser from a java program using the htmlunit library. The web site I need to connect requires SSL connection, and the certificate is stored in a USB key. Its iKey2023 product.
The system used to work(I did not write it), but one of the certificates in the USB key expired, so it automatically moved on to the next one (there were 4 certificates in total), and it suddenly stopped working.
It is giving me javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated error.
I'm back home now and I forgot the exact name of the method, but I remember the following.
Browser instance is created, using IE8
browser.setWebConnection method was called. This method, according to the API, is an internal API.
Make connection to the website by passing the URL as parameter
It's throwing the exception at step 3.
Some more details. The little details might be incorrect but I'm trying to describe a big picture.
At step 2, the method requites WebConnection object as a parameter, and there is a implementation of that interface. Within this implementation, a keystore is created using sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11(configFileInputStream) (did I spell that correctly?)
It was sth like this.
Provider p = new sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11(configFileInputStream);
And create a keystore from this provider.
Using this keystore, within the WebConnection implementation, it creates a SSLSocket.
So, after the certificate has been switched to a new one, it's not picking up the certificate correctly.
Here's what I've tried.
I've tried to use different methods in the htmlunit library, something like setSecurityProvider, and I tried to put the Provider object created in above code snippet. I got class cast exception.
I tried to manually set the system properties(trustStore, trustStorePassword, keyStore, etc). In order to do this, I wanted to export the certificate out of the USB key, but it did not let me export the private key out from it, so I could not really create a valid PKCS12 file out of it (openSSL wanted a private key file along with .pem file for conversion, and I did not have that key file).
They did not work, and I'm so stuck right now.
I have a similar issue. In my case, an admin changed the certificate and I began encountering the same SSLPeerUnverifiedException.
I found that I can set the WebClient to use insecureSSL (prior to calling getPage())and I will no longer get the exception.
This however, doesn't resolve the issue as the server basically doesn't authenticate the client.
Its as if the WebClient is storing something that doesn't work with the new certificate.